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We’re Under Attack: 100% Proof of UN Invasion on US Soil—American’s End May Be Soon

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By Lisa Haven


“United Nation military troops may soon arrive and see action on American soil following the United States’ announcement of support for “a set of principles that give a green light for U.N. peacekeeping troops and police to use force to protect civilians in armed conflicts,” Military Times reports.

It’s like the Mike Norris movie, ”Amerageddon”, has come to life in our own backyard; where UN ‘peacekeeping’ troops are dispersed on US soil all in the name of peacekeeping of a problem they themselves have caused.

In the video below I expose and prove how the United Nations has already made the move to not only track your guns but have hired the personnel to take them from you. Additionally, I prove the latest move by the UN to disarm America via their global meeting IANSA.

All that and more below…



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    Total 15 comments
    • 72FX

      “Chilling, Undeniable Evidence: Our “Final Warning!” Mass Death Coming Soon–and Proof That You Were Warned!”
      That was your headline two years ago today. How ironic.

      • DangerWillRoberson


        • HitleryforPrison

          No DanglerWillRobyourson…I am!

      • DangerWillRoberson

        lisa are you cia operative? yes or no? :!:

    • 72FX

      We’re all going to die.


      Sounds like this was posted by Dave Hodges.

      You new name Daughter of Doom;

      You have a date?

      • chin1161

        they are father and daughter and greatest fear porn stars ever born :twisted:

    • berp

      thank god we are….why would a white american(0 nationality and disgrace to their families) be patriotic…..only whores, and foreign trash squatters should be fighting for false flag……whites (coward hoop jumpers)americans fly a north korean flag… american is a north korean…….cowards weren’t even present at the signing of d.o-independence, or the us fake constipation (constitution) only masons were….judge=mason preist=robe america was defeated in 1776 and again in 1865….1st combat unit under invaders coward flag “french” and really killed in 1980 by a phony b rated actor, and gun confiscator roanldo reganaldo….he should be remembered as a mexican:) and terrorist…because that is what he really was!! enjoy your 50 different insurance problems in every faucet of your useless lives….
      useless coward americans should be dragging that traitor coward phony fake flag behind their cars…..kill insurance agents and doctors, would be a good start…it is nice to here cum mistakes killed(school shootings) and enslavers (cops) killed slavery=american……i am 50 and white…….get out of california…you phony thieving liars… scare no one…you have never done anything note worthy in your 200 years of fraud and lies….american=traitor, coward, fraud, loser….has never in 200 years passed a law that favored themselves or their children…….amricoward flag….is the false flag:)

