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    Total 30 comments
    • Slimey

      The bigger question is why are YOU LETTING THEM??? :lol:

    • Daughter of the Church

      It took me nearly twelve years before taking the Oath of Allegiance. I not only learned to read and to write and to speak the American English in an acceptable manner, but it is when I realized that I was thinking and even dreaming in American English that I felt ready to apply for Naturalization. I passed the test consisting of some history and on the Constitution, before been granted Citizenship to the United States of America by a Federal Judge (She was a woman incidentally). I also had two boys born in America, who, with my spouse and in-laws, were present during the ceremony of Naturalization. I also say that I never had a real culture shock since from the first Sunday, I attended Mass in my new Catholic parish.
      The declaration by this US Senator in charge of Immigration goes beyond irresponsibility. I fear for my boys and for the USA now. I truly do!

    • jacksonlively

      Hey I have a solution………………finish the friggin wall already. This is simply pathetic. I so hope DJT kicks every last illegal criminal that is breaking the law by illegally entering the usa….I hope he sends them ALL packing back to were they came from or some deserted island. This needs to stop TOMORROW

      • Mina

        Why the hell would our government build a wall at the same time it is supporting the immigrant invasion by offering them free housing, free food and free healthcare if they come?

    • truck driver

      Vietnam restaurant needs a cook

    • truck driver

      Lous and Cambodia people that run the Chinese Buffet Hibachi Grill Restaurant need a cook too

      • Gray_Matter

        :mrgreen: EVERYONE knows you’ve LAOS your mind long ago.

      • Gray_Matter

        This so-called ‘alien invasion’ is NO ACCIDENT or MISTAKE! It has definite meaning & purpose.

        IE: those demonrat politwitchins are trembling in great fear of President Donald J. Trump being re-elected.
        ALL they have done against our One Nation Under God, INDIVISIBLE…We The People…and both in sabotage the pump to drain the swamp & President Donald J. Trump…those are ALL violent & treasonous and will NOT go unpunished.

        Exactly why there are SOOOOOOOOOOOOO MANY who continually stab President Trump with anything-everything they possibly can trying to derail and-or prevent their own criminal cases, isn’t that right Inmate Biden et al?

        These illegal immigrant invaders are happening because those vile traitors have NOBODY willing to support or defend them, and they’re allowed in to both trash the electoral procedure as well as become new ‘soldiers’ in their commie-clan CCP-latary.
        I (somewhat) understand those who may not accept-believe just yet. That will rapidly change, once these illegal ‘chips’ are required to start filling their call-to-arms.

    • Chainbreaker21

      Enough with the Conspiracy Theory round about crap.
      Last round (covid plandemic), wilful ignorance in favour of convenience and obligation, won out over health and life.

      So we’ve got countless sleeper cells that have been in the US long before the southern border was swung open and now this flood of newbies. That adds up to big fk’n trouble. Whether they dawn US or UN colours…it’s big trouble.

      What possible war will the US embark on next? China and Russia are the main focus for the foreseeable future.
      These people will follow their Chinese marching orders versus some American Idiot.

      I was recently listening to someone talking about Klaus Schwab giving a televised address in China last year, wherein he praised China as the Hallmark country that all others should aspire to emulate. Fk’deau in Canada essentially praised the Chinese system of dealing with their citizens 2 or 3 years ago now. The NWO will be headed by China…no other.

    • HawkBowler

      So military recruiting is so bad at this point that we need illegals to come into the country and sign up for armed service in exchange for citizenship?

      Reminds me of that movie Starship Troopers. Join the space force and fight bugs on foreign planets. You will be honored with citenzship.

      Imagine if the Nazis tried this towards the end of WWII. Just sneak into Germany and we will train and equip you for the Russian front!

      If this is indeed the plan we would need some really stupid illegal immigrants. Instead, the Occam razor is most likely stupid politicians coming up with stupid excuses for what they’re doing.

      • Albatross

        If our government hadn’t trangendered our military, making our military a medical surgery operation and social construct, then our good men may be wanting to join. But our good men want nothing to do with it. In addition, our government force vaccinated our soldiers with the murderous shot. Without choice, our good men with common sense, left the US Military, so as not to receive the murderous shot. In addition, our military was forced to leave our advanced equipment behind in other countries. So since our military is now confused about which sex they are, raping the men who know who they are, our military is dying from the shot, and our military is no longer advanced, we are screwed. What normal person would want to join?

