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The World Is on the Brink of War *****Breaking News*****

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Watch this space! Russia war fears as the UK gives ‘green light’ for invasion– world on the brink FULL ARTICLE

BRITAIN’s refusal to send troops to Ukraine to ward off an advance by Russia has been condemned by one MP as a clear opportunity for president Vladimir Putin amid rising tensions.

Tory MP Tobias Ellwood, who also serves as chair of the House of Commons Defence Committee, took to Twitter to condemn the move after defense secretary Ben Wallace said it would be highly unlikely the UK sends troops to defend Ukraine from invasion. In an interview with The Spectator, Wallace said Ukraine “is not a member of Nato so it is highly unlikely that anyone is going to send troops into Ukraine to challenge Russia”.

He added: “We can all help with the capacity building but to some extent, Ukraine is not in Nato and that is why we are doing the best diplomatically to say to Putin don’t do this.”

Mr. Ellwood, reacting to the news, posted on social media that this policy was likely to encourage the Russian president to act with lessened fears of consequences from the UK.

He posted on Twitter: “Watch this space: We’ve just given the green light to RUSSIA…”

Mr. Wallace’s comments against UK intervention in Ukraine came just after the defense secretary issued a joint statement with the Ukrainian defense minister, Oleksii Yuriyovych Reznikov.


No Signs of Russia Deescalating on Ukraine Border

Russia has not let up with a military build-up along the border with Ukraine since U.S. President Joe Biden and his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin held a two-hour video conference earlier this month, say Western security sources.

Despite Biden’s warning in his talks with Putin that Russia would pay a “terrible price” in the event, it invades Ukraine, the forward-deployment of hundreds of Russian tanks, howitzers, self-propelled artillery and tens of thousands of troops has not been reversed.

Two days after the presidents talked, motorized infantry units from St. Petersburg were relocated to a camp east of Kursk, 100 kilometers from the Ukraine border, according to Janes, a global open-source intelligence company based in Britain. Twenty-four hours after Biden and Putin spoke, a social-media user-posted video showing Buk missile systems and armored vehicles arriving at a train station in the Russian city of Voronezh.

Russian military build-up

Some units positioned within striking distance of Ukraine over the past few weeks and months have come as far away as Siberia and the border with Mongolia, including elements of the 41st Combined Arms Army, say independent military monitors. Units from 1st Guards Tank Army, normally based in the Moscow region, have also been moved in recent weeks.

But U.S. intelligence officials, along with European security officials, who spoke on condition of anonymity, say they do not believe an invasion is imminent. They say some key logistics they would expect to see are not in place yet, including more fuel and ammunition stockpiles. They calculate Russia has anything from 70,000 to 100,000 troops already deployed, but expect a combined force of around 175,000 to be amassed ahead of any incursion if Putin decides to launch an attack on Ukraine.

European leaders have been maintaining a drumbeat of warnings to Russia. The European Union has also told the Kremlin there will be severe consequences in the event of a further military incursion into Ukraine in a rehash of 2014 when Moscow annexed Crimea and Russia used proxy pro-Moscow separatists to seize a large part of the Donbass region in eastern Ukraine.

Re-positioned Russian units over the past few months have been amassed around Yelnya, Voronezh, and Persianovka, all within 100 to 300 kilometers of Ukraine. And elements from the 49th and 58th Armies, which moved from their bases in the Caucasus region to the Crimea earlier this year, have not been returned to their home bases, say, Western military officials.

European warnings

On Sunday, Germany’s new defense minister, Christine Lambrecht, dubbed Russia “the aggressor,” adding, “We must exhaust all possibilities to stop an escalation. That also means threats of hard sanctions.

And Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy repeated his call for Western powers to impose “preventive sanctions” on Russia to deter it from aggression.

“There should be powerful, serious preventive sanctions in order to exclude a scenario of [Russian] escalation in any region because this not only concerns Ukraine,” he said.

FILE – Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy visits a front line in eastern Ukraine, April 9, 2021, where Russia-backed separatists have been battling Ukrainian troops in a conflict that since 2014 has killed more than 14,000 people.

But splits persist among Western powers over-assessments of Putin’s intentions.

Last week, Italian Prime Minister Mario Draghi downplayed the risk of Russian military action, citing the video call between Putin and Biden as demonstrating the Kremlin wants to explore diplomacy and isn’t preparing “for action.”

“The fact that there was this call, the fact that Putin sought out Biden by phone shows that he wants to be part of the decision-making process,” Draghi told Italian lawmakers.

