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Australian TV show on vaxx damage, tool for soft selling the harm and absolving the guilty

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The following video is very good.

Videos of people commenting on other videos have become a staple of YouTube etc. And most are garbage and click bait. But this gentleman does an excellent job of examining a recent Australian TV show that on the surface, is about getting truth and justice for the vaxx injured, but it reality appears to be more about soft selling the real damage. In a clip pasted below the main video, you will see how the TV show host agrees with the government propagandist and blame sink that the government ‘downplayed’ the harm the vaccines did.

The truth is that the government criminalized people that spoke out about their own personal vaccine horror stories. And if someone objects to my use of the word, criminalized, I mean they where ostracized by Cancel-Culture in the same way that the Romans would send enemies of the Emperor to a remote Island to live along for a period of time. The worse the crime, the smaller the island.

Police would brutalize people, including a young mother with a pram at the start of the communist reset we call Covid, for having a walk.
So when the TV host says “Downplayed” in agreement with state oppressor, it is as offensive as the things the host of this video point out. And what he points out is very good.

The video he used for the video above was from a Twitter account called @Crazynews4real

Looking through the clips on that account we found a few from this show:

Listening to Scott Morison, we might be reminded of a few changes Trudeau made that should have been enough for everyone to know not to touch this stuff, as it was clearly all a lie of one kind or another and to a purpose of one kind or another that had nothing to do with the public good.

Trudeau suddenly changed the expiry date. The Vaxx makers had made it extremely clear that these products had to be kept at a very low temperature requiring special freezers,  and after a few hours at room temp and they would be useless. They also had a short shelf life even under these conditions.

Trudeau arbitrarily changed the expiry date, and mysteriously, with no changes of the formula of the vaxx itself, they no longer needed to be kept at whatever it was. -70C if memory serves, but very cold. Add that to the sudden changes in recommendations of who should get it and the picture draws itself.

From the same Twitter account, Crazy News 4 real:

Once upon a time when I was much younger and the past seemed much farther away, I wondered why Jewish people didn’t let the Holocaust go. How, I wondered, can we all move on if we keep beating this horse, be it dead or alive? The government response to the ‘Pandemic’ answered that question for me. We never let it go or it just happens again. Forgive? Always. Forget? Never.

In one of the videos from this TV show, I don’t have the time at the moment to rewatch them all, but the bit that made me want to do this post, is where the host of the show parrots in agreement, a statement by the stooge. And this was: ‘we downplayed the vaccine adverse effects’ or something very like it. But downplayed was the word. This is likely moving the sniper’s muzzle that needed millimetre away from the target. The government ‘downplayed’ the harm they did forcing a lethal lie on its entire population. Unless of course, like Canada and the USA, illegal migrants did not have to take the vaccine for some unstated reason. Then not the entire population. Just the law abiding ones.

Last video from Crazy News:

Full text:

The Lancet as I recall, got caught taking money to publish a phoney paper condemning Hydroxychloroquine. Why that rag is still allowed to publish and not on trial for mass murder will be one of the great mysteries of the later half of this century, if we don’t sink entirely under a state based on narratives, destruction and lies.

Meanwhile, in the People’s Democratic Republic of Finland…

Finland to Start Bird Flu Vaccinations for Humans

From June 26 2024:

You have to read to the end to get to this:

So I GUESS these vaccines are Vaxxes? It doesn’t seem to state explicitly that these shots the Finnish may be foolish enough to get are the same platform as the mRNA Covid ones. Either way, fasten your seatbelts and learn critical thinking skills and how to avoid critical theory skills to navigate the next 6 months or so.


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