Was John Podesta's Son Recently Sacrificed? Chester Bennington of Linkin Park.
The following are claims that have not been completely verified. Please click on the source link (the Voat thread) at the end where this is all being discussed.
Personally I seriously doubt he hung himself. That’s not an easy feat for a guy who’s 6’2.
Archive of ongoing post http://archive.is/8yVXe
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Highlights so far:
Visual similarities
Chester allegedly supported with Clinton Foundation donations – No source yet
Linkin park in Haiti with Clintons holding the shirt with their Pedo logo band symbol
Chester staunchly anti Trump
Chester’s father was a police officer working in child sex abuse cases (meaning he worked to help hide them and cover them up)
Chester himself was a child abuse victim -
Singer Opens Up About Being Molested As a Child
Linkin Park logo Similar to Pedo Logo (two triangles inside each other)
Soundgarden logo is very MK Ultra.
Chester “committed suicide” on Chris Cornell of Soungarden’s birthday
and played tribute at his funeral in May of this year….also a suicide.
Further questions (and rabbit hole unto itself): Death of Chris http://archive.is/sWuKj
Some disturbing tweets from Chester Bennington’s wife’s account have caused alarm over whether or not she had cheated on him and even encouraged him to take his own life. However, it’s being claimed she was probably hacked (yeah right ).
News that Bennington, 41, had died, broke yesterday, with reports from TMZ confirming he had taken his own life by hanging himself in a Los Angeles home. It was unclear at the time of the news what had led to his death, or if he had left behind any note indicating what led to the situation. Later that night, a series of tweets appeared on Bentley’s account, where she allegedly confessed to having an affair with his Linkin Park bandmate, Mike Shinoda, said she never loved her husband and had only married him for money, and that she had proof Bennington was already dead before he allegedly hanged himself. (Read more at link)
Source – Voat thread
(Click on Voat thread to read all the comments and discussion)
I thought that Linkin (sp?) Park was whigger-ish, but actually like Cornell’s different music. I am not a Tipper Gore clone.
It deserves to be asked, whether someone making funny hand signals and pyramid signs, and who has preferential access to the music industry, was realistically going to rescue the kids from fellow devil worshipers. Although it is nice to think that they have retained their humanity or might have repented, they are morally-compromised, by all outward appearances.
So are “conservatives” with the same, occult affiliations.
I consider the discussion unpleasant, do not feel full of myself, like some stilted, nominal Christians, but it should be condemning, for us, if this is how the country actually works. Fold your hands. Take a mental break. It can’t go an answered. I believe in such a thing as natural upheaval.
I added a quote by someone on this Linkin Park fake suicide, but the message is Very Clear.
“Sucked Dry And Cast Aside”
By the way Lavender Rose or 50dS or whatever, I did a thread on Haiti and the Hurricane and in it.
Haiti comes from the word Hades
It is such said that a long time ago, the residents of Haiti had signed a deal with the devil, wherein they asked the devil to free them from the slavery of the French, which was done, but then the devil cursed Haiti for which as of date Haiti is in poverty, illness and disaster.
From the Catholic Encyclopedia:
The language in Haiti is a debased French (Creole); the religion, Catholic, although the natives are still widely affected with African fetishism (Voodoo or snake-worship).
voodoo and blackmagic /revenge are still common recommended practices on several caribbean islands
Well stated.
You should verify the information before posting. You cannot slander someone with fake news or false accusations or innuendos without a solid factual basis to you claims.
No matter what you make think of John Podesta …you must validate the information. BE FAIR PLEASE!!
I happen to agree … even if Bennington is the spitting image of Podesta, this in no way validates any of the claims being made in this article. As the author himself says, “The following are claims that have not been completely verified”, and starts you to wondering why he posted speculations that come to no useful purpose other then enticing a unfounded feeling of disgust for all concerned.
Maybe this was the authors purpose all along… to feed more division among the masses? Then what we have here is akin to some government sponsored styled psyop to manipulate useful idiots and push them further to their edge.
Not buying it regardless… and I’m surely not putting anymore thought to this then the comment I’ve just contributed. I would suggest any future readers of this article do the same.
Sorry but I have a right to speculate. I’m not your nightly news…Im a citizen journalist…Nothing about the article is misleading or presumptive. I make it very clear that these are not verified claims and there is even a question mark in my title. We are all big girls and boys who can look at information and form our own opinion. I’m putting the info out because I think it’s interesting. If you only want hard verified facts maybe you should read a science journal. The way right brained ppl think is that we collect info and file it away to possibly pull out at a later point and make a connection with something else we see. Left brained ppl seem bothered if they can’t measure it, quantify it and/or verify it as a cold hard fact. They want all the puzzle pieces right now or none at all. The rest of us like a good mystery. We enjoy crowd sourcing and discussing things. This means not all info will be good. And that’s a given…but there are always gleaming golden nuggets within the chaff as we sift and THAT’S what we live for…is finding those.
speculation is always misleading. that is the nature of speculation
What do you think homicide detectives must do every single day at work in order to be successful at work and solve crimes? That’s right….speculate
they follow the evidence
These are public figures, different standards apply.
This right. You don’t want to be speculated upon? Don’t become a nationally known public figure. Can’t believe you’re defending John Podesta in any shape or form anyways. That man deserves to have his life picked through meticulously with a fine toothed comb. And then thrown to the sharks with a weight around his neck for all the harm he has done to little ones.
As I speculate and you speculate … I still have to ask, why not wait until you have verifiable documentation, or at least 2 different named sources who were personally involved with the family’s and can cite intimate details of meetings or social engagements?
CNN has been running with this same methodology and has done nothing but divert attention from the real issues and real criminal elements within the swamp, while garnering the disdain of 89 percent of the public. Now labeled the King of fake news.
Why would you want people to reflex and discount your hard work as fake, when maybe a few more days of waiting will provide you with the iron clad proof you need to state events taking place as fact?
Think of how proud this audience would be of you and encouraged to read future articles you post.
Calling yourself a journalist is in of itself intellectual dishonesty. Journalist presents facts, commentators and pundits speculate. I have a number of NFL jerseys, yet I don’t claim to be a pro football player when I put them on. Your article and comments are a huge shortcut to thinking.
Calling yourself a journalist doesn’t make it so. Sticking feathers up your butt doesn’t make you a chicken.
wasnt he on the list of hollywood celebrities that sold their souls to the a death cult
I find it odd that a handful of the latest STARS TO GET WHACKED / THE STAR-WHACKERS, hung themselves, with so many other ways to off yourself, HANGING REALLY not buying it…
Let’s see what about drinking a good old poison cocktail, a drug overdose, eating a bullet, slitting your wrists in a bathtub, driving into a solid structure / brick wall, jumping off of a bridge or mountain, with so many other normal ways to off yourself, HANGING, seems a little primeval / primitive, towards today’s mindset…
Yeah Chris from Soundgarden was a heroin addict….you really think he’d hang himself rather than overdose?
Very interesting article.
People that say that Trump is worse than terrorists obviously are sick in the head, no wonder why Chester killed himself. He insulted every victim of terrorism with his quote.
Chester Bennington and his dad https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/b4/43/51/b44351bef165df03a326cff4d2f2abb5.jpg
Notice the same eyes, same nose, and you know, that fact that it’s not Podesta.
You guys are so fucking stupid.
bout time someone did something sensible.for Chester. people look alike, its common, but we have Two parents usually, and we don’t usually look identical. i won’t ask where u got that but good onya mate. and i agree, ya dead right. its disgusting.