    • Everette

      I remember Obama signing a un treaty for them to take over America , Christmas 2015 . 2016 southern America faced obama’s Jade Helm were un and Russian troops ran thru the back yards of several states hiding in corn fields , hay stacks and barns . Come to find out these troops were assessing measures on how to disarm Texas and several other states that had claimed obama was committing Treason and if they did not rid America of him then they would put forth papers for their states to leave the Union of States of America . The Governors called up the state Guards to watch these foreign troops to keep their states safe . obama told them if they did not call off the guard then he was going to charge these states with Treason . They told him sorry sir you are the one committing Treason bringing foreign troops into America to disarm its citizens which is something the Constitution tells us is not supposed to take place . The clintons also pulled this number . They told our American Generals to send forth the Army troops and remove America’s guns . They told billy boy clinton no sir we will not commit Treason against our Constitution . The clintons said then we will bring in foreign troops and do the job . The Generals told the reptilian clintons no you will not or we will have you up for Treason . Now thanks to our Treasonist congress and senate allowing obama the reptilian negative blood alien ( as stated by science ) America now has flat nose ulgy un vehicles running it’s highways . I read that Russian soldiers had been seen in the western states setting fires . But those that saw it were made to forget what they had seen . When your own government or what seems to be your own government threatens you what do you do ? These officals should have been shot on the scene . Here they cover for foreign troops setting fires to burn out crops for food and homes of American citizens . Now because of these fires when it rains mud slides cover houses and roads . Law abiding tax paying citizens need to ready themselves for the war of the dark ( evil ) ones that is coming to rid the world of the sons of light . Lucifer and his minions will soon head up the evils that will begin sooner than you think . Now obama is trying to get the head seat in the un so he came push 193 nations at America , Europe , Australia ( Israel – lost 10 tribes ) and Judea living in Israel , to make them disarm its self so foreign un muslim troops can take over and set up the nwo vatican esau edomite natzi luciferian negative blood reptilian one world hitler control command . These reptilians have been working on these plans since 1871 shadow government infiltrated our Washinton Capitol . First they removed the coin system and gave us pieces of paper with pictures of dead presidents on them . Then they printed what ever money we needed making us borrow it . The loan money was printed but the interest money they charged was not . So we borrow and borrow hoping to finally pay off our loan . 21 trillion dollars later they claim they now own us . But their criminal actions where they set up a criminal system that would later allow them to rape countries of their goods and services because of the loans printed without the interest money being printed to pay the full loan off . Then they took the gold and silver coins and melted them into bars so they could be more easily stolen . Today our gold and silver is in the vaults of the reptilians negative blood bankers who are kiss asses with the reptilian vatican . This needs to be exposed so that these reptilians can be tried and shot for crimes against humanity . We were supposed to be getting the wanta funds found which I read totaled 475 trillion dollars . This must be the gold and silver they stole from us . With that we could pay off every nations debt . But wait why would we want to pay off a criminal set up system that was designed to steal valuable materials from nations and later own them for pieces of paper worth no more than toilet paper . This system is no more than smoke and mirrors and we bought into to their game . America needs to go after these criminals and many wars would stop . These jackass push and promote war , why ? It makes them richer to build the weapons and vehicle and clothing and food and water supply and jets and ships , and new types of weapons , all designed to depopulate the humans so the reptilian negative blood hitlers can take over . Their greatest move will be when they break the paper system and give people marks in the computer as cyber money . At any time they can lock up you assets or wipe them clear so you have nothing . And with nothing you have nothing to fight them with to show they owe you money . You will loose your properties and be forced to get into their cyber loan system for food and housing and clothes and vehicles . Then they own you ! You are then told to take the tracking chip so they know where you are at all times . But this chip can also play with your mind with frequencies . It can even make you sick or kill you if they so will . Every time you claim to pay off the debt , they will add other charges . You never pay off the debt . Lincoln and Kennedy was going to pay off America’s debt , but where did it get them ? In the grave yard . To bet the reptilians at their game we must first declare we have been criminally set up in a criminal money system that rapes us of our goods and services and properties . A system set up so no one pays them back . Once we break this system then they have no claim on us because of their criminality against us , they hang for it . The system was set up to cheat you so you could not win , making it so they could own you and your country . Once this action is taken then This begins to clear the mind so you can see more clearly . Then our Constitution plainly tells us that no foreign entities shall own or possess American properties or its people . So we declare war on those troops and entities within America . First we tell them to leave America and help send them home . If they will not go then we shoot them ! Why because they have made it clear that their intentions at that point is to take possession of America and its people . In other words get your assets out of our country ! We can take care of our ownselves ! Then we round up those that caused these problems like the bush family , the clintons , o nut case berry sortoro and members of the congress and senate and some of the judges and officals of other branches claiming to be American which are not that was helping to push the nwo ! Talk about Russian collusion . They are already in America . A simple proof they are here , look at the cast members of dancing with the stars . How many Russians are on the show ? Then check out your restraints and hotel waiters . Many are around the attraction sites . Wonder why ? More people to take out when the time comes ? I was headed for Myrtle Beach when I saw a Russian nuke bomber take off heading back to Russia . Later that night once I had already gotten to the condo , I was watching the news when it said obama was allowing Russian nuke bombers to land in South Carolina as a friendly jester to them . The next year Russians were everywhere , in stores , hotels , restraints and attraction sights . The next year it was worse . Now I had read that Putin had made a Commit , which I hope he sticks by and it us true , that when the un muslims started their take down on America , Russia troops would be in America helping fight the take over commity , fighting with American people . GOD I sure hope so ! But I guess we wont know until it starts . No wonder the evil negative blood reptilians are pushing so hard to find Russian collusion on Trump , so he will turn his back against Russia . This would serve to turn Russia off to helping America at all . If pushed hard enough they could side with the un troops . I know at first I put forth material that seemed against Russia . But my actions was to wake you up , I really don’t know who’s side Russia would be on . The deep state seeks to own everyone even Russia . But seems they are fighting against it . After hillary sold Russia our plutonium she stated once she got into office she was going to start a war with Russia . I guess the plutonium was to help give them a greater edge so they cold blast up big portions of America . This in turn would give the vatican nwo an advantage so they could set up their world order system . Trump needs to deal with these Russian collusion liers ! When the muslim war begins against everyone we will need to unite together to fight these as the Bible stated wild men ( jackasses ) . We have got idiots already killing Americans within our country that are muslims extremist . But the media is owned by the reptilians nwo and dosent want you knowing much about it !

