Tragedy of Hating Jews and Israel
Theology and Politics from a Conservative, Biblical Perspective
There are essentially three groups of people when it comes to Jewish folks and Israel itself, though only two groups are mainly noticed. One group foams at the mouth when they speak of Jewish people and Israel because their hatred is visceral. The other group believes that in all things, Israel is never wrong and so their ire is directed to any group that goes against Israel and Jewish people. Unfortunately, these two groups are often at each other’s throats with intense acrimony.
Rarely, if ever, does anyone speak of the third group where Jews and Israel are concerned. That is, that God continues to work in and through today’s Israel/Jewish people and, according to His holy Word, will take a final remnant of Jewish believers from the entire nation (Romans 11-13), and settle them inside the Millennial Kingdom where they will fully enjoy the benefits originally promised to Abraham (Genesis 12:1-3). That unfortunately, means that many to most Jewish people will not be saved because it will only be a remnant of Jewish believers whose eyes will be open to God’s truth. That is reminiscent of Israel’s actual history where many to most Israelites failed to believe God time and time again, though they were His chosen people.
I personally, do not know enough about Mossad (Israel’s secret service or “CIA” counterpart), to know how corrupt they may be (like the US’ own CIA). I’m very aware that Israel’s leaders are essentially social Jews, in the sense that they do not believe in a holy God who has plans for the Israeli nation. Most Jewish people in Israel are Jews in name only. They may even love the Tanakh, which is the Hebrew Bible containing the Torah, the Nevi’im, and the Ketuvim. Many social Jews love their culture and enjoy the many feasts and gatherings that are connected to Old Testament Scripture. Yet for most, that’s as far as it goes. Overwhelmingly today, most Jews do not “know” God nor show a real interest in finding out more about it. Judaism today, for the most part, is a social-cultural aspect of their lives. Any that do know God are part of the Church.
None of this negates the fact that God has a will for Israel and will accomplish that will. This does not mean, by the way, (as Scofield originally and incorrectly taught), that salvation for the Jewish person is different from the salvation for the Gentile. Also of note is that this error was corrected in future editions of the Scofield Bible, which simply caused many to believe there was a “cover up” and many still hold that belief.
Scofield was incorrect in his assertion that Jews are saved differently from Gentiles. It is all based on faith and faith alone. However, God had decided for the Jewish person (through Israel), that in order to approach Him, certain things must be in place (the sacrificial system, the priesthood, etc.). These things were meant to foreshadow fulfillment in Jesus, not create a special system of salvation for Jewish individuals. Jewish people could still go through the sacrificial/priesthood system with hearts that were very far away from God and not benefit from it since they were not using faith at all, but simply ritualistic means to approach God. It was only those Jewish people who approached God in faith even while using the sacrificial/priesthood system that God Himself designed.
All that aside, I am convinced that God has a serious and multi-faceted plan for Israel. It is very clear to me from Scripture. What is happening now in the Middle East and what has been happening for decades is a continuous struggle between Jewish people and Arabs. The hatred expressed by many (not all!) Arabs is palpable. This also was prophesied generations ago with Ishmael, the son of Abraham and Sarah’s servant, Hagar.
Ishmael was prophesied to be a wild man, with his hand against every man (Genesis 16:12). That has turned out to be true. Ishmael also had 12 sons or princes, so religious Arabs believe Ishmael was the promised son and not Isaac. It will continue through the coming Tribulation period and then it will end when Jesus returns physically to this planet to judge the nations and set up His Kingdom reign for 1,000 years. Until that time, the animosity, hatred and murderous attitude will continue.
At the same time Christians cannot hate Jewish people or blame “the Jews” for all the world’s ills as many do, we also cannot hate Arabs even though many are terrorists bent on Israel’s (and Christians’) destruction. Without Christ, all – Jews and Arabs – who die are destined for hell. We have an obligation to evangelize the world – Jews and Gentiles – regardless of their demeanor toward us. We must guard against hating anyone even when/if we see the atrocities they commit.
