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FINAL ANALYSIS: Comsumerism is extinct & Resistance is non-existent

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The people who want more justice, fairness, democratic citizen power, free speech, privacy, national independence,the realisation of full potential for all, a free press and far less bribery in our cultures are outnumbered by the apathetic, outmaneuvered by State and Banking élites, outthought by the psy-op planners, outspoken but censored, outperformed by organised fakery, outrageous but disunited, outmoded politically and rapidly running out of time.

The more wrinkly among you probably remember all that “consumerist” programming on television some years back, whereby those who tried to scam us were promptly put out of business. As an adman, I approved of it mightily (as did most of my colleagues) because I could continue to say with a degree of pride to my Leftie friends, “If your precious Guardian & New York Times were as regulated for Truth as my ads are, they’d almost be entirely blank wastes of paper on most days”.

Advertising was a favourite dog to kick across the Left spectrum in those days: ‘persuades people to buy things they don’t need’ (dictatorial as ever), ‘persuades by stealth’ (never as much as an oped column) followed inexplicably by, ‘it never affects me, so it’s wasted money’ (so if it never affects you, what’s your problem?). These kneejerkers now sit and watch the MSM behaving like Izvestia year in, year out without so much as a squeak of complaint.

More to the point, because the Left has always lacked any kind of commercial comms perspective, it spectacularly fails to spot entrepreneurial capitalism turning into globally unaccountable monopolism.

Here’s a mind-boggling example provided from the wonderful folks at Fedex. To the North of Gambia here, in Senegal, there’s been something of a dust-up (including riots) because the Government has gratuitously jailed a popular Opposition leader to keep him out of next year’s general election there. [Names like Trump and Johnson spring to mind: congratulations US/UK vandals….you are now banana republics]

So my Fedex package from London was, obviously, delayed. That’s life – I’m not the type likely to believe in Hanks’s movie Castaway, where he almost dies getting the Fedex through. That’s just a film. It’s not real life. I’m not demanding employee death just so my package can appear. It’s just that, thing is, the package has been in Gambia now for four days, it’s been promised for delivery on all four days, and let’s face it Fedex, you’ve screwed up bigtime here.

But that isn’t the way that globalist private mail outfit Fedex thinks. This is how globalist private mail outfit Fedex thinks (my emphases)

‘Standard transit is the date and time the package is scheduled to be delivered  by, based on the selected service, destination and ship date.Limitations  and exceptions may apply. The shipment is scheduled for delivery on or before the scheduled delivery displayed above. FedEx does not determine money-back guarantee or delay claim requests based on the scheduled delivery. Please see the FedEx  Service Guide for terms.

Well thanks like anything, Fedex. A package weighing under 1lb 4″ x 3″ cost a cool £100 to send, but they still want lots of wriggle room….and anyway, they don’t determine money back delay claims. I highlighted the word ‘service’ above primarily as an exercise in irony rather than much else. By service, Fedex means we schedule deliveries, but we don’t guarantee them, as such. In other words, “Banish all hope of a square deal for those who enter herein”.

It’s the word “determine” that baffles and irritates above all: what does it mean – there’s an arbitration body that does this? Nope. They’re determined never to give cause for dissatisfaction? Double Nope. Because it means nothing grammatical at all.

So I wrote them a fizzer of an email cc’d to the CEO saying no Court in the world would disallow my complaint and get a move on. Hey presto, the object turned up within 90 minutes.

As I keep on insisting, don’t comply, complain

When it became clear that all the weaponised biokiller Pharmboys were also totally unaccountable, a few people got uppity. But not many…..or put it like this: not enough.

When global travel intermediary AirB&B found me a rental house in Gambia on my first arrival here, the Air BNB property was not exactly as advertised.It was situated at the end of a long, bomb-cratered sand road among what was effectively a shanty town. Inside the house, crockery and cutlery were minimal, there was no kettle, every mug had a broken handle, the drinking glasses had seen better days, neither of the showers worked, the furniture was tatty, I never did find any hot water, the bedding was ancient and scruffy, and the endless locks almost impossible to fathom.

So I told friends I was going to give AirB&B both barrels and demand a full refund. All of them said: “Not a chance mate…write it off and move on”. Well, I shamed the company on every social medium available and copied the CEO in New York plus their brokers. The cheque arrived by return.

At the airport in Banjul, my shoulder bag containing €2500 in cash and a new laptop was stolen. “You’ll never see it again,” was the general view from the “move on” crowd. But the guy whose taxi I’d hired turned out to be a former security guy at the airport. He said – and there’s a lesson for us all in this – “It’s a common scam & airport staff are all bought by the perpetrators…create a fuss right now and your bag will miraculously reappear. If you do nothing, they’ll fence it within 48 hours”.

He was right – the bag reappeared.

