28K$!! Bruce Ohr & More Going to Prison After Massive DoJ Docs Rock Nation!! - Video
Published on Jun 10, 2019
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Lots of Talk But No Hand Cuffs
The fact is, historically, Comey leaked classified information. The information did not change because it has a “classified” rubber stamp on it. If the FBI director can’t recognize information that should be classified, then they are incompetent. If they leak information (for personal and political gain) that they should know should be classified it is criminal negligence at the least.
Fire Ohr’s supervisor for allowing the “payoff”.
All the docs were deliberately lost or shredded or forgotten. By design. This was not incompetence far from it, a thorough wash away job.
No one hack anything… THEY WERE ALLOWED ACCESS TO IT.
They’ll have to reopen “Alcatraz” to hold all of the deep state criminals!
Arrest the sob for obstruction of justice WHAT THE HE’LL ARE YOU WAITING ON
John Howard2 hours ago (edited)
They better quickly arrest and bring Hillary before a court of law before she destroys more evidence against her self, slips away form the jaws of justice, and goes into hiding somewhere.
Dan how much more stuff do we need to indict these scumbags! Why does Brennan still have his security clearance? Come on! I fear for Trump and our country! Lots of evidence, no action with the Deep State! Why talk about HRC, just indict her and put her away some where’
Would love to see Hillary’s nose slammed against the wall and put it cuffs and put in the back seat of a patrol car
Sorry officer ..I was only 5 mph over the speed limit.,,,,,,Well….. you’re still getting a citation that you have to pay and your insurance rate is going to go up for the next 7 years.
Reynaldo dela Fuente2 hours ago
its all about money 🤑🤑🤑 its the trend now sell your kidney / sell your soul etc
If nobody went to jail after the WMD bullshite that cost America billions, then nobody will go to jail now. Too bad.
What about obuma weponizing the IRS to go after groups and people he did not like.
No more talking about it! put people in prison.
María of Yeshua of Nazareth.41 minutes ago
I have just 1 word for traitors: EXECUTION.
l agree I’m sick of talk
This is very scary stuff. We have an out of control centralized government accountable to no one.
As always all talk no action the new AG is a do nothing Washington unless punk and all the top players at the FBI seem to be blackmailed punks as well
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It’s ok, Trump has Gitmo all fixed up for them WOOT WOOT
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Lock Bruce up!!! We need to hear Barr and Durham with their reports and then lock him up!
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No one is going to prison, if so, most ALL would be imprisoned…RAT, after RAT, after RAT..after RAT..!
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Giving aid and comfort to the enemy…Clinton gave China access to ALL her emails from the “git-go”. Sadly there will be no arrests that matter. All show no go……
This is a News story! They are peeling back the stinking onion! We would not have gotten this news had Clinton won in time to cover or destroy this evidence! We new this was going to be exposed, but good beefy gravy…it keeps getting thicker and thicker! I predict…individuals will be dropping like flies rather than go to prison; watch for mysterious deaths!
HRC’s server wasn’t hacked. Foreign entities had open axsess !
You dont think Mueller went in and destroyed evidence? Of course he did.
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And we just listen to this BS day after day after day after day after day after day after day after day after day after day after day after day after
Bruce ohr are double agents for china!
Three thumbs down 👎 , go figure ppl. T. D. S ?
why nobory stop Soros?
Bla, Bla, Bla. 21/2 years of wishful thinking has got you what?? The Innocent Prosecuted by Mueller’s team and the guilty are Free. Well done America, do you think the People have any faith left in the Corrupt System. License To Lie And Corrupt the DOJ, CIA, FBI was given by Obama and the DOJ. Take the Blindfold off Lady Justice so she can SEE what’s happening in America, or is she corrupt as well.
It wasent ME!!!!!!!!!!! It was the one armed man!!! If we could prosecute just a few of these politicians they would soon be blaming one another and spilling the beans on one another.
Will see but so far all talk and no show!!!!
That is awesome. Corrupt AF. Amazing
Arrest her or forever lose respect and trust from the American people.
then you go after the people who were in charge of evidence for tampering. that`s prison don`t care who you are!!!!
