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Media, CBC, RCMP and FBI- a drop of Visene for our understanding: Links 1 for July 7 2024

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1. Honest Reporting: CBC Host Makes Up Quote From International Court Of Justice Accusing Israel Of Genocide

Honest Reporting, like nearly all other media watch organizations gets the central theme wrong. And it is frustrating. Somewhat like watching a blind man do a painting of a dog by feeling it. The CBC is not anti-Israel and otherwise a news organization. The CBC is a weapon against the truth and for the revolution. It is anti-Israel but it is also anti-Canadian. It pushes narratives and punishes truth, like any communist weapon against the people, or more specifically, against the individual, even as a concept. During Covid, it was most obvious as every report they did was an hysterical report vilifying the individual in the name of the collective. It was so well done that even relative conservatives and libertarians were sucked in. If we give Jordan Peterson the benefit of the doubt, we might think he was also taken in by the hysteria when he said: “Just take the damn vaccine and trust the government for 6 months”.

So long as agencies like Honest Reporting do not understand this, then they are taking a position on the next hill from Sisyphus voluntarily rolling a boulder pointlessly uphill for eternity and wondering perhaps why it keeps rolling back down. Not that they should change their focus, but awareness of this tends to change the way in which the reporting on their issue to make more sense of it. I have watched this work with people who fight the Global Warming line of effort. Once its understood that this is one layer of attack on truth and on science, they tend to change the approach to allow for a greater understanding of that issue as well.

In 1962, Leon Jacobovits James, in his doctoral dissertation at McGill University, coined the term “semantic satiation,” which refers to the phenomenon when a word is repeated so often, it loses all meaning.

That certainly has been the result of the irresponsible and indefensible repetition of the word ‘genocide’ by anti-Israel propagandists in recent months, who have jettisoned intellectual honesty and instead falsely labeled Israel as the perpetrator of heinous war crimes.

A recent episode of Ideas, a CBC radio program, did its part in helping to obfuscate the meaning of the word genocide to the point when it became meaningless.

In the June 28 episode entitled: “International laws against genocide exist: so why don’t they work?” host Nahla Ayed – whose anti-Israel bias has been documented for nearly 20 years by HonestReporting Canada – spoke with anti-Israel activist William Schabas, a former advisor to the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO), for his thoughts on the United Nations Genocide Convention.

Schabas’ past anti-Israel views, including his refusal to call Hamas a terrorist organization, are well known and CBC has previously interviewed Schabas to discuss genocide allegations against Israel on the January 15 episode of CBC Front Burner and on CBC Canada Tonight on May 20, both which HonestReporting Canada critiqued. Schabas has been described by The Globe & Mail as being “outspoken in his criticism of Israel and (who) previously offered consultancy services to the Palestinian Liberation Organization” (PLO).

2. Popular Muslim preacher on the conquest of the rest of us. Which if Kentucky Fried Chicken and Costco (At some warehouses all chicken is halal now, although they still sell pork for the moment) is any example is happening at quite a good speed.

I should like to add that I do not speak Arabic, but I do know a few specifically Islamic words. And in this video, they seem to translate the word, “Harbi” as West. To be clear, Muslims divide the world into 2 categories. Dar al Islam, and Dar al Harb. The world of Islam, or the world conquered and under Islamic law, and the World of War, where war must be fought to bring it under sharia law. Those who live in the World of War are called, “Harbis” or denizens of the World of War. Listen for it in the first few titles.

3. The RCMP, perhaps to soon be known as the Real Chinese Military Police, are experiencing a morale problem. No one wants to join, and no one wants to ride their horses.

I would like to think it is because of for one thing, the leaked text messages the RCMP officers sent each other about how much they were looking forward to busting heads at the Freedom Convoy. Then they did. Their behaviour was so atrocious against not mostly, but entirely peaceful demonstrators that just wanted their most basic and fundamental human rights restored, that the entire force should die of attrition. Which might actually be happening. Add to that the curious mass murder in Nova Scotia, which increasingly has RCMP fingerprints all over it, and of course, when the RCMP did a mandatory evacuation of a city in Alberta and then looted the homes for materials that they were not even legally allowed to know where they where. More recently, the RCMP have been covering for a Prime Minister who is so deeply indebted to the PRC that is more agent than Canadian. His actions during the pandemic alone, shipping all our various masks and protective gear to China creating a shortage here is just one of many examples. And the current spy scandal where the head of the RCMP has openly stated that it is better for the Canadian public not to know who the report exposes as an agent of China so that people will trust the government, or some such inanity, has done what it really should do. Crush confidence of the RCMP as a force for law and order. Instead, we see it as state thugs enforcing the will of politicians and usually illegally. Again, the gun looting in High River was illegal in so many ways, not the least of which is that then Prime Minister, Stephen Harper had ordered that all data bases with the long gun registry be destroyed. Yet the RCMP used it to steal people’s legally acquired personal property from their own homes after the RCMP forced them to evacuate.

Really though, it’s probably for more mundane reasons. Like all the newcomers to Canada don’t give a crap about our heritage, institutions, rule of law or any of that crap and can’t be arsed to train and join. After all, they will create sharia police soon enough and will supplant all our own legal enforcement mechanisms.

I do have one question though, for which the honest answer might be tricky to find. Were the RCMP forced to take the shots? or not. I know the OPP did not at first. Then I think pressure changed the policy, but initially they were exempt. It would be quite meaningful to know.

RCMP warns famous Musical Ride in trouble: ‘Replacements aren’t coming

(Video at link)

A recent audit shows the RCMP’s iconic Musical Ride, featuring red uniformed Mounties on horseback, is struggling with low morale and a staffing crisis as the officer in charge warns ‘replacements aren’t coming.’

The Morale of Canadians after RCMP thugged the people at the Freedom convoy beyond any and all reasonable use of force from people who were not resisting in any way, was also pretty low. The RCMP really deserves this.

Kind of like the FBI:

Follow the whole thread here.

Answer: Because they are the police. Grass roots orgs do not have people who are all built about the same and are equipped that similarly.

4. Two new elected officials in the UK

Brighton UK

Blackburn MP

Anyone else here ever read the book, The Flying Inn by GK Chesterton published 1914?

5. Australia also seems to have an issue with Chinese illegal pressures on its government. This seems to be a specific threat that the PRC was about to launch on Australia in some manner, but the police seem to decline to say exactly what it was. Sounds like Canada quite a bit innit?

Thank you all for checking out this site

TIK History looks at the similarities between the childhoods of famous socialist/communist leaders.

This is more than a mere academic video. It can lead to some serious insight about the conditions around us today. As two examples, one might surmise that the Jewish part of the communist revolution in 1917 in Russia, may have actually been an intersectional effort grabbing secular Jews exactly as the intersectional movement today gets people to join who also will be, as the old saying goes, ‘first up against the wall when the revolution comes’.

Secondly, that state educational institutions even then were turning children against their parents, and against time honoured familial values.

As Twain said, “History does not repeat itself. But it does rhyme”.


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