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SOTN Editor’s Note: The following open letter to President Donald Trump says many important things at this critical moment of U.S. history. A close reading clearly indicates that the authors have done their homework well, and that their proposal may be the only way forward for the American Republic. SOTN highly encourages each and every reader to blast out this “blueprint for freedom” everywhere and anywhere. We are now moments to midnight where it concerns a complete communist takeover of the United States of America. If the recommended game plan is not followed to the “T”, getting our country back will be immensely more difficult. And, it will come with a LOT more pain and suffering for all. Thanking our great audience for their total support of this noble and necessary initiative to save our Republic. May God Bless America!

Open Letter to President Trump from Oathkeepers Founder Stewart Rhodes and Kellye SoRelle

“The time is now near at hand which must probably determine whether Americans are to be freemen or slaves; whether they are to have any property they can call their own; whether their houses and farms are to be pillaged and destroyed, and themselves consigned to a state of wretchedness from which no human efforts will deliver them. The fate of unborn millions will now depend, under God, on the courage and conduct of this army. Our cruel and unrelenting enemy leaves us only the choice of brave resistance, or the most abject submission. We have, therefore, to resolve to conquer or die.”
– General George Washington, Address to the Continental Army Before the Battle of Long Island, August 27, 1776

President Trump,

We now face a moment of peril as great, or greater, as what General Washington and his men faced in 1776. The very survival of our nation as a free Constitutional Republic hangs in the balance. We have but one last chance to save it. The fate of unborn millions will now depend on your conduct, the conduct of the current members of our armed forces, and the conduct of we the many millions of American veterans and patriots who are still loyal to our Constitution.

When you were sworn in, you took the following oath, as mandated by Article II of the Constitution:

“I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my Ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.”

It’s time to honor that oath by defending the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic.

This is your moment of destiny. Will you take your place in history as the savior of our Republic, right up there with President Washington and Lincoln? Or will you fail to act, while you still can, and leave office on January 20, 2021, leaving We the People to fight a desperate revolution/civil war against an illegitimate usurper and his Chicom puppet regime?

Here are the facts:

We are already at war with communist China and its willing American agents, puppets, and co-conspirators who seek to overthrow our Constitution, as well as the international elites and other foreign enemies who have aided and abetted this war on our nation. They have infiltrated and taken over every branch of government at every level, state and federal. War isn’t coming – war is already here.

Communist China could never defeat us in open battle, so instead, it infiltrated and subverted our institutions, bought and blackmailed American elites, and made allegiance with willing domestic enemies of our Constitution, to defeat us from the inside out, without having to fire a shot, by using what is commonly referred to as “Fourth Generation Warfare” doctrines and methods. This is war by other means, but it is war nonetheless.

Through well-orchestrated mass vote fraud, the Communist Chinese and their domestic enemy allies are about to install their illegitimate puppet, Joe Biden, and his equally illegitimate puppet running mate, Kamala Harris, into the White House, with their treasonous fingers on the nuclear launch codes.

You must act NOW as a wartime President, pursuant to your oath to defend the Constitution, which is very similar to the oath all of us veterans swore. We are already in a fight. It’s better to wage it with you as Commander-in-Chief than to have you comply with a fraudulent election, leave office, and leave the White House in the hands of illegitimate usurpers and Chinese puppets. Please don’t do it. Do NOT concede, and do NOT wait until January 20, 2021. Strike now.

If you fail to act while you are still in office, we the people will have to fight a bloody civil war and revolution against these two illegitimate Communist China puppets, and their illegitimate regime, with all of the powers of the deep state behind them, with nominal command of all the might of our armed forces (though we fully expect many units or entire branches to refuse their orders and to fight against them) and with their foreign allies also joining in to assist in the suppression of American patriots.

Without clean elections, we no longer have a Republic, and you are charged by the Constitution with preserving a republican form of government wherein the people actually elect their own representatives in clean elections. Article IV, Section 4 of the U.S. Constitution clearly commands you in this, when it states:

“The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against Invasion.”

“Shall” is command language. And that command applies to all three branches of the federal government, including the executive branch which you run. And that command applies directly to you. You are commanded by the Constitution to take whatever action you must to ensure that we have a Republican form of Government – and that means clean elections.

