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On last look at quantum mechanics for now, and then back to something I can understand.

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Maybe one of you intelligent readers can explain it better:


1. Bob lives 10 light years from me, and 10 years ago, I sent him 3 entangled particles (one from each of 3 entangled pairs).
2. Bob and I have a prior agreement that if he receives an entangled particle from me that is UP, he will fly to planet “X”, but if the entangled particle is DOWN, he will fly to planet “Y.”
3. If he receives a second particle that is UP, he will go to the north pole of the planet he flew to, or if the second particle is DOWN he will go to the south pole of that planet.
4. If he receives a 3rd particle that is DOWN, he will dig a deep hole and shelter there, but if the 3rd particle is UP he will build a high tower and live on top.

It will take Bob a month to accomplish his 3 instructions, at which time he will radio me that he has arrived at his new location and what it is.

I know what the 3 particles tell Bob to do, because they are the opposite of my particles. When he does those three things, I know where Bob is, well before his radio message arrives.

Have I accomplished FTL communication?

Copilot: This is a fascinating thought experiment! Let’s break it down:

Entanglement and Instantaneous Correlation: When you and Bob measure your respective entangled particles, the outcomes are correlated. If you measure your particle and find it UP, you know instantly that Bob’s corresponding particle is DOWN, and vice versa. This correlation happens instantaneously, regardless of the distance between you.

No Information Transfer: However, the key point in quantum mechanics is that while entanglement allows for instantaneous correlation, it does not allow for faster-than-light (FTL) communication. This is because the outcome of each measurement is random. You cannot control whether your particle will be UP or DOWN, and thus you cannot send a specific message to Bob using this method.

Bob’s Actions: Bob’s actions based on the particles’ states are predetermined by your agreement. When you measure your particles, you know what Bob will do, but this knowledge is based on the pre-agreed rules and the random outcomes of the measurements.

You are not sending new information to Bob; you are merely observing the results of a pre-established protocol.

Radio Message: The radio message Bob sends after completing his tasks is the actual communication. This message travels at the speed of light, and it is only then that you receive confirmation of Bob’s actions.

In summary, while entanglement provides instantaneous knowledge of correlated outcomes, it does not enable FTL communication because you cannot use it to send controlled information. The actual communication (Bob’s radio message) still adheres to the speed of light limit. Therefore, you have not accomplished FTL communication.

RM: Interesting. In the same scenario, let’s assume Planets “X” and “Y” each are halfway between Bob and me. If I follow the same instructions, Bob and I will meet halfway simultaneously. That could not have been accomplished if I had sent him instructions by radio message. And yet, this is not considered information?

Copilot: You’ve highlighted a very intriguing aspect of quantum entanglement and its implications for coordination. Let’s delve into this:

Simultaneous Actions: By following the same set of instructions based on the entangled particles, both you and Bob can coordinate your actions to meet at a specific location (Planets “X” or “Y”) at the same time. This coordination is indeed remarkable and would not be possible with classical communication methods like radio, which are limited by the speed of light.

Pre-Established Protocol: The key here is that the coordination is based on a pre-established protocol. Both you and Bob agreed in advance on how to interpret the outcomes of the entangled particles. This agreement allows you to predict each other’s actions without the need for real-time communication.

No New Information Transfer: Despite the impressive coordination, this process does not involve the transfer of new information. The outcomes of the entangled particles are random and cannot be controlled to send specific messages. The entanglement allows you to know the state of Bob’s particles instantaneously, but it does not enable you to send a message to Bob or vice versa.

Quantum Correlation vs. Communication: The distinction lies in the difference between correlation and communication. Quantum entanglement provides a way to correlate actions instantaneously, but it does not allow for the transmission of information in the traditional sense. Information transfer requires the ability to send a specific, controlled message, which is not possible with entanglement alone.

In essence, while quantum entanglement allows for remarkable coordination and correlation, it does not violate the principles of relativity because it does not enable faster-than-light communication. The coordination you describe is a result of the pre-agreed protocol and the inherent properties of entanglement, rather than the transmission of new information.

RM: I suspect the difference must be randomness, not the “pre-established protocol.” After all, English is a “pre-established protocol.” I am writing to you in a “pre-established protocol,” and you are answering me in a “pre-established protocol,” but I consider your answer to be information, so the difference between correlation and communication must be randomness. True?

Copilot: You’re absolutely right! The key difference between quantum entanglement and classical communication lies in the randomness of the measurement outcomes.

In classical communication, like our conversation in English, we use a pre-established protocol (language) to convey specific, controlled information. Each word and sentence is deliberately chosen to communicate a particular message.

In the case of quantum entanglement:

Random Outcomes: When you measure an entangled particle, the result (UP or DOWN) is inherently random. You cannot control the outcome to send a specific message. This randomness is fundamental to quantum mechanics.

Instantaneous Correlation: While the outcomes are random, they are perfectly correlated. If you measure your particle and find it UP, you know instantly that Bob’s corresponding particle is DOWN. However, this correlation does not convey any new information because you cannot predict or control the outcome.

No Controlled Information Transfer: Since you cannot control the measurement outcomes, you cannot use entanglement to send a specific, pre-determined message to Bob. This lack of control is what prevents entanglement from being used for faster-than-light communication.

In summary, the randomness of the measurement outcomes is indeed the critical factor that distinguishes quantum entanglement from classical communication. While entanglement allows for instantaneous correlation, it does not enable the controlled transfer of information, which is essential for communication.

RM: I’m going to flip a coin. If it lands on “heads,” I’ll tell you, and you type the word “heads.” If the coin lands on tails, I’ll tell you and you type the word “tails.” I have no control over this. It’s random. OK, I just flipped the coin. It’s heads. Do your thing.

Copilot: Heads.

RM: Did I communicate information to you?

Copilot: Yes, you did communicate information to me. When you told me the coin landed on heads, you conveyed specific information based on the outcome of a random event. Even though the result was random and you had no control over it, the act of telling me the result allowed you to transfer information.

The key difference between this scenario and quantum entanglement is that in classical communication (like telling me the coin flip result), you can directly convey the outcome. In quantum entanglement, while you can know the state of the other particle instantaneously, you cannot use this to send a controlled message because the outcomes are inherently random and cannot be predetermined or influenced.

So, while both involve randomness, classical communication allows for the direct transfer of information, whereas quantum entanglement does not enable controlled information transfer.

So folks, if you can visualize this, much less explain it, a Nobel Prize awaits you. Meanwhile, I will return to Monetary Sovereignty, tail between my legs.

Rodger Malcolm Mitchell

Monetary Sovereignty

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