        • SnakeEyes40

          Thank you.

      • not-a-putz

        You people still don’t get it, do you?
        “Your” leaders need a new army.
        An army that will fire on you if ordered.

      • not-a-putz

        Let me tell you something …
        Chinese people can NOT just leave China without a Gov. permission. Especially in mass. Unless they are “good Chinese”. So any Chinese “refugee” (or a student) is a suspect.
        There’s only ONE refugee type that according to the US law is a real refugee: a person who was persecuted for political or ethnic reason and can prove it.
        When I emigrated to the US long time ago, I’ve received my refugee status BEFORE I could even get a visa / buy a ticket.
        I went through 2 interviews at the US embassy to prove my case.
        I had to go through a FULL background check.
        I had to go through a complete medical exam. And I mean “COMPLETE”: all the medical specialists, from a proctologist, to a dentist and a shrink. And this could only be done in a facility, specifically approved by the US embassy.
        So use your brain …

    • ~~~just what the
      world needs…….

      • Gray_Matter

        It’s an absolute shocking surprise how NOBODY knows…NOBODY is reporting…
        Republicans have a plus 3 majority lead in that ConGrease, as of right now.

        Once 2024 arrives…the RINO’s…right along with the sissy-quitters…that plus 3 number WILL drop to even-even, IN NUMBER ONLY!

        The stark raving mad plan…the ‘Justin Case’ election procedure that is…has already been ‘established’ because….

        To the point that I’ve literally been hearing actual death threats made against President Trump.
        This nation & We The People are RIGHT NOW in the WORST LEVEL of governance this entire world has ever endured ever before, and with the mercy of God…never will again. Can you, WILL YOU please pray to our Savior Lord Jesus? :grin:

        • Gray_Matter

          That’s right….’they’ are continually trying to bury Trump in any & every way to prevent….to avoid the demise and burial of their own evil deeds.

          Please, always keep in heart Proverbs chapter 11 verses 18 thru 21: “The wicked worketh a deceitful work: but to him that soweth righteousness shall be a sure reward. As righteousness tendeth to life: so he that pursueth evil pursueth it to his own death. They that are of a froward heart are abomination to the LORD: but such as are upright in their way are his delight. Though hand join in hand, the wicked shall not be unpunished: but the seed of the righteous shall be delivered.”

    • trumster 79

      This is a worldwide sting Operation covert A Scripted Movie to wake you all up devoution Russia China are our Alliance, But pretending there not Pay attention to whats going on All Of it nt Bits and pieces soon This Nightnare will Be Over 2020 Its not over yet God wins

      • not-a-putz

        This negative number under your post = your IQ.


      We have literallry demoralized and weakened our military through the acceptance of WOKE policies and transgenderism that supports those males who want to identify as females because they are failures as real men that can not compete in a real life world senario

      SO these individuals take their inabilties and short comings in life ( their GOD given gender) and try to transform themselves into something that enables them to compete unfairly and pretend that they something other than what they really are.

      I define these individuals as mentally insuficiant people that reject realty. (Mentaly ill.)

      This whole system of wokeism in the Military makes a mockery of the old ARMY slogan

      And then this, in turn causes the normal, real men in this country to reject all association with these obviously mentally impaired people, IE US military and it’s leaders
      As well as not wanting to be rediculed and subjectaly critasized for not recognizing wokeism.

      It is a sad set of events, That when our leadership in our military becomes afraid to defend the moral compass of rejecting Transgenders.LBTQ+ and BLM and other left wing radical idealogical entities that do not have our counties best interest at hand, They are more interested in defending pronouns and transgenders than our own borders.

      All the while our advisaries are training thier military (Men, Women and children) to be warriors and not social justice warriors.Using the weapons that we provided them with.

      It’s no wonder why we have such a poorly prepaired military when you have litteral traitors at the helm. Traitors such as Mark Miley and Loyd Austin who are dead set on surrendering our country to our adversaries for their own benefit.

    • Will

      They also won’t have a problem killing Americans.. Globalist swine created our death sentence compliance ultimatum.

