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JD Vance Skull and Bones

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JULY 15th, 2024 – COMMENTARY – Connecting the Deep State Dots

JD VANCE Skull and Bones (Yale Red Flag)

Poor hillbilly from Kentucky and former Marine that loves America? Or just another NWO shill also called “Controlled Opposition”

Just overreacting to the latest Trump double-cross of America? A ridiculous slur against a beloved Senator? Give Vance a chance before we slam him?

Keep in mind Vance is a former Banker with ties to three investment firms. Mithril Capital, was co-founded by Bilderberg Peter Thiel. Think grooming of Vance for the future subversion of America. 

Unless you seriously believe hillbillies are allowed into Yale Law School with a yearly cost of $71 Thousand.  Mithril Capital get it? Mithraism and the Mithraic Mysteries, the same old Bull of Wall Street, and of course Roman human sacrifice to the Bull, such as the child sacrifice Bull Horns of Molech The Globalist Low Life are so smart and tricky with their secret Cult Names, they really have us all fooled. 

Vance is as deep into the occult as the rest of our twisted Masonic leadership. He just has a nice American smile designed to lead the sheeple into destruction with that little Southern Bill Clinton Charm. 

What the elite really want was revealed by their Not So Grand Master Albert Pike– World War III so the NWO can emerge as New World Disorder out of Chaos. The Reduction of the Earth’s population to a controllable Ted Turner Guidestone Five-Hundred-Million or about 25,000 sex slaves and robot repairmen per Elitist. 

Billions must be exterminated but gets expensive to fund concentration camps; much cheaper if the masses volunteer for the life saving vax or gleefully walk to the front lines of a war waiving their flag.

The Cabal likes these former Military All American Pie Puppets to lead the lambs to the slaughter.  Another obvious VP shill with Deep State Ties-  Tulsi Gabbard.  Say it isn’t so, well Tulsi was a member of the Council of Foreign Relations (CFR) before they scrubbed her from the online rooster.  It is all about igniting World War III and convincing mom’s to send their patriotic kids to war. 

No one is a VP Candidate without the Cabal blessing, and this means the only thing they really fear is a populist uprising like the Tea Party which they quickly moved in with the GOP agents to control. They did not like the Q uprising and in the old days it was the Whig Party that was anti-masonic.

On this subject practically every cult (and political ideology)– Masons, Islam, Catholics, Mormons, Scientologists, Capitalists, Marxists, Communist, etc. were all created and main books written by the Jesuit Scholars. They don’t care which controlled cult you join as long as the donations flow to the top of the pyramid. 

Before you jump too quickly onto the Trump-Vance bandwagon; give us a little time to do some more digging.  Here is the latest item our staff uncovered, evidently in addition to the plush job at Mithril Capital, The Bilderbergs’ (via their US agent Peter Thiel) gave Vance Ten Million Dollars

Don’t forget, the so called enemy of America George Soros gave Trump a 160 million loan. So you think this NWO funding is just to be nice with no strings attached.

Trump and Vance will destroy America just the same as Biden and Harris are doing; just in a little more palatable way for the right. Absent the DEI and Gender Rhetoric and maybe a few less babies killed at abortion clinics. However, either way it ends with most Americans in the “Fun Camps” as Hillary described re-education.

This is just another charade on the global chess board and why are we writing this article? Because the public needs to wake up to the fake two-party system.

No one from the Republican or Democratic Party is going to save us. This selection just means BUY more self-defense supplies. We are letting you know right away what the latest Trump genius move really delivers.

Yes the destruction of America may slow down, but don’t jump for joy the destined balkanization of America is well planned out, for those who don’t understand the big secret plan… simply google “Ten FEMA Regions.

The map is not really about flood zones, it is the plan to break the USA up into ten regions each with a ruling Governor. Ending constitutional government with the destruction of Washington DC and why much of the US Government is being relocated to under the Denver Airport and into other states; certainly, out of Washington DC which will be destroyed to symbolically end the USA. 

This is why these rather evil State Governors are all doing things to undermine the constitution and disarm the population; in preparation for the final ten regions and vying to become a life appointed Governor of one of the ten regions with their allotment of slaves.  If this sounds like the old Roman Empire with appointed regional rulers, it is. 

Trump and Vance will play their role and even throw a victory or two our way to make it seem like the GOP are the good guys; but don’t be fooled by the theatre.

This is a developing story so check back for updates. 

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    Question   Razz  Sad   Evil  Exclaim  Smile  Redface  Biggrin  Surprised  Eek   Confused   Cool  LOL   Mad   Twisted  Rolleyes   Wink  Idea  Arrow  Neutral  Cry   Mr. Green

    Total 4 comments
    • BruceWinshipWright

      Thanks for the honesty. It’s so refreshing in our world today. Thanks again!

    • kilroy

      More proof they are all part of this same global cult.

    • Lavada

      I have been wondering about Vance’s background since the announcement of his being selected for VP. I heard that this poor boy who became a Marine, then moved onto Ohio State University and then Yale. How does a Marine find enough money to go to these two schools. Now we know. When Yale was mentioned, I think of Bush and Kelly who were also recent Skull and Bones.
      As for Trump, I have somewhat suspected that he was a stooge of the Rothschild banksters. One time I noticed him sitting in the White House waiting for some leader to join him. For about 30 seconds if not more, he sat there making the Illuminati “Roc” sign or triangle with his fingers and hands. Was it by accident or is Trump a NWO stooge. I would conclude that Soros and Jacob Rothschild have made some deals with Donald. They own him.
      I believe we are being played by the Ashkenazi Jews and the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia.
      If that’s the case, we are in deep schitte. The elites want their one world government along with a large depopulation of the human herd. As it was stated above in this article about Albert Pike and World War 3. He predicted in a letter back in 1871 of three world wars to come. The final one is between Christianity and Islam. That will be the excuse for the significant depopulation of the planet.
      Yuval Noah Harari of the World Economic Forum in an August 2022 conference with Billy The Killer Gates and Jane Goodell stated the following. >>> ‘We Just Don’t Need the Vast Majority of the Population’ in Today’s World <<<
      AI and Transhumanism will lead the way along with the United Nations Agenda 21/2030 and 2050

    • residentp

      Look at the Tartaria era RESET and the property scams involved there and the secret skull and bones will continue the grabbing of property after the DEPOPULATION PROCESS AND HISTORY ERASING. Vaxtrump cannot wait to get going with the new real estate in the waiting. Catacombs below old fantastic free energy buildings, were a sign of the crimes involved in those days from 17 80 and again with the 1830 prescott bush connections lasting till this day.
      The time of incubator babies and cabbage patch babies will return and the migrant forces will be the owners of the depopulated housing and property in America and Europe. Vaxtrump is getting rewarded in this way to get extremely powerful and to be a king of expanded israel, for making sure that the goyim world is injected with remote control extermination juice. Next he will sell the crisper MedBeds to change you into anything they wish.

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