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They Want You Enslaved or Dead

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Theology and Politics from a Conservative, Biblical Perspective

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I apologize for the rather “conspiracy theory” reflected in the title, but I’m going to explain what I mean by it and back it up with actual facts. If you are a person who would rather not face this reality, then I completely understand if you close the web browser and avoid this particular article. I get it. I truly do and while I was, at one point, also inclined to ignore what was actual, I’ve since realized to do so only hurts me, my wife and our family more. So, I’m done with ignoring things.

I’d like to also state at the onset that if the Bible itself did not present such a dramatically apocalyptic picture of what this world is moving toward, leading up to and including the Tribulation and the physical return of our Lord to this earth, then I wouldn’t be spending that much time on this subject at all. Biblically speaking, there is coming to this planet, a final one-world beast system as first outlined in Daniel 2, that will literally and completely devour the entire world with its evil and anti-God nature.

To say that this coming one world beast system is not going to come to fruition is to either call God a liar or to simply be ignorant of His Word and what He has taken the time to reveal to us in it. While we do not know the exact timing of many of the things revealed in His Word (for good reason), we can and should do as our Lord admonishes: discern the times (Matthew 24:32). On many occasions, Jesus warned His followers (and us) about the troubling times that lay ahead and He did this so that they (and we) could avoid being overtaken by those events.

Since the C0V pandemic, global society has changed permanently. I and many others warned of this way back then. We knew then that globalists, under the deception of Satan, were deliberately using a virus, probably from a lab in Wuhan, China,[1] as the main reason to lock societies down throughout the globe, force people to wear face diapers and avoid being in close proximity to other human beings (thus, not allowing a person’s immune system to naturally develop herd immunity). Ultimately, people were forced to take a genetically-modifying inoculation that was promised to keep people from contracting C0V or spreading it to others; statements that both turned out to be false.

But let’s take a quick look at what is currently happening in the world that has not only brought us all to this current point, but is also rapidly changing the face of the future to something that we will not recognize outside of the biblical picture provided. In essence, with the changes that are fast occurring, for citizens of the United States of America, the Constitution is being forcefully eliminated. New “treaties” (or “accords”), and laws will serve as final nails in the Constitution’s coffin, making it a dead document.

For instance, the World Health Organization’s (WHO) “accord” they want signed with all member nations, seems to have come together. Just a few days ago, we were told that an agreement had not been reached and everyone applauded. Then, on June 1, 2024 behind closed doors (which were against The Who’s own rules), they ironed out differences and came to an agreement. The treaty accord will be voted on (read: approved), next month, July.

Independent investigative journalist, Leo Hohmann wrote an article on this, which appeared in my inbox this past Sunday. There, he relayed the news and indicated, “In typical fashion, the globalists let us think we had scored a ‘win’ and then just as conservatives were celebrating, they heaped a dose of reality on our heads.“[2] WHO is downplaying the “treaty” nature of it, preferring the word “accord” instead (to avoid having to go through the US Senate, I’m sure).

The recently adopted [WHO] amendments will facilitate an enormous global build up of the Pharmaceutical Hospital Emergency Industrial Complex which seeks to trigger ongoing ‘pandemic emergencies’ that will be made even worse by ‘relevant health products.’ (quote from James Roguski in the article)

This is the level of fascism/totalitarianism that will result from these amendments. We need to remember that globalists are liars, first and foremost, as are those who do their bidding, which includes the Director-General of The Who, Tedros. Tedros has always downplayed the accusation that any nation signing onto this WHO treaty would essentially lose its sovereignty. Yet, that is exactly what will occur. Anyone who doesn’t believe this simply does not understand what is at stake and what the amendments actually state, because they’ve not read the document.

Hohmann also quotes former Congresswoman Michele Bachmann in his article because of her email she sent out to those who follow her, regarding her thoughts on this WHO accord.

The (amended) rules were adopted the last day of the meeting (yesterday, June 1), in Geneva, Switzerland.

A meeting is scheduled for July 2024 to pass the global pandemic treaty.
The organization violated their internal rules, and created this monster behind closed doors.

Zero transparency.

The bottom line is the WHO changes from a global advisory only body to an international enforcer of its mandates.

They’ve given themselves power over a global digital ID and the power to mandate vaccines and enforce those mandates, specifically with regard to international travel.

The global surveillance state starts now.

Nations have 10 months to object-but that’s if the rules are followed.

We’re in the global state. It’s here.

Sadly, we can clearly see that globalists will continue to ram through the things they want to ram through so that they get what they want. Let’s remember as well that they will only get what they want if God allows it. That seems to be the case now. God is allowing globalists, under the leadership of their god Satan, to do what needs to be done to usher in the final global world beast system. Ultimately, it will all prove to be for God’s glory and honor.

How will the WHO literally enforce the terms of the accord? As Hohmann states, it will be done on an international level mainly, not necessarily throughout the United States (though it would eventually come to that as well). What this means is that as far as international travel is concerned (leaving the USA to any other foreign nation), it will be very possible and likely that The WHO, when calling something they deem to be a health concern as a “pandemic,” will go to the extent of making international travel all but impossible for those who refuse to submit their arms to the latest mRNA inoculations.

(Hohmann)…if all the nations of the world join together to make it impossible to travel internationally without showing a digital ID of some type, then we must make the decision to refrain from international travel. Of course, their ultimate goal is to also restrict domestic travel in accordance with their wicked climate agenda, but that will be more difficult to enforce, at least in a large country like America.

Yes, trying to enforce this inside America will be difficult, but not impossible, especially if there are UN troops already here as “refugees” simply waiting for their orders. Currently, their expenses are being covered by the American tax payers.

