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Persevering in Troubling Times

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Theology and Politics from a Conservative, Biblical Perspective

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If you are like me, you’ll agree that at least some of the things occurring today are unnerving, can cause uneasiness, tension, frustration and even fear. This can occur within authentic Christians. Sometimes, when faced with these realities, the recourse is to often want to either push back or simply get away from the things that are causing the problem. When things tend to overwhelm all of global society, the second option becomes less and less of an option, because no matter where a person goes, they will meet with the situation from which they are trying to remove themselves.

I read a post yesterday from Consumptive Chronicles, written by R E Nichols.[1] In it, she admitted that though she is a Christian, she tends to feel overwhelmed often by much of what she witnesses throughout society. It affects her negatively, causing her to feel very much like a deer caught in the headlights of a vehicle as it bears down on it. That deer, often cannot get out of the way of the oncoming vehicle simply because it is mesmerized with fear and really doesn’t understand what is happening until it’s too late.

I was talking to my wife about this very thing the other day. This past year for me has seemed entirely overwhelming in many respects. I find I am far more tired physically than I have been prior. My mind seems not to work as well as I’m used to it working. I trip over finding this word or that one in speaking. In essence, the level of tension I tend to experience is far greater than what it was before C0V ever took hold. The aftermath of C0V has made things much worse as well, because that one virus (whether it was a truly novel virus or a rebranded annual flu), did exactly what the elite wanted it to do – divided the world into two groups of people. The first group believed anything that people like Fauci told us, whether it was that we should mask up, social distance, and ultimately get jabbed with the novel mRNA jab that was said to keep people from getting C0V and stop transmission, (but doing neither of those things). The second group seemed to instinctively know the hype was all lies.

Several years later after C0V hit the world, the world still reels. Whether we’re dealing with wars and rumors of wars, more viruses (like “bird flu” that has somehow managed to spread to cows and then humans), an open southern USA border where millions of people illegally walk into this country and somehow receive money to live here and many other things as well, it has become patently clear to critically thinking people that the world is on the verge of abrupt failure critically.

The economy, society in general, antagonisms running throughout the world, and much more – all of it speaks to the fact that the world is on edge. So, I can truly appreciate and understand where Nichols is coming from. Nichols makes some very good points about a number of things that, unfortunately, add to her feelings of despair. I get it. I really do. It is difficult to stand or sit by and watch people die from a turbo cancer they developed likely from the jab. You cannot tell them that and they aren’t able to make that connection themselves. If they could, they might be then willing to look into other areas of anti-cancer success rather than the old, run-of-the-mill chemo “therapy” sessions. It’s also disheartening to realize that globalists are trying to destroy the global economy and kill multitudes of people at the same time.

I fully agree with Nichols when she talks about the push by Mr. Globalist to ultimately destroy and burn down what currently exists now, to replace it with something they think will be better. Ultimately, it will only be better for them and their ilk, not for the average person on planet earth. They are going to continue to do what they can to steal our money, our homes, our pensions and our jobs. Then, after they’ve done all of this, they will present themselves as magnanimously poised to give us a universal basic income. Even though we’ll own nothing, they intend for us to “be happy” so they say.

With the young people growing up today who are in middle high, high school and college, I have zero doubt the globalists’ intentions will work well for today’s young people. But for those of us who are older, who have known what it’s like to work hard in life to earn a living, to buy a home, to purchase a vehicle, to have a family and meet that family’s needs, we won’t be taken in by it. We won’t adoringly long for the future time when we will be able to sit at home (a very small stacked and packed apartment in some city), have no job and just accept “free” money and play games on the computer and do drugs.

Globalists know that people my age or around my age won’t kowtow to globalists and won’t willingly give up what we have so that globalists can further enrich themselves at our expense. So their goal is to ultimately get rid of us. In fact, this is exactly what Dr. Vernon Coleman (the old man in a chair) has stated and he’s not the only one.[2] In his most recent video – The Money’s GONE! – he outlines why globalists must resort to things like voluntary euthanasia for older people. It’s all about saving money because there’s no more money to be spent. It’s all gone.

