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End is Not Yet

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Theology and Politics from a Conservative, Biblical Perspective

And you will hear of wars and rumors of wars. See that you are not troubled; for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet.” Matthew 24:6

Before the end actually arrives to this planet (and by “the end,” the Bible is referring to the end of human history as we know it, brought about by the physical return of Jesus to this planet to reign for 1,000 years), a number of things must occur. Most of these things will occur within the period known as the Tribulation period, which starts the countdown to the final seven years of human history. During the time of the Tribulation, there are many things that will occur. There are 21 judgments directly from God as well as the horrors, tragedies and difficulties that are associated with those things, as outlined in Revelation 6-18. Beyond this, in order for the coming Tribulation period to fulfill everything that God reveals to us in many biblical books including Revelation, there must also arrive to the scene, what the Bible calls the worthless shepherd.

Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah, Haggai, Zechariah and Malachi. are books that highlight different aspects of many of the events during this coming Tribulation period. There is a consistent foreshadowing of future events in these writings. While each particular prophet saw future events a bit differently, the end result of their prophecies and messages were essentially the same.

Just the last few chapters of Zechariah are clear about aspects of future events. Zechariah 9-14 (the fourth and fifth message), highlight numerous prophecies, some of which have been partially fulfilled in the past, yet not fully.

Zechariah 11, speaks in part of a coming “worthless shepherd” (Zechariah 11:15-17). This is contrasted with the Good Shepherd in Jesus (Zechariah 9), who came over 2,000 years ago offering Himself as the perfect propitiation for humanity’s sin. As God the Son, Jesus perfectly kept the Father’s will at all points, never at any time seeking His own will over the Father’s. In fact, Jesus’ will and the Father’s were joined perfectly. Jesus literally gave up His life for the world (John 3:16). His righteousness is clearly seen in contrast to the worthless shepherd of Zechariah 11, who will do the exact opposite of what Jesus did.

However, the worthless shepherd, who is very likely the Antichrist of the coming Tribulation period, does the exact opposite from Jesus. He not only does not love people (including Jews), but though he comes on the scene with smiles, seeming love and acceptance and a “peace” plan, once he gains power, he turns on the Jewish people and all believers, devouring them. He truly only loves himself and his satanic power.

Everything the worthless shepherd does is allowed by God in order to open the eyes of the Jewish people, refining them for the Millennial Kingdom. Under this coming worthless shepherd, the Jews will be tricked into agreeing to a “7 year peace plan” that Antichrist will break in the middle of the final “week” (of 7 years, Daniel 9:24-27).

As I consider the events described in Zechariah chapters 11-14, I realize something, (which I could be wrong about). I’ll emphasize again that I am not a prophet. I had no “vision,” no inner voice. It’s simply the result of logical thinking, which could be in error.

While it appears the world is heading toward World War III, that may only be appearance. Russia has recently used their largest non-nuclear bomb/missile against Ukraine. Russia also just updated its doctrine related to their use of nuclear weaponry. I believe that though Russia probably does not want to use nukes, if forced to do so to protect its nation, it would use them. I previously talked about the fact that Russia could fire off some nukes in the direction of the USA as well, since it sees us as being involved in this Russia/Ukraine conflict as a proxy player. That remains a possibility and I’m not sure what the current administration would do if that happens.

I have to also wonder though, if the constant push toward WWIII is being foisted on us by globalists who use constant fearmongering as their number one option to gain control of society. If nukes are ultimately used by Russia against Ukraine (and/or the USA), it will affect globalists as well, since many of them live in that area of the world. Yes, they have their bunkers, but living underground in a bunker for years is not something they likely want to do.

That aside, smaller wars and conflicts might also continue to break out here and there to keep up the appearance that WWIII is right around the corner, thereby keeping the world on edge. Things could continue to escalate in various parts of the world (like it is in the Middle East).

In fact, it appears more likely that the growing Russia, Turkey, Iran alliance may precipitate the Ezekiel 38-39 Northern Invasion of Israel. At that point, God will step in and deal with the problem without Israel having to raise a finger to help themselves (according to Scripture). It seems clear that God will do this for one reason: for the sake of His holy Name, not necessarily for Israel, though it will also ultimately be for Israel’s sake that He moves.

Beyond this increasing WWIII threat, the world continues to experience catastrophic failures. There are over a million people throughout Georgia, North and South Caroline, Virginia and Florida who have absolutely no electricity and many are without food and other supplies and death is everywhere. Independent journalist Leo Hohmann has much more information in a recent article.[1]

Things are globally escalating to the point where the world is going to need a “savior;” a voice of intelligent reason who can de-escalate things and lead the way to “peace and prosperity.” If Antichrist had come on the scene 10 or 20 years or more ago, the global situation was far different from what it looks like now. The world seems to be on a fast-track to severe global conflict (including wars and rumors of them, failures of the electric grid, debanking people, push toward climate change, out of control inflation that makes it very difficult for the average person to put food on the table, and a kinetic and growing cultural division throughout American society among other things. If the current global situations did not exist, few would be thinking about someone needed to save the world.

