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Suicides Due to COVID-19 Vaccine Side Effects

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Global Research, December 05, 2023

Nov. 13, 2023 – 21 year old Emilia Brangefalt was a professional Swedish trail runner (for Adidas Terrex) who won bronze in the 2022 Trail World Championships. She took her own life on Nov.13, 2023 after developing an extremely high heart rate in July 2023 that ended her training and running.

Story by R.Ghosh,, Nov.23, 2023

Swedish trail runner Emilia Brangefalt has died by suicide.

She was just 21 years old. The accomplished long-distance runner won a bronze medal in the 40km race at the 2022 Trail World Championships in Chiang Mai. This year, she achieved a fifth-place finish in a world championship race in Innsbruck.

However, Brangefalt had to take a prolonged hiatus from the sport after being diagnosed with an exceptionally high heart rate. In a post shared to her Instagram account on November 4, Brangefalt openly discussed the physical and mental challenges she was facing after being compelled to take a break from the sport.

“Just taking a walk is painful right now,” Brangefalt wrote. “Have been to the hospital and visit the medical over 20 times but every single blood test/ ekg/ cycle test is good. Still my body is super stressed although I have given it so much love the past months.”

“Maybe it was to much for a 21 year old girl to run Transvulcania 48k and WMTRC 45k with less then one month in between. I am super sad because running and training means so much,” the athlete added.

“But now, just living a normal life is difficult. I have spent more hours in bed than on my feet this past month. Maybe one day I will be back. Or I won’t. I hope my body can recover from this.”

On Wednesday evening, the Swedish Athletics Federation officially confirmed that Brangefalt had taken her own life earlier this month.

“During her last months, Emilia felt very bad, both physically and mentally. She had good support from those closest to her, but on November 13, she ended her life,” a statement from the Swedish Athletics Federation read.

Tributes Pour In

The statement also contained remarks from Kasja Bergqvist, the captain of the Swedish Athletics Federation (SAF), who said that Emilia Brangefalt’s death was “so deeply tragic” that she struggled to find words to convey the sorrow.

“I didn’t know Emilia personally but have understood that she was a very nice person, a forward-thinking, lovely, talented girl with her whole life ahead of her,” she said.

Brangefalt’s running association, Vasteras FK, also released a statement on its website expressing that they are all “in mourning” over her sudden death.

The club plans to commemorate Brangefalt’s life at their annual gala on Friday.

In a tribute to his sister on Instagram, Brangefalt’s brother, Adam, shared that she sought psychiatric support on November 12 but was unable to receive treatment due to a “lack of staff.”

Adam paid tribute to his sister’s athletic prowess and passion, writing, “Your love for your sport and being able to move, was indescribable. A love for sports that we have always shared. All the hundreds of kilometers we skied, all the jumps we made and all the nice memories we created through movement.

“But love is difficult. When your love for what you loved most painfully rips from you and your body. You couldn’t take it anymore.”

My Take

Emilia is presumed to have been COVID-19 Vaccinated. The only question is how many COVID-19 Vaccines did she take and when did she take them?

She was sponsored by Adidas Terrex and she traveled extensively for competitions, including the Nov.3-6, 2022 World Trail Championships in Chiang Mai, Thailand. Thailand required proof of COVID-19 Vaccination until Oct.1, 2022 and she was preparing for the competition for months.

“Since the end of July (2023), my body shut down. Haven’t been able to train anything due to a extremely high heart rate (120-150 bpm) just standing up.”

She may have developed COVID-19 Vaccine Induced POTS which is an extremely common side effect.

Postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS) is a condition that causes your heart to beat faster than normal when you transition from sitting or lying down to standing up

  • Postural: Related to the position of your body.
  • Orthostatic: Related to standing upright.
  • Tachycardia: A heart rate over 100 beats per minute.
  • Syndrome: A group of symptoms that happen together.

