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Bible Story of the Day: Holy Spirit

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Bible Story of the Day

Scripture is the story of Jesus, from Genesis to Revelation. There are over 400 prophecies and representations of Jesus in the Old Testament alone. The Old Testament pointed forward to the coming Christ, and the New Testament points back to Jesus. The Bible is a record of redemption through Jesus Christ who conquered sin and death when He died on the cross and resurrected three days later. The New Testament was written almost 2000 years ago. Some of the Old Testament was written over 4000 years ago. The Bible Story of the Day not only shows Jesus throughout scripture but shows how scripture is relevant to our lives today. Seeing Jesus in scripture is a major step into understanding who our God is, and how He impacts and affects our lives in every moment. I pray that the Holy Spirit opens your mind to understanding the verses and how they affect your life and gives you a better understanding of our Lord Jesus Christ. I will post a link to the chapter that each passage is from, so that you can read further on your own.

Holy Spirit

Proverbs 1:23

“Turn to my reproof,
Behold, I will pour out my spirit on you;
I will make my words known to you. (NASB).

Where is Jesus and What Does This Mean to Us?

Jesus is speaking to us in Proverbs 1:23. He is telling us about the Holy Spirit. God, the father, Jesus, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, the Helper are three persons of God. The word Trinity is not mentioned in scripture, but is a word created years later to explain the unity of three in one. This is a complex concept to understand and has caused division between Jews, Christians, and Muslims. All three religions believe in the God of Abraham, but Islam and Judaism do not accept Jesus as the Son of God. There are many more differences between the three religions, but for this piece I will only cover that major difference. The belief that it is Jesus speaking in this verse of Proverbs comes from a related verse in the New Testament:

John 16:7, “But I tell you the truth, it is to your advantage that I go away; for if I do not go away, the Helper will not come to you; but if I go, I will send Him to you.” (NASB).

The true author of Proverbs said He will “pour out my spirit on you.” John writes that Jesus told them directly that, “I will send Him to you.” The connection between Old Testament and New Testament are clear to see. This is an excellent example of scripture proving itself and fulfilling itself. Jesus proclaimed that He would pour out the Holy Spirit onto us 700 years before He was born. His fulfillment of that promise occurred after His resurrection as He was speaking to the Disciples before He ascended to Heaven. The Holy Spirit is here now, available to all of us because Jesus sent Him.

What does this mean to us? Jesus keeps His promises. We are not alone. Times have changed from Old Testament and New Testament in what we call the “New Covenant”. Jesus told the people during Old Testament times that He will pour His Spirit onto us. Today, that Spirit is here for us. We do not have to wait. We can all receive the Holy Spirit. The days of David the Spirit was not available to everyone and would come and go based on God’s will. David wrote in Psalm 51:11, “Do not cast me away from Your presence, and do not take Your Holy Spirit from me.” (NASB). The Holy Spirit will not be taken away from anyone who receives it because Jesus has come and made a new covenant. God’s will is at work and He has given authority to Jesus. Jesus has allowed all of us to receive the Holy Spirit. This means that there is a guiding element in our lives that we can lean on and turn to that will help us live righteously in a fallen world.

The Holy Spirit convicts us of our sins. This is not a conviction like our justice system; this is an awareness brought to our minds when we live or act outside of how God wants us to live. The Holy Spirit does not condemn. That is Satan. The Holy Spirit tells us we have done wrong and to not do it again and leads us back to Jesus. He is our GPS. He helps us get back on the path. Without the Holy Spirit we are lost in the wilderness. Praise God that Jesus has sent the Helper.


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    Total 14 comments
    • Truthseeker

      seeker even the Catholics admit the doctrine of a trinity is a fabricated lie —

      You have been so completely deceived by the 40,000 kinds of so called christianity that even the words of Jesus Christ are rejected.

      Catholic authority says that the Trinity “is not . . . directly and immediately [the] word of God.”—New Catholic Encyclopedia.

      The Catholic Encyclopedia comments: “In Scripture there is as yet no single term by which the Three Divine Persons are denoted together. The word τρίας [tri′as] (of which the Latin trinitas is a translation) is first found in Theophilus of Antioch about A. D. 180.” The New Catholic Encyclopedia also says: “The doctrine of the Holy Trinity is not taught in the O[ld] T[estament].”

      Update : The New Catholic Encyclopedia (1967) discusses the Trinity at length and admits:

      “The Trinitarian dogma is in the last analysis a late 4th-century invention”

      The formulation of ‘one God in three Persons’ was not solidly established, certainly not fully assimilated into Christian life and its profession of faith, prior to the end of the 4th century.” End of Quote;

      Thus seeker you ARE catholic.

