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Online customer service hyperventilation, AI hyperbole, Middle East hypocrisy and hyperactive Trumpophobia

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D’you know, it’s a rum sort of thing this, but there were ever such a lot of help teams online yesterday experiencing heavier than usual help-call volumes, and thus asking for my patience in the face of live chats that never actually went live, or signs of bot-typing that suddenly fell silent.

In fact overall, “we’ll be with you shortly” turned into a long twenty-seven minutes during which there was not only a dearth of live chats but also a dark alley full of dead cats.

There were also lots and lots of emails asking had I tried this or that solution but marking themselves ‘No Reply’.

And furthermore – you’ll never guess what: as if things weren’t already mammaries skywards enough vis a vis censorship of unwelcome comment threads, and a WordPress affiliate trying to get money out of my bank under false pretences – the bank concerned not only declined to release funds to the said affiliate [smart move] it also blocked the release of all funds to any of my kosher suppliers….one of whom then cancelled my blog-mailing campaign on the strength of the [not smart, in fact entirely idiotic] decision of the trigger-happy bank – thus screwing up a carefully crafted post about unaccountable government departments.

It was, if you like, a collision between inflexibility and illegality.

The long and winding road that ensued was replete with ‘click here’ buttons that were dead, ‘Click button below’ [said button being absent] and the inevitable bot response, “I’m sorry I didn’t quite catch that, can you say it again speaking slowly and clearly please?”.

Sorrreeee, Iyeee sayed I wooooood rarrrrthuuuur taarrrlllk tooooo a lyeeeeve huuuman beeeeeingggg than a digitoooool transinhuuuuuman arrressshowelll

The saga began at 9.40 am and retired hurt at ten past noon (it takes a long time to manually download 4,315 email addresses – especially when you have one eye on a “holding” smartphone, and the other on the bank’s St Vitus-dance desire to log you out due to inactivity on its part) so I went for my normal morning brisk walk which had become abnormally afternoon in nature. This wasn’t so much a capitulation on my part as a desire for rehabilitation in the material Universe.

When I returned to the laptop, there was but one lone voice from the bankbot. It had typed, “Are you still there?” and so I escalated my service complaint and finally reached a Scottish variant of Homo sapiens for a Real Time Actual Live man-to-woman comms session, aka a telephone conversation.

Between us, we solved the multivariate impasse in a little under eight minutes.

I went to the beach, swam in the sea, discussed equestrian stuff with two horse-riding blokes clip-clopping through the shallows, and returned to my apartment.

All drama had returned to something approaching normal.

Six hours had been wasted by a false belief that technology must by definition equal progress.

What I am making here is a radical appeal for realism, and it goes like this:


Does this make me a Luddite? No, it doesn’t. Luddites opposed improvements in mechanisation and mass production efficiency during a period of history when (a) cheap food and clothing seemed a near win-win for the emerging urban working classes and (b) economic innovation and growth still held the tempting concept of eternal full employment.

There is absolutely no way that, in 2024, such a view of humanity’s near future bears any resemblance at all to that essentially early nineteenth century reality of slow population growth, limited lifespans and ever-expanding demand for factory labour.

AI is not a cotton Mill, but it is Satanic: a deadly form of community destruction based on the Godless and heartless greed of our times.

The only things it delivers to the sovereign good citizen discerning consumer – out to realise his or her full potential – are anger, frustration, needlessly wasted time and profound suspicion of ulterior motives.

And if you think that’s a good thing in any civilised culture, then the chances are you hob-nob with – or look up to – sociopaths called Macron, Biden, Harris, Von der Leyen, Kerry, Starmer, Harman, Sunak, Ardern, Blair, Dimon, May, Johnson, Reeves, Ghebreyesus and Pelosi et al ad nauseam.

Work your way through the names listed above, and you will grasp that the age of political Party affiliation is now well and truly over. A Democrat called Harris? A Socialist called Starmer? A Republican called Trump? A Centrist called Macron? A Labour leader called Blair?

You have to be kidding, right?

Going forward, there are only two Earthly groupings:

Free Speech mutualist libertarian tribal nationalist entrepreneurial capitalists


Totalitarian top-down ideological monopoly diktat globalist hegemony

Note here, by the way, that I use the word “and” to separate the two groups….not “versus”.

Regardless of what Elon Musk thinks, this is the only planet we’ve got right now – so co-existence has to be a given.

The sole serious danger we face is the desire of one quasi-religious ideology to try and wipe out what it sees as the enemy.

Pay attention all you hard-hats in Beijing, Tel Aviv, Washington, Kyiv and Tehran.

The last of those – the Iranian Ayatollah land formerly known as Persia – is turning out to be more than just a religiously inflexible and viciously repressive hive of fundamentalist fanatics; when the mood takes it, it can be very flexible indeed on the subject of what the Islamist scriptures say about chucking nuclear weapons around.