For over 2 years people are going to prison. And so far even you own shit is going to prison. No one will be sent to prison ,if at all they will be vacationing in a 10 stars resort.
why don’t thy prosecute NOW??? Th GOP is NOT prosecuting neither.
macbagpipe thehaggis1 hour ago
Well Trump’s Presidential library will have no shortage of books is there anyone not writing one. Oh ye me.
Ticked Off2 hours ago (edited)
I don’t understand how when we break the law it’s a crime, but, when politicians do it’s just an irregularity! Stick a fork in Hillary, She’s done! The ole polyester plumpkin.
Meanwhile Ebola pours across the border
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Loose lips sink ships
Since the 1963 fatal coup of JFK… it has been the DC – District of Corruption – Including Nervous Naughty Nancy’s, Cocaine Mitch’s, Bonnie and Clyde Clinton’s, Gypsy ChinaJoe’s, and much more Corrupt Govt. Cabals. DRAIN THE SWAMP! Time to recoup and place the billions$$$ back in the general fund. And for the hardworking taxpayers… LOWER the full Social Security savings benefit retirement age to 62. “Justice delayed is justice denied” is a legal maxim meaning that if legal redress is available for American citizens that have suffered financial injury, but is not forthcoming in a timely fashion, it is effectively the same as having no redress at all.
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WORLD OF TANKS BLITZS Lushion Xazaver1 hour ago
farmers an welders are coming for you with hunters in reserve 28th of June England what is going to happen
DC is corrupt no justice no hope
What is so special about the Clinton’s? They are done.
Dan B. This is the first time you’ve pissed me off!!! There is not one thing funny about Orhs 28k dollar bonus stolen from us. Even the unbelievability of it all is not in the least funny!
There was no hack hillaries server was wide open not even password protected.
There might be some low level heads roll but thats about it . Absolutely nothing will ever come of all this . Wish in one hand shift in the other and see which one fills up first.
OMG! nobody has went to prison yet.
The Chinese didn’t hack her server she gave them the information which is correct?
Don’t understand how after so much proof uncovered, not suspicion, PROOF ! , nobody is being held accountable.
JM International Inc Art Gallery24 minutes ago
This has always happened, its just time they actually do something about it or patriots will
Give Mike Tyson a couple million for 20 min. in a locked room with Hillary to get ALL the info of what she did and ordered and who was involved.Money well spent!
May truth and love shine upon us each and every last one. Best case scenario. The investigations continue the treasonous basturds on both sides are exposed potus runs as independent 4 or 5 parties run for elected office we get our government back.
Why can’t anyone be criminally prosecuted. All talk and no action.
The democrats deception is finally coming to fruition, nail them all to the wall.
Umpqua-4 Freedom35 minutes ago
Don’t matter the evidence. They got immunity…remember?
we’re all getting fed up of constant hot air and need to see some action – unless DONALD & Co are gathering dirt for a big expose!
This is the NWO headed by satanist and their Father!
No schiff, how in hell can anyone be surprised that suddenly evidence is missing. Lol, your giving them plenty of time to do it. WTF
Suzanne Laemers Bondy38 minutes ago
Three of my most favorite news guys.
All the talk but no action tired of hearing about all the dems corruptions they never get prosecuted done with all this until i hear of dems going to jail
Lots of talk also. Getting tired of it. Where is the Grand Jury ? Where are the Indictments? Cant Indite the deep state.
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The longer you wait to do anything, the more evidence gets destroyed. Imagine that. Try the sob’s convict and publicly execute the pos .
Ivan the Dancing Bear1 hour ago
And it’s so much worse than we’ll ever know.
If you are a friend of the Killary and Billy-boy….you get to live.
Both sides of media as no much objectivity all appear to be time wasting would not take that long to arrest the ordinary although I believe we are all extraordinary but hopefully you get what I’m saying
The entire FBI heads are still covering for the regime, all of these people are traitors and working to destroy the country, then they would be in control, so frightening
Jamieson Scott1 hour ago (edited)
This disclosure is ground breaking but let’s agree that unless these criminals are incarcerated before 2020, integrity will come under question with all of this… It’s all looking much like a dog and pony show. High levels should have been judged by now.