In essence, Coleman notes that anyone who is now 55 years of age or under will most likely not receive the pension that they’ve spent years paying into (unless it is a private pension and even there, politicians are trying to find ways to get that money). Take the time to listen to his eleven and a half minute video linked below.

In another article, Dr. Paul Marik talks about the biggest hoax in medicine since C0V.[3]

Getting back to Nichols, she notes in her article the following.

Our best weapons against Mr. Global are communities. Micro organizations that cannot be infiltrated with leaders who cannot be bribed or blackmailed. Churches. Local clubs. Crisis pregnancy centers.

We need to band together to offer each other needed support in the time ahead. I believe if the women did this the men would naturally follow.

I’ve said that for some time as have many others. It needs to be repeated often too. Too many people continue to go through life looking to the government or some aspect of the government to help. The reality is that the government is not only not helping but they are essentially making things far worse for the average person today. The government is not inclined to actually help because that would mean coming clean about what they perpetrated during C0V and what they continue to perpetrate now and even into the future.

How many people really understand that the USA is at war with Russia? It’s not that we are simply “helping” Ukraine against Russia. The USA is thick in it and Putin is aware of that. What does that mean for America’s future? Take a guess. In fact, for more information, investigative journalist Leo Hohmann writes an excellent article on this subject.[4]

Because of everything that is happening throughout the globe, Nichols makes this focused statement in her article.

Saving America is impossible. It will go down very soon. My goal would be the survival of individuals and some social cohesion and remnants of our former culture at various locations scattered across the former USA to avoid getting corralled like cattle by Mr. Global and (maybe) rebuild once that unsustainable system implodes. Our country is set to crash and burn. We need to accept this and prepare.

I concur. America cannot be saved and for those who think Trump is going to save America, they need to think again. They need to start thinking in terms of local community.

I’ll get more into this type of thinking (Trump saving America), in an upcoming article when I do a review of Dave Hunt’s book, Whatever Happened to Heaven? For now, suffice it to say that there is way too much “dominionism,” “reconstructionism,” “Joel’s Army” and the like in the thinking of too many people today. They honestly believe that Trump, if he is re-elected, will do what he actually promised to do during his first term (but didn’t fully succeed). Again, this thinking goes back to the dominionist/reconstructionist error that causes people to believe if we Christians will simply just work hard enough to get the right candidates elected into office, then we can change this world enough so that it will more readily reflect the biblical narrative of what earth is supposed to be like.

Unfortunately, as I study Scripture, I don’t see this line of thinking at all and the only way a person can arrive to that biblical conclusion is via allegorizing Scripture. Christians are never tasked with the job of converting enough people so that this world will eventually become what God envisioned it to be. In fact, it is patently clear not only from biblical history but also from secular history that whenever people turn to God in repentance in large groups, Satan is never far behind to create trouble for those new converts. Just going back to the first century with Nero proves that Christians are often fodder in the hands of tyrants and in spite of the truth taught and lived by Christians, that is often not enough to change the direction of true dictators who are blood thirsty and anti-God as they attack those who are His, fully inspired by Satan.

Yes, there will be multitudes who come to salvation during the coming Tribulation period but most of them will be martyred for their faith in Christ. They will leave this life painfully through death and the righteousness of their lives will have little to no impact on the tyrants that God allows Satan to set in place in order that he will establish his final one-world order over which his spiritual son Antichrist will rule. Anyone who worships Antichrist will be worshiping Satan. Satan knows this and longs for it.

Why would globalists throw in the towel where Trump is concerned? They’ll keep doing what they do because they have a goal to meet. Together they have more money and power than Trump and they’re not above killing someone who becomes a serious problem either.