In the current dire circumstances where complicit traitors have been put into place in every branch of government (legislative, executive, judicial) at every level (local, state, federal), through fraudulent elections over many years, it means YOU will have to fix it, with the full support of loyal military service members and millions of military and police veterans, as well as millions of patriotic average Americans who stand with you 100% in doing what must be done.

It won’t be fixed by corrupted legislatures, Governors, or the courts. The recent refusal by all but two of the Supreme Court Justices (including all of your own Supreme Court picks) to hear the Texas election fraud case shows that the cancer of cowardice, compromised officials, and treason has spread even to the Supreme Court. The disclosures of the corruption and blackmailing of Hunter Biden and the corruption of Rep. Swalwell by a Communist Chinese Spy, as well as the blackmail ring run by Jeffery Epstein, are the tip of the iceberg in how the deep state and its Chicom allies have taken over our establishment elites.

That corrupted establishment won’t fix it, but We the People shall, one way or another and we need you to lead us in this great battle to save our Republic.

Further, the US Constitution states in Article I, Section 8 that Congress has the power:

“To provide for calling forth the militia to execute the laws of the union, suppress insurrections and repel invasions”

Congress long ago provided for just that by passing the Insurrection Act which delegates that decision and power to you, as President and Commander-in-Chief.

The Insurrection Act, 10 U.S. Code, Section 252 – Use of militia and armed forces to enforce Federal authority, states:

Whenever the President considers that unlawful obstructions, combinations, or assemblages, or rebellion against the authority of the United States, make it impracticable to enforce the laws of the United States in any State by the ordinary course of judicial proceedings, he may call into Federal service such of the militia of any State, and use such of the armed forces, as he considers necessary to enforce those laws or to suppress the rebellion.

Section 253 of the Insurrection Act then states:

The President, by using the militia or the armed forces, or both, or by any other means, shall take such measures as he considers necessary to suppress, in a State, any insurrection, domestic violence, unlawful combination, or conspiracy, if it—

(1) so hinders the execution of the laws of that State, and of the United States within the State, that any part or class of its people is deprived of a right, privilege, immunity, or protection named in the Constitution and secured by law, and the constituted authorities of that State are unable, fail, or refuse to protect that right, privilege, or immunity, or to give that protection;

(2) opposes or obstructs the execution of the laws of the United States or impedes the course of justice under those laws.

In any situation covered by clause (1), the State shall be considered to have denied the equal protection of the laws secured by the Constitution.

Section 254 then states:

Whenever the President considers it necessary to use the militia or the armed forces under this chapter, he shall, by proclamation, immediately order the insurgents to disperse and retire peaceably to their abodes within a limited time.

Clearly an unlawful combination and conspiracy in multiple states (indeed, in every state) has acted to deprive the people of the fundamental right to vote for their representatives in a clean, fair election as is required in a free nation, striking at the very heart of what it means to have a republican form of government, and disenfranchising them.

You, and you alone, are fully authorized by the Insurrection Act to determine that such a situation exists, and to use the U.S. military and the militia to rectify that situation. And the militia includes not only the National Guard units of each state, called into federal service, but also includes the body of the people, age 17-45, and especially us military veterans, who are by federal statute subject to call up for service as the militia until age 65, due to our prior training and experience.

As Article II declares, “The President shall be Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy of the United States, and of the Militia of the several States, when called into the actual Service of the United States.” You must call us up, and command us.

We urge you to do the following simultaneously as both the chief law enforcement officer of the nation, and as the commander in Chief:

1. INVOKE THE INSURRECTION ACT: Issue a Presidential Proclamation, directly invoking the Insurrection Act, declaring an insurrection, rebellion, and coup to be in effect by domestic enemies of the U.S. Constitution and traitors who are in collusion with and/or acting as agents of a foreign enemy (specifically Communist China, but also other known or unknown foreign enemies) and to call up the militia (including the National Guard, us veterans, and patriotic Americans of military age) and US military to suppress the insurrection. That proclamation should declare that domestic traitors have conspired with a foreign enemy, specifically Communist China, and have been either bribed or blackmailed by that enemy, and together they have subverted our electoral system from top to bottom to rig elections at every level, and to steal elections with the intent of overthrowing our Constitution and our way of life.

A. Order the data seized: Pursuant to that proclamation, order SOCOM and other trusted military units, to seize all databases of the CIA, FBI, NSA, DNI, etc and the records held by all state electoral systems and administrators. And order them to take possession of and preserve all evidence of the insurrection/rebellion/coup wherever it is housed or held and to counter and suppress any attempt by the insurrectionists to prevent the seizing of the data.