The hypocrisy of the Tehran regime never ceases to amaze me. In fact, it’s only surpassed by the dumbo insistence of the US secret services that they can do “do deals” with these wannabe Caliphate creators.

In 2003, Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei categorically asserted in a written edict, “We believe that adding to nuclear weapons and other types of weapons of mass destruction, such as chemical weapons and biological weapons, are a serious threat to humanity…and we consider the use of these weapons must be forbidden…..the effort to protect mankind from this great disaster is everyone’s duty.”

But that was then, and this is now. As Scott Ritter observes, ‘….the Shia faith holds that fatwas are not inherently permanent, and Islamic jurists can reinterpret the scripture in accord with the needs of time…. Shortly after Iran launched Operation True Promise against Israel last April, Ahmad Haghtalab [left] an Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) commander responsible for the security for Iran’s nuclear sites, declared “If [Israel] wants to exploit the threat of attacking our country’s nuclear centers as a tool to put pressure on Iran, it is possible and conceivable to revise the Islamic Republic of Iran’s nuclear doctrine and policies to deviate from previously declared considerations.”’

So there you have it: Shias are obviously open to argument and ready and willing to change their minds. You see, it’s all about the needs of time and the capacity to turn Israel into a nuclear pancake.

For nearly forty years now, I have retained a simple view of the Middle East on-off Lebensraum military insanity. The entire issue is riddled with careless use of language designed to promote the various agendas of the sociopaths [on and off-stage] involved in what has always been a quadrophony of historical horseshit.

The key factors at play in the Middle East are expansionist Zionism, fundamentalist Islam, American insistence on access to energy and the never-ending taste for quick-fix botches cobbled together by those who know three-fifths of nothing about the region’s history.

Washington’s bumboy, the yob Netanyahu, can drivel on forever about “the promised Land”, but the empirical diasporas of the Middle East – frequently caused in the Sixth century, as it happens, by terrified semites trying to escape the guillotine tendencies of the Mohammedan converters – make a nonsense of little Benny’s fantasies. And were it not for the existence of vast energy resources in the Middle East, the meddling interference of UN lackeys and US diplomats would be absent. (These are, of course, the same fossil fuels the climate loons and hegemony-nut liars insist we can do without by using only “renewable” energy…that is often only renewable with the help of fossil-fuel generation).

You really couldn’t make it up.

The mess is not and never has been about Jews v Arabs or Israelis v Palestinians. For a start, many Jews around the world do not always agree with Israeli intransigence, the majority of Israelis are not Zionists, and most Iranians are not Arabs.

The conflict is about energy access, historico-religious extremism, ham-fisted diplomacy, false flags, covert military expansionist goals and political careerist dick-size playground stuff from Washington to Brussels via Paris, Moscow and London.

As long as the crisis is perpetually reheated and funked by the likes of Biden, Starmer, Netanyahu, Ahmad Haghtalab, Blinken and the UN’s limp-wristed Tor Wennesland, there will be no solution.

Only a genuine demand by all the major geopolitical players acting in concert – to have all combatants forcibly disarmed alongside a rigorously policed ban on all arms sales to the region – is going to bring the culprits to the negotiating table, if not to their senses.

And that is never going to happen.

We could, of course, appoint Gates as a special envoy to the Middle East, explaining that all the hate-spittingleaders should get round a table and negotiate a lasting peace by next weekend, or face mandatory vaccination with Bill’s new mRNA drug that guarantees protection against dementia by killing the patient before cerebral confusion has a chance to take hold.

Not for the first time, I find myself wondering why we call ourselvesHomo sapiens. Homo insaniam would be far more appropriate.

A month ago, I posted about the motives behind US Dollar depreciation, remarking that ‘the captive US mainstream “news” sector seem keen right now to knock the depreciation policy by trying to pin the whole shambles on Donald Trump’.

The Demonise-Donald virus has now spread to the IMF. The IMF is a front for US neocon diplomatic BS, and has always been firmly behind everything deemed “necessary” by the crewcut Ray Ban sporting liberal democracy usurpers. Today it concludes that Trump’s depreciation of the Big Buck ‘can only rebound badly on the global economy’.

But the International Monied Fucktards spectacularly fail to mention that the Harris POTUS promise vis a vis the Dollar’s valuation is exactly the same as the Trumpenomic approach.

No bias to be seen here, folks. Move along, please.

Meanwhile, the UK’s Prime Minister Steer Calmer is busy Stateside with a hand-picked Labour Party team pitching in on the Holy War to put Klepto Kamala into the White House.

Don’t remember reading about that in Labour’s election manifesto. I really must learn to pay closer attention to such things.

However, it does remind one of an Obama mirror-image pitch to try and stop the UK Brexit move in 2015.

Remember: there is no coordinated New World Order agenda….it’s all just silly conspiracy theory.


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