Dec. 1, 2023 – UK – 39 year old Kelly Louise Smith-May, mother of four, has spent the last 18 months battling a long Covid ‘death sentence’ that has left her ‘imprisoned’ in a dark room in constant agony and unable to care for her children – she wants to end her life in Switzerland and is raising funds for it. Her husband believes it was the COVID-19 Vaccine.

Mrs Smith-May’s condition gradually deteriorated after she caught Covid in December 2021.

It has now gotten so bad that the 39-year-old, from Chipping Sodbury, Gloucestershire, has ‘reached the point where dying would end her suffering’.

After a loved one launched a £10,000 fundraiser to finally end her ‘torture’, Mr. May shared his heartbreaking account of how they have come to this decision.

Speaking to MailOnline from his home, Mr. May — who has become his wife of eight year’s full-time carer, quitting his job as a digger driver in order to do so — said they wanted to make the most of what might be their last Christmas together.

Mr. May said: ‘I had no choice but to give up work and step in and do absolutely everything.

‘People say we’ve got a lovely home but that’s all the stuff we had when Kelly was fit and well.

‘Kelly was very house proud, she wanted the best for her children like any mum.

‘But for more than 18 months she’s been bed bound – I wash her hair once a month and I have to turn her over. She’s in so much pain.’

Mr May said his wife was diagnosed with long Covid shortly after catching the virus nearly two years ago.

She was, it is claimed, later diagnosed with chronic fatigue syndrome, also known as myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME).

But, although unable to prove it, Mr May believes the Covid vaccine, which his wife received in April 2022, exacerbated her symptoms.

‘I know it’s difficult to prove,’ he said.

‘At first doctors said it was psychological, then she was diagnosed with long Covid.

‘After they said it was chronic fatigue and ME but they didn’t know which because the symptoms are the same.’

There is no scientific evidence the jab is responsible for Kelly’s condition or if the timing was a coincidence.

Regardless of the trigger, Mr May said the process of getting his wife help has been a terrible ordeal.

‘Kelly has been let down by doctors for the last two years and now she has reached the point where dying would end her suffering,’ he said.

Mr May said that, at first, the GP didn’t believe Kelly was ill and ‘tried to fob her off with the mental health team’.

He said: ‘They made out she was lying. They said cancer patients could get themselves to the surgery so Kelly should be able to.

‘The doctors treated her badly, they were ignoring what she was telling them when she was in so much agony she couldn’t get off the bed.

‘They wanted her to go into respite care for two weeks but it was a place where you had to do your own cooking and look after yourself. Kelly wasn’t able to do any of those things.

‘Every doctor we’ve had come round here has not really believed her. All the health professionals who have seen her don’t give a toss.’

Mrs Smith-May, once a bubbly, loud and creative person, hasn’t left her bedroom at the couple’s three-bedroomed house since June last year.

Mr May said: ‘The health service has left her like a dying dog. She’s been left to suffer, a doctor comes out every few weeks but we are not getting anywhere.

‘The blinds are down, she has no TV, there’s just an electric bed and a commode in there. It’s torture, like being prison.

She was in regular contact with a woman from Florida seriously ill with ME, who travelled to Switzerland to end her life at the Swiss Pegasos clinic.

Mr May said: ‘That’s where the idea came from, we’ve talked about it a lot and it’s what Kelly wants.

My Take

I believe the husband is absolutely correct – whatever COVID-19 Vaccines she took would have made her Long COVID symptoms much worse.

Describes her illness as “being poisoned every minute of the day” and a “living death sentence”.

This is what COVID-19 Vaccines have done to millions of people.


June 1, 2023 – 41yo model and Hollywood actress Katerina Pavelek ended her life at an assisted suicide clinic in Basel, Switzerland on June 1, 2023, due to COVID-19 vaccine booster injuries (ME, CFS, ALS).