What’s happening across the Planet at the moment on a macro scale is no different to these micro examples: if you fight back, the cowards will retreat. Even China had to rethink after more lockdowns evoked a violent response – as did Russia after a hastily covered-up Muscovite outcry.

Returning to our starting point today, the word ‘consumerist’ has died out because there’s no such thing any more: what we all have now is a seamless, hermetically sealed 100% Siamese Twin relationship between Big Business and the State. It is based precisely on the idea put forward by the gentleman below.

That’s right: the best idea that bankers, Schwab, von der Leyen and the Green Reds can come up with as the outcome of a New World Order built back better to give us a New Normal is the technocratic, warmongering fascist State put forward by Benito Mussolini….only this time, the tanks don’t have four reverse gears.

You don’t have any consumer rights any more. You are no longer the Sovereign Consumer. You don’t have access to a cheap legal redress infrastructure any more – it’s been abolished. You don’t have the right to stop your bank asking you impertinent questions or withholding your money. If you live in Austria, you don’t even have the right to your own body any more. THEY own everything, including you, your privacy, your savings, your right to anonymity, right to drive your own car, and the freedom to speak your mind.

The process didn’t start yesterday: France is by far the most dictatorial State in the EU since the arrival of Macrony the Banker. Just try closing a bank account in France: it can’t be done. Don’t argue with a farmer: you can’t win. Don’t try to sue a DIY shed for supplying a “solid oak” door that is neither oak nor solid: you will lose. Don’t argue with a notaire: they have a written employment constitution that allows them to cheat and steal and do whatever is necessary to make money for the State out of citizens in all the sizes and all the colours. Even in Oz, don’t get into a fight with the mining sector: they will bury you.

Those of us who are awake have known since roughly 2007 how irrevocably corrupt, crooked and mendacious the Brussels mafia are. Don’t refuse to have the Euro or get invaded by aggressive migrants: you will end up like Viktor Orban – smeared and deprived of influence because he has more libertarian democracy in his left toenail than the entire Eurocrat cheating structure. Don’t be Greeks out to stop Mario Draghi from “beating them to death with a baseball bat”: your fate will be threats against your family and then totally illegal direct rule from Frankfurt.

The Unelected Blocist State has you by the balls, my friend: it lies about everything, ignores all your rights, and ‘disposes of’ any serious level of resistance. Its unassailable power grows with every day via banking consolidation, WHO treaties to overrule legislatures, and blatant military intelligence intervention when you do something it doesn’t like. Think the unpersoned David Cameron, Angela Leadsome, Liz Truss and The Donald. Forget any nonsense about living in a free country. The evil concept of Nationality has been cancelled.

But this top-down autotechnocracy is only making progress via the citzenry’s lamentable autocompliance. Do not cut losses and do not move on: stand your ground and say “NO YOU F**KING DON’T, SUNBEAM…..THIS IS A LINE IN THE SAND”.

It’s a poker game, people – a bluff and counter-bluff marathon.

However, what I bring to you today is exclusive evidence of why “moving on” (aka acquiescing) will encourage far more collaborators to join the forces of evil. Just as with the Vichyists in Nazi-occupied France, there are those who become Maquis, those who keep their heads down….and those who quietly say to themselves, “Bring it on”.*

*If you doubt this, I recommend the French novel Monsieur Le Commandant.

I often refer to we the resisters as ‘The 1in8″.

But there’s really no such thing as the 7in8. It is far from being a homogeneous group. Running off the typology list of the not always Magnificent Seven, one might say the Sun headline is busy/distracted, apathetic, footie-fixated, Ideologue of Left/Right, MSM Journalist, Soap addict and Smuggie naif.

Very little attention has been paid to the Smuggies: those people who – while far below the One Per Centers – think the New World Order is a good thing and they’re very much up for it. As a former market researcher, I can fully understand why they exscape attention: our era’s tepid compliance with Schwabist EUNATO darkness is one thing; but getting enthusiasts to fess up to full-on Third Reich tendencies in research is a tricky one. One doesn’t begin an interview by asking, “So when did you first realise most other people are abusing the oxygen supply?”

But there are in the published domain some starter-for-ten clues to kick us off.

The US professorial economist Bryan Caplan (below left) has written for much of this century about “stable totalitarianism” in the form of a global totalitarian regime that lasts for a very long period of time as per a Hitlerian ‘Thousand Year Reich’….. particularly if we move towards a more unified world government or if certain technologies make it possible for totalitarian leaders to rule for longer.

Much of Caplan’s published work now looks incredibly prescient, but as recently as September last year, the website 80,000 hours still felt able to conclude, ‘Caplan thinks that there is a 5% risk of perpetual totalitarianism within the next 1,000 years. We think the risk of this is much lower’. Resisting the strong temptation to break into a verse of “Cockeyed Optimist’, this issue would be easier to unravel had not Caplan himself in 2011 published the essay The myth of the rational voter, in which he argued that ‘The greatest obstacle to sound economic policy is not entrenched special interests or rampant lobbying, but the popular misconceptions, irrational beliefs, and personal biases held by ordinary voters….democracy fails precisely because it does what voters want’.