So, what does the Christian do with all this in mind? Do we give into the fear, the frustration, the lies, the pandemics, and all the rest of it? Of course not. But how do we not do that? Christians must have a two-pronged approach to problems globalists create for society. The first prong is to understand the truth of what globalists are attempting to accomplish. Look at it. Stare at it if you have to. Delve into it and think about it. Understand what they are doing and why. We must look at things realistically and then we must understand why God is allowing all these things to happen throughout global society. Understanding that changes everything! The Bible reveals the whys and the wherefores. Once we understand why things are happening, we are in a far better position to choose our own course of action because fear is no longer the motivating factor.

So, another pandemic will hit at some point. What should I do in light of that? What we’ve already been doing by stocking up on medicines, supplements, and supplies for the possibility of having to deal with an illness that globalists say will be ten times worse than C0V. If I simply cower in fear of it, I’ll make things worse for myself. I can spend all day thinking of all the bad things that could come into my life and become paralyzed by that fear, which would stop me from making critical decisions. Or, I could simply note that at some point, things will happen and to make preparations for those things.

Let me give an example. I hate snakes. I loathe them. Yes, in some ways, I can see how some people think they’re “beautiful creatures,” but to me, they are alarming and scary, especially if they are poisonous. Yet, we have chickens and snakes are attracted to chickens and their eggs. Over the past few years, I’ve removed probably 8 to 10 snakes, some as large as nearly six feet in length. How does someone who is terrified of snakes do that? With the right tools. Having the right tools provides the right mindset. I bought a professional, metal snake grabber/handler with a wide/locking jaw. The grabber allows me to stay far enough away from the snake but still allows me to grab it behind the neck and remove it.

One night, my wife came in from the barn to tell me that a snake was on one of the roosts near a chicken. I grabbed the snake grabber, went out and got there just as the snake was trying to decide how to wrap it’s coils around the chicken’s neck to kill/eat it. It would have killed it but not eaten it because the chicken was too big. I was able to grab the snake, put it in a bucket with lid then drove it a few miles away beyond the river and let it go. That tool helped me overcome my fear of snakes.

I have yet to come across a poisonous snake and if I do, I have other tools I’ll use. The point is that being prepared for a situation is what provides the greatest chance of victory because preparation tends to eliminate fear and fear, as we know, tends to lock people up so that they cannot move one way or the other. Once you see fear for what it is, you will be less and less affected by it.

I’m becoming more and more convinced that for the authentic Christian living in society today, our faith is going to be tried and through that process, will be strengthened. I am coming to embrace the belief that God is not going to let me down. He is going to guide me through every situation. There is one requirement on my part. That is, that I need to take the time to go to Him in prayer – sometimes, in earnest prayer – for each situation. But as God allows Satan greater mobility to do what he can to bring about the final global order, things will certainly become more antagonistic toward the Christian. But I also believe that God will see those of us through who learn to fully depend on Him and not ourselves.

Let me leave readers with a few of my favorite passages of Scripture that teach us to reject fear. Read them. Memorize them and think often on them. God will unlock their truth to you.

Fear not, for I am with you;
Be not dismayed, for I am your God.
I will strengthen you,
Yes, I will help you,
I will uphold you with My righteous right hand.’ (Isaiah 41:10 NKJV)

Teach me Your way, O Lord;
I will walk in Your truth;
Unite my heart to fear Your name. (Psalm 86:11 NKJV)

If you find yourself acting like a deer in the headlights of an approaching vehicle, don’t beat yourself up about that. Simply recognize that this is the first step in helping you to understand that you – by yourself – cannot do this alone. We need God every day and throughout each day. He is attentive to our needs and wants. He cares deeply about our frailties and our concerns. He wants what is best for us. You cannot fear situations and God at the same time. You’ll fear one or the other. Which do you choose?





Additional Resources:

Theology and Politics from a Conservative, Biblical Perspective


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