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Theology and Politics from a Conservative, Biblical Perspective

I just wanted everyone to know that I’ll be away from the computer for a few days as my wife and I have to travel out of state to a family event. So unless I get some time to research things and write about them, we’re planning on relaxing and doing some fun things while we are away.

Just a couple of things to note.  One, it looks like the House came through and passed bill HR1425 (the No WHO Pandemic Preparedness Treaty Without Senate Approval Act), that ultimately means any international pandemic agreement/treaty will only go into effect if/once approved by the Senate.[1] If this passes the Senate, it would then require a 2/3 vote to approve any pandemic treaty with the WHO.

In the House, the bill passed with 219-199, with four democrats voting in favor of the bill. This means that 199 representatives in the House ignore the USA’s sovereignty over us and are in favor of giving it away to the WHO to decide how any pandemic treaty should be handled. Beyond this, there are nearly 30 governors of US states have essentially stated that they will not place their state under a pandemic treaty from the WHO.

So, this is good news for America, but a lot can happen yet, so who knows besides God how this will ultimately go. Maybe God is listening to the cries of His people and giving us some sort of respite for now? The problem of course is that things will continue to heat up in many areas, not least of which is the political arena as we move closer to the November election.

I’m not looking forward to the next few months and even the aftermath of the coming election. In either case, regardless of who wins, there will be upheaval solely due to the fact that globalists have a great deal to lose if Trump wins and gains office. Imagine Trump, RFK Jr and Elon Musk directing government agencies. I cannot imagine for a moment that globalists will allow it. However, if God chooses to bring it about in order for His people to have some sort of respite before things break wide open during the coming Tribulation, I can handle that, even though there won’t be smooth sailing and calm.

But all this reminds me again of God’s timing as I’ve discussed before. God’s timing is every bit important to His overall will.

9 When he opened the fifth seal, I saw under the altar the souls of those who had been slain because of the word of God and the testimony they had maintained. 10 They called out in a loud voice, “How long, Sovereign Lord, holy and true, until you judge the inhabitants of the earth and avenge our blood?” 11 Then each of them was given a white robe, and they were told to wait a little longer, until the full number of their fellow servants, their brothers and sisters, were killed just as they had been. (Revelation 6:9-11 ESV)

In the above text, we read of people who had been slain because of their faith in Jesus. In essence, they will be martyred during the upcoming Tribulation. Notice they ask essentially, “How long before our blood is avenged?” They died because of their faith in the One who died for them and gives everlasting life. They were willing to die rather than disregard Him.

Jesus answers by saying in part, “…to wait a little longer, until the full number of their fellow servants…were killed as they had been.” This part has everything to do with God’s timing. Jesus doesn’t tell them exactly how long they will have to wait. He simply says it’ll be a bit longer. So, no one will know how long this will take to complete but they’ll know it when it is completed.

It’s like us today. We wait while we work not knowing when specific things will happen. We don’t know when the Rapture will occur. We do not know when the Tribulation will officially begin though we know the actual event that kicks it off. We do not know the day or hour of Jesus’ physical return to this earth to set up His Kingdom. We do not know exactly how long we will love and when we are appointed to die. We do not know what will happen later today much less tomorrow, though we can make all the plans we want to make.

In essence, God’s timing on these and many other matters is His timing. We are purposefully kept in the dark about His timing of many things simply because He wants our faith to grow in trusting Him. Moreover, if we knew the timing of certain events, Satan would know it and it seems clear that God keeps specifics from Satan. Satan has to make his best guess about certain things and he often fails because of it.

What will God do in the upcoming election? What will God do when the WHO declares another “pandemic”? God’s timing is His own. Most of the time, we do not know what His timing is with anything until an event happens.

Years ago, I thought I would be officially ordained as a minister of the Gospel. That never occurred, until this past Sunday, September 8th. It was then that I was placed before the congregation of the church we are members of and it was announced to the congregation that our pastor believes God has called me to be a minister of the Gospel. But what does that mean from this point on? I have no idea. Will God bring me to a church to pastor? No idea. Will my wife and I remain where we are and simply continue ministering as we have been? That seems likely at least for a while. I don’t need to know what God will do in six months or a year from now. Sometimes it would be nice to know and God has revealed His plans to me sometimes a year ahead of time in a very general way. We saw how that worked itself out in our lives as the time approached.

I honestly have to marvel at God’s timing. It is what makes God’s will truly His own. When we read the Scriptures and come across verses and sections that highlight near future events and far future events, we can get caught up into thinking that things aren’t turning out the way God wants them to turn out. This, of course, is nonsense. Since God is outside of our time and can come into it and leave it without being affected by it, everything to God is happening right now. This is one reason the cross is always before Him. He sees everything in the past, the present and the future all at once. So to Him, things are truly just around the corner. For us, things take time to work out.

God’s timing is His timing and that can make things difficult for us because we want things now. We must see by faith, not sight. We must realize that God’s timing is His own and He is under no obligation to share that timing with us. It should be good enough to know that God will do what He says He will do whether we can see His timing or not.

Have a great week and I’ll write more next week!


Theology and Politics from a Conservative, Biblical Perspective


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