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They Are Coming From Every Continent - Dave Hodges Video

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The title says it all. They (illegal immigrants) are coming from every continent. This report reflects this disturbing trend. Many of these illegal immigrants are not coming here to share the American dream. Being the son of an immigrant, I wholeheartedly understand those motivations. I am talking about people coming here to destroy the American dream. You will not believe what is in the following report.



The Common Sense Show

Published on Jun 3, 2019


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Michael Clancy3 days ago

Everything imaginable and the is useful against us has been/will be weaponized to destroy America. Yet, we sleep walk forward unaware, not caring, worried more about our next selfie than what is coming our way at flank speed. We are truly a sad lot.

Jamie Mamie3 days ago

Thousands from Africa. I already know what you are talking about

Stevie Dunn3 days ago

NOW I’m VERY concerned about an impending Global spread of Ebola Zaire 😱

Becky Madrid3 days ago

Ebola has been detected in Mexico stated by the Mexican Health Institute…what else do I have to say?????

James Moore3 days ago

The Bastards have already stormed into the Southern Border and the media remains quiet about EBOLA! Well FLORIDA MAQUIS and a Navy RN have verified they have cases in McAllen Texas, cases in Nicaragua, Columbia and MEXICO! It is also being reported medical experts believe this strain is AIRBORNE! So, the DEMOCRATS and TRUMP should be proud of themselves! The Democrats impeded protecting our borders, and TRUMP refused to close the border and use the following below powers granted to him to protect our country and people! 1. INSURRECTION ACT 1807 2. NATIONAL DEFENSE AUTHORIZATION ACT NDAA 3. CONSTITUTIONAL POWERS GIVEN EXPRESSLY TO THE PRESIDENT TO PROTECT THE USA FROM INVASION AND ITS PEOPLE FROM HARM. POWERS THAT ALLOW THE PRESIDENT TO BYPASS CONGRESS AND THE SENATE AND JUDICIARY IN THE EVENT THOSE OTHER HOUSES OF OUR GOVERNMENT REFUSED TO PROTECT AMERICA! Trump refused to use ANYTHING to protect AMERICAN SOVEREIGNTY or AMERICAN CITIZENS! NOW WE HAVE AFRICANS FLOODING IN WITH EBOLA, AND THE MEDIA HAS BEEN SILENCED AS TO THE TRUTH OF THIS NIGHTMARE! AMERICA IS NOW A THIRD WORLD NATION! WHAT A GREAT FUTURE OUR KIDS AND GRANDKIDS HAVE NOW HUH?

Amanda Moe2 days ago

45 from Congo were flown into Albany. N.Y. last week….weaponized Ebola

Sam Charters3 days ago (edited)

Military man found dead in New Golas, AZ. ???? He was guarding our borders, they are covering it up!

John Gianiris3 days ago

Imo I would have federalized the NG in the border states and the wall or barrier would have been completed by now. Just my opinion.

Liz Beebe3 days ago

We are being invaded by every country! It has to stop!

Ant Kec3 days ago

This was predicted years ago

Robert Washburn3 days ago

Yep they want their order to come out of Chaos, it has to start somewhere.

Michael Goldman3 days ago

Bio Warfare, 21st century style [appetizer of Candida Auris, with main course of Ebole with 'typhoid Mary Carrier' style for greater impact].

Stephen Turner2 days ago

Close the freaking border already and STOP ALL immigration for the next 20 plus years……deport ALL illegal aliens. That way the LEGAL immigrants can assimilate. Enough is enough….We The People do not want this invasion, we don’t want these diseases coming into the country….as well we DO NOT want this demographic shift away from traditional America. What the left is doing is eliminating the native born Americans by bringing in 3rd worlders that breed like rabbits and will not improve our Republic. They will turn it into the shitholes they came from.

Yudie Kasnik3 days ago

They are flying into Europe then Mexico -

Darlaine Murray3 days ago

I live near Brooks Alberta Canada. We have a long history with African immigrants Somalis in particular. But many others as well. The government subsidizes them to come and work at local meat packing plant JBS which is actually Brazilian Co. anyway they have overtaken the community and absolutely do not attempt to conform or respect our public or general courtesy values. Crime is rampant and much of the violent crime is within their own, like tribal differences. Been getting worse for decades now. Sharia law is on our doorstep here without a doubt.

Casy Leer3 days ago

I’m sorry but your not truly waking anyone until you expose the real issue, Luciferian Satanist Freemason cult’s that literally control all aspects of life in the past to Modern day….

Becky Madrid3 days ago

Everybody saying this all has to stop but no one doing anything. It’s sad that a country that has the most impressive weapons can’t get the coward citizens to do jack S***

Michael Kaiser3 days ago

As Trump sits on his hands and puts democrat Kushner in charge of the border. Send the f-ing Army down there instead of the Mideast, or do you want this infiltration? Soros is laughing and saying “I told you it would work”. Heres a short list of what Trump said he would do and didn’t, build the wall, stop chem trials, lock them/her up, protect our rights, declass JFK docs, declass everything, Make America Great Again, get the troops home, stop the fake wars. There’s more as you know. We the Patriots are losing. Every day that goes by with zero arrests the globalists get stronger and we get weaker. I don’t see that changing because of the inactions of Trump and his deepstate crew. It doesn’t take 2.5 years to make arrests with all the evidence they already have collecting dust in some storage locker. Soros is the money behind the illegals and why he hasn’t been arrest is absolutely insane. WTF

Meliea Perakis3 days ago

I’ve been thinking the same thing. Why are African ppl coming here and and stopping through Mexico first. Very strange.

