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The New Normal Free West

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The Daily Bellylaugh was at it again yesterday morning, with it’s science editor Sarah Knapton writing – minus only a sense of irony – as follows:

‘Covid vaccines may have helped fuel the rise in excess deaths….Covid vaccines could be partly to blame for the rise in excess deaths since the pandemic, scientists have suggested.

Researchers from The Netherlands analysed data from 47 Western countries and discovered there had been more than three million excess deaths since 2020, with the trend continuing despite the rollout of vaccines and containment measures….’

In fact, the rise in unexpected deaths is directly correlated with the density [no joke intended] of people jabbed and wanes when the vaccines are stopped. In sub-Saharan Africa, very few took either the Moderna or Pfizer injections, and there the 30-50 year old peak of unexplained deaths simply didn’t happen.

Now, is there anyone out there who would, given these figures and causal links for a new Big Pharma drug, not run a three-minute mile in the opposite direction to stay away from it? And why did the Drugcos demand immunity from prosecution? And why did Matt Hancock lie to the Commons about the “licence” the vaccines had been given? Why did the Government incentivise people to take a drug when it was allegedly the great saviour from a virus that killed just 1 person in 20,000, fully 48 per cent of whom were over 65 years old? And Why does Anthony Fauci have a different story every time he meets the media about what Wuhan was about, or indeed what gain of what function was in play?

But the Bellylaugh perseveres with its ‘may have helped’, ‘could have been’, ‘partly to blame’, ‘possible vaccine harms’, ‘warranted further investigation’ etc etc ad nauseam.

The article is riddled with the stench of legal eagles hopping all over the phraseology and pecking at every accusation and allegation…while the net take-out for the ordinary citizen is “My brain hurts”. Which is not – let’s be clear about this – the mission statement of the Fourth Estate investigative journalist.

One gets the sense of reading a pastiche of I. Lovelunch – the 1930s hack who was somewhat less than at the cutting edge, several volumes behind the narrative, and paralysed by two bottles of 1923 Bouchard Pere et Fils by 3 pm most days. I illustrate by an example from the altered past in which Lovelunch lived in his final years:


From our man-on-the-spot, leading denialist and appeasement expert, I. Lovelunch

Following the glorious victory of our Fuhrer over the Sovyet forces of Goth darkness and successful German invasion of the formerly-called British Isles, I bring news of heroic actions by loyal Jewish Nazis in repelling the US Imperialists that resulted in an estimated six million Judische deaths…a mass murder guilt the American State will have to carry with it for the limited time it has left, may it rot in Hell.

I can now exclusively reveal that the Jewboys Roosevelt and Beaverbrook have been selected as War Criminals by Japanese persons who – I can assure you – are innocent of any malfeasance whatsoever. They will be arrested on charges of killing their own tribe for reasons that make no sense whatsoever, for they are Honorary Aryans.

Many are those who will find this parallel tasteless. I disagree. The altered past I use to suggest it is that of a dystopian horror show that would have come to be if we Brits had waved the White Flag at Hitler in 1940.

George Soros, pay attention here.

History would have been twisted, and guilt awarded to the entirely innocent victims of Nazi “spin”.

“There is no point in telling lies,” said Josef Goebbels, “unless you tell lies of insanely enormous proportions”.

The more breathtaking they were [Goebbels felt] the more likely they were to be swallowed whole.

The outrageous antithesis between Nazism and Zionism would be hard to exaggerate – although the contemporary Israelis are doing their best to keep the fantasy alive in 2024. But sheer blind ignorance (based on not displaying a scintilla of interest in the history and issues involved) is a Voodoo factor almost impossible to deconstruct.

Fast forward back to Sarah Knapton and her yes-and-no-with reservations-perhaps-maybe attempt to whitewash the genocidal tendencies of the pharmaceutical sector. It, is ridiculous at this stage of events to try and throw a giant sheet of tarpaulin over lying by Pfizer, lying by Hancock, a pathetic tippy-toes “enquiry”, more lies from Sunack, lies from Pedros about his past and then say, “See – tarpaulin in abundance, but no evidence at all to back up silly NWO conspiracy theories….three million unexpected deaths but hey, you know – shit happens, right?

Well, the softening up process for acceptance of dumbassed non-solutions to Deep State-created disasters is well under way. The Colombian Marching Powder addict Zelenskyy has run out of soldiers, so Brussels is now warning that a bloc-wide draft will have to be put into place in order to bring Rasputin to his knees, and once more make the world safe for corrupt unelected Belgian dictators to create a EUNATO standing army to defend us against Sino-Russian brics who wouldn’t be in alliance in the first place if Washington and Brussels hadn’t poked them in the eye month after month from 2016 onwards.