    • vc

      people dont want to join the military when you inject them and that kills them. stop being stupid durbin. whomever has a greencard can join the military. when we owned the canal zone, they recruited all, if they could talk english at 10th grade level and get a green card. back then we didnt kill our own soldiers. WE ARE BEING INVADED AND DURBIN WANTS THEM TO INFILATRATE THE ARMY. WAKE UP AMERICA

    • MH195795

      They are coming to fight our own military on our home land.

    • feral pa paw

      Why not? They have a perfectly docile, apathetic and cowardly public to inflict all this pain on. It’s a Marxist Dream come true. And not a shot will be fired in anger by their victims. So Nikita was right when he beat the table with his shoe 60 years ago at the UN saying the US would be taken over without a shot being fired. Who knew he was a Prophet? Ben Franklin said it best this way. Those who trade Freedom and Liberty for Security . Deserve neither. That’s my Friends is exactly where we are today. ENJOY THE SHOW!

    • vc

      biden opened the borders and the army has been coming in for months now by the tens of thousands. we have been invaded and neither our government nor our military have lifted a finger. is this part of the plan? now even juan o’ saven is telling us be ready for combat, as something must have changed, too many of them are here. before he never spoke of ‘combat’ at our level, the common citizen. clean and oil your rifle, as you may need to defend your home and family. sen. durbin wants to enlist the invaders in our military. does this mean all democrats are part of the destruction and overthrow of america? why does he want to do this? because he and his cabalist friends have forced the vaxx on much of our miliary and they are sick or dead. many got general discharges rather than submit to the vaxx. now the military wants the unvaxxed back, as they are the only in good enough shape to fight. they wont come back without full restitution, change of discharge to honorable and all back pay and promotions they would have received. the commander of the us marines was the only head that refused to force his marines to take the vaxx. they are the only branch of the service at full strength. time to wake up america. you have been invaded and it continues. the ignorant are ignorant of their ignorance.

    • not-a-putz

      Let me tell you something …
      Chinese people can NOT just leave China without a Gov. permission. Especially in mass. Unless they are “good Chinese”. So any Chinese “refugee” (or a student) is a suspect.
      There’s only ONE refugee type that according to the US law is a real refugee: a person who was persecuted for political or ethnic reason and can prove it.
      When I emigrated to the US long time ago, I’ve received my refugee status BEFORE I could even get a visa / buy a ticket.
      I went through 2 interviews at the US embassy to prove my case.
      I had to go through a FULL background check.
      I had to go through a complete medical exam. And I mean “COMPLETE”: every possible medical specialist, from a proctologist, to a dentist and a shrink. And this could only be done in a facility, specifically approved by the US embassy.
      So use your brain …

    • Anonymous

      All it would take for the Rockefeller / KM to go scorched earth is to deploy 100+ fire teams to take out the grid. Will they? Will you engage if seeing this? Problem is it would be coordinated in a short time and damage would take many months if not years to repair….meanwhile?

      • not-a-putz

        Shouldn’t that be “SM” for Shmazarian Mafia? :-) :-)

    • randywaynefricke

      These “military age men” are also virile young men who are young and dumb and full of cum.

      Here’s what I think is happening…

      I believe that one of the main reasons, if not thee main reason for the open borders is because American men have had it with American women. The MGTOW (Men Going Their Own Way) movement has morphed into the Passport Bros. movement where American men are now traveling abroad to find love. Love that American women are incapable of.

      This is happening because American women have become so promiscuous racking up multiple relationships, multiple children, with multiple fathers, which result in high body counts for many of them. American men will never wife up a woman who has had 500 other cocks inside of her regardless of whatever else she might bring to the table because men don’t care about a woman’s title, or her money because men never get access to a woman’s money anyway. Not like women get access to men’s money at any rate.

      These high body counts have made American women incapable of pair bonding and sustaining (keeping a man) a relationship. The result of all this riding the CC (cock carousel) is steadily declining U.S. birth rates.

      So, some government think tank came up with an open border policy to bring in foreign men to couple with these discarded American women to get the birth rates back up. These women will get paid (hypothetically) say $150,000 cash (plus expenses) for each child they bear.

      This will serve…

    • ~~~What Happen To The ———-
      ~~”PsyOp” ……. >>>
      ~~~~Numbies …[?]…….
      ~~Interesting How “Many” …….
      __(take the hook) …….
      ~Simply Ask YourSelf >>>
      “Who’s Controlling The Story” …[?]…….
      ~maybe …….
      just maybe …….
      things [aren’t what they …….[ …….
      U Know.

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