      • Yochannan

        Truthseeker I agree, you are 100% correct. Lots of “Christians” are walking in complete blindness on this site. They should really use the same Bible that “Yahshua” (Jesus), as the teacher in the so-called “Greek Testament” used. Yahshua only used the Hebrew Bible, NOT the Greek-Roman-Constantine NT Bible that was compiled by the Catholic Church and accepted by them some 350 years “after” the teacher Yahshua walked the earth (if he ever did).

    • jknbt

      hey, Mr SeektheTruth, don’t be intimidated or put off by Truthseeker….he will argue theology face to face with King Jesus after the Second Coming just like the Pharisees did when he was with us before the cross…

      “truthseeker” is known on this blog more correctly as “truth-avoider”. His tactic is to ask innocent sounding questions (the bait), and then to blast away with a 500 word reply refuting anything anyone might say (the bite). He tries to bait me, & I quote the scripture back about the foolishness of casting my pearls in his direction. Nope, don’t have any spare time to play a game of “bait-and-bite”.

      so thanks for the nice article. Pls submit more. This BIN page is a pantheon of heresies. It is nice to see bible truth when it gets posted.

      • seekthetruth

        Thank you jknbt. I appreciate the kind words. Have no fear. I am neither intimidated nor put off by anyone. I will continue posting Bible stories of Jesus in the Old Testament as well as other articles. My desire is to spread the Gospel to as many people as I can. I am glad to have this platform to share the message, and to have readers.

      • Truthseeker


        you have yet to refute even one scripture from the mouth of Jesus Christ that destroys your man made doctrines.

        You use that “pearls” thing because it is all you have.

        Seeker what jknbt and some others do not like is the fact I follow in the foot steps of Jesus Christ I “DO” what HE tells His disciples to do and what HE did.

        I do not Hate law and order as so called christians do— they expect the brain dead to believe that Christ for 3 1/2 years taught a way that died with HIM at the Stake. That is absurd!

        Jesus Christ made the clear statement that the MANY will be deceived by the preaching that HE, Jesus, IS the Christ.

        Thus we have now 40,000 flavors of deception telling us that we must not live as did Jesus Christ and the Apostles.

        Go through the 4 books of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John and take the words of Jesus Christ – all of them – explain if you can how they are not counter to so called christianity today.

        Jesus Christ condemns what is called Christianity today

        • jknbt

          truth avoider, stop saying that there are 40,000 different denominations. If you split doctrinal hairs down to the molecule level, that might have some truth to it. The people making this claim consider a church group to be distinctive if they have the slightest difference of opinion on even one of their cardinal doctrines. If that is the case, every Baptist church in the world is a separate denomination, because their team allows each church to publish its own statement of faith, even though there is essential agreement in all the major doctrines. T0 say that there are 40,000 denominations is a weak argument based on a lack of understanding of the key doctrines of each particular take on Christianity.

          The truth of the matter, truth avoider, is that there are really only six main doctrinally distinctive Christian groups that hold to a common orthodoxy going back to the Apostle’s creed and Nicene creed. They all have a similar take on commonly held beliefs, like Wesleyans, Methodists, Pentecostals, and Anglicans which are part of the Protestant-Arminian group, for example. There are variants to each large classification, but they are more similar than different. The test is this: can a trained, ordained minister from one church easily move to another church without having to re-invent and relearn his entire belief system and go back to seminary for three years. For example, Protestant Arminian churches like Assembly of God, Church of God Cleveland TN, and Pentecostal Holiness will readily swap preachers and ordinations among each other, since the theologies are so similar.

          the six main groups are:

          Catholic Church
          Eastern Orthodox Church
          Oriental Orthodoxy
          Assyrian Church of the East
          Protestantism-Reform Theology
          Protestantism-Arminian or Wesleyan Arminian Theology (includes Charismatic/Pentecostals)

          if you are determined to be so darn inclusive, add this seventh group:

          Independent Unorthodox Beliefs: There are many “almost Christian” groups that hold some bible truths but deny others, examples: JWs & LDS. The United Pentecostal Church theology is very similar to the Protestant Arminian Pentecostal theology group except they deny the Trinity. There are many others that just don’t fit in anywhere.

          By the way, your bizarre take on the Bible is so distinctive that you qualify as your own denomination.

          • Truthseeker

            JKNBT — seeker — destined –crazy — anonymous

            “”"By the way, your bizarre take on the Bible is so distinctive that you qualify as your own denomination.”"