    • LindaJoyAdams

      WE ARE DOOMED IF WE GET ON THE SIDE OF GOOD AND STAND UP FOR THE PRINCIPLES THIS NATION WAS FOUNDED ON EVEN IF WE ARE STILL STRIVING TO MEET THEM..Its up to the people and is everyone going to vote in all elections or have you in those already? Its time for humanity to grow up and be a self governing society here and everywhere… With the govt’s own records of 25 million dead ad 30 trillion stolen by the international cabal with Lynn Blodgett in control of the USA and the Deep state reports to not the other way around folks.. COUP OF 2002 WHEN ONE MEMBER OF CONGRESS ADDED AN EARMARK TO A 6000 PAGE BILL AND WE LOST OUR NATION … AS THAT REMOVE THE RESTRAINER.. a biblical prophecy which seems to be the real one where the govt of, by and for the people was no longer allowed to spend existing budget for audits of contractors nor prosecute crimes either and we are being robbed now and none have any govt to turn to for help. State and local federally funded programs which is most have no feds to go to either since 2002 and states just cannot do it on their own.. ITS MUCH WORSE.. and the fake media keeps on trashing health care. WHEN THE CABAL IS MANAGING EVERY PART with nearly a thousand shell companies and when Michael horowitz , got him on an sec fine.. eric holder stuch in a position and then limited what the oig heads could do inside the govt to get some fiarness on contracts to non cabal companies. and PRES TRUMP HAS MOVED SOME OVER TO BE UNDER THE DEPTT OF DEFENSE WHO KEPT THE OVERSIGHT BACK IN 2002.. WHEN SOME SAY HILLARY OVERTHREW THE GOVT AND IS PART OF THIS WHOLE.. ..CONECTED TO THE RED DRAGOB SHIELD FAMILY OF RULERS NOW MERGED WITH THE NEW INFO TECH OF THE YOUNGER GENERATIONS. OF IT AND BLOCKING CRE O STEAL A FEW MORE DOLLARS AS WELL AS LOOTING MEDICARE BY STEALING CLAIMS AND ID AND CREATING MULTIPLES AND CONGRESS WILL NOT ACT AS THE SNOOPER IS HIS BROTHER AND CAN BLACK MAIL ANY MEMBER OF CONGRESS OR OFFICIAL ETC. . WHICH THERE IS NO GOVT RUN HEALTH CARE IN ANY WAY SINCE 2002 AND OUR MEDICAL COMMUNITY ALONG WITH PATIENTS ARE BEING CRUSHED UNDER THIS FDA CANNOT AUDIT WHICH MEANS VERIFY ANY DATA O WHAT IS SAFE AND MUCH OF OUR MEDS IN ALL DISEASE CATEGORIES AS WELL AS MUCH OF OUR FOOD AND EVEN INJECTED INTO CHICKEN WITH MISLABELDD AS CELLOLOSE THAT NEVERE SAW A PLANT FIBER. ARE LACED WITH DOW CHEMICAL alcohol GELS THAT ARE NOT SAFE FOR MANY ,,Too many either wish to just give up or are in denial of what they must do and none can do it alone in this.. ANY CANDIDATE THAT WILL NOT PUT THE OVERSIGHT LANGUAGE BACK IN ANY BILL AND GET RID OF THE UNCONSTITUTIONAL GAG ORDER RULE THA CONGRESS IMPOSED ON ITSELF NOT TO MENTION , CONTACT OR HAVE A CONTRACTORS TESTIFY DOES NOT DESERVE OUR VOTES AS THEY ARE SHIRKING THEIR OATH OF OFFICE TO PROMISE TO PROTECT THE USA AND US AND STOP THE HARMS BEING DONE WHICH ARE FAR MORE THAN THE NUMBERS ABOVE… and what I have been warning all about since 12/08 online.
      I am in a group of 20 million that has no safe meds being made now and in my kitchen titrating a violent inflamer out of theophylline which synthesizes oxygen and fights inflammation and few are getting it now as all asthmatics usually took it in a safe form.. but doctors micromanaged by this cabal are not prescribing it once the patient has a bad side effect… when up until a few years ago TECA OUT OF JERUSALEM MADE A SAFE ONE I TOOK FOR NEARLY 20 YEARS.. The FDA contractors keep claiming issues with worksites.. they plowed under the chocolate plants it comes from to plant cocaine plants and keep on pushing the drug epidemic this cabal started back when they took control of er’s etc.. and would not treat the cause of pain and began handing our scripts for narcotics instead. FDA HAS NO IDEA HOW BAD IT IS AS APPROVALS GOT ‘SOLD; IN THE OBAMA ADMINISTRATION AND DRS, PHARMACIES, AND DRUG COMPANIES AS WELL AS POISON CONTROL HAVE NO IDEA WAS IS ADDED TO PILLS ANY MORE AS HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS IS MISSING GIVEN HIS CABAL FOR A DATABASE.. AND WE BECOME WORSES THAN A THIRD WORLD NATION FOR HEALTH CARE AND HEALTH.. and the same is gong on all over the world under his family … fight back to censorship and sign up to be a friend or follower or subscriber to any you still wish to be able to read and access… Thanks to Lisa Haven for doing what she can to warn all..about what she knows. DO NOT GIVE UP AS THERE IS AN ALMIGHTY TO STAND FOR US AND HE HAS PROMISED TO RETURN BUT IN THE MEANTIME WE KEEP ON WITH THE STRUGGLE FOR GOOD AGAINST EVIL ITS NOT EASY BUT CHRIST SAID IT WOULD NOT BE UNTIL EVIL IS BOUND UP AND HE HAS PROMISED TO COME AND HELP THE FINAL STEPS OF THIS.. Linda Joy Adams