Barr old time deep state, puppets all.
Why do you think Mueller was called in? He covers all trails for the low down dirty self serving politician’s.
Only place in the universe where the bigger you screw up the more you get rewarded for it…high level US Senior Executive Service!
Who is above the law, the AG should clean everything up.
Fox news reporters keep saying people are going to priso n yet no one has. Now when the justic dept. Ask for files they seem to have vanished. And still nothing happens to anyone. Fox dont seem to know what they are talking about.
Hillary is just the most hated because she offers the most access: Facebook, Twitter and the dark web.
American Government = Oxymoron! FBI= Full Blown Ignorance! CIA = Criminals Inside America! DNC= Do Not Care!
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Why should anyone go to jail when Govern Mental Crime pays? Pay to Play is what the government is all about and doing a great job on top of it!
Would not say Obama crew got lazy not taking notes, I would say they did not want to have 2 destroy evidence ? 2Q. Aloha . @2Q69574523 Twitter.
Sit back and enjoy the moment
Who sayz crime don’t pay! Look at mad Max and nutty Nancy. They’d livin’ large. Nutty Nancy even paid for her own wall!
The Dems will never be prosecuted
Tom’s my Hero 👊🇺🇸
“Oooh, My Goodnessss,”PeopleGetReady, TheTrumpTrain is coming with the (hammer) to clear the way and the Bar Bill must Be paid! I love it when a plan comes together! AmericanBornBlackMen ForPresident Trump! WWG1WGA! (can’t you hear all the Clucking Hens and the Roosters Crowing?)
Nothing will happen to any of these people are protected
Seem like Trump gives get out of jail cards to. Nothing ever changes.
Everyone is going to prison but no one has went
Dan looks so handsome in that suit
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How come noone is talking about Hilluarys lawyer telling the DOJ to get rid of DNC servers that were suppisrdly hacked by Russians?…you know the ones that had the thumb drive imprint ftom Seth Rich
Okay……soooooooo…….now What! I still don’t hear the sound of handcuffs on wrists or steel doors slamming! How long…how long!!!! We are still waiting! 🙁🙁🙁😓😓😓
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Cant wait for the Hillary Clinton public bathrooms and waste station.
Blah blah blah, faux news is fake news
I think if the Attorney General doesn’t lock these people up it’s going to be the spark that sets off the Civil War Everybody’s Talking about, MAGA.
Can’t wait to see this
Why are these people not incarcerated?
No matter, nothing will happen. Not a thing.
I love all three of these guys as brothers of course they’re great men. And they make me laugh this is so amazing that all of this is coming out. I really really really want to see some people do the perp walk like the clintons the oars Lisa Page Peter strzok Andrew McCabe Nancy Pelosi damn I can’t even name all of them there are so many please God let the American people see Justice
Better hurry the hell up or we the people are gonna handle this BS ourselves. Tired of all the f’ing talk while we can clearly see the corruption and pay to play that went on and continues
My guess is that Muller and his gang infiltrated the DOJ to do just that, clear their traces. Too late now, folks. They already did the damage.
Wow……. It sounds like to me that There is only , one Party in this Country. anymore. and that is the Radical/Socialist / Leftist. Party. That they call the Democart party. Its all called. The Communists Party. and some from the right Side are on the Deep State side Deception. In Repubicans party Global – Control. Exemists.
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It’s time to clean house
General Flynn’s failing memory was prosecuted. He awaits “sentencing”. Wait a little longer & does he have grounds to sue the corrupt FBI/ DOJ. Make the Ohr’s return the “bonus” money he was paid & prosecute the Ohrs for every law on the books. HOW MANY ASSETS WERE EXPOSED,, TORTURED & EXECUTED BECAUSE OF HILLARY Clinton ‘S HACKED EMAILS?
Liars, no one is going to jail.
