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Nuclear 9/11 Can No Longer Be Ignored – It Is Killing Us All

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NEO: Nuclear 9/11 can no longer be

ignored – It is killing us all


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Within 10 minutes of posting, Google Corporation shut down the counter on this article

By  Gordon Duff, Senior Editor

September 3, 2019

[ Editor’s Note: We have started our 9-11 anniversary discussion early this year, despite all of our previous nuclear 9-11 material having been blacked out to this day, but never challenged by any official party with a reputation to lose.

“Falling man” – representing all of us getting throw off the roof

While we will be republishing our seminal Sandia Labs official 9-11 report material that cleared our own screeners for public use, we will also be covering that the failure of our security agencies to grab the real 9-11 perpetrators has left us exposed to, which will change America forever, if not somehow the trend is not reversed.

Our government’s total 9-11 failure has left us exposed to a growing real time surveillance that not even science fiction writers could have imagined. A Google executive got carried away during a talk a few years ago and spilled the beans.

“We are soon going to be able to know what you are going to do before you do.”

Expecting this Google revelation to spark a huge national debate, we were wrong. There was nothing.

Our government and civil institutions just rolled over on the pathetic 9-11 Commission report; and the commissioners admitted on their subsequent speaking tours that they knew witnesses had perjured themselves, but because they were not under oath, nothing could be done to them.

This overt rigging of the commission process got no serious blow back at the time. One of the commissioners stated that they accepted that the job of both political parties’ commission members was to make sure that no blame got splattered onto their respective party.

While shocking, that honesty was refreshing. The commissioners expected and participated in a fake investigation. But so did a long line of those who had sworn oaths to defend the country at all costs, and they rolled over, too.

That left us with the bad guys knowing that the next time they wanted to push the button, it would be a lot easier. To date, of those that failed us back then, none has come forward to repent, despite all the first responders dying off from the nuclear blast radiation cancers.

Never have so many owed so little to those in our American government at all levels from that time. A fitting tribute to the 9-11 victims would be to publicly spotlight all those involved in the 911 coverup and demand a real investigation… Jim W. Dean ]

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First published … September 03, 2018 –

It is all about lying. Few knew what a shield truth had been, until it was gone.

We don’t have to go back so many years to find a painful example; in fact, August 2019 gives us lots of material to deal with. Let’s look at the Hezbollah missile attack on what was claimed to be an Israeli command convoy. Hezbollah claims they hit a general.

Here is what Hezbollah did, they released a poor-quality video from miles away, showing smoke only. Believing this was all there was, Israel announced that a missile landed “near an Israeli village” and that the IDF staged a fake rescue of wounded at an imaginary missile hit scene, just as a joke.

VT was first to publish the video from the al-Manar website, and with our experienced video analysis crew has published a close up of the first strike with the pixel pattern showing the vehicle’s large diesel fuel tank going up.

This story was carried in the mainstream media, as it was sourced to the IDF high command and directly to Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu. In a time of liars, these will do as well as any.

Almanar, a media organization in Lebanon, then published the real video, which is also hosted at Veterans Today with commentary by Jim W. Dean. Hezbollah had gotten right up to the Israeli base; we can see the command vehicles loaded from so very close up. Then they drive down the road, and it happens. We see one of two missiles fired, and both hit with devastating effect.

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( Click on video in tweet above to play video and see what actually happened to one of Israel’s top military commanders as the Hezbollah missile attack on what was claimed to be an Israeli command convoy. Hezbollah claims they hit a general.) 

Hezbollah’s intelligence organization, one few know rivals the Mossad, had waited for days for Israel’s top military commander to leave his headquarters. He was assassinated.

Hezbollah says they used two Russian Kornet missiles to destroy his Wolf type mine-resistant command vehicle. Our sources say these are Iranian Dehalivieh missiles, copied from the Russian design and manufactured in Iran.

Hezbollah, of course, was retaliating against Israel for two drone assassination attacks inside Beirut only days before. Instead of reporting the truth that Hezbollah, as shown in 2006, can defeat Israeli defenses at will, Israel chose to lie to its own people, as it always does.

Israel withholds any “bad news,” like the sinking of two of its Dolphin submarines or the loss of planes, including one shot down over Yemen.

Lies make anything possible, hiding the truth from the public for sure, but also complicity in criminal terrorism as well; and we aren’t just talking about Israel.

Thus, we run the clock back to 2001.

By now, the general public around the world should know that official investigations, be they blaming Russia for MH 17 or gas attacks in Syria or the Skripal “poisoning” or so many other stories, are simply made up. All official investigations are fake. The most fake investigation in history, and there are hundreds of fake investigations that are now taught as “history,” is 9/11.

First of all, here’s what happened that makes this important to readers now. A German physicist with no access to US media, call it language barrier, laziness or hyper-focus that scientists have, did a study on the events of 9/11.

