Trump and Israel Exempt From Deadly 5G Radiation
Your Action Required – 5G Set To Destroy Your Family Lineage – Listen To The Experts!
Dr. Martin Pall: “Putting in tens of millions of 5G antennae without a single biological test of safety has got to be about the stupidest idea anyone has had in the history of the world.”
EMF Blocking Smart Meter Cover Smart Meter Dangers and a Solution!
EMF Scientist Appeal Advisors Call For Moratorium On 5G
This Appeal is currently signed by 225 scientists in 41 nations of the world. All of them have conducted EMF studies published in peer-reviewed scientific journals that reported biological and adverse health effects caused by human-made sources of EMF. The combination of these reported findings lends credibility to the Appeal’s strong recommendation for review of the current EMF exposure guidelines set by the FCC, as these guidelines are considered to be obsolete and inadequate to protect human health and the environment.
Barrie Trower The Real Dangers of 5G and Wifi technologies – How 5G Will Irreversably Destroy ENTIRE Family Lineages!
“5G APOCALYPSE – THE EXTINCTION EVENT” - The Movie That Is Shocking The World!:
Do NOT Miss This Multi-Award Winning Smart Meter Documentary – It Is Mind-Blowing!
[UPDATE August 28, 2019] 5g Apocalypse Hardware Crime Uncovered
- /eu/2019/08/5g-apocalypse-hardware-crime-uncovered-2650870.html
[UPDATE June 12, 2019] Success stopping 5G in Australia- Max Igan Talks To Barrister (attorney) Ray Broomhall
If you have NEVER been involved in fighting against INSANE GOVERNMENT CORRUPTION, CLEARLY NOW WOULD SEEM LIKE A VERY GOOD TIME TO BEGIN DOING SO, in the interest of maintaining ANY Semblance of the continuation of Humanity as you know it.
Time is NOT ON OUR SIDE as 5G is ALREADY BEING ROLLED OUT in SOME PARTS of the UNITED STATES. EVEN WORSE is that a LAW is NOW in effect BANNING local governments from issuing MORATORIUMS against 5G rollout within their jurisdictions! ONLY YOU THE PEOPLE CAN TURN THIS AROUND! Local government MUST ACT NOW SEEKING to APPEAL the 5G Ban On Moratoriums by local governments, AND ONLY YOU THE PEOPLE CAN MAKE THIS HAPPEN!
Step 1 of course is to share this information FAR and WIDE! The general public NEEDS to hear from the EXPERTS JUST HOW DIRE THIS SITUATION REALLY IS!
Step 2 – International Appeal to Stop 5G on Earth and in Space [please SIGN this and consider suggestions here on how else you can get involved]:
Step 3 – If ALL ELSE FAILS, the general public must QUICKLY learn what the new 5G poles look like and VIGILANTLY take down EVERY LAST ONE OF THEM, just like the Yellow Vest Protesters are doing with Speed Cameras in France! Same goes for so called Smart Meters.
For example, go to and enter “5G poles” in the search box.
Wireless Industry Confesses: “No Studies Show 5G is Safe”
Feb 6 2019 – U.S. Senator Richard Blumenthal grilled wireless industry representatives, who admitted the industry has done ZERO health & safety studies on 5G technology. Meanwhile, dozens of independent studies indicates that 5G is a risk to all biological life!
Hundreds of Sparrows Died on Site of 5G Experiment in the Hague, Netherlands?
“at The Hague, many birds died spontaneously, falling dead in a park. You likely haven’t heard a lot about this because it seems keeping it quiet was the plan all along. However, when about 150 more suddenly died – bringing the death toll to 297 – some started to take notice.”
President Trump proclaims that the United States needs to be a 5G world leader:
If 5G Is So Important, Why Isn’t It Secure?
“Worse than ignoring the warnings, the Trump administration has repealed existing protections.”
ISRAEL is Behind Deadly 5G Technology & The Extermination of Planet Earth!
