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Quite a few news items in the ‘Muslims behaving badly’ category: Links 1 for Aug 23, 2024

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Very tricky to keep up with all the horror going on right now. The Kennedy speech was a very bright light in an increasingly dark hole. And for those of you on Twitter, his own family is trying to use zero accomplishments but the power of the family name to shame and stop him. Truly sad. And somewhat spoiled and desperate one might also think.

1. Nine people stabbed at a Diversity Festival in Solingen. MUCH more on this to come of course. For the moment, just a quick nothing on it.

I would hazard a guess that it was a Muslim since, well it always is pretty much. But they are starting to jail people for that particular estimate now, at least in the UK. Not if we guessed it was a Neo-Nazi or a classical liberal like the AfD who they paint as Neo-Nazis. If we made that guess it would be repeated on German TV.

2. Islamic State Muslims staged some kind of revolt in a Russian prison and killed some guards and did lots of horrible things. Chances are the videos will all be available at RAIR Foundation at some point soonish.

Russian special forces free hostages taken by four men linked to Islamic State

Prisoners who carried out attack that left several guards dead at high-security jail ‘liquidated’, says national guard

Russian special forces have freed hostages taken by four men linked to the Islamic State who carried out an attack at a high-security prison in the southern Volgograd region, resulting in the deaths of several prison guards.

Russia’s national guard announced in a statement that special forces snipers “liquidated” all four hostage-takers before the colony was stormed and the hostages were freed.

Earlier on Friday four prisoners identifying themselves as Islamic State militants staged a deadly attack on guards at the penal colony and seized 12 hostages, most of whom were prison guards. Prison authorities later reported that the attackers had stabbed four prison guards to death and injured three others.

The incident happened during a meeting of the prison’s disciplinary commission, the prison service said.

It was way worse than that. They ritually slaughtered a guard after torturing him with a knife, then had him kneel, then slit his throat. I did see the video.

3. Muslim Houthi proxies for Islamic Republic of Iran took down a massive oil tanker in the gulf. Fortunately all the sailors are safe. but there is in fact a true environmental catastrophe as a result. But, as Greta Thunburg, who said nothing at all about this spill does say, “No climate Justice on Occupied Land!” which is guess means you can spill all the oil you want if it means Hurting the US and Israel.

4. Check out the Muslim deputy Mayor of Toronto using communist language to justify the total removal of all forms of border control and to make ALL ILLEGAL migrants into documented Canadians. Among the many dialectical weapons she uses, the conflation of being anti-immigrant to demonize those who want rational vetted immigration is the most irksome. It is in effect conflating giving someone a glass of water with drowning them.

5. To really get this one, which the original poster may not, one has to expand one’s cynicism beyond the healthy…

The maker of the video above actually does answer his own question but doesn’t know it.

The tax on cigarettes in Canada is enormous. The likely reason Trudeau wants to ban relatively safe smoking cessation products would be to get them back on real cigarettes. It is the only thing that tracks along with all his legalization of truly dangerous drugs like Fentanyl while pretending that these items are bad for one’s health.

Again, to understand Trudeau, one has to think like a communist psychopath. Anyone can do it. It just feels really, really bad when you do.

This may be a good time to mention something which, while not a theme on this site, probably should be.

I do not hate Trudeau. I can’t afford to. Hatred is a luxury because it ends all reason. You cannot understand a person’s motives or behaviour if you love them or hate them. Either way you are running a subroutine in your head that eliminates any potential for objective thought. I would venture to guess that the state has been injecting hatred into the culture in as many ways as it can purely for that exact reason. If the song, “United we Stand, Divided we fall” is accurate, then divided we must be, And the best way to do that is irrational hatred. Hatred of the unvaxxed, of Trump supporters, of Jews, of “Zionists”, of Russians or Ukrainians or capitalists or anyone you can call a “Nazi”.Colonialists etc.

Once you hate a thing you cannot think of a way to defeat it. You will just create a tar baby if you try with that mindset.

In other news, today was supposed to be the last day of the Tamara Lich and Chris Barber trial. It wasn’t of course. The Crown wants to rebut the closing statements of the defence. Which is weird. Like the prosecution has to have the last word. Which… doesn’t seem that presumption of innocence to me.

I can’t say much about the morning’s proceedings in court.

But I would like to say something about Tamara Lich and her character.

She was outside the court with her bodyguard, which thanks to the hatred against convoy people ginned up by the CBC and other dialectical weapons in Canada she truly needs, when an older woman walking on the slick stone floor of the courthouse fell and grabbed a rail ribbon and one of the posts that holds it up, and then hit the floor. There were about 15 people standing around and no one moved. But Tamara was over there like a shot to help her up. She ran past her bodyguard without a moment’s hesitation and helped the woman to her feet and saw if she needed more help.

THAT, is Tamara Lich.

Thank you all for your kind attention to this site, and especially to about 9 of you that bought Crosses of Matamoros this week. It helps. It is really appreciated.

If anyone didn’t see the request I put out a few days ago, here is a link to the post.

FYI Stripe denied me an account. So any way of raising funds is becoming quite difficult. But that is the world we live in now. The Maoist Highwayman someday may demand, “Your opinion or your life”. And you better have the right opinion.


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