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Dear Hollywood

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Theology and Politics from a Conservative, Biblical Perspective

Years ago, I did my first acting stint in kindergarten, as the lead in Peter Rabbit. I had no speaking lines. I simply dressed in a rabbit costume and hopped across the stage. It wasn’t a cool pink costume like the one Ralphie wore in A Christmas Story. It was the normal white costume with a rather large puff ball for a tail.

Over the years, as I continued through school, I enjoyed my foray into acting. I played William Tell’s son in a stage production in 4th grade. I continued acting throughout school and then stopped. However, after a number of years, I went back into it, first auditioning for roles in community theater of which I managed to nail down several good roles.

Then came my interest in obtaining a theatrical agent and before I knew it, I was auditioning for commercials and print media. I booked several and the hunt was on for more paid gigs. The next branch of my entertainment endeavors led me into auditioning for and even booking several independent movie roles. Beyond this, because of my agent, I also booked several background/stand-in roles in larger movies. In fact, I arrived to the point where I’m actually SAG-eligible. That means that I can audition for SAG projects if I want to and if selected, I would have to join SAG immediately. Guess what? I’m not at all interested in joining SAG nor am I interested in auditioning for any more projects in Hollywood, period.

At one point, I was seriously considering moving to Los Angeles to pursue my “dreams” without hesitation. However, I had begun at that time to see Hollywood for what it was – a dog eat dog, morally corrupt cesspool or immorality I’d ever seen. It was funny though because acting, in and of itself, can be really fun. All too often though, actors begin to take themselves way too seriously and believe their own press.

As I look back on my acting endeavors, I realize that the Lord allowed me a good amount of rope to check things out, but fortunately, not enough rope to hang myself. Now, when I consider the field of acting, I really have to laugh. Actors essentially pretend they’re something they’re not. If they do it convincingly enough, they can make huge sums of money. Of course, fame comes with that as well as do expensive homes, cars, trips and everything else.

Decades and decades ago, Hollywood had a distinct air of respectability. By and large, the actors who were known and loved were so because of the image they projected to the public in their movies. Most actors then wanted to be seen as moral, good, loving, a family man or woman and in general, conservative politically. In the 1930’s, 40’s and 50’s, conservatism in America was the main political push. So, if an actor wanted to be fully accepted, but had leftist leanings, they had to at least publicly pretend they themselves were conservative. If the public started to think they were on the Left politically, they would lose fans. If they lost fans, their movies would not sell as well and box office receipts would suffer. If that went on long enough, those particular actors might lose their contracts with the studios.

Today, when we consider Hollywood, it is clear that something has drastically changed over the years and not for the better. In fact, I’ve read about numerous celebs today (from their own words on their social media accounts), who have stated that because they are conservative, their managers essentially told them that they could not work with them anymore because studios would not. It made no sense for managers or agents to have conservative actors on their list if studios were not the least bit interested in auditioning them for roles. So, they were effectively let go.

Let’s be honest here. Hollywood of yesteryear was a fraud, but it was a generally well-protected fraud that few knew of outside of the Hollywood system. There were plenty of people then who worked behind the scenes in Hollywood who were not conservative. Gay and lesbian people often were involved in the behind the scenes in Hollywood for dancing, costuming/wardrobe, set design, etc. If an actor offended one of them, there was a good chance that actor didn’t continue working in Hollywood even back in the 30’s or 40’s.

In some cases, some major names of the old age silver screen and silent films were gay men. Though the public didn’t necessarily know, the actors received a good deal of flack from the crews but in the end, that actor usually won out and on some occasions, got certain crew members fired and replaced.

But again, in those days, all of this was in the background. The public heard little to nothing of it. When something did come out, the big Hollywood studios would immediately send in their “fixers” to cover things over smoothly if one of the big studio actors did something stupid. There were plenty of them who did apparently.

I’m amazed at the stories I’ve read about people like Clark Gable, Spencer Tracy, Cary Grant and a plethora of others who allegedly dabbled in homosexuality or bisexuality or were wife beaters or something else. The public then had no clue but over the years, tell all books have been published and to my knowledge, no one has been sued. There is probably merit to at least some of the stories.

But what exactly changed in Hollywood? How did it go from uplifting escapism and fun in the early days to today where everything is so dark and woke? When I think of going to see a newly released movie, I find I’d rather stick hot needles in my eyes. So what changed?

As far as my understanding goes, the silent behind the scenes majority of gay/lesbian/Leftist set designers, costume designers and wardrobe people and dancers became far more powerful over the years. These folks realized that if not for them and their silence, Hollywood would not be able to have presented itself as so squeaky clean to the world. It seems as though those folks used it to their advantage it and gained much more power. They then began to gain positions of absolute power in Hollywood where they became the person who decides who gets chosen for a particular movie role. They also became heads of studios wielding even more power.

The “casting couch” was not a figment of anyone’s imagination. It was very real. I’ve read stories of what Shirley Temple’s mother (and Shirley) herself went through! Why they didn’t turn their backs on Hollywood is beyond me but maybe it’s that addictive?

Because these folks gained more power in Hollywood, they were able to dictate what they wanted and what they expected. Do you think just anyone, regardless of how talented they are, can make it in Hollywood? That’s laughable. What Hollywood looks for first and foremost are people who will side with gays and lesbians (and now transgenders). They can make anyone look talented.

