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Why Did The Mainstream Media Have Photographers Embedded With Hamas Terrorists On October 7th, Did They Have Advance Notice Of Attacks?

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Photographers from the Associated Press and Reuters appear to have been embedded with Hamas terrorists as they executed terrorist attacks against Israel on October 7, according to a new report from Honest Reporting, a media watchdog.

Imagine that you were so hungry for worldly fame and riches that you could willingly agree to be embedded with Hamas terrorists, using your photographic talent to take photos of them as they kidnapped elderly Jews, raped young Jewish girls, and slaughtered 1,400 souls on October 7th. But wait, you say to me, no one living just one generation after the Holocaust would do that, you cry. Oh but they did, happily and willingly, all of them vying for the coveted ‘Photographer Of The Year’ award. The photo at the top of this article is proof.

Therefore, behold, the days come, saith the LORD, that this place shall no more be called Tophet, nor The valley of the son of Hinnom, but The valley of slaughter.” Jeremiah 19:6 (KJB)

The so-called journalists who were imbedded with Hamas, these photographic prostitutes for hire, are accessory to murder with the blood of dead Jews dripping off their hands. The Associated Press, the New York Times, CNN, Reuters, every single one of them who did this need to be tried in a court of law with Jewish jurors. For if not, then we are truly back in the days of Auschwitz, Ravensbrück and Sachsenhausen. The mainstream media is a blight on humanity, and an enemy to freedom and decency everywhere.

Mainstream Outlets Had Photographers Embedded With Hamas As October 7 Terror Attack Unfolded: Report

FROM THE DAILY WIRE: Photos posted by the news agencies of the surprise terrorist attack on Israel include ones showing terrorists breaking the gates to Kibbutz Kfar Aza, where residents were caught completely off guard and dozens were murdered. Photos also show that photographers were on the scene as terrorists took civilians such as Shani Louk hostage, and attacking Israeli tanks on the other side of the Gaza border.

SOURCE ARTICLE: Photographers Without Borders: AP & Reuters Pictures of Hamas Atrocities Raise Ethical Questions

nteb-christian-bookstore-saint-augustine-florida-32095-israel-jews-king-james-bible-prophecy-300The photos raise serious questions about whether the news agencies had advance knowledge that the terrorist attacks were taking place. The four individuals credited by the Associated Press for images of the attacks — Hassan Eslaiah, Yousef Masoud, Ali Mahmud, and Hatem Ali — are all photographers based in Gaza, where it was revealed in 2021 that the Associated Press shared office space with the terrorist group.

One of the photographers, Hassan Eslaiah, has reportedly been pictured getting kissed by a top Hamas operative who is said to be one of the chief architects of the deadly terrorist attacks, which killed over 1,400 and have led to a massive war with Israel.

Eslaiah’s social media posts from the day, which have since been deleted but were preserved by Honest Reporting, show he was on the scene. “Live from inside the Gaza Strip settlements,” he wrote along with an image of himself with a burning Israeli tank.

After publication of this article, a spokeswoman for the Associated Press denied any advance knowledge of the attack.

“The Associated Press had no knowledge of the Oct. 7 attacks before they happened,” said Nicole Meir. “The role of the AP is to gather information on breaking news events around the world, wherever they happen, even when those events are horrific and cause mass casualties. AP uses images taken by freelancers around the world, including in Gaza.”

Reuters did not respond to a request for comment. The New York Times and CNN, which both have worked with the photographers in question, also did not respond to inquiries.

Honest Reporting is operated by Gil Hoffman, a veteran Israeli journalist who worked as a political correspondent for the Jerusalem Post for decades. The media watchdog says the “audience deserves to know” how photographer’s real-time knowledge of the terrorist attacks came about. Residents in neighborhoods attacked by Hamas were caught completely off-guard and waited several hours for help to arrive.

“When international news agencies decide to pay for material that has been captured under such problematic circumstances, their standards may be questioned and their audience deserves to know about it,” the watchdog writes. “And if their people on the ground actively or passively collaborated with Hamas to get the shots, they should be called out to redefine the border between journalism and barbarism.”

The mainstream media has come under fire for its handling of Israel’s war against Hamas, with outlets such as the New York Times and others treating false claims by Hamas as facts — such as that the Israelis killed hundreds with a strike on a hospital, when in reality it was a terrorist missile that hit the facility. The New York Times is actively publishing stories from a freelance reporter in Gaza who has proclaimed admiration for Adolf Hitler. READ MORE

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The post Why Did The Mainstream Media Have Photographers Embedded With Hamas Terrorists On October 7th, Did They Have Advance Notice Of Attacks? appeared first on Now The End Begins.


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    • Justin Case

      The Mossad will be coming for them soon. All they need is a face and a name. And all the killers whose faces were shown will be tracked down and dealt with. You can bet the hit teams are already working on it. All the upper echelon leaders will be targeted too…

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