He built on work done by French physicist Francois Roby and a US activist with a strong science background named Jeff Prager. Pommer published a first version of his findings, that the World Trade Center was destroyed by nuclear weapons placed under the structures, in 2017.

Then in 2019, he put out a slide presentation backed by irrefutable physics and a video presentation. This information, undisputed by any scientist, is published on Veterans Today at the request of Pommer.

The scientific study shows, without question, that whether planes hit buildings or not, the destruction, which included huge caverns filled with molten granite and iron that gave off incredible heat for months, could only be described and accounted for as a series of underground nuclear explosions.

What we all know is that 9/11 changed everything, war after war, millions dead; but what many don’t realize is that it opened the door to a new level of lying.

In today’s world, Iran can have a nuclear weapons program when no evidence supports it and all real evidence supports the contrary. Any nation that fails to submit, and we will probably never know who is really in control, and we are talking Venezuela for one, can be subjected to “shock and awe” because its leaders will, according to the fake mainstream media, start “killing their own people” or using some type of prohibited weapon.

Only ending the 9/11 lies can challenge the deluge of deceit that is killing us all.

Anyway, back to our story. I found it necessary to contact Heinz Pommer for a simple reason. His work, done independently, is identical to work done by the team at Veterans Today five long years ago. Pommer never saw any of it. This makes Pommer’s work “confirmation” of a 9/11 nuclear event.

Now let me make another point, I felt a bit of disappointment at first from Pommer and later Francois Roby because the Veterans Today reports were written by a team that included:

  • Jeff Smith, particle physicist, IAEA inspector and foremost expert on nuclear weapons
  • A team (names withheld) at the Sandia National Laboratories, America’s nuclear weapons design group
  • Dr. James Fetzer, Ian Greenhalgh, Don Fox and myself as investigative journalists
  • Confirming sources within the US law enforcement and intelligence services (names withheld)

This part of the story began on May 4, 2014 with a document dump into my email saying that I was the “last chance” to get the truth out, as it had been submitted to CNN and other media who chose to censor it. The reason given is that I, and I quote, am a “true blue Marine.” What they clearly meant is that I was willing to handle the consequences and have powerful friends. To an extent, this is true.

Over a period of months, documents which included complex computations regarding bomb design, blast characteristics and a real examination of the World Trade Center, all in the packet received, were discussed with the journalist team and also with scientists who had a very strange story to tell.

According to the real study of 9/11, specialized nuclear weapons designed to destroy metal were built, weapons that not only rendered hundreds of thousands of tons of steel into dust but also destroyed automobiles over a mile away, while flammables such as paper nearby remained untouched.

These scientists, all either IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency) and/or US Department of Energy, told VT they were contacted on 9/11 to investigate a nuclear event in New York.

Jeff Smith supplied a photo of himself entering the wreckage, dressed as a utility worker, carrying a Geiger counter. Some speculate that the use of the term “ground zero” is proof of that. That may well be true.

I questioned Jeff Smith as to his background and he sent me a copy of his UN passport with visas signed by the Secretary General of the United Nations. He visited Iran, Syria, Israel as a nuclear inspector and many other nations as well including Russia. He also supplied his personal photos with other UN inspectors.

OK, here is what is most important. The results of the 2014 investigation or rather the documents we received of what we later learned was a 2003 DOE investigation of 9/11 that was suppressed, were identical to the results Heinz Pommer came to years later with no access to our data.

This is called “a confirmation.” This means, yes, it’s all true — America was “nuked” on 9/11. It also means that there were radiation victims and that the US government covered it up, that first responders who died by the thousands were given improper medical treatment to cover up a massive crime, just like the Syria gassings, like MH17 and, just perhaps, other incidents, maybe even mass shootings, that might just as well be staged.

Then there is Jeff’s backstory. According to Jeff Smith, he was part of a team called Able Danger that included FBI, CIA, IAEA and other assets. Their investigation began in the 1990s, when nuclear material from disassembled weapons, part of the START agreements, weapons from both the US and Soviet Union, began disappearing, hundreds of them, instead of being taken apart and stored.

Then Jeff told us that all the records were destroyed, not by accident, but by top officials including the Director of the Department of Energy himself and that the investigation, when it was reaching the point of ordering the arrest of top Clinton officials, was halted by presidential order. The belief was that President Clinton was being blackmailed.

We were then told the investigation was reinstated, personally funded by former President George Herbert Walker Bush. Members of that team included CIA agent Rolland Carnaby, murdered; John O’Neill, killed on 9/11; John Wheeler III, murdered; FBI agent Mike Dick, survived murder attempt; and Jeff Smith, who survives under a gag order.