5G Required by Presidential Executive Order – Our Cities Everywhere Must Comply – Deborah Tavares
5G Roll-Out Facing $1 Trillion Class Action Lawsuit
5G Networks Will Use The Same Frequencies As Pain-Inflicting Crowd Control Weapons
DHS Insider – I Lived Through 5G and Must Warn the World!
I Was Burned From the Inside Out and Was Peeing Skin Tissue and Blood… Co-workers Died and Got Cancer Too! Horrific Testimony of Woman Exposed to 5G Technology!
Michigan State Senator Says Acceptable Level of 5G Radiation Has Been Rigged by Telecom Industry and Is Huge Health Hazard
Important Considerations For Combating 5G Radiation
5G Protection is a Must
Deborah Tavares: [5G] Urban Thought Control Cybercages, Set To Replace FEMA Camps!!
5G – Confirmed threat to National Security – A Danger to the Nation
5G – After a city council attempted a silencing campaign, a UK judge has declared that the people have a right to know about the harmful effects of 5G millimeter-wave technology being deployed upon them.
“I attended a 5G city board of supervisors meeting in Marin, California last night. I am speechless but to say the least I am proud of my fellow humans for speaking their truth. Much love and gratitude and respect for what I witnessed last night.”
5G starts at 38:00, public comments start at 1:07:00
6G ‘Terror’ Hz Approved! FCC’s ‘Experimental’ Spectrum – How It Will Kill Us All With The Flick Of A Switch!
Prepare To Burn?! Military Weapon Coming to A Street Near You—Millions Will Have Limited Life!
Proof that Donald Trump is 100% Zionist and Therefore NOT A PATRIOT!
Support BeforeItsNews by trying APeX (far superior to colloidal silver) or any of our other great health products at
This is worth examining.
Fantastic post. Which means it wont get the cliks that the QIAduh “Hitlery in prison” Bullchett get. Most on BIN distracted with the latest Mueller spy minutae.
Fukushima doused everyone in its NWO ongoing ELE event. But it is slow, diffuse and the coverage is generic and broad rather than focused. Yes Fuku is all-pervasive but its effects cant be targeted like this 5G ELE weapon can be. Within minutes, a single person can be zapped from far distance, in their home, on a train and melted. As a DEPOPULATOR? It cant be rejected like vaccines, nor boycotted like GMO foods. There is NO defence against this pinpointed killing.
Thank you very much to ALL OF YOU who recognize the MERIT of my post. Two ways you can help to get this story more clicks are sharing a link to this story with as many of your contacts as possible, and also to keep one web-browser window open to this story for an hour or more as you continue browsing in other web-browser windows. Thank you SO MUCH for helping with the effort to SAVE HUMANITY in this regard!
These SAME-SEX Psychopathic blood-sucking Luciferians would be like peeing blood into each-others mouth, thinking ADRENOCHROME!
Note: my comment above was intended to be a follow-up comment to “IdeasTime” comment below:
I think all politicians who support it should be given a massive dose of what it can do to people and animals then see what they do.
Elon Musk will deliver.
Deliver what? A ONE-WAY ticket to desolate Saturn or Mars?
The ONLY thing Elon Musk will deliver is 5G Satellite Deadly MICROWAVE Radiation upon the populace!
Elon Musk….an…..ANAGRAM of……..Lone $kum
Infants exposed to electronic, chemical and biological eugenics weapons do not manifest the effects for twenty or thirty years.
The DARPA perfected 5G crowd control weapons have no place in a claimed “free” country.
For the hoaxes of DEBORAH TAVARES, Google “The Hoaxes OF Deborah Tavares”, or click here.
For the hoaxes of ROD CLASS, Google “Rod Class And His Many Hoaxes”, or click here.
For the hoaxes of ANTHONY WILLIAMS, Google “The Anthony Williams Hoax”, or click here.
For the hoaxes of EDDIE CRAIG, Google “Eddie Craig And The Former Deputy Sheriff Hoax”, or click here.
For the hoaxes of CARL MILLER, Google “The Carl Miller Hoax”, or click here.
For the hoaxes of DEBRA JONES, Google the “Debra Jones Hoax”, or click here.;