B. Order a mass declassification of the dirty secrets: Order SOCOM Intelligence officers and other trusted and loyal patriot intelligence officers to carry out your orders to declassifying ALL the dirty secrets and evidence of crimes by all the corrupt and compromised elites (in both major parties) to expose them all, and especially to expose their treason and their willing service to communist china and other foreign powers, as spies, agents, and puppets. Of course, those loyal intelligence officers should not declassify and disclose data that could put at risk loyal American operatives and allies in foreign nations, who are on legitimate missions that are related to our legitimate national interests. Only disclose data on traitors and their treason.

C. Within all that data will be the evidence needed to expose the vote fraud and who is behind it, as well as expose all the corrupt judges, state Attorney Generals, governors, legislative leaders, election officials, etc.

D. Order a massive public “Wikileaks” style data-dump to put all the dirty secrets of the compromised elites on display to the American people. Those secrets are the very “swamp water” that the DC swamp creatures swim in. Those dirty secrets both control and shield them all. Throw the doors open, and dump all the skeletons out of the closets and onto the streets for all the people to see, and for all the world to see.

E. Pardon and free Julian Assange and ask him to assist in this massive data-dump public disclosure. He is a hero who has dedicated his life to battling the deep state and deserve our thanks and a chance to serve not just America, but all humanity by assisting in this great cause.

F. Fire Barr and remove him from office immediately (UPDATE: Barr has resigned, but needs removal immediately. Don’t let him run the clock out even a day more). The replacement should not come from within the beltway.

You must appoint a REAL patriot Attorney General who will actually fight and actually clean house. Look outside the beltway for a real patriot. We will help you find one who will actually fight for the Republic. This is a populist movement, and the people are still being locked out, which is why you keep getting betrayed over and over. Appoint REAL patriots who are outsiders.

G. Appoint a special prosecutor and task force. The new Attorney General should appoint a special prosecutor with a full task force to investigate and indict all those involved in the vote fraud and to go after the Deep State from top to bottom, including within the DOJ, prosecuting all traitors in all branches, and all levels.

H. Fire Wray and put a patriot in place as FBI Director to clean house in the FBI and to actually do their jobs, to root out all who are actively committing treason, and who have been compromised, blackmailed, or bought out by Communist China and/or other foreign enemies.

2. Order the U.S. Military to go to Defcon 2, or even Defcon 1, to defend our nation from external threats while we suppress this internal insurrection. It is imperative that we maintain strict control of our nuclear arsenal in patriot hands and that our armed forces stand ready to repel foreign attack and interference while we handle this necessarily drastic domestic house cleaning.
3. Call the militia into federal service. Pursuant to your powers as Commander-in-Chief to call forth the militia, call up all National Guard units into federal service, and likewise call up all military veterans up to age 65 into federal service as the militia to assist in keeping the peace here at home. Also call up all able-bodied Americans between the ages of 17-45 who are still loyal to the Constitution to likewise report for duty, bearing their own arms. You have the power to command them and order them to report for duty at their nearest military base or National Guard armory in their state. All of the above, as the militia, can be used to keep the peace in our local and state communities, under your direct command, to suppress the expected riots, terrorism, and armed insurrection by the radical left in the United States (who have been armed and equipped for months now by our foreign and domestic enemies).
4. CONDUCT A CLEAN ELECTION. We will post advise on this shortly. Stay tuned. It is both simple, and very complex, given the advanced cancer of corruption in our voting system.


There is no way out but through. And we will NOT submit to a Chicom puppet regime. You must stand tall and use your constitutional powers to fight this war against enemies foreign and domestic while you are still President and Commander-in-Chief. If you fail to do so, we the people will have to fight a bloody revolution/civil war to throw off an illegitimate deep state/Chinese puppet regime.

You must use both your authority to invoke the Insurrection Act and your absolute power to declassify any and all secrets.

Because of the machinations of the complicit mainstream media, most Americans are ignorant of just how corrupted and compromised the establishment has become. They have no idea how many political, legal, media, and business elites are now compromised puppets of Communist China with the aid of the deep state traitors within our own intelligence and federal law enforcement agencies. That is why you must use SOCOM and other loyal military units to do a mass data seizure, declassification, and mass data-dump to throw all the skeletons out into the streets, exposing all the dirty secrets that are used to control American elites, and show the American people all the evidence that will show them who is dirty, who is a traitor, and who is a criminal. This will destroy the credibility of the traitors and make it far easier to defeat them, with the people themselves being the judge, and with our military service-members also clearly seeing who has turned traitor and who must not be obeyed. It is critical. You must do both. Expose them all, and then bring them to justice.