Los Angeles, CA – Katerina Pavelek, a Slovakian model and Hollywood actress, ended her life in a Swiss clinic this past weekend at the age of 41 (June 1, 2023) (Pegasos Swiss Association, Basel).


May 25, 2023 – Alysia was a young lady who was receiving financial help from Synergy Talk Show Host Stephan Reis after she took the first Pfizer vaccine in order to keep her job at a restaurant. She became paralyzed from the waist down, a condition better known as Transverse Myelitis, & could no longer work. Unfortunately, Alysia committed suicide on May 25, 2023, leaving her husband behind.

Mar. 14, 2023 – Sassari, Italy – 37 year old personal trainer, swimmer and triathlete Claudio Rais committed suicide by jumping off the Rosello Bridge, the highest bridge in the city of Sassari in Italy, on March 14, 2023. He took first two Pfizer doses in 2021 and Moderna booster on Feb. 10, 2022. By Sep. 2022, he was severely vaccine injured (click here).

Claudio Rais had his first two COVID-19 mRNA vaccine doses with Pfizer in 2021, and then had a Moderna booster shot on Feb. 10, 2022.

He had a successful swimming summer season of 2022, winning multiple championships.

But by September 2022, he described suffering horrible injuries from his Moderna COVID-19 booster shot. In his own words:

By December 2022, he was seriously contemplating suicide:

Claudio Rais would go on to commit suicide only 3 months later on March 14, 2023, by jumping off the Rosello bridge in his town of Sassari, Italy.


Nov. 3, 2022 – Hungary – 36 year old Timike Timea Balogh took her own life on Nov. 3, 2022. “Since the two Moderna shots, my body is constantly inflamed and my hair loss is unstoppable. I’ve tried everything” “Please somebody help me.”


Nov. 11, 2021 – 29 year old Kyle Warner, professional Mountain biker, developed pericarditis, POTS + reactive arthritis following 2nd dose of Pfizer’s COVID shot – posted a video on Instagram stating that 6 vaccine injured people committed suicide in a month (Nov. 11, 2021).

Click here to read the full article.



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Dr. William Makis is a Canadian physician with expertise in Radiology, Oncology and Immunology. Governor General’s Medal, University of Toronto Scholar. Author of 100+ peer-reviewed medical publications.

The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity

by Michel Chossudovsky

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“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”


This is an in-depth resource of great interest if it is the wider perspective you are motivated to understand a little better, the author is very knowledgeable about geopolitics and this comes out in the way Covid is contextualized. —Dr. Mike Yeadon

In this war against humanity in which we find ourselves, in this singular, irregular and massive assault against liberty and the goodness of people, Chossudovsky’s book is a rock upon which to sustain our fight. –Dr. Emanuel Garcia

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Professor Chossudovsky exposes the truth that “there is no causal relationship between the virus and economic variables.” In other words, it was not COVID-19 but, rather, the deliberate implementation of the illogical, scientifically baseless lockdowns that caused the shutdown of the global economy. –David Skripac

A reading of  Chossudovsky’s book provides a comprehensive lesson in how there is a global coup d’état under way called “The Great Reset” that if not resisted and defeated by freedom loving people everywhere will result in a dystopian future not yet imagined. Pass on this free gift from Professor Chossudovsky before it’s too late.  You will not find so much valuable information and analysis in one place. –Edward Curtin

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    Total 6 comments
    • Daughter of the Church

      The deliberate silence is the most troubling. This athlete took her life as a result from the poisonous COVID19 “vaccine”. She was obligated to inject the poison in order to be allowed to participate to the competition in Thailand. Her sponsor ‘Adidas’ the maker of sneakers is silent. Her family is silent about the poison jab. The Swedish officials are silent, and yet everyone understand the direct cause of the suicide which was the poisonous injection rendering life insufferable to this young woman. It is murder.
      The young woman, in spite of having taken her own life has been judged with just justice, and one may hope that she made it into heaven. As for the fate of the silent ones about the poisonous injection murder, they deserve all, the severe judgement expected from the liars and the murderers.

