It Was a Trap! Trump Never Revoked Johnny Brennan's Clearance! Barr's Investigation May Take Over a Year! - Great Video
Published on May 27, 2019
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Pinned by Black Conservative Patriot
Whenever anyone is interviewed on CNN, and is asked a question, i would love to hear someone start their response with “Well, since it’s just you and I listening to this…”
Then prosecute Kerry, don’t let him get away with that stuff.
If John Kerry violated the Logan act then prosecute him.
All security clearances should end the day you leave the govt. Period.
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“Revoke Hillary and Clappers Security Clearance and a lot of others
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We knew this would be long war. But we MUST persist and prevail
You should have your press credentials! Your channel is the best source (meaning informed and factual) for the news on these treasonous actors.
Remember fellow Patriots. Timing is Everything.
Excellent analysis! Glad I found your channel – Sir.
Richa Gonzalez De Leon1 day ago
Lock them up Mr President. If not they will continue to obstruct Justice, and the corruption will continue. I’m concerned that if Justice does not prevail, the people will rise up.
You make an excellent point! Give them enough rope… many of them are guilty of treason and sedition.
Yes, we must honor the Fallen, and remember them all year long.
Keep up the good work BCP. Love your program. Trump 2020
Love It! Its about time! The table has finally been turned on the Dirty Low-down Rats!
He’s lucky that this is all he had happen to him. He should be locked up. The damage Obama has done here is constantly evolving.
We must stop every traitor, they must be prosecuted to teach a valuable lesson. Corruption must STOP IN GOVERNMENT.
Taking that moment for Memorial Day. Super classy, man. Thank you for that.
@16:05 I’d bet dollars to doughnuts information has already been declassified.
One good thing about Social media, the average every day Citizen can find out what the Government is really up too!
For the next year until elections we are going to have Barr’s investigation hanging over the Dems hahaha
Love it. “Let me reply to your 2 asinine questions with 1 non asinine answer NO!” Got a nice chuckle from that one BCP.
As always great reporting, BCP❤️❤️❤️
Marla castro hlavac1 day ago (edited)
WHY? … Are these TRAITORS STILL BREATHING ? … Hopefully !!! … ”NOT much longer THE BUMMER KERRY AND THE WHOLE CABAL! These ”Evil Demented Leftist Commie 9 th Cir-cute Judges … And most of Globalist traitor Congress !!! ….
Great video. Never knew you were out there in YouTube land, despite your phenomenal number of subscribers. (Hmmm…. ) Glad to be a new subscriber! Thanks for thoughtful discussion!
Snarly Whiplash1 day ago (edited)
Great show BCP I think the mainstream media needs to be held accountable for lying to public for 4 years now.
Divine Justice on the way! Hallelujah! 💓 Love ya BCP and all Patriots! It’s Hallelujah time!
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Death to all Sedition. Death to all Treason. LONG LIVE THE REPUBLIC
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Thank you Sir for pausing to remember the people who made the ultimate sacrifice for this country. Appreciate what you do.
Obama Capone weaponized his henchmen to subvert the election and overthrow the PRESIDENT Donald J Trump. They must be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law!! Justice MUST be served.
As usual bcp, everything well thought out and well spoken. Much love dear fellow patriot.
Happy Memorial Day. God bless all those who’ve risked their lives fighting for other people. 🇺🇸
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Cowgirl Sarah1 day ago (edited)
Our President is a stable genius! Trump set a trap for that SKUNK Brennan!! Let him hang himself!!🤣😂🤣😂 And YAY for Liz Cheney!!!!!
BCP-One very intelligent man! I look forward to his continuing broadcasts. Keep up the good work. Thank you
Dems weaponized a clinton bought and paid for pack of lies intended to circumvent the law and remove a duly elected president
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I think Trump wants an impeachment. According to New Gingrich, that would make 2020 Trumps.
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Excellent & well-put, Sir BCP! I am sooo glad the wheels of justice are turning! blessings to all GOOD PEOPLE cheers
BCP, I love your channel Brother! I watch you every night when I get home from work! Thanks man!
PROJECTION!!!!! Weaponizing the justice dept.? Obama WEAPONIZED his entire administration!!! IRS, FBI,CIA, etc
So, if Brennan had security clearance and was using information against the president…could that be a “special” crime and allow deeper investigation, …think you are spot on !!
I cannot like and appreciate you more. You are a voice. GO GO GO for us the people.