It’s not FBI or CIA it’s organized crime is what they have become. They are criminal organizations and now totally unconstitutional and off the reservation. Bad bad bad! Even now they are still not cooperating and probably destroying evidence and if it is going to continue they need to be disbanded and we need to start with a clean slate for an intelligence agencies. I believe this nation is at the verge of civil war! How much do they think we Americans are going to put up with! Rush is correct in what he is saying about this situation.
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Been hearing about arrest for 4 years. All crap. They make deals or step down. But never , not one dem are in prison. I’m through. Not voting anymore. I’m done with lieing politicians.
Lol…who woulda guessed!
Blah blah blah…
The democrats are only determined to destroy our president, they have done all they could, and it hasn’t worked, so now they must devise another corrupt plan, they are scrambling to stop their prosecutions
Clinton is definitely guilty of treason. So please put us out of our misery and get rid of her. I can’t believe anyone still listens to her or do they
All talk, no action….ugh.
If All this information is coming out , WHY ISNT Uma Abedien being brought in for questioning? And told that she has to swear Under Oath ? Why isnt James Comey brought in for questioning? Why isnt Anthony Weiners computer cloud checked out ? Its just like Everything else, tell us that All this is Proven BUT, Nobody is going to be Arrested ?
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Myrna De Perio LaFauci23 minutes ago
These dirty players had 8 years to do these malfeasance in America!And they are still walking around talking about how innocent they are!
When are they going to GITMO?
Bonuses are given to see S senior executive service and how easy is it to fire them why don’t you discuss as SES
What kind of damn government we got in Washington out with a corrupt people and in Washington
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I will bet $1.00 It is only a big yapping So much said and told Yet she will not go to jail you yappers…you said that a millions times are you sick…..
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Chinese paid for the info
What you want to bet more people will end up dead?? Just saying Clinton’s have gotten away with things like this for years…..yes they all should pay…but that may be another story!!
Nail gay gutter rat Obama. Head of the snake
So when are these antiamerican communists going to prison or being kicked out of the country? Personally, i think every patriot should not file or pay taxes and cut off the cash flow. Take away the money, you take away their power!
Will they be held accountable ? Its all good to report this but whats going to happen next
All lies
I’m a Trump 2020 person and don’t believe that justice is going to be served. Our justice dept and senate and especially the house holds up the hands of justice to destroy this nation. We are truly being torn down from within. Until you CLEAN HOUSE THIS WILL CONTINUE.
Hilary and comey are laughing at these jokers !!!!
Lady Augusta in California1 hour ago
All talk and no action. Looks like the American patriots are going to have to get the job done.
Clinton most likely threatened all these people with death. Like the 55 or 60 dead people close in the Clintons.
Hillary was nvr tried in court, so she has not been found innocent or guilty.
old news boys
Our government has exposed themselves as a corrupt group of criminals using our tax money, stepping and wiping their feet on our Constitution and feeding us crap.
Harlan Whitehead54 minutes ago
More treason
If this corruption happened in China three whole group would have been rounded up tried and imprisoned and or executed. When Mao Tse died the gang of four tried a power struggle this is what happened. One off the members of the gang of four was Mao Tse’s wife.
Jeff Olp49 minutes ago (edited)
Still no one in prison. I see no justice. We will never see true justice. so the rule of law is a joke and lie. It is a free for all from this point forward. Why should any of us follow the law?
Seriously guys if you take a look back during the Cold war with Russia history has most definitely repeated itself.What was it the Russians with very good at ? they would accuse the US of the very thing that they were doing in order to create confusion and muddy the waters, this is exactly what the perpetrators are doing with this dossier this Russia hoax we really do need to investigate seriously members of Congress in relation to a Russia connection and corruption.
WHEN OH WHEN will we stop hearing about all of these atrocities and start seeing these people pay for their crimes? I don’t know if the democrats realize this but our burning fury toward them has gone out of control. Especially older Americans are so stressed out over these issues it is causing health issues due to stress. I for one have had it already. Trump is the only president I can remember who deeply loves the USA.
