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Beyond Demigods, Demagogues & Ideologues

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Recording a very nasty explosion in Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesusus Syndrome

My Ass

“Judge a person by what they do when nobody’s looking, not what they say when everyone’s listening”

You may or may not know already, but I’ve had another bout of malaria – hence the silence from Sloggers’ Roost of late. Close Belgian friend here Marten spotted the signs, bundled me into a car and introduced me to the dedicated staff at the West African holistic Health Centre, led by the philanthropic dedication of Chinese medic Dr Ding, and also starring head GP there Dr Jammeh. He and his colleagues cleared the malaria strain up within five days, and we are now working together to bop the gut and bladder meanies that weakness from Big M so kindly allowed free entrance to my ageing body. Signs of full recovery remain good.

This may seem hard to credit, but the more one experiences the different strains of malaria, the more fascinating the disease becomes – its near hallucinogenic effects at times blazing way beyond the purely chemical and into the metaphysical.

While we talk about developing cancer, having a heart attack, suffering a stroke, catching flu or contracting social diseases, the main noun used in relation to malaria is the word “bout” – a word most of us associate with boxing. This is incredibly apt, in that suffering the grip of malaria is like going 15 rounds with Muhammed Ali in his heyday as Cassius Clay, when he was there one second, gone the next…but still on hand to to knock you into the middle of next week before being counted out by a baffled referee.

I use “the middle of next week” advisedly there, because this is where – call me wacky – some strains of this disease can give one a quasi-religious experience about the continuum of Time, Space and Destiny.

A +1 case of malaria (as I had) tunnels straight into riddles like spooky electrons at a distance: only the acceptance of distance and separation as illusions can explain that it’s one electron in two places at once. Turn the head suddenly in the grip of a malaria strain can quickly persuade a person that they’re back in a dark pubertal place where every decision seems dangerous, but then revert to a simple choice in Now, only to have Plasmodium falciparum insist – complete with creeping anxiety in the limbs – that doom is one’s inevitable fate. I had three days of this, and while the awe of its persuasion was quite astonishing, the return to balance was like being delivered from the crooked grin of Nosforatu.

We are dealing with a phenomenon here that calls out just how puerile the Tony Blair ‘Settled Science’, Elon Musk ‘Taking you suckers for a ride’, and Rishi-to-Keir/Biden-to-Kalama ‘Continuity’ 3-card bluffs really are….and always will be.

Where is the essential humility of an Einstein to remind us, “The more I learn, the more I understand how little I know?” What has replaced a real sense of personal influence in the Cosmos?

The answer is very simple: Godless clowns with Demigod fantasies and Demagogic tendencies have been allowed to realise their fantasies because we the People did nothing.


Compare and contrast with me now the reality of how Schroder’s Cat probably had a better grip on World affairs than Kamala Harris. She is a plank of roughly the same thickness as that applied by mutineer Fletcher Christian upon Captain Bligh’s person during the Bounty unpleasantness.

One is left with the relative kindness of such comparisons, because if you take on board her genuine gaffes recorded by the Trump campaign as Youtubed here, her bid for the White House leaps from any kind of reality straight back into the sort of surrealism that would’ve left Salvador Dali feeling utterly defeated.

My particular favourite from the Youtube compilation is “Well you see, Ukraine is a small country and Russia is a big country, so Putin decided to invade and that isn’t right”. It also wasn’t right for the US (after their risibly described “Peace” conference promises of 2014) to mosey forth and open a string of bioweapon labs right on the Russian border.

But you see, the USA is a big country and so had no choice than to put the seven labs into the small country, and its faith into heroic Ukrainian leader Zelenskyy along with a $2billion bonus to help feed his tragic nasal damage at the hands of Colombian exports.

That said, at this point in time, the Pentagon has categorically assured me that it has no plans to take action against such exports.

And to be fair, KamalAll Ye Faithful’s campaign office did get back and confirm that their candidate “rebutts these ridiculous rumours that Ms Harris has signed a deal with Columbia Pictures to star in the story of her own life”.

So rest easy in your beds.

Or maybe, you need to stand by your beds. For although Compare & Contrast is a fun game for all the family and guaranteed to break the ice at West Washington supper parties, it also has the potential to compare and contrast the power-motives of the World Health Organisation [WHO] with those like the aforementioned Messrs Ding and Jemmah here in Gambia who seek to heal rather than control.

No sooner had the old EEC turned itself into the demanding EUNATO we have grown to suspect, its unelected Commission launched an all-out ignorant attack on alternative medicines in favour of the folks who brought us mRNA “immunity” from Covid19, and a 63% rise in unexpected deaths among all those naively innocent enough to take either the Pfizer or Oxford Moderna “protection” jabs.

The man in charge at the WHO is Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesusus [TAG]and he is from the same mould. Although his name itself sounds like the Latin term for a disease, he is more of a syndrome wrapped in an enigma. Clouds from a radical past in Eritrea have followed him around for years, and they alone should’ve been enough for any well-meaning health bureaucracy to apply the bargepole principle to Teddy. But the questions surrounding the how and why of his aims simply have to be addressed in order to grasp what his real “job” is.

“We’re in the money…”

1. TAG makes a lot of his title “Doctor”, but he is not a medical doctor – he merely took a course in the philosophy of global medicine. He has never practised medicine because he is wholly unqualified so to do.

2. He got his Ph D at the – wait for it – UK University of Nottingham…an institution ranked 103rd in the World. Would you trust such a mediocre mind to safeguard our bodily as human beings? No, neither would I. But the WHO does.

3. The naked nature of his drive for global hegemony above the law of any State sovereignty has gone into overdrive over the last two months. In my inbox alone over that time, a staggering thirty emails have appeared, and in the last eight days alone that rated has doubled.

4. Every last message is designed to alarm about emergencies, deadly new viruses, what if’s: it’s the standard “now fuck off and soil yourself” claptrap offering nothing but Doom.

5. We do not need another lumbering health behemoth to dwarf other disasters from the past. The NHS was ruined by the TUC and BMA, and end up nothing like its creator Nye Bevan’s dream of local mutual clinics to banish the fear of medical bills. Health provision is already a Pharma-corrupted monopoly infected by greed. The last thing we need is another over-promoted ego getting in the way: Nye was right – curing disease is about mutual, local and well-funded outlets staffed by those with a calling: it will never work alongside private providers more concerned about the shareholders than the patients.

6. During Covid, TAG was up there with the other morons selling pointless masks, social distancing, lockdowns and mandatory jabs. He has never expressed at any time a single doubt about mRNA as an approach, and indeed his fearmongering serves but one Mammon: Big Pharma.

Grateful as I will always be for the Dr Ding holistic clinics of the world, they are obviously struggling to make ends meet. They have the right goals and the best procedures, but tend to be in a parlous state. Give Tedros and his gang one chance, and they will (as Brussels did) crush the sector with zero remorse and supercharged steamroller efficiency.


The final betrayal….how Opinion poll research is the new weapon the Secret US State plans to rig in a bid to make Kamala Harris’s “Election” as POTUS look credible.

A whole new dimension to the term ‘Harris Poll’.

How the ‘Trump is mad’ media bandwagon works.

Stay with The Slog this weekend.….


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