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By John Kimber (Reporter)
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Next 9/11 Revealed In Simpsons?

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Many people are aware of the numerous references to 9/11 in movies, and TV shows etc,
shown prior to 9/11/2001:-  “Lone Gunmen” 9/11

9/11, 7/7, and the Oklahoma City Bombing, were all revealed beforehand in so-called “fiction”:- OKC Bombing and 9/11 Movies etc BBC “predicts” 7/7
The most famous example of “9/11 predictive programming” occurred in a 1997 episode of
The Simpsons, called “The City of New York vs. Homer Simpson”.
Much less well known, is the apparent “predictive programming 2.0″ which occurred in a 2010
Simpsons episode, called “To Surveil, with Love”.
In this episode, a radiological “dirty bomb” is detonated in Springfield.
This is blamed on “terrorists”, despite being caused by the bomb squad, who blow up an
unattended gym bag containing nuclear waste.
The resulting fear, is harnessed to justify the introduction of a central London style
surveillance system, with cameras on every corner.
These themes of false flag nuclear terrorism, followed by a police state, are also the basis
of “Operation Blackjack”, and the TV show Jericho:- an “entirely fictitious slide show story” Blackjack Full Slide Show
Are we being prepared for another major false flag attack, and has the full date been
supplied within so-called fiction?
Helpfully, “To Surveil, with Love” contains “The Simpsons Doomsday Clock”, an obvious
place to look for answers:-

It is easy to see the 9/11/01 when the clock is inverted, with the frame supplying a 01, and a second 01 above the minute hand:-

Understandably, the clock is more cryptic in its normal orientation, which may contain new information (see above).

When viewed the normal way up, the clock offers a 6, an 11, and there is a solitary storm cloud above the 12. The frame also supplies a 10.

So, following Homer’s eye line from left to right, 10+10+2 = 22, with a 6 below; 22/6 or 6/22, but what is the year?
There is also a crucial hidden 2, next to the 10 (see top photo also):- the hidden 2 discovered
Using this extra 2, and moving from right to left along the same eye line, on the clock face = 2 01 2. This generates a full date of 22/6/2012 or 6/22/2012.

There are multiple year encodes: the year 01 is above the minute hand, when the clock is inverted, 12 is the number above the minute hand when the clock is the ”right way up”.

12 is also highlighted by the storm cloud (a bad omen metaphor), and there are 12 fence posts behind Homer. The bomb is detonated at 5m:52s = 5+5+2 = 12.
Ignoring the clock face completely, and looking right to left at the largest objects, there are 2 tree trunks, an 01 from the clock frame, and 2 full fence posts on the left = 2 01 2 = 2012 again.
The 22/6 attack date is stated in the Operation Blackjack version of this “story”, only the year was missing. 9/11/2001 to 22/6/2012 = 10y 9m 11d.
Interestingly, the doomsday clock reads 5:55pm, and appears at 5m:55s into the ”To Surveil, with Love” episode. The number 5 has been described as meaning ”fortress of doom” in occult numerology, 555 = triple doom:- original missing  save if interested.
These clues from The Simpsons, are just a few of many indicating that a major false flag attack is planned for 6/22/2012. This article provides a summary:-
Links replacing the article’s dead link (1), best evidence in later posts:- Blackjack 2012 duplicate
Operation Blackjack and Jericho describe massive destruction from real nuclear weapons. The Simpsons dirty bomb scenario seems more likely – plenty of fear/control, for relatively little death and destruction; martial law made easy:-
Here is the same “story”, yet again, in the long running sci-fi series Dr Who, which aired on 6/21
(Blackjack launch day), with a Titanic 2012 year clue:- Predictive Programming in Dr Who (4m)
“To Surveil, with Love” has one final message, for anyone who still believes that it is pure fiction. It ends with the song ”Get Ready For This”.

Additional Information:-
Production code MABF12. MABF = 13+1+2+6 = 22. 22/12 with 6 characters = 6/22/12.

Show ID SI-2112 = 21 (Blackjack), 12, 6 (sum), 22, 11 = Blackjack 22/6/12, death.
Episode 461 = 11 = sacrifices dedicated to Satan, e.g. Remembrance Day 11/11/11.
To Surveil, with Love = 21 (Blackjack) characters and spaces. Black Jack = Satan.
To Surveil, with Love = 21m:21s long = Blackjack Blackjack. 42 gods of judgement. New (2012) apparently related material.
Help to publicize/prevent any attacks planned for 6/22/2012:-

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    Total 21 comments
    • John Kimber

      The Dr Who video was available for 3 years, until very recently.
      Here is the episode in question:- Left-hand path = satanic path.

    • John Kimber

      Both the year (2012), and the day (22), were found recently.

    • Anonymous

      one and one is two……two and two is four…..four and four make ten, if you know how to work it right.

      the clues are not that systematically embedded into programmed tv shows. all you have to do is watch….period. you can even turn the sound off if you like. the thoughts are placed inside your one brain celled organs so fast by subliminal lighting that there is no thought process involved on the mammals part.

      finding or thinking that you found a prescribed numeric equation in a tv cartoon……(might i ad all of you were programmed by these assanine littler features as a child)is just ludicrous. but here is a thought you can ponder upon.