            I have been making that statement for years now and I of course do not expect you to believe the words of Jesus Christ that it is the few that are called and then chosen — the few — not billion making up the 40,000 denominations i.e. divisions of so called christianity.

            But I do have good news for all of you.

            I believe this coming Feast of Trumpets that falls on September 10 could begin the total destruction of the nations of the House of Israel, America and Britain being the two main nations.

            as this is very possible, I am not stating this as a fact, I am now focusing on preparing my family and my farm for a trade war followed food rationing and then by famine and disease and then by the following Feast of Trumpets, World War Three between America and Germany. Germany wins this time.

            I moved to secluded acreage 2 years ago as I saw this was coming then.

            I have been waiting and watching for these events since 1969 and I have never seen anything like what is transpiring in this world now.

            Ezekiel chapters 1 through 7 explains what is coming — 200 million Americans will die of famine, disease and war.

            so I will not have the time to point out just how far from the truth you fellows are and that does not take a rocket scientist just the words of Jesus Christ.

            I know this will, temperately, make you very happy but since September is only a few months away your excitement may l be short lived.

            I will from time to time come back to point out your false doctrines == false doctrines — proven so by Jesus Christ.

            • jknbt

              nobody knows the day nor the hour…this includes you.

              If there is a full blown nuclear exchange, there will not be a place in North America that is safe…that is, unless your hiding place is next to a closed lead mine in the Rockies, and you have the key to the padlocks. Putin said he has a supersonic missile that can’t be knocked down, and on it is the Satan warhead that can kill everyone in a state the size of NY with one blast. Yikes.

            • Truthseeker


              If you would to study prophecy you would then know there will not be a world wide nuclear war and If you understood the 7 Seals again you would know there will not be a huge nuclear war.

              the 3rd Seal tell us food will be rationed — food etc. in short supply because of trade war -50% of our food in imported and we now have massive droughts in the west.

              the 4th Seal is a world war involving 25% of the earth.

              Ezekiel states 1/3 will die of famine and disease and 1/3 by war and the remaining third will be taken into captivity.

              And If you were to spent any time in prophecy you would know of scriptures such as this one.

              20 Come, my people, enter thou into thy chambers, and shut thy doors about thee: hide thyself as it were for a little moment, until the indignation be overpast.

              21 For, behold, the LORD cometh out of his place—— to punish the inhabitants of the earth for their iniquity:— the earth also shall disclose her blood, and shall no more cover her slain.

              jknbt why would God tell “MY people to hide thyself” if He were going to take them to heaven and why tell HIS PEOPLE this —- if the world were to be destroyed by nuclear bombs?

              And jknbt please explain why God is going to punish the inhabitants of the earth for their iniquity if the Law was abolished. iniquity is lawlessness.

              Or do you think God is going to punish the entire earth because they did not accept the doctrine of a rapture or because they did not take Jesus into their hearts??

              Ok now tell me you will not cast your pearls to pigs — what is above are true pearls from the Word of GOD.

            • jknbt

              why do I keep hearing this strange oinking sound with your name on it?….save your arguments for King Jesus after the second coming. He is looking forward to you straightening out his theology.

              If you die before then, go thru the tunnel of light when it opens up and demand with boldness to have an audience with Jesus. He is waiting to hear what you have to say.

            • Truthseeker


              I quote scriptures and they are my arguments??

              jknbt show us where this statement is scriptural.

              “”If you die before then, go thru the tunnel of light when it opens up and demand with boldness to have an audience with Jesus. He is waiting to hear what you have to say.”"

              is this another one of your “pearls”???

              To date: the words from your own mouth are true and the Words spoken by Jesus Christ are NOT?

              Why do you people hate the WORDS of Jesus Christ??

              Do any of you understand that Jesus Christ spent 3 1/2 years confirming the New Covenant and you — ALL– reject that message Christ delivered during that 3 1/2 years?

              The words of Jesus Christ found in Matthew, Mark, Luke and John are the details of the NEW COVENANT and you reject every Word.

              I quote the Words of Christ and you tell me they are my own doctrines???

              Jesus tells you to keep the 10 Commandments and you say — nope the Commandments were an evil burden and we are free at last -All we must do is take Jesus in to our hearts — we must just mouth the words and we are saved.

              When the trade war begins and you all are still on this earth– will you wake up even then?

              Nope you will come after the few that obey their Master.