Russian security proposal

Italian officials fear the talk about an impending war risks taking on a life of its own, impacting and shaping the behavior of Russia and the United States. They also point to the draft security treaties Russia presented to the U.S. last week as indicating a willingness for further talks.

The draft treaties outline an expansive set of “security guarantees” the Kremlin is seeking, including a ban on any further expansion eastwards of NATO and a commitment by the alliance to refrain from deploying additional troops to countries that did not already have NATO forces present before 1997, including Poland, Hungary, the Czech Republic, the Baltic states and several other former Soviet republics.

While the United States and its NATO allies have said they are willing to enter talks with Russia, if the Kremlin draws down troop levels along its border with Ukraine, Western diplomats say there are no prospects that the Russian proposals are acceptable in their present form.

“We are clear that any dialogue with Russia would have to proceed on the basis of reciprocity, address NATO’s concerns about Russia’s actions, be based on the core principles and foundational documents of European security, and take place in consultation with NATO’s European Partners,” NATO said in a statement Friday.

Some observers are skeptical that Putin has any intentions of backing off his maximalist demands and suspect he will continue with what they see as “coercive diplomacy,” using the threat of war to keep the West and Ukraine on tenterhooks.

“Putin is not threatened by NATO expansion,” tweeted Michael McFaul, a former U.S. ambassador to Moscow.

“Mighty Russia is not threatened by NATO expansion. NATO has never and will never attack Russia. Putin has reinvented this so-called threat to justify his latest coercive diplomacy… and maybe escalated military intervention in Ukraine,” he added.

But Fyodor Lukyanov, a Russian foreign policy expert, says the Kremlin has reached “the point where the long-standing controversy over NATO enlargement must somehow be resolved” and is willing to raise the geopolitical stakes with the West until there’s a resolution to its long-standing objection to the Western alliance creeping closer to Russia’s borders.

Putin is determined at the very least to engineer “a radical revision” requiring an acceptance of his red lines, which include the ‘Finlandization’ of Ukraine, a reference to the neutrality Moscow imposed on neighboring Finland after World War II.

Writing in the magazine Russia in Global Affairs, Lukyanov said: “The European idea after the end of the Cold War that any country should just be allowed to do whatever it wants, regardless of its location, is historically new.” And the Kremlin fears Ukraine “moving inexorably toward the West,” he says.

Ukraine – Borrell on Russian aggression: We have to hope for the best and prepare for the worst

(MENAFN- UkrinForm) Josep Borrell, the High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, believes that Europe needs to be ready to take decisive action against Russia in case of an attack on Ukraine, Ukrinform reports with reference to Borrell’s blog.

According to Borrell, Russia’s ultimate intentions are not clear, except that it seeks to threaten and weaken Ukraine. The chief EU diplomat believes that different scenarios can unfold.

“As I said in the European Parliament in Strasbourg, we have to hope for the best and prepare for the worst. We cannot exclude Russia’s desire to use this crisis as leverage for its declared purpose to reshape the security framework in Europe, also excluding the Europeans from the discussions,” the High Representative of the Union writes.

He also notes that Europe should be ready for decisive action.

“We know that words and statements alone are not enough to change the calculus of the Russian leadership and that is why it is so important that EU leaders decided to roll over existing economic sanctions and warned that any Russian move against Ukraine would carry heavy consequences,” Borrell underscores.

As a reminder, the European Union is united in supporting Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity and will send a clear signal to Moscow of its readiness to act decisively in case of any military action by Russia against Ukraine.


Biden voices ‘deep concerns’ with Putin on Russian aggression against Ukraine…….

n a secure video call Tuesday President Joe Biden and Russian President Vladimir Putin spoke for roughly two hours amid escalating tensions between the two nations. 

The White House said Biden voiced “deep concerns” that the U.S. and its European allies share regarding Russia’s military buildup along the Ukrainian border.  


The president also reportedly “made clear that the U.S. and our Allies would respond with strong economic and other measures in the event of military escalation,” according to a White House statement.  

The administration has yet to release any specific details on what economic tactics it will use first, but Fox News learned Monday the White House may be looking to block Russia from the SWIFT international banking system. 


In April, the European Parliament signed a nonbinding resolution that would cut Russia off from the banking network should it invade Ukraine.  

Biden will Putin im Ukraine-Konflikt mit Wirtschaftssanktionen drohen

The U.S. has not officially taken a position on the resolution, but sources tell Fox News that Russia would view any move by the United States as an act of “economic warfare.” 

