Unlock Your Mind, DNA [Brainwashing] Manipulation Is Happening, Save Your Soul: Capt. Dave Bertrand, Ret. +Video
BERTRAND DAILY REPORT The War For Your Mind & Soul Continues
By Capt. Dave Bertrand, Ret.
Friends and Associates:
You were born as an innocent human child, SUSCEPTIBLE to anything and everything seen, heard and felt. Your DNA was being programmed and eventually set the stage for who you would be…..
The old saying about a messed-up computer……”bad programming results bad results.”
We are nothing but a super sophisticated hard-drive computer system with a DNA that has been manipulated for a desired outcome. But for whom?
Our DNA is constantly going through various programming phases…and as an adult, the programming of our mind(s) is now at a level never seen before in the history of life, as we advance with technology of good and bad. It’s ‘psychological warfare’ at its most highest level because…..
Those who control our lives, control the planet.
CONTROL requires a mass population to submit to lies and dis-information on a daily basis in-order to achieve absolute submissiveness for the End Game. It’s done through media, drugs, chemtrails, 5G networks, chemicals in food products (GMO), social and cultural manipulation, and by leaders that (know the game) and are used as puppets as [either] religious, political, or feel good socialism programs promoted by those we elect….or we think we elect.
“A future in which our bodies are used as hard drives could, in effect, change the entire way we conceive of human history and perceive life.
New patterns of governance and information technology produced what’s now called “historical time”, a regime of truth based on evidence and analysis that’s codified in written documents and housed within the walls of archives. These new systems of authority gradually supplanted the sense of time that had previously defined the reality of ancient peoples: the seasons, oral traditions, myths and rituals.”
We are CURRENTLY in the “Great Awakening” called the ‘Tribulation’ when our souls and minds are the game prize by two warring factions of extraterrestrial origin….using mankind as the prize for [either] enslavement under a New World Order, and the other is a benevolent race of extraterrestrials of spiritual origin and/or representatives of what man calls God, fighting evil in-order to save our souls.
If YOU think that’s a bizarre statement…..you have been perfectly brainwashed and will fall into the trap that has been set for you and others that think the same. YOU are NOT part of the ‘Great Awakening’ and I feel sorry for you…and because YOU do not have enough intellect to know the real truth about the history of man, you will undoubtedly drag others into a hellish state of affairs soon enough.
For others that understand the TRUTH and where we are at now, you can understand that we are witnessing both GOOD & EVIL of a spiritual level at war (for us) and unless we accept that fact…..EVIL WILL PREVAIL.
I STRONGLY URGE that you watch the premier showing of ‘Above Majestic’ now on YouTube released this week and could easily be taken down by YouTube because WE know that YouTube is a participating CIA operation to keep us dumbed-down.
This movie is not your ordinary UFO documentary, but is a look at verified and documented events that WE have been lied to about.
Unlock your mind and save your soul……
—Dave Bertrand
FULL MOVIE! Above Majestic: Implications of a Secret Space Program - #Qanon #TheGreatAwakening - Video
Contributor: Cathy Cardoni (BDR Researcher)
Note this report is dated 2-22-2011
I wanted to send this out again because so many people have no clue of the depth of Biden’s involvement in many things which are on the internet if they took the time to research. Biden is not a friend of the American people but like all the others looking to build his bank account. The White Hats are the Alliance (the good guys who are saving America and Trump is one of them whether you want to believe it or not)
God Bless the White Hats, President Trump and America!
White Hats Report #12
In Financial Fraud, Government Corruption by PaladinFebruary 22, 2011
UPDATED – Jew, Arab, and Gentile leaders all have same criminal mentality
We again feel it’s very important to post an internal updated report. We are spending a lot of time collecting intelligence and what follows is an outline of what we know so far.
Josef Ackermann, Bush Senior and Deutsche Bank in collusion with Egypt’s Mubarak, illegally sent Mubarak’s substantial funds into Israel. The funds were moved into numbered accounts in Bank Leumi, Tel Aviv. Part of this money is EU funding from the G20 World Bank Aid Program allocated for Egypt to aid its economy. Since a lot of gold was stolen, the total figure of funds is estimated to be as high as $70B. The G20 and Egypt are victims of fraud, stolen funds and money laundering.Christine Legard, the French Finance Minister, has asked Interpol to investigate Deutsche Bank’s involvement in the movement of Mubarak’s funds, set up by James Baker, John Podesta and Josef Ackermann, acting for Bush Senior who each got large kickbacks. Other parties associated includes President Obama, Hillary Clinton, Bush Junior, Jeb Bush, Josef Ackermann, and Benjamin Netinyahu.Some of Mubarak’s funds were originally in Deutsche Bank and others. Also, major funds were represented in Property Trusts fronted by his son and nominees in London. Swiss Bank funds, planes loaded with cash and Gold, have been identified by the Egyptian authorities. All are now under investigation and will be frozen as confirmed.