Paula J3 days ago

i think our enemies are bringing the ebola right on in. Could this mean it’s 1 of many ways to depopulate, maybe like 1 of many things on their evil agenda. Good video Dave! thanks for sharing. Peace..

Armie Ofseven3 days ago

Ebola has been engineered over several years time by a U.S. A. “Research ” facility off the coast of Afrika very near where it made it’s debut on the mainland. It has taken several attempts and limited testing (some on the mainland) before just the right recipe was concocted. Always under the guise of “searching” for a vaccine etc. Rabies was crossed with Ebola , several field tests had to be done to perfect it. They had to have a REAL VACCINE for the Rich and Wealthy as well as some fake ones to try out on the poor and targeted. It had to be airborne and able to be “carried” far and wide (by the military and “immigrants) for proper widespread distribution. Some think ever a “trigger” is part of the “projeckt” in order that once it is pretty much everywhere then a frequency, a spray, or even a “vaccine” will be used. The UN is ready. The “Government” is ready. And now I believe that the Ebola Pandemic is READY and being initiated. The Flaxen Judas Goat will assume his “Emergency Powers” with the excuse of a “National Emergency” and the Military can put into practice their many assorted “Drills” for Quarantines, Forced Vaccinations, Internment Kamps, Control over all food, water, transportation, livestock etc. These powers have already been set up long ago. The IRS, CIA, TA, FBI, Homeland Security , DOJ and all the other “agencies” are ready with their hollow point bullets and Guillotines. The UN thanks to Obama and his “Treatie” with them is ready to assist in taking ALL the guns. The Constitution is Null and Void as soon as the “Emergency” is declared. The Coffins and body bags are ready. Walmart is ready. The 10 FEMA Governors are ready to take over between them ALL the STATES and nulluify their existing govenors. And their main goal is accomplished in that the population is NOT READY and most are DISBELIEVING and not at all AWAKE. will be made correct in their population projections. Mega Death is coming right to your front door, enabeled by your tax dollars, stupidty and lack of critical thought. Live Well Die Well

linda loyan2 days ago

Stock up on ammo you are going to need it

Autocuck 80002 days ago

Every single day that ticks by I feel more certain in my belief that this country is over, and has been over for some time now. Trump was the last Hail Mary this nation had; and let’s be honest, he doesn’t a chance. The best case scenario as we head into the next decade is Balkanization. It’s either that or we finally poke The Bear in Syria hard enough and the mushroom clouds bloom on the horizon.

Root Fukushima2 days ago

Soros died 11/2017. It’s Soros’s sons

RJ FP3 days ago

Thank Obama and the CDC for spreading pestilence and diseases.

Coming Kingdom2 days ago

George Washingtons vision talks about a omen from Africa.

Eric Allen2 days ago

Thank you very much Dave! We need more info! You are doing an outstanding job! 👍. Please, keep us informed!🇺🇸☝

Roger Cunningham3 days ago

Thanks Dave 👍

Keith Simpson3 days ago

Saw a report that several cases of Ebola have already been found in Texas and the LSM, the lame stream media, is covering it up. Can anyone confirm this with a hard, factual report?

Beth Depot – Jackson3 days ago

From what I heard they were having direct flights from the DR straight to the US, starting soon. If they don’t know how or where the Ebola virus started”this time” & with conflicting reports that almost make it sound like possiblity air borne, it will hit our shores and will be devastation for our country and our people. ??

Johnny Kat2 days ago

so close so very very close but still no cigar for you dave .. “94% of Homeland Security (DHS) Grants to Enhance Security Goes to Jewish Groups” (((they))) don’t care about you, (((they))) want you dead oy vey 8Þ

Dan Mayer2 days ago


Don Johnson2 days ago (edited)

Just like the pilgrims did to the native indians brought diseases that nearly wiped them out, ironic its going to happen to us with the migrants flooding into this country as we speak 👏😂

Bert Trim3 days ago

You can bet that the CDC has the Patent for every strain of Ebola known to man. They’ve been working on them for years. And they probably have a vaccine.  “God Damn Eugenicists.” This Gates guy sure is becoming a pain in the ass.

NORMA BISHOP2 days ago

It is part of the plan to take down America. America will be gone pretty soon.


Suzanne Fronzaglio3 days ago

My question is hpw are these “far-away” migrants trekking here? Who’s flying them in? Where are they landing? Guatemala? Honduras? Mexico? Then walking? Trains? Buses? Someone do some good journalism and film and capture the points of origins that these migrants coming from these far-away countries are starting from!! And find out just “HOW” they are answering this “call to immigrate here to the US!!