One of the biggest claims today by Arab nations (and many social Jews), is that the Jewish people have no right to the Land in the Middle East. Interestingly enough, it was the United Nations who “gave permission” for Israel to re-establish itself as a nation in 1948. At the time, it was insisted there be a two-state solution. However, at no time did Arabs ever agree to any terms regarding this two-state solution and frankly, they never will. They do not believe Israel has a right to be in the Middle East nor do they believe Israel as a nation has a right to exist. Moreover, they consider it their duty to fight and kill Jewish people. They are taught this attitude nearly from birth. Because it is so engrained in them, it is simply their natural way of expressing themselves when it comes to Jewish people and Israel. They cannot see any other way. Jewish people and Israel need to be eradicated, according to their way of thinking.
This is what prompted the October 7 invasion. It wasn’t anything to do with “land” or a “two-state solution.” It was their abject hatred of a people that is really bound to themselves, through Abraham. They hate Jewish people and Israel so much that they will not stop until every last Jewish person is gone. This is their motivation and their job. They believe this glorifies Allah. Of course, it actually does since Allah (the moon god), is none other than Satan himself.
I have read alarming situations that existed with the Jewish hostages who have been released. In spite of the testimony of many of these women (having been raped repeatedly, tortured, not allowed to cry, kept in darkness for months, etc., etc., etc.), the world generally denies that these things happen. They believe they are simply made up accounts in order to gain sympathy.
What is most troubling is when Jewish people not directly involved in those situations come out against these testimonies and in essence, support Hamas/Gazans. There is something wrong with this.
Even though we have Muslim women and men going on record to say that raping a Jewish hostage is permissible by Allah because it humiliates the hostage, the world looks the other way. Two organizations that master in this are the United Nations and the International Red Cross. It is always Israel’s (or Jewish people’s), fault. It is never Hamas’ or Arabs’ fault.
The one big lie that began with Yassar Arafat is that a “Palestinian” is always an Arab person and these people have been displaced and treated horribly by Israel’s leadership. Prior to Arafat’s insistence that “Palestinians” always referred to Arabs only, anyone who lived in what was the land of Palestine (in modern times), was referred to as a “Palestinian.” This included Jewish people who lived there. But Arafat came along and redefined what being Palestinian meant. This created the further rift between Arabs and Jewish people.
There is more and more evidence coming out that nearly everyone in Gaza was either a terrorist themselves or supported terrorists. A number of hostages from October 7 who have been released have stated that often, they were kept in average Gazan homes where they were ill-treated in many ways, some sexually.
The IDF has uncovered many Gazan homes with tunnels under those homes that connected to larger tunnels; some large enough to drive trucks through. The millions of dollars of “aid” sent to Gaza was used to create these tunnels, complete with living quarters, air ducts, weapons caches and much more. This is why Israel believed they needed to blow up much of Gaza and they did this only after alerting Gazans living there, telling them to evacuate. Hamas and Hezbollah has never done anything like this to protect innocent Jewish people because as far as these two terrorist orgs are concerned, all Jewish people need to be eradicated. This is why they believed they should go into Israel on October 7 during a music festival to slaughter Jewish people who were unarmed.
I could go on and on, but I think readers get to the point. So while I do not support everything Israel’s leaders do, I do believe that all of what is happening in the Middle East is set in motion for a couple of reasons. First, God is judging Israel for their unbelief and lack of repentance. His Word shows us He has done this repeatedly in ages past. I believe He is doing it now and it is not because He hates Jewish people, because He does not hate them (as they remain the apple of His eye (Deuteronomy 7:6–8; Zechariah 2:8; see also Jeremiah 31:33, etc.). God is doing this because of His plan to cull from all Jewish people a final remnant of Jewish individuals who will believe in His saving grace. Let’s not forget the 144,000 Jewish people He will seal and empower to be bold witnesses for Him during the coming Tribulation period (Revelation 7:4).
I simply do not understand how so many within Christendom can hate Jewish people and Israel (or those who cheer the destruction of Arabs). I believe it is due to the fact that they simply look at what’s happening in the world and believe that if Israel/Jewish people were not in the Middle East, the world would be at peace. I also believe it is due to a severe lack of understanding where God is concerned regarding future Israel. The thing that has brought this so heavily about is what is termed Replacement Theology, the belief that the Church has replaced Israel and God has nothing remaining for Jewish people or Israel itself. In that case, the current nation of Israel is simply a profound accident of nature and means nothing biblically.