      REALITY NEWS….GET SOME OF YOUR READERS ON THIS. Why Mit Romney’s childhood home was destroyed the day he decided to enter the presidency race…May 2010…and is there a secret involved in a house being left to decay for so long while in a high class, established neighborhood of Detroit. Now that is a real riddle to figure out. Not trying to predict the next doomsday false flag event from a reptilian controlled political establishment.

    • John Kimber

      Who cares about Romney? He is just another puppet:-

    • Anonymous

      go back and watch tv little boy……….the simpsons have a special showing now. and i’ll make you a nice peanut butter sandwich. do your disinfo tactics later.


    • Anonymous




    • ladyJ

      Knowledge is power, be prepared, be aware!

      God has put in each being in the universe a connection to him. It is your own INNER GUIDANCE SYSTEM, your own INNER KNOWLEDGE.Instinct and Intuition are but the surface of your own knowledge.Your direct connection to God.The question is how do you unlock it.

      There is a New Message for humanity. It speaks of Great Waves of Change, it speaks about Alien Intervention, it speaks of the future and saving humanity and it says it will all happen within the next 20 years. It is within the individual, within their own Inner Knowledge. It is for this time the message has come to show humanity how to unlock their own Inner Knowledge, to assist in saving humanity. To read more go here:

      [link to]

      Be prepared, it is vast, it encompasses all of humanity’s plights, it is profound, It will resonate within, for your own Inner Knowledge will tell you this.

    • g-man

      homer = bilderberg?
      what’s next? little maggie is a wicca high priestess?
      marge’s cone shaped hair is *wink *wink to the egyptian queen nefertiti?
      bart’s clubhouse represents a masonic lodge?

      now – even cartoon figures are in on the great conspiracy to undermine and destroy humanity?!?

      paranoia is a mental illness, ya’ll know that right?
      some of you really have way too much time on your hands.

    • John Kimber

      9/11, 7/7, and the OKC bombing, were all foretold in so-called fiction, why not another event?

      The Simpsons had screen-filling “New York 9/11″ messages in 1997, complete with drawings of the Twin Towers. The above clock is just more of the same.

    • John Kimber

      On the clock face two numbers are highlighted by subtle markers, the 10 (by the hidden 2), and the 12 (by the storm cloud): 10+12 = 22 again.

      Also, using the hidden 2, 10 (clock frame) + hidden 2 + 10 = 22, 6 below (minute hand), 12 above (marked by storm cloud) = 22/6/12.

    • theycallmemrchase

      “5:55 PM” For some reason, 555 immediately reminded me that the Thomas Jefferson Memorial is 555 ft. tall. When 555 feet is multiplied by 12 (as in 12 inches to a foot) it comes out to 6660.

      I realize we’re talking about a clock in this instance, but the 555 number does raise my curiosity. It will require more thought…..hmmm…”555.”

    • John Kimber

      The Simpsons Movie has Homer trying to save Springfield from being destroyed by a nuclear bomb.

      Operation Blackjack, Jericho, LOST, Heroes, 24, Spooks: Code 9, The Peacemaker (Clooney/Kidman), Next (Nicolas Cage), etc, all have nuclear bomb themes.

    • anyoneamongUS

      i see 6/11/12 or 11/6/12 on the clock

    • John Kimber

      There has to be some disguise, especially after “New York 9/11″ famously appeared in a 1997 Simpsons Episode. Your 12 is hidden to start with.

    • Room With a View

      Jesus said, I am the door, any man who enters by me shall be saved. This is serious people, Jesus saves, Jesus heals, Jesus is the way, the truth and the life, no man cometh to the Father but by me.
      I hope and pray that the Holy Spirit will speak to each and every one and cause people to realise they need Jesus. Open your heart and see. You will be very surprised and ashamed at all your musings.
      This is serious folks, who else in this world can offer you any hope, and really, can you rely upon yourself????????????

    • Decode the World

      Very interesting post, John, thanks for sharing with everyone!

    • IRHologram

      Give it up, Lady J. You’re a shameful fund raising shill for a blasphemous man. We have HEARD you, and are tired of this same boring post on EVERY SINGLE STORY for over a week. IF any WERE attracted to this charlatan by your first posts here, they’re being driven away now.

    • John Kimber

      Thanks everyone for reading and commenting. See my other comments for extra 22s, and more “fiction” with nuclear bomb themes.

      Here is my Coast To Coast AM script, for anyone who can get through (I cannot so far):-

      “George (or John Wells),

      Have you seen the Operation Blackjack series, on the London Telegraph’s website?

      It is a about terror attacks on the 22nd of June, in America and Europe.

      It seems very similar to so-called “fiction”, that described 9/11, 7/7, and the OKC Bombing, before those events happened.

      Listeners can Google, “Next 9/11 Revealed”, for more information.

      Anyway, now that Coast To Coast has made Operation Blackjack famous, hopefully nothing will happen on June 22.


    • John Kimber

      Just noticed the unwarranted “a”, in the third line of the C2C AM script, in previous post.

    • TimOsman

      2012 Olympics, NY & Chicago are likely 2012 targets

    • HfjNUlYZ

      None of these links work???

      The most famous example of “9/11 predictive programming” occurred in a 1997 episode of
      The Simpsons, called “The City of New York vs. Homer Simpson”.

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