Detailed investigative material was produced outlining a plot by Saudi and Israeli intelligence, photos and addresses of safehouses, meetings between Mohammed Atta and Israeli intelligence officials and a bevy of high ranking and/or powerful individuals who funded and managed the project.

Pommer had none of this information.

Now let’s step back for a second. The 2014 reports were read by 6 million people, and yet don’t exist anywhere except at Veterans Today and there are dozens of articles which include documents from the suppressed 2003 investigation.


There are always these questions, why are we telling this story, why should we care, what can we do about things like this when it is clear that the average American or citizen of any nation has little or no power over events?

A key answer is a simple one — that if we let a lie take root, what grows from it may destroy us all. 9/11 is such a lie, one of the biggest; but there are, as most are becoming aware, so many others, a list added to every day.

What is critical is that assumptions that were once made need to be unmade:

  • What I was taught in school is true; now we know better, so much better
  • What is on the mainstream news is fair and truthful; but now we know it is likely total fabrication
  • What our leaders do, they do for us except; of course, history shows that our leaders are now among the worst of us, the least of us and we are ruled by our lessers, not by an “elite”

Then the last challenge is simple, we allow ourselves to be governed by consent, which is the nature of democracy except, of course, we never consented to be lied to or governed by criminals who hide behind lies.

That answer is more simple still, we resist.

Gordon Duff is a Marine combat veteran of the Vietnam War that has worked on veterans and POW issues for decades and consulted with governments challenged by security issues. He’s a senior editor and chairman of the board of Veterans Today, especially for the online magazine “New Eastern Outlook.”




The Real Crimes of 9/11

By  Gordon Duff, Senior Editor

September 11, 2019


By Gordon Duff, Senior Editor

We all know its 18 years.  The crimes, lying to the public, paying off fake media, first mainstream, then a few fake witnesses, planting several truckloads of phony evidence.

Then the movies, passengers making phone calls from planes, hijackers with box cutters that plane passengers in a real American plane would have eaten for breakfast in minutes.

Oh, planes that didn’t get shot down, that’s how it started, followed by buildings that nothing hit, like “7” that fell anyway, fires that burned for months, molten granite steel turned to dust.  Nukes.

Years of lying, radiation poisoning called “toxic soup,” telling the world that drywall dust kills.

Then the fakers, magic powder and ray guns took down the towers, a traveling road show of greed.

Past that, the real investigation, murders, a secret grand jury, tying it all to gangsters, Israel, Saudi Arabia and a global arms cabal, with all the names named long ago, with investigative material long leaked and buried by…a very concerted effort of controlled media of all kinds and internet companies like Facebook, Youtube and of course Google.

Today all the evidence is out, nukes in the lower floors of the twin towers, small nukes inside air conditioning tanks for building 7, and FBI-CIA-White House investigation that predicted this 4 years in advance but couldn’t stop it even though our records show that they followed the bombs from the Teterboro Airport in New Jersey over to the Israeli Consulate in Manhattan.


The new German articles are viral, VT and everywhere, quality science, proof beyond imagination.

Watch the media today, a few sites will throw a bone out there, “fires alone couldn’t have done it.”  I assure you, those writing this crap had reams of evidence from the real investigation at their disposal and they didn’t use a word of it

Their science?  Childishly fake.  First the NIST then the “troofer,” a pack of traveling clowns but not so funny.

When we ask why they do it, the answers we get lead in one direction.

Some of those who are talking “conspiracy theories” now, were around before 9/11.

It keeps coming, fake shooters, real dead, pretend dead, fake gas attacks, America running ISIS and the deadly White Helmets, the truth out there, taken before the UN and the courts, but censored in the US.

Everything here is censorship or bullshit.

Submitted by Heinz Pommer with Jeff Prager to Veterans Today

Introduction by Gordon Duff with Ian Greenhalgh and Jeff Smith (Nuclear weapons designer/particle physicist)

The material here is overwhelming, hours of lectures and dozens of detailed slides.  This is not an easy read.  It is another piece of irrevocable proof regarding 9/11 and the use of nuclear weapons and, on its own, worth much more than just scanning or flipping through.

Architects and engineers say planes don’t knock down skyscrapers.  Nuclear physicists say only atomic bombs can turn out this kind of heat and damage. The real investigators who were silenced by a grand jury and a wealth of threats said it was a conspiracy and named lots of names, some expected, some not.

Now an independent physicist has proven the work done by the original investigators who were silenced and much new work as well.  His modeling and detail is breathtaking.

We were recently introduced to the work of Germany physicist Heinz Pommer.  I chose to contact him.  His work deeply parallels work done by the US Department of Energy and IAEA which was censored and suppressed so that the fake 9/11 report could be published and blame put on Iraq and Afghanistan.

Unlike Pommer’s work (aided by Jeff Prager), the VT team included some of those involved in the ill fated original investigation. Working from different data, to an extent, both teams have ended up with nearly identical results.

