Lost book of Enoch, Book of Thomas Nephilim fallen angels
Lost book of Enoch,
The Book of the Watchers describes the fallen angels (1 Enoch 6-8). In the biblical story of the Nephilim, the sons of God saw the daughters of men were beautiful so they married them and had children (Gen 6:1-4). These children were called the Nephilim, the “mighty men who were of old, the men of renown.” In Genesis, the story shows how far the wickedness of humans had become: humans interacted sexually with spiritual beings. No details are given on how this might be possible, but the next verse in Genesis says “the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every intention of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.” This brief story is tantalizing: who are these “sons of God” and what were the Nephilim? 1 Enoch offers an expansion of this biblical story in chapters 6-11. Are the Nephilim fallen angels?
In 1 Enoch, the sons of God are the “sons of heaven,” angelic beings led by Shemihazah. The name Shemihazah (שׁמיחזה, šemîḥăzāh) means “My name has seen” and is sometimes vocalized as Semyaz of Semyaza (Nickelsburg, 179). “Name” refers to God, so the name refers to constantly watching God. This is ironic since God will see this rebellion and render judgment on the Shemihazah. Some readers want to find some reference to Satan as the leader of fallen angels in the Book of Enoch. As the story progresses, however, Azazel emerges as the ringleader (but later Enoch will intercede on behalf of Azazel). This is an example of how foolish (and impossible) it is to project modern Christian angelology on 1 Enoch. Azazel is not the modern version of Satan at all!
The two hundred angels take an oath to descend to Mt Hermon, find women to marry and have children with them. 1 Enoch 6:7-8 lists the names of the leaders of these angels. Most have names with some reference to God (Remashel, “evening of God” or Kokabel, “star of God” ). The most interesting of these names is Dan’el, a name associated with the Ugaritic literature and often offered as an explanation of the legendary character of Daniel.
In chapters 7 and 8 the angels make good on their oath and take women as wives. They teach humans “magical medicines, incantations, the cutting of roots and about plants.” The origin of folk-medicine is therefore ascribed to these angelic beings. The children of the angels are giants standing three hundred cubits (an improbable 450 feet tall!) These giants eat so much food the humans cannot feed them anymore. The giants proceed to eat humans as well as all other kinds of animals.
Book of Thomas
What is the Gospel of Thomas?
We may have heard of the Gospel of Thomas before and wondered why we never saw that book listed in our Bibles.
This is due to the fact that the Gospel of Thomas doesn’t belong in the canon of Scripture. Canon, in other words, means the books which are believed to be divinely inspired, using a series of tests to prove they deserve to be included in the Bible.
The Gospel of Thomas, as well as other books in the pseudepigrapha, failed this canonicity test and, therefore, did not earn a place in the Bible.
Why did scholars reject the Gospel of Thomas? Who wrote this gospel? How does this so-called gospel differ from Scripture? And why does this matter?
We’ll dive into these questions and more.
Who Wrote the Gospel of Thomas?
Hint: it wasn’t Thomas.
As stated in the Bible Study Tools article, we run into a group of writings known as the pseudepigrapha. In other words, writers would adopt the name of a famous follower of Jesus (or famous figure from the New Testament) to have a certain sway over audiences.
After all, people would listen better to a gospel written by a follower of Christ rather than a book written by some Joe who lived several centuries after the time that Jesus had lived. They often contained propaganda from non-Christian religions or ideas, such as Gnosticism, a heresy that essential lessens the deity of Christ, along with promoting some other unbiblical ideas.
The Gospel of Thomas stands as no exception. Unless he happened to live until AD 200 when scholars have traced the origin of the document, the disciple named Thomas who followed Jesus most certainly did not write it.
And even if by some implausible reason he did, Thomas seriously misunderstood Jesus’ purpose, mission, and gospel.
Although we don’t know who wrote it, we do know that in the 114 so-called sayings of Jesus in this book, it also promotes ideas of Gnosticism, pantheism, and anti-women. This article provides a better overview of some of the distinct differences between the canonical Gospel and the Gospel of Thomas, but we’ll dive into a few of them here.
Differences Between the Gospel of Thomas and the Actual Gospel
Difference #1: The Gospel of Thomas is anti-women.
The Gospel of Thomas goes as far as to say that in order for Mary to be “worthy of life” Jesus has to essentially make her a male (114).
The actual gospel looks far different. Jesus saw value in women, such as the woman at the well (John 4:1-42), Mary Magdalene (Mark 15:40), and the women of the New Testament, who played an important role in the Early Church, serving as deacons, preaching the gospel, etc.
Difference #2: The Gospel of Thomas promotes secret knowledge.
Unlike the Gospel of Thomas, Jesus makes the message of the gospel clear. That he came to die and resurrect, to save sinners, and offer a pathway to eternal life (John 3:16).
The Gospel of Thomas, like a cult or secret society, promotes the idea that followers of Jesus have to attain certain enlightenment through uncovering secrets, undiscoverable by most men (3, 39, 70).
Difference #3: The Gospel of Thomas Promotes the Gnostic idea that the body is bad, and the spirit is good.
During the first few centuries in the church, a heretical idea floated around that our physical bodies are essentially bad at best and that we should only focus on matters of the spirit.
They seemed to have forgotten that God had given us our bodies as gifts and that bodies will be resurrected (Luke 24:39). Therefore, if God sees something worth resurrecting, it is not inherently evil.
See this article for more examples.
Discernment of the Gospel of Thomas
We obviously don’t see many people touting the Gospel of Thomas in church, but we do have to be sure to be in Scripture daily. Although some of the ideas in the Gospel of Thomas may seem silly (like the fact Jesus had to make Mary a man), the ideas spewed in this book would’ve sounded extremely similar to the gospel for those in the Church during the second and third century AD.
If they didn’t spend an ample amount of time in the Scripture, they would’ve been possibly led astray by this false teaching.
In the same way, we have to exercise extreme discernment. Satan likes to twist the truth just ever so slightly, so our ears get tricked by it.
No doubt, every church in history has had to battle some heretical ideas, ours stands at no exception.