The absolution he offers to entrenched special interests or rampant lobbying is (for me) naive, and the idea that State élites do anything that voters want completely ignores the Establishment media working 24/7 to tell the BBC/Sky News addicts what they ought to want. It’s hard to get a comprehensive steer on what Caplan wants (as yet I’m not familiar enough with his total output) but the point I’m making is that his work is intriguing, and a future NWO lackey looking for a “respectable” American apologist might very easily settle for Caplan.

So much for the published domain: but in some ways that leads us onto the reality of another niche in the 7/8ths and where to find them. All the evidence suggests that AI or not, employing the pro-Reset troops is still taking up an enormous amount of manpower. They need thousands of trolls (some are bots but they’re very crude and fairly easy to spot) while many thousands more are creating fake facts and collecting data on the 1in8. Yesterday, substacker Meryl Nass noted that

‘….smartphones and our manifold other devices collect an incredible array of information on our habits, choices, and movements at all times. This represents a significant and persistent threat to your civil liberties and safety, as confirmed in a newly released report from the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI). At the behest of Oregon Senator Ron Wyden, Avril Haines, the director of national intelligence in the Biden Administration completed a report in January 2022….the report affirms a mounting bevy of evidence that government agencies — from Immigration and Customs Enforcement to the Pentagon — are compiling vast stores of for-sale data to rival anything that’s been available to intelligence agencies in the past.’

It’s not just that we are talking hundreds of thousands of people in the US alone buying, selling, analysing and spreading disinformation, but rather the reality that – unlike the Resistance – they have access to mind-boggling budgets with a view to contradicting, smearing, harassing and goading everyone they want banned or in other ways silenced by the use of endless supplies of false twitter identities, insults and accusations of ignorance.

There are always some people prepared to spend every day chucking bodies into mass graves who go home every evening and never worry about it. But my own research over decades suggests that such people are rare: most do it because they are frustrated and embittered pro-am fanatics who want to feel important. They like this lowly job in a posh household, and dream of one day being a valued butler to a member of the top table clan.

Even beyond this vast salaried army, there are one or two studies conducted that have analysed data on pro and adverse comments about WEF on Youtube, where several Davos epics have appeared. Out of 5022 comments made overall the vast majority were negative, but that still left 1093 (about 22%) that could be interpreted as anything from ‘trying to make things better’ to ‘maybe we should give it a try’. The key word there is interpreted, because (as with most such qualitative research) such an approach is at best educated, and at worst misleading. Having studied some of the comments, however, my own gut reaction was that the ‘bring it on’ tendency is a real one whose exact size remains uncertain.

Of course, I can’t close today without noting some of the despicable developments in my former profession of commercial communications. I know of at least four “image management” agencies working directly with both journalists and civil servants in the UK to sanitise the reputation of various Resetters. These snakepits don’t manage images, they simply distort them until they look less like the portrait of Dorian Gray. It helps get people elected – nearly always, the moneygrubbing jellyfish who carry on looking the other way while those who already have most of the money steal what’s left of ours.

It’s not a pretty picture, but it is real. It’s a canvas of naive writers, unethical hacks, dirty money, expanding Intelligence ops, dystopian abnormality, heightened censorship, neutered online social media, growing numbers of those in favour and loyal to the New Normal, and increasingly organised professional media manipulators.

No operation in history has ever before managed to reposition a pocket-sized combination 24/7 access, control mechanism, money access and digital weapon of surveillance as a useful and fun way of staying in touch with friends, latest “news” and information. The smartphone will be, for some time to come, the cuckoo in every nest – on a mission to gain Lebensraum in our souls.

As ever, the question becomes more complex and divisive when one studies the varietal nature of Resetters – Leftist political fanatics, duped Green emergencists, Military Intelligence paranoiacs, Useful Hollywood idiots, billionaire egomaniacs, Thomas Hobbes fans, digital enthusiasts, transhuman fantasists and bankers. But the one thing they have in common is the superiority complex certainty that we shall own nothing and they will be happy.

They are determined, rich, weaponised, righteous, organised and convinced. All the things, in fact, that the Resistance isn’t.

 The War on liberty, mutual respect, national unity and entrepreneurs has been ongoing since the late 1980s. Our one victory over lunatic depravity – Brexit – is about to be turned into ignominious defeat. We are in disorganised retreat on every Front. I don’t care how many people among the 1in8 are offended by this post: we will not triumph over Globalist unreality by developing our own feelgood surreality of success in social media. Much broader and more aggressive civil disobedience is now a must-have if the New Dark Age is to be strangled at birth.


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