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Labor Day food safety amid high temperatures

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Food safety becomes paramount as Americans prepare for Labor Day celebrations featuring outdoor cookouts and picnics, especially with forecasts predicting high temperatures across much of the United States. The heat adds a layer of challenge to food handling, increasing the risk of foodborne illnesses if precautions are not followed.

Key practices to prevent the risks of food poisoning include proper cooling and packing of food, maintaining food temperatures, and rigorous handwashing.

Click to enlarge. Courtesy of the USDA

Cooling and packing food
One of the most common mistakes during picnics and outdoor gatherings is improperly cooling of freshly cooked food. Foods must be cooled quickly and stored in shallow containers for immediate refrigeration or transportation. This prevents bacterial growth that can occur between 40 degrees F and 140 degrees F, known as the “danger zone.”

Maintaining cold foods and hot foods
To combat potential food safety issues in the heat, it’s crucial to keep cold foods cold and hot foods hot. Ice packs or frozen gel packs should be used in coolers for cold foods, while insulated containers are recommended for keeping hot foods steaming until serving.

Placement and handling of coolers
Where you place your cooler can significantly affect food safety. The USDA advises keeping coolers in the passenger area of a car rather than the trunk during transport and placing them in the shade at picnic sites, underlining the need to keep the cooler closed until food is needed.

Handwashing and surface sanitization
Thorough handwashing is essential when preparing and serving food, particularly when handling raw meat or poultry. If running water is unavailable, hand sanitizers and disposable towels are the next best options, though not as effective.

Proper grilling techniquesPRO Grilling
Grilling is a favorite Labor Day activity but requires careful attention to ensure food safety. Using a food thermometer to check the internal temperatures of meats is crucial. The USDA provides clear guidelines on the minimum safe temperatures for various meats, ensuring they are cooked sufficiently to kill harmful bacteria.

You can reduce and avoid foodborne illnesses from cooking meat or poultry on the grill by following these three tips from the USDA.

  • P — Place the Thermometer

When you think your food is cooked, check the internal temperature by inserting a thermometer into the thickest part of the meat, usually about 1.5 to 2 inches deep.  If you are cooking a thinner piece of meat, like hamburger patties, insert the thermometer from the side. Make sure that the probe reaches the center of the meat.

  • R — Read the Temperature, in due time

Wait about 10 to 20 seconds for an accurate temperature reading. Use the following safe internal temperature guidelines for your meat and poultry.

  1. Beef, Pork, Lamb, and Veal (steaks, roasts, chops) and Fish: 145 degrees F (63 degrees C) with a 3-minute rest time.
  2. Ground meats: 160 degrees F (71 degrees C)
  3. Whole poultry, whole and cut pieces of poultry, and ground poultry: 165 degrees F (74 degrees C)
  • O — Off the Grill

Once the meat and poultry reach their safe minimum internal temperatures, take the food off the grill and place it onto a clean platter. Don’t put cooked food on the same platter that held raw meat or poultry. Also, remember to clean your food thermometer probe with hot, soapy water or disposable sanitizing wipes between uses.

As September is also Food Safety Education Month, this is an opportune time to remind everyone of these critical practices, ensuring that the holiday is not only enjoyable but safe from food-related illnesses.

(To sign up for a free subscription to Food Safety News, click here.)


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