        You are so spot on. My pleasure to know you have eyes to see. In 1979 a Russian KGB defector played out the takeover of the U S in a slow and methodacle fashion of infiltration.

        If you do in fact have a problem with inflammation check out C 60. People are starting to make videos of the success.
        C 60 is magic I have been taking it for 3 months and the effects were noticed within a few days.

    • edj1983

      Dumb Kunt

    • stonehillady

      Why would the UN want to have so many of their forces killed, because millions of Americans that are armed would shoot them, especially in fly over America. The only way to take America out is through an EMP attack, no more electricity, wait a couple of weeks, then fumigate the cities from all the dead bodies with drones and then knock everything down or dream up another scenario from a hollywood movie.
      Besides Russia this is the largest land mass nation on Earth, it would take millions of people, who 1/2 of them would die trying to disarm Americans…………..I would leave it all in God’s hand to take care of what he wants to do. If you have arms, you best to make sure you have plenty of bullets, and remember our own military would be fighting along side us.

    • truck driver

      I seen foreigners claiming to be cops say we must kill us veterans and set up people in truck stops by having agents run up to you talking fast asking for money for gas , food, or selling DVDs or CB radios. Or say white smoke, green smoke, blue smoke, white ,green, chicken feed

    • Mighty Snowflake Protector

      Here are some numbers for you.
      In 2017 there were an estimated 34 million hunters in the US.
      There are estimates that gun owners out number hunters anywhere from 3-1 to as high as 5-1.
      US hunters alone could make up the largest army in the world by far.
      Recent estimates say there are around 340 million guns in the US. So you explain how they pull this off?
      Or I will, IT AINT GOING TO HAPPEN!!! :lol:
      But good luck with the click baiting. :idea:

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