David Baker3 days ago

Who is shipping them in down south

florida girl 73 days ago

We are so screwed!

Trina holliday2 days ago

Holy cow!!!! What can we do Dave to stop this??????

Eric Allen2 days ago

Today it’s EBOLA, Tomorrow it’s Anthrax, next week it’s bubonic plague, next month or who knows when it’s Roundup time!! Never get on the Bus! 🇺🇸☝ Keep on the Watch America!🇺🇸☝💪 Be Ready, Stay Ready!! We must stand Tall, America is our Home!! We must be ready, willing and able to protect and Defend our Home!! AGAINST ALL ENEMIES, FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC!! 🇺🇸💪👆! STAY STRONG! BE PROUD! STAY READY! 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸! ONE IF BY LAND! TWO IF BY SEA!! THREE IF BY AIR!!!

john jenkins3 days ago

Ebola the gift that keeps on giving thanks to the Democrats and their illegal aliens crossing our borders.

John Smith2 days ago

It’s bad enough we almost had an outbreak in Virginia in the 80’s and now they are importing it in and we are not prepared!

Flo Hammond3 days ago

We are in deep deep doo doo. Has this supposed airborne strain been confirmed? Do we all need to go out and get gas masks or some such thing? Airborne will kill a s*^t load of people(of course that’s the elites plan…). Is there any protection against such a thing?… where is alt media on this Ebola issue? I haven’t heard anything there(except here…)either.

Robert Cunningham2 days ago

You’re right 100% on the Ebola ide

Starali Mistriel2 days ago

SUGGESTION: Stock up. For water cleaning the impromptu cheap way utilizing HTH pool sanitizer BLEACH or unscented household bleach (and look up the directions, plus write down directions on how to use it, practice now so you are ready and KNOW). You might want to invest in a sprayer smaller hand held and gallon sized. Stock up on a range of Anti-biotics, do a search, and follow preceding directions. Have face masks, face shields even better, disposible gloves and gowns, because should these diseases be in your realm, these are critical things you need. It is a WAR, folks! Do you think that the medical people, urgent care places, and hospitals are NOT going to have crowds overwhelming them???? Do you want further exposure to the disease at such places? Stop and think hard before doing anything. Read up, stay informed, prepare now.

Joe Crawford3 days ago

Hi Dave, thanks for the info, this is the first I’ve heard of Africans coming across the southern border.. I must see more about this

Becky Madrid3 days ago

400,000,000 people own guns in USA….so where are you????

Lucie Rachedi3 days ago

In the region where the new border wall was built, you normally get Guatemalans but when they started getting Brazilians everyone knew that they were not walking. Have heard just recently about Venezuelans in Tijuana. Hondurans usually cross the Rio Grande near Eagle Pass TX. Across the Grande is Piedras Negras MX.

Darlaine Murray3 days ago

Had to come back to this Canadian scenario with African and other Muslim Immigration. Here’s a ‘riddle me this ‘. Look up islamophobia in Canada on Wikipedia. Look at the stats that brought federal law as crime to (even insult) a Muslim in Canada. Ok so this is Nationally for the year of 2012 there were 45 incidents which rose to 159 incidents nationally for the whole year of 2015. Seriously. Math: population 37,060,000. At 45 in 2012 is affects .00012 person per year. Laws came about because it grew after 3 years of continued immigration to an alarming .00031 person per year in our country. WHAT. Canadians need to come alive here❤️🙏🏻

Pàula Holloway3 days ago

epidemic of proportion coming?

Ben Casarez3 days ago

howd you get here??? 🤔…

A Thought Crime2 days ago

The statists will wish it was measles.

Preston Robert3 days ago

It’s ridiculous all chasing a ball. It’s a racket.

jwayne2k3 days ago

1:48 A: They Swim

Rodger Cottrill1 day ago

World leaders bring t them .


linda loyan2 days ago

I hope who is bringing them here gets abola or how ever it’s spelled also crazy Democrats

Orie Pierce1 day ago

Soros and all his cronies need to be eliminated. Terminated.

Hodge Podge2 days ago

They are flying to other country probably France then to Cuba then to Mexico. Bringing in the dormant Disease Ebola with them. Yea like Oprah everybody gets mandatory Vaccines, Quarantine Camps, and Ebola.

American Girl3 days ago

Free Ebola for the U.S. compliments of George Soros, psychopath and fake Jew so he could get American citizenship.

linda loyan2 days ago

When is the American people going to wake up and see Democrats don’t care about you only thing they want is power doesn’t matter to them if your children die Please people let’s start fighting the real enemy and Trump isn’t it it’s the Democrats They are out to ruin our lives They think the people will believe what ever they say they think you are stupid please before it’s too late let’s fight them with all we got or you will be living like rats fighting for a slice of bread yet they will be eating steak Let’s show them who is boss



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    • Slimey

      8 years of the Negro has left America WIDE OPEN. The Negro installed radical leftist like him. They took over your government and became even more powerfool and corrupt.

      You should begin to HANG each and everyone of them – NOW! :twisted:

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