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King Solution 11: GCR – How to Gambling to eliminate toxic product, toxic company & the bad people

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King Solution 11GCR – How to Gambling to eliminate toxic product, toxic company & the bad people

Gambling Gambling Gambling !!!

The most powerful tool to unmask everything: the toxin products, toxic companies, the bad guys who are harming everybody & natural Earth.
Unlike other articles in this series King Solution, I will act as a leader of a Nation on Earth and release this powerful letter/speech to the citizens.

Begin Letter


Hello all Nation’s citizens,

Our Land, Our Health are the most sacred & important things, nothing can buy or replace it. But many companies & bad people are damaging it, they are destroying the environment, they are taking advantage of our longervity desire & many other things.

As a leader of this Nation, I am going to release these follow policies so we can all receive a better life, better environment together:

1. Ban all genetically modified organism (GMO) crops/plants, GMO seeds. (30 days from now)

Reason: It is harming and destroying our land & environment. We already have organic heriloom god seeds from natural, there is no good reason to replace with lower quality & more harmful one.
Example: Look at India & Philippines farmers who are suffering because of planted GMO seeds. The plants nearby GMO crops got destroyed.
Unban condition: If GMO owned companies/groups can prove in real life test that GMO crops/plants do not harm the land & environment.

Fine/Punishment: If a person or any group break the rule, both user and the company who produced that GMO seeds/plants will got fined with follow detail:
– 1st time: 10% of the producer company assets, 10% of user assets

– 2nd time: 20% of the producer of company assets, 20% of user assets

– 3rd time: 50% of the producer of company assets, 50% of user assets

– 4th time: 100% of the producer of company assets, all the farming land of that user will be seized.

It is the job of GMO company to recall the toxic, harmful products. If 10 persons/groups violate the rule then 100% assets of the GMO procuder company will be seized.

2. Ban all pesticides, chemtrails & any other artifical chemcial spray on the crops/plants, the Land & Sea (90 days from now)

Reason: It is harming and destroying our land & environment. The final product foods we got in the market contain many of that harmful chemicals.
Example: Look at the worms/bugs, they do not dare to eat fruits/vegetables because of that fruits/vegetable contain the harmful chemical, no matter of the rain & how you wash the products.
Unban condition: If you can prove it does not harming nature, environment, animals & the final products do not contain any harmful chemical.

Fine/Punishment: If a person or any group break the rule, both user and the company who produced that pesticides/chemtrails will got fined with follow detail:
– 1st time: 10% of the producer company assets, 10% of user assets

– 2nd time: 20% of the producer of company assets, 20% of user assets

– 3rd time: 50% of the producer of company assets, 50% of user assets

– 4th time: 100% of the producer of company assets, all the farming land of that user will be seized.

It is the job of “harmful” company to recall the toxic, harmful products. If 10 persons/groups violate the rule then 100% assets of the “harmful” company will be seized.

3. Ban/Restrict all kind of catching/fishing on unclear/dirty water area (sea, lakes, rivers) (360 days from now)

– Unclear/dirty water area is where you cannot see the sea/water bottom floor from above (2meter).

Reason: Many sea/water creatures & animals were designed from Earth God to cleaning the ocean, the lakes, the rivers like the crabs, lobsters, etc.

It is not a totally ban, you can still catch the sea animals if the water area is clear (where you can see the sea/lake/river bottom floor).

1st time: warning.

2nd time: not allow to catching/fishing for 30 days.

3rd time: not allow to catching/fishing for 90 days.

4th time: not allow to catching/fishing for 365 days.

5th time: not allow to catching/fishing for forever.

4. Ban all kind of animal factory farming & toxic animals foods feed (360 days from now)

– Animal Factory: the total size of the place/house where the animals stay & sleep must 10 times larger than the size of all animals size combine (in that place/house). All animals must allowed to be free range/go outside for at least 8 hours a day.

– Ban all kind of hormone/drug shot to the animal, artificial chemical contain in foods.

– Farmers only allow to feed the animal organic natural foods.

Reason: we must respect animals life. The foods from the animals with above conditions you eat everyday is extremely harmful with average human body.

Unban condition: if the animals volunteer agree to take that shot or that toxic foods. And you must prove that the meat from that “unlucky animal” has the same quality as the organic natural one.

1st time: warning.

2nd time: not allow to farming for 90 days.

3th time: not allow to farming for 365 days.

4th time: not allow to farming for forever.

5. Ban/Restrict selling all kind of root vegetables less than 5 years old (360 days from now)

Reason: Population of human & animals are raising, the plants is declining. Without plants/trees we would all die instantly, so we must respect & honor the trees.

It is a restrict rule, you can still allow to sell the root vegetabls from over 5 years old. Of course, if you plant it, then you can do whatever you want no matter age of that plants/trees as long as you do not sell it.

1st time: warning.

2nd time: not allow to sell anything for 30 days.

3rd time: not allow to sell anything for 90 days.

4th time not allow to sell anything for 365 days.

5th time not allow to sell anything for forever.


Knowledge: Do not scare because of the media tell you people need protein from the animals. First, do you know anybody die or have any sickness because of lack the protein? No, there are only people got sick because of overload protein.

Second, There are many other plant-based protein like whole grain bean, rice, nuts, etc.


6. Ban/Restrict Vaccines, Shot, Drugs (30 days from now)

Reason: Many vaccines, drugs of all kind(including doping list) are not as effective as it promoting. It is like selling fake products & scamming people.