    • John

      Myself unvaxxed by association with vaxxed also had the same problems with super high heart rate thru the spike protein (snake venom) while being in super physical condition before. I thought my life was over. But thru investigation and applying health detox supplements and nicotine protocol have become almost back like I was (97%). Unfortunately it does not end with physical death. The damage is MUCH greater, make sure you clean up your body before you die or suffer huge repercussions. Mnay internet protocols available, easiest is nicotine as per Dr Ardis.

      Death by vax is not the end to the damage, on the other side, as in spirit or astral realm. Causing etheric body to explode which holds the memory of the incarnation. If it shatters you cannot go thru life review and are locked into an earthbound existence till the etheric body can heal. Like solitary confinement for 500 years or more. The damage to the person is devastating and lasting more than a thousand years perhaps? Psychics investigated 48 dead vaxxed and found 47 out of 48 were earthbound. It will also mark your energy field for many incarnations (mark of the beast). With 70% of humanity vaxxed, that means 70% become earthbound for many hundreds of years creating a huge problem since that depression will affect the living non-vaxxed.

      Corona Vax from Spiritual Perspective. Consequences on Soul & Spirit & the Life after Death – Thomas Mayer

      Every Vaccine Produces Harm – Dr. Andrew Moulden

    • Daughter of the Church

      Predictably, as told from the article by Dr. Dr. William Makis , nothing effective will be done as a result of the death of the Swedish athlete. The ‘commemoration’ will be interluded by the usual minute of silence, all that in front of the large televised gathering which has ended a long procession in candle light and next to an amoncellement of teddy bears, with the whole been overlooked by white ballons holding silly love post-cards. Professor Baffle of the Medical official establishment of Sweden, will say nothing as usual, according to the strict directions of avoiding any incriminating statements. Who knows what else will be declared to this ‘annual gala on Friday’? May be climate change will be blamed for the tragedy! Then predictably Adam, the brother of the defunct blames the wrong ones, at blaming “lack of staff”, which deprived his sister from “psychiatric support”. This is the predictable bullshit from a socialist class at diverting from the real cause of the tragedy. The young woman, beautiful as an angel in the flesh, did not need psychological support, because she was poisoned by Professor Baffle et al, the employees of Big Pharma and sub-serviant to the world-wide cabal of eugénistes.
      In this billet, I typed what will happen to the commemoration of Emilia Brangefalt. I add that during the ‘minute of silence’, for the few who have a sharp ear, one will hear the mocking laughter of Satan, the slanderers who only find his happiness through deceit, destruction, pain and death.

      • Daughter of the Church

        To the shocking scandal which caused the despairing tragedy of Emilia Brangefalt, who verily represents the pure blood white angel in the flesh, there comes a suggestion to a Nordic rally cry: “Sverige erwache (‘wake-up’ in German borrowed from the Teutonic moto of the former NKFD):
        OUR WHITE ANGEL HAS BEEN STRUCK WITH THE DART OF DEATH. ERWACHE, ERWACHE, ERWACHE, wake-up, wake-up, wake-up” that’s for the lyric. For the tune, a march music in the likes of: …. might however be too much for the deeply ‘semitized’ Swedes who, in their sobbing, are in no better situation than the rest of the brave New Word, which quickly needs to kick-out the kike song for the sake of its own survival.

    • GJ

      Sheep still trusting the farmers instead of growing teeth and fighting g back. Nothing changes until we do so. You need to get your hands dirty with the blood of your enemies. Yes, that means we will have to fight their paid thugs in uniform that have all broken their oath to the Constitution and basic human rights and decency all for a weekly paycheck.

      • GJ

        The one thing you can count on happening is the pushing of more so called depression medications on the public. Instead of stopping the cause in its tracks they will offer you more poison that will make it easier for you to end your own life. Everything down here in the 10th circle of hell is inverted.

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