“President Biden reiterated his support for Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity and called for de-escalation and a return to diplomacy,” the White House said in a statement following the call. 

Both Biden and Putin have tasked their administrations to “follow up” on the day’s talks.  

The administration said it will work in “close coordination” with allies in Europe including France, Germany, and the United Kingdom to observe the Kremlin’s actions.  

Biden and Putin separately discussed the “US-Russia dialogue on Strategic Stability,” countering ransomware and regional issues that included Iran.

Russian Navy aircraft ferret out enemy submarines in Pacific drills 

According to the Pacific Fleet’s press office, the pilots concurrently sharpened their skills of flying along the designated route over featureless terrain and cohesion in piloting in the absence of ground-based aerial navigation radio-technical equipment

MOSCOW, December 20. /TASS/. The crews of the Pacific Fleet’s Tu-142M3 and Il-38N aircraft practiced anti-submarine warfare tasks during drills in the Pacific Ocean, the Fleet’s press office reported on Monday.

“During planned combat training measures, the crews of two Tu-142M3 anti-submarine warfare aircraft practiced assigned missions in the Tatar Strait,” the press office said in a statement.

The crews of the Tu-142M3 planes ferreted out, identified, and tracked a notional enemy’s submarines and surface ships. The pilots concurrently sharpened their skills of flying along the designated route over featureless terrain and cohesion in piloting in the absence of ground-based aerial navigation radio-technical equipment, the statement says.

Also, an Il-38N anti-submarine warfare plane of the Pacific Fleet’s naval aviation practiced training tasks over the Pacific, the press office added.

The pilots practiced some episodes of the drills jointly with the crew of the large amphibious assault ship Nikolay Vilkov, the press office specified.

Russia presses for urgent U.S. response on security guarantees

Russian and U.S. state flags fly near a factory in Vsevolozhsk, Leningrad Region, Russia March 27, 2019.

MOSCOW, Dec 20 (Reuters) – Russia said on Monday it urgently needed a response from the United States on its sweeping security demands and again warned of a possible Russian military response unless it saw political action to assuage its concerns.

Moscow, which has unnerved the West with a troop buildup near Ukraine, last week unveiled a wish list of security proposals it wants to negotiate, including a promise NATO would give up any military activity in Eastern Europe and Ukraine. read more

Washington has said some of Russia’s proposals are obviously unacceptable, but that the United States will respond sometime this week with more concrete proposals on the format of any talks. read more

Emily Horne, the spokesperson for the White House National Security Council, said Biden’s national security adviser Jake Sullivan spoke by phone with his Russian counterpart, Yuriy Ushakov, to stress the United States is prepared to communicate through multiple channels including bilateral engagement.

Sullivan “made clear that any dialogue must be based on reciprocity and address our concerns about Russia’s actions, and take place in full coordination with our European allies and partners. He also noted that substantive progress can only occur in an environment of de-escalation rather than escalation,” she said.

Konstantin Gavrilov, a Russian diplomat in Vienna, said that relations between Moscow and NATO had reached a “moment of truth”.

“The conversation needs to be serious and everyone in NATO understands perfectly well despite their strength and power that concrete political action needs to be taken, otherwise the alternative is a military-technical and military response from Russia,” he was quoted as saying by RIA news agency.

The U.S. response is likely to shape Moscow’s calculus over Ukraine, which has become the main flashpoint in East-West relations.

The United States and Ukraine say Russia may be preparing for an invasion of its ex-Soviet neighbour. Russia denies that and says it is Ukraine’s growing relationship with NATO that has caused the standoff to escalate. It has compared it to the 1962 Cuban missile crisis when the world came to the brink of nuclear war.

Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov said that Moscow had so far received no response from the United States.

“I think they’ll try to turn this into a slow-moving process, but we need it to be urgent because the situation is very difficult, it is acute, it tends to become more complicated,” he was quoted by RIA as saying.

The Kremlin said it was still too early to assess the West’s response, but that information from “various sources” about a readiness to discuss the ideas was positive.

Asked separately about a Belarusian proposal to host Russian nuclear weapons in the event of similar deployments in its vicinity by the West, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said Moscow had numerous options.

“It’s no secret the deployment of different types of armaments near our borders that could pose a danger would require corresponding steps to be taken to balance the situation. There are all sorts of options here,” he said.

Watch this space! Russia war fears as the UK gives ‘green light for invasion– world on the brink VIDEOS

A separate issue

Why does Christ need the money???

The question I am asked the most is: Why does Christ need money?

