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By John Rolls (Reporter)
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David Nino Rodriguez Interviews Gene Decode! - A Must Video

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David Nino Rodriguez interviews gene Decode on many important topics from the truth of Palestine and Israel with the Khazarian Mafia to ascension/rapture. Some of the other topics discussed are below with time stamps. 

1:28        Israel
2:56        Palestinian people’s origin 600 BC
7:10        Khazarians
10:14      Israel – the 51st US state
10:30      Palestine
11:49      October 7, 2023
11:54      Hamas
12:13      Palestine Liberation Organization
18:52      Hannibal Directive
19:09      Hostage exchange
20:44      The world is turning against Israel
21:03      Q says “We’re saving Israel for last”
21:09      Netanyahu – war criminal
21:42      Israel’s Finance Minister, Bezalel Smotrich
21:56      Israel’s National Security Minister, Ben-Gvir
22:39      Gaza tunnels

Nino Rodriguez Interviews gene Decode (2023-11-30)


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    Total 7 comments
    • HawkBowler

      Gene says that the firmament is the van allen belt. Nino should have asked him if he believes the sun is rotating underneath?

      All of the sci-fi guys are scared of the flat earth subject. Gene Decode, Cliff High, Kerry Cassidy. I was listening to Bradley Olson recently and he lamented that 10 years ago nobody was talking about flat earth. They’ve been psyoped, is what he reasons. Psyop is the new conspiracy theory. However, unlike other psyops where people become dumber, the flat earthers end up educating themselves and become smarter.

      Gene talked about what happened 500 billion years ago in this video.
      Does Gene even know what happened 500 years ago?
      That’s Gene, blessed to bullshit.
      As are they all… these sci-fi people who make a living selling alien fantasies. None of it is true.
      We can’t get past the van allen belt folks.
      We are not controlled by reptillians from another planet.

      The earth is not spinning.

    • trumster 79

      Hello Gene Great Post. yes there reptillion on Earth Queen Elizabeth was one Guess you never seen her change Princess Diane also Said so There are many around Also The Galastic Federation Light Workers are around in the Outher world. there is Commander Thor Talks to Mary Leaves her Messages. As there cLeaning out The Tunnels they are cleaning out The Reptilliion Grays Dragones. very Real. Things are Heating Up.

      • Anonymous

        Bumpster69– Nino told me wants to have bung hole sex with you but only if you will do a reach around

    • marko

      I cant wait for the day all of you bin shills for the cia are rounded up and executed, every single last one of you.. for lying to the people…playing this game promising things to happen when you know darn well they will not happen.. you think oh its just a lie but in reality it’s much more than just a lie .. and the people will indeed come hunt you down for your lies…I will enjoy the show seeing you little fuckers begging for for lives just before you are executed

    • justme36330

      Dang what a bunch of BULL CRAP!

    • bolt

      ALWAYS look to the comments before I waste an hour listening to Ca Ca. I guess when news is slow just talk about anything to get hits and keep the money machine rolling

    • enough of white lies

      Jeans xplode superfarts: Plz refer to sources!

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