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3 main media sites ramp up the commie tactics over C-67, Disney won’t hire even half white males: Links 1 for June 21, 2024

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1. At this point fewer and fewer people need to be shown that CBC is a weapon against the Canadian people, culture, and mostly liberties. This goes for CTV and Global as well of course.
During Covid, one of the key tactics of the MSM, and perhaps CBC in particular, was to ask questions of the powerful in government why they did not to more to curtail liberties. Of course it wasn’t phrased exactly that way. It would be more like, “Quebec is implementing a curfew! Why does Ontario not follow suit!” This was to Ford. But there are hundreds of examples of this same kind of phoney staged ‘truth-to-power’ acts by the three major MSMSs every day on broadcast media and clips on social media.

To spell it out a little more clearly: The state would have a program which removes a fundamental freedom from the public. A policy which would be called tyrannical if a state that Canada was using as an example of the bad at that moment like Russia or Hungary tried to effect.
Reporters would bring on a senior bureaucrat or a minister and ask why the state didn’t do more to curtail freedoms in an angry voice, so it looked like opposition and journalism instead of what it was and is. Propaganda, manipulation and forcing a pseudo reality narrative.

During Covid it was about the freedoms to travel or work or the basic stuff we hopefully all remember.

Now it has moved to freedom of speech. The state is trying to pass many laws which will criminalize counter-revolutionary speech under the “hate-speech” rubric. This will likely be retroactive, in the sense that they can look over things you have said or published on social media and act on it from a time when it was legal to publish something you observed that you felt was true at the time, to even being able to criminalize you because they feel you are likely to say something counter-revolutionary. Or in their language, you will say something hateful about a group they currently hold as more equal than others. Feel free to talk trash aboout Jews, Israelis, Russians and any other group we have always been at war with, as they say in 1984, until the narrative changes and we were never at war with them and we have always been at war with someone else. Then the arrests start again.

In the clip below, a reporter, and we would very sincerely like to find out who is asking the questions here, angrily demands of an MP to push through a hate speech bill, C-67, an explanation of which you can see in the video linked here, in the same manner they did of demanding harsher Covid measures.

Again, never did they ask where these measures needed? Why the actual death rate didn’t match the modelled ones. Why nothing actually happened as the state said it was. The questions always demanded more state power and less individual existence.

Watch the clip below:

So far there appears to be no questions about why a bill that undermines the most basic of liberties in a republic like state is needed at all or how it will make Canadians more free, wealthy and secure.

2. Communists using the dialectic device of “transgender” appear to be competing with Muslims for murdering innocents and the uninvolved for political reasons.

3. Decidedly communist Environment Minister, Steven Guilbeault is exposed for fairly run of the mill corruption along with other Liberal party apparatchiks. To know what this exposure really means, watch to see if there are any negative consequences to the exposing of this mundane financial scamming, and see if the authoritarian policies they are championing get passed. The answers of course will be respectively, no, and yes.

Meanwhile a few good Canadians are on never ending trials for protesting the illegal Covid mandates and a commended police officer’s hearings for insubordination is going into it’s 3rd year for daring to even look into the idea that maybe a large number of excess nursing babies suddenly died after their moms received the mRNA vaxx. Donald Trump got over 30 convictions for felonies in an unprecedented twisting of the legal process and definitions of crimes, and rioters from 2020 who threw molotov cocktails at police and police stations have not been reported as having been convicted or sentenced to custody. (This last part I stand ready to be corrected. I personally have not seen any reports. Its possible that they have. But the number of armed people that took over CHAD or CHAZ and created “Autonomous Zones” in a genuine insurrection was large, and I believe news of those trials and convictions would have found their way here by now.

The point being, if we cannot admit at this point that the revolution happened, that the evidence of our senses is effectively illegal to say out loud, and become more so by the month, if we cannot see and acknowledge where we actually are on the game board, we don’t stand a chance of reclaiming the republican form of government that the West was founded on.

4. The dialectical negation of Canada day, itself a dialectical negation of Dominion day, continues:

For what it’s worth, the same home next to this phone-pole had a BLM poster in the window for years. Coincidence? No other phone-pole in the area had this poster attached.

5. James O’Keefe busts Disney for systemic  racist hiring policies.

Here is what we can learn from this video:

If anyone ever finds themselves on a date with someone they met over the internet, and who is probably a lot hotter than you are, you have a couple of options.

A. Do NOT talk about work.

B. talk about work pretending like you don’t know its a sting in order to get you around any NDA you may have had to sign but is being used to cover illegal activities like Disney clearly does on multiple fronts. In other words, play along if it is in your interests and the interests of the public and the truth,

Thank you all for checking out this channel. 


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