People say that 2000 years ago he didn’t need money. When in all reality, there are reports in the bible that he was a carpenter until he started his ministry when he turned 30. So yes, he did need money.

The truth is, Satan has made modern-day society dependant on it for most. So that people are slaves to the system. Some people very, very high regard money as their God. They are only motivated by greed and material things. And Satans biggest tool is the TV and media advertising, which forces the weak to want more and more. There was a study in cinemas in the ’50s in the USA where they would flash up on the screens for a fraction of a second: “Drink more coke, and eat more popcorn” and sales went up approx 75% in the foyers.

The Tavistock Institute in London has been responsible for the mind control of humans for some time now. Although the image they portray of themselves to the public is quite the opposite. So what I am trying to explain is that hu-mans, automatically assume that having lots of money will bring them joy and happiness. When this is simply not true. Haggai 2:8 states: Mine is the silver and mine is the gold, says LORD JEHOVAH of Hosts. This is true, Almighty God WILL have the Gold and silver before the script plays out. In fact, all silver and gold will be thrown into the streets by people as they will soon understand that they should have paid tribute to the Lord: See Ezekiel 7:19 They shall throw their silver into the streets and their gold. Their silver shall be despised and their gold cannot save them in the day of the anger of LORD Yahweh. Their souls will not be satisfied and they shall not fill their bellies. This suffering is the reward of their evils… But and it is a BIG BUT. Money soon will have no intrinsic value to anyone. So whilst it still has value to humans. One can show one’s loyalty, honor, and respect to Christ by tithing. Tithing to the Lord is biblical. You can find it in several places in the old testament. In Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy. Yes, it goes back before Christ’s existence. And “IF” you accept Christ RayEl as your Lord and King. It is only rightful that one tithe. The day will soon come when ALL will realize “we cannot eat money.”… And also keep in mind Matthew 4:4 But he answered and said, “It is written: ‘A man does not live by bread only, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.’ “

Food for thought…!!!

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    Total 6 comments
    • truck driver

      Rent or lease the land instead of fighting since all land is a pile of dirt

      • Matthew

        Rent or lease the land??? From governments??? or Almighty God!!! As you should know TD: Genesis 1:10, Deuteronomy 8:7 You should come to the logical conclusion WHO ALL land belongs to… And to be part of the New Kingdom that is NIGH. See Matthew 6:33 Hope this helps.

    • @OratorBlog Information Warrior

      All of this sabre Rattling and Crying Wolf is on behalf of the interests of the Globalist Cabal. Putin and Russia is by far a better Ally to American’s and those who seek Freedom From the NWO criminals. They are the ones who have caused most of the problems there to begin with. Obama’s Puppet Dictator is even now being accused of Treason and supporting Terrorists.

      While there is reasonable dispute about rightful ownership of the Crimea, WHY IS TAIWAN BEING SLOWLY BEING ABANDONED TO THE CCP???

      The conflict in Ukraine is really about what all wars are about. Billionaire Criminals Placing their interests above the peoples.

      at this point I concider Putin a better Ally than NATO, who is now not only obsolete, but the Pawns of the Globalists just like the United Nations. They are the True Enemies of Humanity, not Putin.

    • kilroy

      The world is not on the brink of war. A very small percent of the world the ones we call the controllers who want us at war. For only god knows the reason the are so very desperate to kill as many humans as possible. Maybe to satisfy their blood lust for power and complete control. Would be easy for them to start a massive configuration and go hide in their underground pedophile play grounds until it is over then wait a significant amount of time to emerge with their stooges and take control yet again. Here is an idea how about we all turn on our handlers and just live our lives free from them and we all live in peace. In the words of Lenin no not that one talking about John. Imagine.

    • Justin Case

      Russia is not the aggressor here. That is NATO and the USA. This is literally the Cuban missile crisis in reverse. Russia will not back down. If the west continues to push the situation it will start a war…

    • Adi Da Samraj

      🌩️ In Making This Testament, I have been Meditating every one, Contacting every one, Dealing With psychic forces everywhere, in all time. My Dawn Horse Testament is an Always Living Conversation between Me and absolutely every one.
      🌩️ I Intend that this Avataric Divine Word of Mine always Communicate in present time, not like some traditional Scriptures that take the form of a recounting of something that happened in the past or a “theatrical” dialogue between two (perhaps fictional) characters in the book. I Intend that this Avataric Divine Word of Mine be a Living Dialogue between Me (As I Am) and whoever is reading (or listening to) this Testament at the moment. 🌩️

      📢 What Must Be Done 📢

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