I am of the tentative opinion that there won’t be true global war (involving many nations; WWIII), anytime soon. But, there will likely be a continued ramping up of danger, anger and warmongering among the nations. Globalists know that they need to keep blowing on the flames of discontent in order to keep things as hot as possible for global society. Uncertainty keeps people on edge.

Added to this, the recent Hurricane Helene has left absolute devastation in its wake. Over 200 have died with hundreds missing. Roads, bridges and entire towns have been devastated and wiped out. The federal government came in riding their white horse announcing that everyone affected with receive $750. Gosh, that’s $50 more than each person received in Hawaii for the devastation there. Yet, illegal migrants here and many foreign countries like Ukraine continue to receive billions of taxpayer dollars. This is angering many Americans and rightly so. The federal government is proving to be absolutely non-essential. Individual Americans are doing the job that our government should be doing.

There are also reports that people are being told to leave without being able to get their belongings and homeowners are constantly receiving cash offers on their land and what might remain of their homes. Apparently, that area of northern NC is home to the biggest quartz and lithium mines, but I’m sure that’s merely a coincidence.

Let’s also not forget that in spite of what the government says, crime is up by large percentage points. The federal government tries to cover this by saying it’s really not and they point to lower incarcerations as proof. In reality, people who are committing violent crimes are caught and simply released back to the public, not held. So while incarcerations are down, violent crime is way up. Is your head on a swivel when out in public? Are you aware of your surroundings? Don’t be lulled to sleep thinking your area has always been safe so what could happen?

All of this seems to be escalating to the point where there will be a global need to accept and embrace one special person who will have the wherewithal to see what’s needed and be able to put a solid plan into place. For the most part, the entire world will get behind him. Of course, that solid plan he offers will be for optics only and will have an underlying, hidden intent. It will allow Antichrist to gain full control over this earth, as difficult as that may be to fully comprehend because every megalomaniac villain in books and movies has also wanted to rule the world.

It seems to me then that things must actively and continually move toward a flash point throughout the world so that Antichrist will have a perfect reason to rise from obscurity. I really do not know how many wars and conflicts this world might experience prior to his reveal. Problems will continue to rise, pushing this world to the point where Antichrist’s reveal to the public will come as a very welcome and necessary situation, one in which most people will be very relieved that someone of his stature has come to the fore who appears to have a solid plan to quell the disturbances throughout the world and bring peace. All that he will ask for in exchange is complete trust and allegiance, which most will give without hesitation. Because of the fact that his appearance will be accompanied with supernatural miracles (2 Thessalonians 2), he will be easily accepted by those of this world who cannot tell the difference between satanic miracles and God’s miraculous wonders.

Antichrist’s arrival to the political realm is solely set in God’s timing so trying to figure out when he will be revealed is a worthless endeavor. It simply makes logical sense to me that he will rise at the point when it appears the entire world is at the breaking point of WWIII, not before. Again, I could be wrong. Time will tell.

As the “worthless shepherd” of Zechariah 11, the Bible reveals Antichrist’s methods. He comes on the scene with a specific demeanor and then changes that demeanor once he has gained acceptance and turns against those he is tasked with “shepherding.” In other words, he will be the consummate liar and con artist. Global situations will demand his presence, when people aren’t thinking critically due to fear and uncertainty.

I also don’t believe the coming Antichrist is anyone the world already knows at this point. The Antichrist will likely be someone who is possibly from the corporate world, not from within the political arena, but who will rocket to fame and success because of his ideas and ability to cause people worldwide to embrace him. He will be well spoken, intelligent and seemingly compassionate. He will have no history of going against Israel and will outwardly exhibit an air of fairness for all as he even listens to the “Palestinians.” He will be a complete unknown politically, yet because of his charismatic nature, his ideologies, his warmth, his intelligence and the seeming miraculous surrounding him, he will be accepted and embraced by most of the world. I cannot think of one currently known leader who fits this bill.

So the world is falling at an increasing rate of speed into the morass of upheaval and uncertainty in many areas. If this were not happening, the world would have no need to look for a person who can solve the world’s (artificially created) problems. Out of this tremendously increasing tension, a “savior” will rise, though instead of saving anything, he plunges the world into severely difficult times.

Those difficult times are certainly here and worsening. However, I believe if Christians can maintain a proper outlook, we will be able to see through the subterfuge and grow in our trust of God and His will. Much of what is happening is completely artificially created, though still has a negative impact on people’s lives. Whether climate change, the push to CBDCs, influx of millions of illegal aliens or other things, it’s all taking its toll on society. I’m not minimizing any of that. I’m simply saying that if we can see it for what it is, we will be more easily able to divorce our emotions from it and continue in our belief that God has all things under control.


Theology and Politics from a Conservative, Biblical Perspective


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