I saw a short video on a Telegram channel highlighting numerous A-list celebs all warning about Donald Trump – how bad he is, how he must be excoriated, and how he must go to prison, etc. I’m sure some of those celebs actually believe the tripe they are selling. But the bottom line is that they do and say what they do and say so that they will be guaranteed another acting job. It’s really as simple as that. There’s no other motivation at all other than following the money. Every time I see a celeb doing something like that (and decades ago, a celeb would not be caught dead involved in such a project), here’s what I hear them saying:

(Actor) Hi, I’m (so and so) and I’m here to tell you that even if I don’t like doing this type of “PSA,” I do it because my career means more to me than anything. I don’t consider myself lying (if I don’t believe what I’m saying). I’m acting. It’s what I do and it has made me very rich.

I know that if I do not involve myself in this type of project, producers and agents will stop calling me for new projects. Since the old studio system is gone, there are no guarantees in Hollywood, so I whore myself out to the highest bidder (unless that bidder is conservative). It is by doing this type of project that I prove to those in power in Hollywood that I am willing to sell myself in order to keep working in Hollywood.

You know what? It works too because I keep working. I keep making lots of money, which allows me to continue living the life I’m used to living. I know that decades ago, celebrities like me kept tight-lipped about their political beliefs, but Hollywood has changed a great deal. Now, if you want to work, you have to prove in any number of ways that you’re willing to embarrass yourself by doing some stupid, politically motivated project that allows people to believe you are thoroughly Leftwing.

Fortunately, I am Leftwing but I still don’t like doing these projects because I realize that I am potentially alienating at least part of my fan base. But do I want to keep working? Yes, so I do these political projects. Don’t hate me. Just understand that I really love money, fame and the ability to purchase what I want to purchase without concern. So, I do these projects.

So, Dear Hollywood, please understand that many of us see what you’ve become and we find it nauseating. It is impossible for many of us to watch a new movie without thinking, “What a bunch of fakers! Not even good actors!” and “I’m so tired of these woke messages they are trying to brainwash me with!

We also realize that we are the strong ones. You, on the other hand, are incredibly weak because you love money, fame and fortune and are willing to sell yourself like prostitutes to keep that flow of money coming in. In Ancient Rome, actors were considered to be on the same level as prostitutes. An actor’s job is to sell something he or she is not, but to make it believable, for the sake of the project.

Being an actor in Hollywood is really stepping into an illusion that has absolutely no bearing on reality anymore. It’s not escapism. It’s clearly what Hollywood wants to see take shape throughout society and in that sense, they are in lock-step with globalists who endeavor to change this world to their liking. It wouldn’t surprise me if more and more celebs start getting flack from people they meet on the streets for their wokism.

Decades ago, people understood that escapist fare was the reason for Hollywood, so people could leave behind the monotony of their daily lives for a few hours. Now, Hollywood has become synonymous with that very same monotony. Hollywood has spent so much time and money trying to appear real and authentic, they failed to realize that people see through it. Is this why so many new movies are bombing? Too many people just don’t care about Hollywood or the celebs who stand up and try to tell us who we should be and why we’re wrong if we don’t think as they think.

I’ve been done with Hollywood. There’s absolutely nothing there for me. It’s like binging on watching people eat bugs and loving it. Oh wait, Nicole Kidman has already done that in a recent video…Today’s Hollywood is nothing more than a brainwashing service for globalists.

Hollywood has ZERO moral compass, but yet, Hollywood believes they can and should dictate how people should think, speak and live. If we do it their way, they’ll create movies showing conservative characters being emotionally dismantled by woke mobs until that conservative learns that caving into those demands is the only way to survive in society and then turns around and thanks the Left for “waking” them up.

We conservatives are done with Hollywood, the threats and demands from the Left and kowtowing to woke mobs. No, we still won’t go looking for trouble like BLM and AntiFa, but if trouble comes looking for us, we will respond to it. We’re not cowards as the Left are cowards who gather in large groups with weapons to burn down something if they’re upset.

Donald Trump was recently found guilty of 34 felonies in a deranged court of law fare. I didn’t see any conservatives take to the streets, overturn cars, block traffic, burn down buildings, fight the police or use violent means to make a point. That’s reserved for the “summer of love” Leftists only, apparently, who caused billions of dollars in damage not to mention harm to innocent people.

It was also recently discovered that some family member allegedly connected to one of the jurors in that same Trump trial had posted a comment days before the guilty verdict came through that Donald Trump was going to be found guilty. How did the person know? Because his family member was supposedly on the jury and told him. If this is actually true, then certainly a mistrial should be declared but will corrupt judge Merchan do that? Let’s say he does and Trump’s trial is declared a mistrial. What will happen?

We can likely expect Leftists to gather, protest, use violence and even start to burn things down while calling to defund the police. This is what they did when convicted felon George Floyd was killed, yet these same people will tell you that it is disgraceful for anyone to support a convicted felon like Trump to be president of the USA. Democrats took a KNEE for George Floyd! He became their hero and statues have been made of that guy, the guy who had a rap sheep a mile long and held a pregnant woman at gunpoint in her own home.

Dear Hollywood, we all hope your woke system of lies, smears and censorship gets flushed down the toilet like all other human waste. We don’t take our orders from Hollywood nor do we care what anyone in Hollywood has to say. We won’t miss Hollywood when it happens.

Enjoy your own self-destruction.

Theology and Politics from a Conservative, Biblical Perspective


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