Thank you BCP for having a timeout to remember those who paid the price for our freedoms
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I’m really starting to like this guy. You keep going my friend. Just be sure, absolutely sure, of your sources. Do that and I’ll keep watching and listening. Love your work.
He calls them out on live TV.. Lol.. John Kerry – BOOM.
Thank you JCP for your valuable time my friend, this veteran wishes to salute you and your family. GOD bless you and our duly elected president.
Another good video, which I am sure took a ton of work by you ! Congratulations.
They were also spying on Cruz during the primary someone please talk about that
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Yes all of it! 😊 the whole enchiladas lol Have to find the Arch Demonic T-Rex’s
“”We have 10 ways from saturday to get you!”" “Opps did i say that outloud?
John Brennan is a real Islamic Patriot! FREE VIP ✈ GITMO!
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Nice job……. You could put Fox, CNN and MSNBC out of business. Keep up the good work.
312K subscribed, Congrats! It looks like CNN viewership is steadily moving over to BCP….were real news is.
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I would like to give you BCP a “EXTRA” Big “THANK YOU!” on this Memorial Day. THANK YOU BCP!!!
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Yes, after we find these people are criminals on paper then we can look into everything that they are into!!!
Brennan is guilty of TREASON as are many of those in the FBI starting with Comey. May God have mercy on their souls and may the law be fully enforced.
He’s been rope a doping the dims all along.
Honor all our fallen veterans today. Even more people love POTUS today since he has become president keeping his promises made👏👏🇺🇸🇺🇸💖💖👍👍🤜🤛
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I’m loving it, to see that it is finally moving forward. People will finally go down for crimes that they have committed. We must make sure that we put trump back in office again to make sure this happens. TRUMP 2020 ! VOTE PEOPLE!
To psycho power tripping libs, their talking points are the only valid position.
I haven’t commented before, but I wholeheartedly LOVE your channel, BCP! I admire your BRAVERY, TRUTHFULNESS, COURAGE, and QUEST FOR JUSTICE! You create excellent compilations, which highlight and encompass various clips and news info that many viewers (including myself) rely upon, with busy lives that miss said info. BRAVO, my friend, and may GOD BLESS YOU (and your family) and also our “DULY-ELECTED AND BELOVED PRESIDENT, DONALD JOHN TRUMP!” — to use my favorite quote from you.
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Our Congress and Alpha agencies had become SUPER PREDATORS!!! Like the mafia or a street gang and the tax payer was the prey!
Kerry should be arrested , conservatives need to be tougher .
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Love your analysis, BCP! Great work!
Great Reporting, God Bless our troops🙏🏻✝❤️🇺🇸
Love all your vids BCP and family 👌 Thank you for your work. Logic and reason will prevail moving forward 👍👍 Warmest regards, David ( Canberra, Australia )
Wouldn’t that make what Brennan said treason?
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John Kerry is a traitor glad to hear that about John Brennan we have some bad people in Washington I need to go
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Message for smiley Brennan…… TREASON
Great job BCP; When will all of this ever end ?
Christopher Clements16 hours ago
You’re the man BCP! Much love and Respect to you and what you do! Keep it up!!
Yes sir he gave them just enough rope! June will be interesting
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“Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty”
Spot on again…I love your channel! 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
Thanks for your News Update! News you can use!! Remember telling the truth can be dangerous! Stay Safe Stay Strong and Always Watch Your SIX!
CORRECTAMUNDO! They didn’t suddenly become corrupt evil dumbasses it’s been in existence. SUNLIGHT!
Just getting started!!! Amen!! Justice for Trump and America!!!! ❤❤❤❤❤
Democrats want investigations, now they have it.
Trump’s presidency should start at the end of this stupid investigation. Democrats have not been focused on making America great, and have been neglecting their duties and wasting time on a frivolous investigation.
Finally I hear truth. Killing insects is good but we have to eliminate NEST!
Well said BCP. These people have ALWAYS been corrupt. Money is their god!! They will sell their souls for more.
Brennan voted for Gus Hall chairman of the Communist Party USA. CPUSA. OBTW it is illegal for a member of the communist party to receive a security clearance. Cutting edge. witty, clever, flippant, commentary. Thank you for clicking here.
New boss, same as the old boss…
Between the invasion of foreign illegals into America, control of our society by a covertly hostile foreign zionist parasite, and ever ongoing wars to foreign shores for the parasite’s benefit?
“America can just dry up & blow away” as Bibi says.
Same secret cult. What did you expect?