VT knows the who, how and when from official sources.  Pommer (and Prager), however, have taken their portion a step further and have produced what the original team would have presented to congress and the president, had they been allowed, of the proofs of nuclear weapons and their effects.  Their work is identical to the secret work by the DOE and Sandia National Labs but adds much as well.

Included are video presentations sent by Pommer to me and his PDF slides.  This material has been submitted to the US team and we will get their comments.

6.3     Demon’s trap 9/11

Your mind is not your consciousness. Your consciousness is your state or quality of awareness of your existence, of being a person.

Your mind, however, can be hijacked and controlled. Your thoughts can be guided to this and that, and finally your mind might simply play the role of an uneducated dog. It barks a lot: “be aware, intruders!”

If your mind is bent the right way (in the sense of the perpetrators of 9/11) you will accept nothing except the fairy tale of Osama bin Laden. Then your mind and your thoughts will clutch and grasp to the last straws, in order to save your world view. It will accept nothing, least of all an offending truth.

Truth, however, is important. So, lets start this subchapter rendering homage to one great defender of the truth, Saint Augustine of Hippo.

Augustine of Hippo (354 – 430 AD)

Saint Augustine of Hippo from Numidia (a Roman province on the North African Coast) was in a certain sense an extremist, whose position could be condensed in the phrase:

“Better to fall with the truth than to stand with the lie.”

He knew Rome well, as he would recognize Rome in modern western society in his splendor and cruelty. Victory at all costs. The truth does not matter, the triumph of the lie is omnipresent and masked – if at all – by the cosy word “illusion”.

To understand the essence of truth – love of God’s creation by all beings – he also studied the lie, defining how these two antipodes reveal themselves in human society.

The next pages show 25 steps in which the destruction process of the South Tower and the processes in the ground are sketched. These sketches did offend many people and were harshly criticized as “fantasy sketches”, or even as a “dangerous effort to deceive the public”.

However, these sketches should be regarded only as a playful approach in an effort to understand a physical process and to calculate a more precise model afterwards. They don’t pretend being “The Truth”. For a conscious person, there is nothing offensive in them. Even if your mind tells you so.

Step 1: Opening of the building at a height of 350 m

Fig. 6-21                                                                                                   Scheme(modified):

Step 2: Connection of the nuclear chimney (ignition of small explosives)

Fig. 6-22                                                                                                   Scheme (modified):

Step 3: Weakening of the building structure through radiation (embrittlement)

Fig. 6-23                                                                                                   Scheme (modified):

Step 4: Weakening of the building structure through small explosives (statics)

Fig. 6-24                                                                                                   Scheme (modified):

Step 5: Weakening of the building structure through melting (radiation)

Fig. 6-25                                                                          Scheme (modified):

Step 6: Nuclear fizzle/neutron flash in the tower

Fig. 6-26                                                                          Scheme (modified):

Step 7: Impact of the explosion, start of the eruption

Hard Xray radiation in the Harfountain nozzle in the tower chamber

Fig. 6-27                                                                          Scheme (modified):

Step 8: Evaporation of the building core by the plasma needle (approx. 8,000 °C)



















The bill (Reauthorization 2015)

In 2015, the Congress passed and President Obama signed the reauthorization of the James Zadroga Act. It provided an additional 4.6 billion dollars in funding for its mission.

The bill (9/11 Victims Compensation Fund reauthorization 2019, until … 2090)

According to a Congressional Budget Office estimate, paying out the outstanding claims and future claims would cost $10.2 billion over the next decade.

The bill does not appropriate a specific amount of money to process victims’ compensation claims, instead appropriating “such sums as may be necessary for fiscal year 2019 and each fiscal year thereafter through fiscal year 2090.”




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I may not agree with everything presented in this material , however I have probably found that there is sufficient valuable information to justify bringing it forward for you to sift through in order to expand your awareness and to trigger your desire to dig deeper to learn more about the subject matter presented. 

My posts are not meant to be polished works, they are more utilitarian, meant to be a gathering of data/info loosely pulled together to become a starting point for further investigation and research. Consider it more like semi-processed mined dirt, something still requiring further sifting to extract it’s wealth.

I do not make any claims of being the original creator or owner of the material that I generally post. My sole intent is to share and pass on information that has contributed to my awakening process.  I will normally print my two cents worth in green so as to distinguish it from the original author/creator of the posted material.

I present this material for informational, research and educational purposes only. It is not my intent to maliciously attack nor offend anybody (unless you are a Luciferian Swamp Dweller), so please develop a thicker skin, realize it is not my intent to insult, forgive me, shed it like water off a duck’s back and move on, a better person.   The material is presented for your edification, you filter it as you see fit according to your perspective. May God’s blessings and wisdom be upon you.



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