      • Anonymous

        Ditto that. I’ve also found seekthetruth’s articles good. Truthseeker has a religion that’s a total farce, even, some sort of phony Jew-lite thing going, simply asinine how he likes to threaten people who don’t subscribe to his private religion, claiming nobody else is following Christ who doesn’t do his set of Jewish ceremonies or subscribe to his lying doctrines. He has a totally ridiculous theology, doctrines of devils, clearly a works theology. I have also seen very little of 2,000 years of basic Christian understandings he doesn’t dispute, somehow, in what is an idiotic fashion, deigns that only he has the Holy Spirit working in him, the whole rest of Christendom in error, for millennia now, by his claims, the fundamentalist charters of most Protestant churches we all agree on wrong. Who on earth could claim only they are right, which is saying God has failed everybody else? That is so very vainglorious and stupid. Truth is, he’s just a nasty, mean troll, lamely trying to spread doubt and fear. His primary aim is to pick a fight of some sort, so he can grandstand his private religion, second. Now, just what spirit from Christ fits nasty troll, anyway, inquiring minds would like to know? It’s wise not to engage him, at all, because he does trample any pearls, incessantly. I hate to say it, but it’s the truth: he’s a most disgusting and deceptive, evil man, for whatever reason, whether on purpose or wholly deluded, which doesn’t really even matter. Truth is truth, and lies are lies.

        As to BIN, I know I’ve always more come here to see what the devil is up to or get a laugh at something dumb, usually the same thing, this no place, whatsoever, to seek theological knowledge, especially when there are good fundamentalist Bible teachers out there you can rely on to be always motivated by truth and proper exegesis. Which gets to another Truthseeker claim, that there are 40,000 different Christianities. This is rubbish. While many churches have different historical mentors in their founding, much is agreed upon, across denominations. This is another lie of Truthseeker’s. The Spirit filled body of the Lord Jesus agrees on most everything, and all fundamentals. I know this for a fact, as I’ve known people who agree who would line up down the block for miles, of various denominations.

        The man is simply a deceiver, and I find his deceptions quite dumb, also believe BIN is his “church”, as a Lone Ranger who invented his own religion. I know I once asked him what body of believers is like him, asked for a link to some group that holds to his list of doctrines, and, of course, he couldn’t reply. (One can only suppose Truthseeker will be alone in heaven, except for the Lord Jesus, who he’ll correct? I forgot! Truthseeker neither believes in heaven for believers.) Now, I could always say I will go with the Baptist Charter or any number of non-denominational, fundamentalist churches, of many, many, all of us in agreement on all the basics. I agree with well over 90% of Presbyterian theology, for that matter, only differing with some predestination views, which is to say even those denominations with some views less plausible, in more complicated theology, we still can sit down with each other as fundamental Christians, of our Triune God of grace. If “Truthseeker” (I find that a hoot…) did provide a link, it would be some Hebrew roots type cult, closest one could get, and they thoroughly whacked-out and discredited legalists, who deny a number of Christian doctrines, by the same sort of foolish arguments, too.

        Bottom line, I don’t care to read anything the man has to say, much less communicate with him. People who do communicate with him are simply being baited to fight and have their sound doctrine trampled, which is not good. I’ve notice, sometimes in comments, the deceivers are at each other’s throats, all fighting with each other, and all totally wrong. It’s like the BIN “Power of Belief” WWF smackdown of goats! Sound doctrines, though? I think not.

        • jknbt

          on the plus side to all of this, let’s salute and thank the editors at BIN for allowing this open forum.

          “THANKS, BIN!!!”

          Sometimes it takes a fine mesh filter and a keen eye, but bible truth can be found here. A sure sign that bible truths are being taught is that it always becomes so controversial as the devil challenges the article.

          Psalms 2:2 sez it all, “oh why do the heathen rage?”

        • Truthseeker


          All that I see in the comment above are your own words and opinions.

          I see no scriptural proof refuting the scriptures I quote, only words condemning me.

          Show me a scripture clearly stating the law has been abolished and the 10 commandments are null and void.

          Show me a statement by the Master Jesus Christ stating no one needs to obey Him.

          Jesus Christ confirmed the New Covenant for 3 1/2 years thus what Christ Taught for those years was how we are to live under the New Covenant and how the contract effects us, how could a person agree to a contract they did not understand?

          Christ came to explain the terms of the New contract and once we under stand then we can agree to the terms.

          But most of you believe what Christ taught for 3 1/2 years ended at His Death.

          If that makes sense to you — I then can understand why you do not understand the scriptures I quote.

          By the way destined2B does not teach the rapture and neither the trinity but does teach speaking in tongues.

          Jknbt has accepted a rapture at fact and the trinity as well but i do not know about if he tongue speaks.

          So which holds the correct doctrines of Jesus Christ?

          Hebrews 6: 1- 3 give us the foundational doctrines of Jesus Christ.

          Have a nice day

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