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Dr. Paul Byrne Warns Of The Reality Of Organ Donations: DONORS STILL ALIVE WHEN ORGANS REMOVED (Video)

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Several countries have already taken it upon themselves to make their citizens organ donors when they obtain a driver’s license.  Some states, such as Nevada, have pushed for the same thing.  Maybe you are like I was and think organ donations are ok and are there to save lives.  We couldn’t have been more wrong, and ghoulishly wrong at that, according to Dr. Paul Byrne.  Bryne warns that organ donors are still very much alive when it’s time to start removing organs from their bodies to transplant to another for massive amounts of money.

It’s blood money.  Watch and see.  A full transcript follows.

Hello, I’m Dr Paul Byrne.  I’m a pediatrician and neonatologist who has studied the issues of brain death and related matters extensively for many years.

At the license bureau, you’re asked, ‘Do you want to be an organ donor?”  What I’d like to share with you is some information that will help you to answer that question.

The best organs for transplantation are from a person less than 30 years of age on a ventilator with a beating heart and circulation of the blood.  The donor’s declared brain dead.  To declare brain death, the life-supporting ventilator is disconnected for as long as 10 minutes.  Imagine no breaths for 10 minutes!  A person is alive until dead.  There’s no in between.  A person close to death is living and not dead.  You are a living person until dead.

At death, the soul separates from the body, leaving on Earth the dead remains: A dead body, a body without life, a body without a soul.

To begin, I will tell you about baby Joseph, the patient who caused me to investigate and study brain death.  This is a photograph of baby Joseph.  He was born prematurely.  You can see that he is small.  To give you some idea, this adhesive tape is a half-inch in width.  Joseph was connected to a ventilator and treated on the ventilator for about three weeks.  At that time, he would respond.  He wouldn’t move.  A brainwave test was done.  It was reported as consistent with cerebral death and was repeated in about 48 Hours.  Unchanged from the previous one, it was suggested to stop treating Joseph.  We continued to treat him and here’s a photograph of Joseph when he was about seven years old.  As Joseph got older, Joseph married and is the father of three children.

Joseph, and every human person, is one specific unique person with a soul and body in unity.  During life, there’s interdependence of cells, tissues and organs.  No single organ, not even the brain, is the integrator of the body.  Life on Earth is like a line that can be drawn.  It has its beginning, it has its ups, it has its downs.  They’re important events in life:  Birth is an important event, graduating from high school.

Life on Earth ends.

The living person changes to the dead remains at death.  At death, the soul separates, the living person is changed to the dead remains.  What remains is a dead body without life, a corpse, a cadaver, a body separated from the soul.  A person is alive or dead.  There’s no in between.  At death, there is destruction, disintegration, dissolution.  Death ought not to be declared unless the circulatory and respiratory systems and entire brain have been destroyed.

Organs for transplantation need to be healthy organs.  Where do you get healthy, non-damaged organs?  From a person less than 30 years of age.  Although they will take organs from almost any age, the majority of organs are from a patient who has had a brain injury or not enough oxygen to the brain or an overdose of drugs.

The patient is declared ‘brain dead’, also known as neurological criteria for the declaration of death.  The patient on a ventilator with a beating heart, circulation and respiration.  The patient has been declared ‘brain dead’.  The criteria for brain death are primarily those that can be done at the bedside:  No response to painful stimulus, no response to some of the brain stem reflexes, shine a light in the eye and get no pupil response, no blink.  When ice water is put in the ear, there’s no evidence of movement of the eye.

The apnea test is done to determine if the patient can take a breath on their own.  The ventilator only delivers air to the lungs.  There’s a difference between ventilation and respiration.  Respiration is the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide that takes place in the lungs and via the circulation in all tissues of the body.  Respiration is done by a living person.  Respiration cannot happen in a cadaver.  The ventilator itself does not make the heart beat.

The apnea test, and incidentally the apnea test is not a test for sleep apnea, is done by taking the ventilator, which is supporting the life of that person,… the ventilator is disconnected for up to 10 minutes.  Imagine no breaths for 10 minutes.  That’s missing as many as 200 breaths if the ventilator is going at 20 cycles a minute.  The patient must prove he or she can take in a breath without a ventilator or is labeled brain dead.  Then, it’s legal to stop the beating heart, to cut out the heart and other vital organs.  You must know and you must tell your friends and your relatives saying, ‘No no no” to the apnea test.

Some people think that brain death means flat brain waves when, in fact, it’s not required to do brainwave testing before declaration of brain death. It’s also not required to do more sophisticated testings like CAT scans, MRIs, or blood flow studies, angiograms or ultrasound.

When tests are done for circulation, it’s sometimes reported as no observation of circulation.  It’s important to know that no observation of circulation is not evidence of no circulation.  When declared brain dead, the patient has a beating heart, circulation, digest food, makes urine, maintains temperature, wounds heal, they fight infection, they get fever when cut into to take their organs, the heart rate and blood pressure increases.  Brain death and neurological criteria considers all of these as not meaningful to being alive.  None of these happen in a cadaver.  Brain death is not true death.  When a patient declared brain dead is continued to be treated, they can live a long time.  I told you about baby Joseph.

TK, a four-year-old boy who had meningitis, was declared brain dead.  He lived more than 20 years.

Jahi McMath, thirteen-year-old girl in California who had tonsil surgery and was declared brain dead and had a death certificate in California, transferred to New Jersey where she lived most of the time at home.  She lived more than four years.  When she did die, she died of something other than what was related to her brain.

Allen, a seven-year-old boy who almost drowned, lives at home with his mother and father and brothers and sisters now for more than seven years.

Zach Dunlap, a 20-year-old young man in Oklahoma who was declared brain dead, had a cousin who did another test and got a response that stopped the helicopter that was landing to take his organs.

All of these patients have a relative or someone who speaks up to protect the life of the person.  Often, they instruct NO to the apnea test.

What can you do about this?

You can have a medical opt-out card to protect and preserve your life.  You can get this at  What does the card say?  Incidentally, you could make one for yourself.  The most important thing it says is ‘I direct all medical treatments and care, including nutrition and hydration (that’s food and water), however administered, be given to protect and preserve my life.  Do not hasten my death.  Do not do an apnea test.  Do not take any organ for transplantation or any other purpose.”

In conclusion then, the soul is the life of the body.  When dead, it’s a body without a soul. No one ought to be declared dead unless the respiratory, circulatory systems and the entire brain have been destroyed.  When declared ‘brain dead,’ taking of organs begins while the heart is beating with circulation and respiration.

Now that you have this information, do you really want to be an organ donor?

Article posted with permission from Sons of Liberty Media

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