I understand how Replacement Theologians arrive to the place they arrive to, but I believe they are completely wrong. They are as wrong as those who firmly believe Israel can do no wrong at all and often, those of this camp take an almost “righteous” pleasure in watching Israel’s armies destroy terrorists and Arabs who oppose Israel. I believe firmly that both positions are incorrect and dishonor God. Those against Christian “Zionism” trace the roots of this back to Scofield with a certain level of disdain. In fact, Scofield is the primary reason why the “errors” of the PreTrib Rapture, Zionism and other things exist today.
As I and others have shown, Scofield simply reintroduced aspects of what the first, second and early third century church fathers believed and espoused. These things were ultimately derided and denied by the upcoming Roman Catholic Church of the third century and following. It was Roman Catholicism that essentially paved the way for Replacement Theology and Amillennialism (no physical Millennial Kingdom), to exist by denying that God had any work remaining for Jewish people or the nation of Israel. It was hundreds of years before people were allowed to read the Bible again and research things for themselves. Once this occurred, people began to embrace the teachings of the early church fathers once again.
To many, it seems that Israel today is an anomaly, a conundrum. What we are seeing is, I believe, fulfillment of the prophesy that at the end of the age, Jerusalem would become a stumbling stone for the world (Isaiah 8:14; Zechariah 12:3). I also believe this will become more severely clear as time marches on toward the start of the Tribulation.
Israel will ultimately (and gladly), enter into a confirmed covenant with the Antichrist (possibly, a covenant that had been previously set up). This, I believe will allow them to rebuild their Temple, which is ludicrous and proves that they have zero faith in God and His righteousness (Jesus). All this will be done in order for the Antichrist to pretend to be friends with Israel so that he can enter into the rebuilt Temple’s Holy of Holies and declare himself God (2 Thessalonians 2). I realize some believe the “temple” referred to there is actually a person’s “heart,” but it seems very clear contextually that a real, physical rebuilt temple is on Paul’s mind.
The fact that Israel’s leaders will enter into that covenant proves they are secular, even though they want the Temple to be rebuilt. It is all about culture, works and ritual for most Jewish people today. They wrongly believe that rebuilding the Temple will allow them to begin the sacrifices again, which they think will make them “right” before God.
Yet, in spite of their obstinance, short-sightedness and misunderstanding, God allows all of this for His purposes. Not all Jewish people will go along with this whole thing as God begins to open their eyes to His truth. Many will avoid the Temple sacrificial system, innately knowing that something is wrong. When Antichrist physically enters the Temple, sits in the Holy of Holies (I’m guessing on the mercy seat itself of the Ark of the Covenant), their suspicions will be correct and they will flee to the wilderness where God will have a place prepared for them (Revelation 12:6).
I do not consider myself a diehard “Zionist.” However, I fully support what God is doing and will accomplish in the nation of Israel by taking a final remnant from that nation who will remain alive to the end of the Tribulation and be rewarded by being allowed to go into the Millennial Kingdom. Many Gentiles will also go into that same kingdom. There, that Jewish final remnant will finally understand what all the Abrahamic promises were all about. I also fully support what God is going to accomplish in many other nations throughout the world that will enter the Millennial Kingdom.
Today, Israel is led by politicians who are largely secular. Certainly, they try to do what is best for Jewish people. They also – in my opinion – go out of their way (as a leadership), to reduce the risk of injury and death to innocent Arab people by dropping flyers and making announcements ahead of most assaults against Hamas and Hezbollah.
I’m well aware that many refuse to see it this way, preferring to believe that Israel and Jewish people are the reason for all the acrimony in the Middle East. While they decry Nazism throughout the world, they fail to see that their hatred of Jewish people and Israel is nothing but modern-day Nazism. Then when you have Jewish people condemning Israel for protecting itself against terrorism, it’s simply more of the same.
You don’t have to like everything Israel’s leaders do. But Christians should absolutely guard their hearts from hating Jewish people/Israel (and Arab people). This is satanically-inspired. The Jewish people remain the apple of His eye and as Paul says, we owe a debt of gratitude to Israel because of what God has already accomplished through them (the birth of Jesus and the resultant salvation He made possible), and what He will accomplish through them as well.
Theology and Politics from a Conservative, Biblical Perspective
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