Josef Ackermann, the Bushes (Senior, Junior, Jeb) and Deutsche Bank in collusion with President Obama, moved Obama’s $1,000,000,000 Dollars, reported previously in Santander Bank, Spain, in one tranche into Deutsche Bank and then again in conjunction with HSBC and Barclays Bank Europe. Obama’s corrupt use of his share of the stolen Falcone funds is now being lined up for a new Bank Trading Platform being set up with HSBC, Deutsche and Barclays Bank. Bush Senior will take the major profit share along with Josef Ackermann, for which Obama will be left in place until 2012. Is this Obama’s golden parachute?
Except for the Clintons, all the funds previously reported and again listed below have been moved out of the Vatican Bank. At this time the Clintons have moved half of their funds out of the Vatican Bank.
List of Government Officials sent to the Supreme Court benefiting in the blocking of Falcone’s Funds;
President Obama |
Vatican Bank |
One Billion |
President Obama |
Bank of Santander |
One Billion |
Vice President Joseph Biden |
Vatican Bank |
$100 Million |
Tim Geithner |
Vatican Bank |
$700 Million |
George Bush, Sr. |
Vatican Bank |
$700 Million |
George Bush, Jr. |
Vatican Bank |
$200 Million |
Alan Greenspan |
Vatican Bank |
$500 Million |
Mitt Romney |
Vatican Bank |
$400 Million |
Paul Guennette (associate of Bush, Sr.) |
Vatican Bank |
$700 Million |
Michael Herzog |
Vatican Bank |
$500 Million |
Bill & Hillary Clinton |
Vatican Bank |
$400 Million |
Tropos USA is now approaching the Bank of Taiwan and China to cross investigate the stolen $700B of ACAT funds.
We are tracking this information with a lot of Global support from varying Intel Agencies and low profile US agency staff, along with Patriots who are sick of these Political and Banking criminals conspiring and looting with impunity. We know the holding banks and trading banks. Soon we expect the names of the Traders involved, who will then be exposed, investigated and arrested. Mass litigation will erupt against the Trading Banks involved and money laundering charges will be brought. The Bush’s, Obama, Ackermann, Herzog, Baker and others are all now on a serious Watch List. We are building a full Global corruption list to expose them all, reaching back again to Geithner, Biden, the Bush’s, Romney, Clinton, Emanuel, Herzog, Ackermann, and so many others.
The Arab world is bringing down their tyrants and crooks. Bush Senior, his entire crooked network of Government officials, Bankers, and Politicians is coming down next.
At this time we have collected approximately 60% of the information on where these corrupt individuals and government officials have moved their funds from the Vatican Bank. In the next few days, we will continue to report the location of these illegal and stolen funds. When confirmed, this information is supplied to the proper authorities.
The core objective of the White Hats is to inform and advise America’s population, and Global associates, of the transgressions being perpetrated by our governing entities, and their criminal Banking Cabal. Naming, shaming, outing and exposing them as the only voice of the people. Doing the job of our corrupt and shamefully sold out mainstream media. The US economy and World recovery is delayed while this corrupt President, controlled by the Bushes, dithers and obfuscates on redeeming the long overdue Settlements and Primary Investors funds, while filling his own pockets with Billions of dollars. The silence of the Supreme Court says it all. Truth they dare not declare. The world sees and knows. Truth will break free, and then watch the consequences.
Posted by The White Hat Reporters at 3:59 PM
From the Desk of Capt. Dave Bertrand (Ret.) Your Comments Are Welcomed and Can Be Published Unless You Specify Otherwise.
Retired Int’l Freight Captain (DC-8 & B-727), Former (State) Law Enforcement, U.S. Customs (UC) Sector 5, Vietnam era Veteran (Korea), Embry Riddle Aeronautical University & University of Alaska (Undergraduate), Interests include Border Security, 9/11 Conspiracy, Government Corruption, New World Order, Freedom vs Communism, Secret Space Programs & UFO Encounters, Aviation, and Enjoy Living Off-The-Grid.
Read Past Bertrand Daily Reports: /v3/search/?q=dave+bertrand&sa=
I caution all my people of Earth. Know what freedom is, understand what agenda is! Listen to what you are hearing. I’m telling you, listen to the rhetoric. I challenge you, do we want to go into space and join others that allow slavery and other nasty policies? That allow negative species to attack and feed from the defenseless? Universal law is one thing if it is just. It is another thing to follow in the footprints of a breakaway part of Earth civilization that has been programed by contact. I want no part of hiding in the shadows like a thief in the night directing another civilization and allowing the type of things that have happened on Earth these last 2,000 years and might be the last million years. Let’s hear the laws of the universe. Let’s hear this law of one religion. Then let us decide if we are being coerced and further controlled by the controllers that interfere in the lives of our entire planet. Be aware that the representation you have had in space may be outright treason against our entire species. I am here for you people of Earth and I have no agenda. In the future you will develop your own agenda and for now go and discover the wonders out there. Explore and remain free.
Everyone needs to withdraw consent and quit voting in the rigged selection to be ruled by and unconstitutional corporation.