Our government needs to escort every representative in Congress out of their office, into the hall, out the back door and emptied into the garbage and dumped. National elections held by popular vote and limit all terms to a max of eight years wirth no retirement benefits. They then need to go to work like the rest of it’s and earn their way.
I listen to you guys all the time and I’m grateful that I get to hear the truth from y’all but I’m waiting to hear y’all say the truth about her NEVER having to pay for her crimes. I guess it all sounds good and entertaining but we all know the truth about Hillary being so high up that she’ll never be charged for her crimes. MAGA 🇺🇸
America, it’s up to you! Vote Trump 2020.
For over two years Fox News has given everybody accused of a crime a day by day update of what they will be charged with, so they can prepare for their defence. They may not have meant to help them, but they have just the same.
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OHR is still receiving a paycheck from the DOJ!!!!!!!!! How is this possible?/ Where is the JUSTICE??????
If Hillary Clinton doesn’t get prosecuted our government is not working the way it should. I believe most people are tired of hearing how many laws were broken. Being careless or forgettable are not good excuses for treason and money laundering and the rest of it. Those, like Comey, who should have recommended the prosecution of many of the Clinton team and the Obama administration should be charged with sedition and conspiracy to attempt an overthrow of a sitting President and the United States of America
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The DEMONCRATS are almost to the end of their rope. All they have left that is feasible is to try and assassinate our beloved president. I am surprised the evil bastards haven’t already tried. God protect our potus our country and constitution.
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It is looking more and more like our Government and Security Agencies are like something like you would find in Haiti or the Jungles of Africa and resembling the Circus and the Clowns get full exposure front and center and they expect the American People to believe all their BS and interesting enough some act like they do but they are minimal and complete morons
Rice Burnerbiker12 minutes ago
Never do the Christian/Catholics ever amount to anything. There drones are sure Hillary is guilty, only not so much as a minion get indicted. It’s not a witch hunt? Still fox has to stir the pot to get its base angry for yet another”she’s really going to jail folks” On the other hand , trumps campaign staff are nearly all indicted and some are in jail , some going later . 27 indictments,most ran off to Russia. But there’s no Russians involved, NO SIR ! Not one? Fox spends almost a minute each day talking about trump being innocent and Hillary being guilty..lol.. trump minions are in jail and indicted Witch hunt. Hillary investigations went on for 5 years.. no indictments. Not a witch hunt! This is so weird. How do Christians and Catholics buy this as ok Hillary bought and paid for the government? No leaks? No tapes of leaks? Why is trump filled with leaks, but Hillary’s not. Maybe she is a straight shooter? Fox and friends could be lying? They never said one nice thing about Obama in 8 years. Never said good job you stopped the collapse of our country after George and Cheney ruined the economy. Obama went a straight 78 months of growth, got nothing from the Whiney asses at fox.. nothing! That’s what started this investigations .. they wanted the Dems to look bad.. so they invented Obama’s investigations and Hillary’s… now we got another nasty leader, taking our freedoms apart, just after we get them.
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Nobody will go to prison, nobody will even so much as be indicted. Guaranteed.
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Daryl Leckt6 minutes ago (edited)
the DOJ investigation of the trump organization began when carter page began running the 2015 trump election campaign committee of russia from the ROSNEFT bureau offices from inside the Kremlin in Moscow, Russia.
no one is going to jail but the people who didn’t break the law—the clintons are still running to show ——its a shame——> i will vote TRUMP IN 202O
I still say that NOTHING will happen to these criminals. Please stop wasting our tax money.
I still say that NOTHING will happen to these criminals. Please stop wasting our tax money.
I still say that NOTHING will happen to these criminals. Please stop wasting our tax money.
malcolm clark35 minutes ago (edited)
…you gotta love that automated beurocratic system of privatised private securities…right through that unprotected box, oops I meean Chamber of intercourse slash,, oops I mean commerce of unregulated free agency…sorry got hiccups, gonna have to trust You Tube to sensor..
God save America? God is busy, so he sent Donald Trump. Trump in 2020!