The blindingly obvious Gotterdammerung policies of Washington, Westminster and Brussels (migrants, suicidal spending policies, lockdowns and now a war nobody wants) have created the perfect rationale for emergency global control from a distant, “fiscally rational” Superstate in the aftermath of economic ruin that will – no doubt – be laid at the door of the wicked Sino-Russian Dollar-murderers.

The neoliberal “economists” need, of course, a reckless neocon diplomatic approach to the brics in order to hide the shortcomings of their self-destructive banking system. To do so and be convincing, nothing less than nihilism will do….which is why – from Macron via Biden to Sunak or Starmer [it makes no difference] and then on to Von Layen – destruction of the Nation State’s trade abroad and employment at home must have the stench of desperate permanence, in which – with one mighty bound – the globalist bourse-benders come to our rescue.

On a globalised communications planet, they will tell future generations, national prejudices became unfit for purpose….and thus gave way “naturally” to a Global Village of Peace.

What makes such a set of silly assertion unintentionally hilarious is that the last two months have just seen the end [with only the euros to come] of the national and international soccer season. What it has done is prove yet again that Homo sapiens is not a global species – nor is it solely national – it is tribal. And the order of importance for that trio of tribes is 1. Local 2. State National and 3. Club-level international.

To put names to faces, examples of each in turn would be Manchester United v Manchester City, France v England and Real Madrid v Bayern Munich.

Nobody but nobody is going to get excited by soccer fixtures like Brics United v Brussels Sprouts, Ecowas Notariffs v OrgAfroUnited or Mercosur v SEATO. That’s because they’re utterly artificial systemic groupings with no reference to real grass-roots tribes.

Next up before the footie season ends are the Euros – sitting at No 2 in my definitions above. As the name suggests, it is a Group-cum-knockout stage competition restricted to the nationalities in the European zone. It is probably the most keenly fought, giant-killing competition of the lot….such that [even if one’s country has already been knocked out] soccer fans nearly always find an underdog they want to leap over the statistics and go on to glorious victory. In this sense, the ultimate fantasy result is Wales 36, Germany 0.

The triumphs of teams like Denmark in 1992, and Greece in 2004 captured the imagination of fans worldwide. These victories not only showcased the talent and resilience of the winning teams but also left a lasting impact on the sport, inspiring future generations of players and fans.

So there it sits: the euros championship where death or glory triumphs over the dead weight of EUNATO bureaucracy…a veritable Trojan Horse for our times.

And in other news, the US seized Scott Ritter’s passport, thus The RT contributor was stopped from visiting Russia for the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum.
  “I was boarding the flight. Three [police] officers pulled me aside. They took my passport. When asked why, they said ‘orders of the State Department’. They had no further information for me” Ritter alleged. The first amendment to the US constitution protects freedom of speech, press and assembly, while the fourth bars the government from “unreasonable searches and seizures.”

All four at one go. Has anyone stormed Congress yet? (Don’t hold your breath).

On another front, The Horrible WHO offers us a disturbing Avian Influenza H5 update as follows:

‘Public health risk of avian influenza A(H5N1) detected recently in dairy cattle” held on 6 May 2024, more human infections of avian influenza H5 have been reported, including those from Australia, China, and USA. Meanwhile the H5N1 virus continues to be detected in more cattle in the USA. The objective of this webinar is to provide an update on further learnings about the virus and its spread, and the implications for public health. It will provide an update on:

–  The epidemiology of avian influenza H5 human infections 

–   Virus characterization, and selection and development of candidate vaccine viruses 

–    Situation, characterization, and recommendations from the animal sector’

Once again on the vagueness fear dimension, it would be nice to know what Pedrosania means by “more” [twice, unquantified] “the virus and its spread” [zero data] or even “recommendations from the animal sector”.

I’m afraid my innately satirical nature couldn’t resist the last of those:


In the world’s first inter-species market research study yesterday, The Slog established clearly that cows do not like birds. In order to conduct the survey, The Slog underwent a 25-year course in Madcow, the ancient language of Field Beasts.

Anti-Slaughter activist Anthea Bostaurus commented, “You just get yourself looking nice for the boys, and then some bloody chaffinch shits in your ear. The ruling species sapiens chops us into bits and eats us but oh no that’s not enough is it oh no we have to go through the indignity of catching Avian lug’ole flu first and bein’ asked whether we like it or not and what our “recommendations” are I mean who’s the bloody animal expert here, you or me? I’m the cow and you’re the animal psychologist now piss off”.

So there.


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