Related to the mRNA inoculation that was foisted on society a few years ago, Forbidden News has revealed new information concerning this situation in a recent article titled, CIA Agent: “We Designed mRNA to Kill”.[3]

The CIA invented mRNA technology, in conjunction with the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the World Economic Forum, and the Rockefeller Foundation, according to bombshell testimony of a CIA agent who admits that COVID vaccines were developed as a bioweapon to control humanity.

According to the agent and leaked top-secret documents, the COVID pandemic was a psyop, run by the CIA to frogmarch humanity towards a total surveillance state.

And COVID mRNA vaccines were not developed during Operation Warp Speed, but were ready and waiting for deployment for at least 10 years prior to the pandemic!

The article goes onto include numerous resources highlighting the shady history of the mRNA technology development, connecting many of the dots between the military complex (including the CIA), the biopharmaceutical complex and the government. The article includes congressional testimony and a 16-minute video that I would encourage all readers to check out.

If all this is true, then what is astoundingly clear is that the mRNA jab is quite literally a bio-weapon designed to injure and kill. We also know that many globalists have talked and continue talking about the need to depopulate planet earth, which is not a “conspiracy theory.” Apparently, 8 billion people are way too many for this planet to support. I’m not sure who decided that this earth can really only support 500 million total, but they decided and they’ve been pushing it for years. Remember, the Georgia Guidestones attested to this fact and were mysteriously blown up a few years ago?

In several recent prophecy update videos from Pastor Brandon Holthaus, he looks deeply into several areas of concern that have been occurring in society since the 1970s to today.[4][5] In the first linked video, he speaks about the Club of Rome and how way back in the 1960s/70s, the globalists who formed that “club,” began planning several things for this world. The first was essentially a way to commit to a serious reduction in global population and the second was to create ways to usher in a future in which the remaining population would become serfs in the globalists’ new feudal system.

Professor Dennis Meadows at a conference in Washington to mark the publication of his team study for the Club of Rome the limits to growth, it concludes that economic growth always generates a crisis that the road to riches is the road to disaster. They found that if you control everything including industrial production no crisis emerged but this assumes that we will stop getting richer. We’re talking about a system in which the various balances between material output and population can be engineered more or less to suit the particular objectives of a society, reorient our activities and our attitudes…on a global scale.
This reorientation of society includes reeducating the way people think in terms of how many children they can have, how many cars they can own, if they can own a home, where they can live, gay pride, transgenderism, etc., etc., etc. Later in the video, Meadows outlines that a serious reduction in global population needs to happen and he notes he hopes it can be accomplished “fairly and equitably.” Gosh, who said globalists aren’t “loving?” Is he only referring to voluntary euthanasia or something else as well? By the way, this same Club of Rome is the group that also divided the entire world into ten sections that includes all nations, which I’ve talked about in previous articles.
Reducing the world into ten sections reminds us of the ten kings of Revelation 17:12-14, “who have received no kingdom as yet, but they receive authority for one hour as kings with the beast. These are of one mind, and they will give their power and authority to the beast. These will make war with the Lamb, and the Lamb will overcome them, for He is Lord of lords and King of kings; and those who are with Him are called, chosen, and faithful.”

These ten kings will rise because God allows this to occur toward the end of this age, just prior to the physical return of Jesus. This is all allowed/designed by God for His express purposes and for His glory, whether we fully understand it or not.

It would appear that as we move into the future, globalists want far fewer people on this planet. That means many will die and the ones allowed to remain will become slaves to the beast system. Is this why WWIII is ramping up seriously, for further global disruptions and more deaths? Is this why millions of “refugees” are being displaced from their home countries to western nations including the USA?

COVID was a global experiment in enslavement and I’m sure globalists were giddy at how quickly society got into lock-step with their demands. They mandated we wear masks, remain at least six feet away from people, stay home and get a genetically-modifying jab or lose your job.[6] Because of the jab, many have suffered severe adverse reactions and death. Was that part of the plan?

While we the people want freedom to choose and live life, globalists have other plans that includes our enslavement and even our deaths. Just recently, the federal government has issued a new rule in order to fly that requires each passenger to have what is called a real driver’s license.[7] These are also sometimes called “star cards” because they have a star in the upper right hand corner. While this alone may not seem like a huge thing, it is simply another additional layered feature placed in front of people they have to take care of in order to keep their “freedom” to fly. Of course, a passport can be used alternatively, but fewer than half of all Americans have passports. Could the goal simply be to make it more difficult for the average American to fly? Leo Hohmann thinks so and it’s not beyond the realm of possibility if we keep in mind everything globalists are telling us now about “climate change” and the need to make big sacrifices.

Lift up your eyes. While I believe it is good to know what satanic globalists are attempting to accomplish throughout this world, our focus should be on God and what He is doing. This goes a long way in relieving the pressure and frustration from the type of things happening in the world that can potentially negatively impact us. Focusing on those things can also cause us to become worried and even take our eyes off the Great Commission of Matthew 18.

We are here for a purpose and it is to bring glory to God. By shifting our gaze to Him and His purposes, the things that Satan is doing will be noted but will not overcome us.

Seriously, we need to literally be of good cheer! While globalists may want much of the population throughout the world dead, we Christians know who we have believed. He will never leave or forsake us and lives within us through the abiding Holy Spirit. Drench yourself in His Word. Pray at all times. Praise Him continually. Always be mindful of the fact that He and He alone rules over all.








Theology and Politics from a Conservative, Biblical Perspective


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