Here’s the bottom line. Comey hated Trump because Trump, in his opinion, was crude and unacceptable. Then came the dossier, with all is nasty charges, and that was all Comey needed to put his foot on the scale of justice — because he is moral and right — and Trump is immoral and wrong for the country. That, my friend, is elitist snobbery at a very high criminal level.
Talk Talk Talk Talk Talk Talk Talk Talk Talk Talk Talk Talk Talk Talk Talk Talk Talk Talk Talk Talk Talk Talk Talk Talk Talk Talk Talk Talk Talk Talk Talk Talk Talk Talk TALK !!!!!
These people do the dumbest stuff, damn
When you consider the evil Deeds of Hillary Clinton and how often she is held responsible for them or punished for them you have to wonder is she the Antichrist? There doesnt seem to be anyone high enough to prosecute her even though there is an overwhelming amount of evidence against her and everyone knows she is guilty.
They sure are free and easy with our hard-earned money. What a racket.
WHERE’S THE DAMNED ARRESTS????????????????????
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The evil Dems have committed harassment which is a crime for over 2 years. President Trump should have arrested Nanci the parkinson for the attempted coup. However, it seems is not going to happen. Again, harassment verbally is a crime. Do not arrest and allow this bastard to continue will backfire.
I agree that nobody will go to prison. Not only that, none of the criminals in the DOJ will even be charged with anything. As well, Hillary, Huma and all the rest of her criminal cartel will walk free to bash President Trump from every podium available. How disgusting America and from where I sit here in Canada your legal system is a joke.
The dems can’t get away With nothing UNLESS it is a ALLOWED!! Where is the >fight< of the republicans? This is so tiring that pretty soon no one will care…..please don’t let it happen. Truth & righteousness in the work place=government…..Accountability PLEASE. Do it. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Please Pres Trump do not let these traitors walk free. They have done everything they could To destroy America and the ppl. If it turns out To treason then hang Everyone of these traitors in front of the White House for the world To see.
Trump supporters need to take action now and stop sitting on your thumbs expecting someone else to do it. But you won’t, so you deserve what you get.
just when will it all stop to the rest of the world it seems to be a jock
+God Save America – LOL Another “R” hiding behind god. You phuckers that hide behind god, thinking it makes you more truthful are ridiculous. Its a total false perception you try to make. Those who do that, like Sarah Sanders are a bunch of fools. If you are a true believer, which you cant be, know that what you say is wrong! Money for profit scam right here on this channel.
Who knows what evidence of serious crimes were on hilary’s devices. It wouldn’t surprise me if assassination orders hits on witnesses probably carried out by some in the intelligence agencies. They would have to hide it & give her a pass.
It was not hacked. Normal people saw it and the criminality of it all totally pissed off the whistle blowers, so they saved a copy as evidence. That is not hacking that is whistle blowing. One person (Seth Rich) had some bad luck trying to be a whistle blower (he lost his life over it). No morals no brains no integrity? Vote Democrat and watch CNN..
ScentlessApprentice736 minutes ago (edited)
Yeah only in the corrupt DC swamp can a politician be given a bonus and given a raise and given a promotion after exhibiting malfeasance. People who do not recognize the blatant corruption and do not recognize the existence of the swamp by now either have their head buried in the sand or have their head buried up Hillary Clinton’s ass.
Comey leaked classified information……this is a crime and undisputed. Prosecute him for that right now and you can still dig deeper and get him for more later on……same with Killery Rotten Clinton
Its sad Fox cant get over Hilary. She’s a noboby! Trying to smear and help Corrupt Trump has become the new RT!
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Who ever runs this fake news channel is as bad iCNN .t’s fake cause nothing is going to happen to Hillary.
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🇺🇸⭐️⭐️🇺🇸 If the Obama-HRC cabal win, all patriots will be in jeopardy of being imprisoned or executed. Starting with people like Lindsey Graham, Matt Gatez, Bob Barr, Tom Fitton, the freedom caucus, and anybody that has aligned with or supported President Trump.
Quote Q “This is not a game”
Quote GrayEagle48 “If America goes down, so does all of our allies!” My opinion.
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