Know this: millions of American military and law enforcement veterans, and many millions more loyal patriotic American gun owners stand ready to answer your call to arms, and to obey your orders to get this done.

Stewart Rhodes
Yale Law 04

Kellye SoRelle
Texas attorney and former prosecutor Reporting the Most Important News of the Week


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    Total 12 comments
    • 2QIK4U

      I worry if he stands down then so will everyone else. THIS CAN NOT BE ALLOWED TO HAPPEN ! YOU MUST NOT GIVE UP YOUR COUNTRY TO THE ENEMY ! OVER MY DEAD BODY 😐📯

    • 2QIK4U

      Your constitution they all mock and ignore is STILL the only thing that’s stopping them, Understand this.

    • ojo

      Trump likes to keep the world guessing… and then surprise the shit out of everyone

    • nill

      trump won’t do anything. he played the patriots and made them sheep

    • DiiSegreti

      I’m afraid Trump is gonna roll over on this. Without a clear and present leader, the people will lack the central leadership needed to succeed in such an endeavor. SCOTUS, MSM, and Academia should have been brought to heel 4 years ago. Without Trump leading any act of defiance to the communist Biden, the regime is gonna face the full force of Chicom, Antifa, BLM, the Mexican cartel, UN forces, and the clearly rouge organizations that make up our corrupted alphabet agencies. Babylon will succumb to prophesy and fall in one day. Making Trump The American equivalent of Judas. He doesn’t have the fortitude to do what God called him to do. He’ll use Air Force One to go to the southern hemisphere to hide from the nuclear fallout that he leaves the rest of us to face. If he fails to use the instruction act then the last option of defiance the Patriot’s have at their disposal is to see to it on January 20th AIR Force One doesn’t leave the tarmac. If he fails to stand with us he can damned sure fall with us.

      • 2QIK4U

        If I was American I would stand and Create a political party.

      • 2QIK4U

        ‘insurrection’ 100% Agree.. all my America Fakebook friends tell me they have bought all the ammunition possible and the supplies are currently empty in store’s. Even people against firearms are buying them because the Police won’t/can’t do Thier jobs.

    • Debamboozler

      Whoever wrote this did not do their homework. They left out Washington’s Vision at Valley Forge, in which what was revealed in the Third Peril is a carbon copy of what is going down today….INVASION… both in the form of illegal immigration and foreign (Chinese) military incursions.

      Drumpf is a Sabbatean Frankist double agent posing as America’s savior when his assignment is to bring this country to its knees by way of great deception. Drumpf cleared his karma by openly confessing that he was a snake, although his confession was obscured by reference to illegal immigration.

      America died a long time ago (last Civil War), but few noticed. All that is left is to bury the walking dead who foolishly believe that anyone in the Masonic District of Criminals is on our side.

    • Debamboozler

      These two legal eagles seem unschooled in law. A Writ of Mandamus for Summary Judgment based upon prima facie evidence on behalf of We the People would resolve the matter. If there is no recourse in the law there is no law. These two guys were schooled in Rockefeller ljuris imprudence just as doctors are in Rockefeller medicine. They swallowed the Blue pill.

    • Philo

      Poor silly Americans, the moment trump went into the swamp you all should have been there surrounding the swamp and then together drained it. Now you are to late because you always wait for your Leader watching your screens eating popcorn.

      If you want to save your hide dig a hole and get buried. Only those who are willing to fight wading through the blood of your enemies and friends up tp your knees ,are going to survive now. Trump has been neutralised.

    • tonyw

      points C,D,F need to be done immediately ..arrest and jail those in the positions of power now.. the odd clean one will get over it or probably be willing to remove themselves for the time it takes to vet them
      it should be swift ..courts take far too long ..we want this over NOW

      • 2QIK4U

        Barr quitting seemed to say something.. looks like he’s getting out while he can maybe ? The funny thing is there isn’t 1 single complaint I can find of any democrat voter upset at the fact the Pentagon refused to allow Biden in… Hoping like hell it continues.

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