– People took flu vaccine, but still receive flu, so what is the point of taking that while you still receive it like other who do not took that flu vaccine, and you wasting money.

– Maria Sharapova took the drug in the “doping list”, but why she only has 4 grandslams and have “surprise” record win 0 lost all (double digit) against the “doping free” Serena Williams?

All the Vaccines & Drugs is banned 30 days from now unless (Unban condition):
– The Pharmacine company must provide a correct video to show what happened inside the human body after taking the vaccines, drugs right after. It must submit to the official goverment website (where all the people can check & watch).

– The vaccine/drug company also must provide a correct effective duration time(to every minutes) after people take that shot/drug. If your “drug” only got effect for few minutes but you claim to a hour or more, you still got heavy fine.

– The company also must provide the correct mechanism of the drug in the box/container/paper where it sell to the customers.

Fine/Punishment: Any drug, pharmachine company who violating the rule, will got fined with follow detail:
1st time: 50% of that company (both procuder & seller)

2st time: 100% of that company (both procuder & seller)

Health is the most important, you cannot allowed to take advantage of the people by selling fake-not working products.

7. Ban/Restrict artifical chemical/preservative in foods/drinks inclduing import (360 days from now)

Reason: Many package foods contain harmful element where human body took much longer to digest & bad for human body system.

Example: if you watch a video show what happen inside the human body after eating fresh hand-made noddle compare to the package noodle (where have many artificial chemical), you will see the different like day & night. The fresh made noddle be digested in few hours while the package full of artifical chemical require several times longer.

Unban condition: the procuder of the foods contain any artifical chemical (including import products) must:

– Have a logo write “Contain artifical chemical”.

– Tell how long average normal human need to digest that foods.

– Have to video show what happen inside human body after eating that food. It must submit to the official goverment website (where all the people can check & watch).


1st time: warning.

2nd time: 10% of that company assets.

3rd time: 20% of that company assets.

4th time: 50% of that company assets, ban forever from selling anything.

8. Ban/Restrict Tobacco, allowing natural ‘smoked-plant’ like marijuana, canabis, hemp(90 days from now)

Reason: Tobacco is harmful to human body & environment, the natural ‘smoked-plant’ like marijuana, canabis, hemp, the natural one is less harmful to human body, friendly with environment and much cheaper.
Unban condition: The Tobacco company must provide a correct video to show what happened inside the human body after smoke/using that tobacco right after. It must submit to the official goverment website (where all the people can check & watch).


1st time: 10% of that company assets.

2nd time: 20% of that company assets.

3rd time: 50% of that company assets.

4th time: 100% of that company assets, ban forever from selling anything.

Natural plant is amazing, do you see the power of coffee? Have any drugs come close to that?

All the natural plant will allow to consume 90 days from now like marijuana, canabis, hemp, etc.

But only allowed in private property & location. You must respect all others & the public area.

Hey to all the media, the scientist, professors: I will resign immediately if you can prove marijuana, canabis is more harmful than artificial-tobacco, but if not all of you must shut down your media network forever. Have gut to gambling? We will use all the technology, observer and the best beings from around Earth as the referee.

9. Transparency all products/goods that contain artificial chemical (360 days from now)

All the goods/prodcucts contain any kind of artificial chemical have to show % of artificial chemical on that goods/products of all kind from chair, table, cloth, shoes to technology device & others. The company have that number, you must let the customers know the detail of what are they going to buy.

Example: if you product have 20% artificial ingredients, then you must show is as “20% Artificial Chemical” on the products/goods.


1st time: 10% of that company assets.

2nd time: 20% of that company assets.

3rd time: 50% of that company assets.

4th time: 100% of that company assets, ban forever from selling anything.

Do not worry farmers, fishers, all of you will receive heavy support from the Government (total 5 years of your income) in this transition period. So you can start a new type of farming, the organic permalculture farming where everybody happy.

I am not playing words, the people of this land ready & willing to set new type of law call “Law of Land” where that law can only be changed if most people of the land agree, no judge, politician is allowed to alter that law no matter who is the President.
Example: if 80% of people agree today, the policy can only change if 81% of the people agree tomorrow.


That is a fraction of my knowledge, I could go much more deeper to builiding material like natural hempcrete, bamboo but it is too much already for the first part. The system should go & transfer slowly but surely.

It is enough already for Donald Trump going to make a huge announcement to the public + with the Jerusalem, Israel Palestine as I already talked. Should be any moment from now, time mean nothing, it is about the events. Do not forget gambling marijuana versus artificial-tobacco with the media/professors/scientists. #why-Trump-so-smart

All Nation leaders should & must copy and apply the law above too, unless you are the “bad guys”.l

I do not want to help or favour any Nation so the tax plan should be:
– All personal & company type have the same bracket from 1%, 2, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 40, 50%.

It is to unify the nation & unify people. I can set the perfection formation but then the people will be lazy because human have not yet understand and care about Nature.

Government should only collect tax & management. And people should only to pay tax to Government, not other things like have to receive child credit, pension, allowence, have to pay insurance, etc. It is just ridiculously stupid !!!

Citizens only pay Government for the management fees (business words), nothing else.

Above is the hardest part of the GCR.

If no big news on the media I do not think I should post the second part about privacy, spy, freedom of citizens, to the end “the non-physicial products & goods” like online music, in-game money, bitcoin, etc..

The Moon Calling – The Sun Hearing – The Gods of Destruction – The Master of Creation – The King of Evolution


The Mysterious Nature



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