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By Nicole Morgan (Investigative Reporter)
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Judy Byington: Un-Redacted: Holiday Special Intel - Mass Arrests, Successfully Struck, Dismantled Elite Compounds on 12/25/24! It's Begun! (Video)

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by N.Morgan

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From yesterday’s report: 

The Plan to Save the World is in Motion.
Trust the Process.

The Great Awakening Is Here
The Tide Has Turned Against The Globalist Death Cult
The Global Military Alliance’s “Operation Silent Night” Successfully Struck, Dismantled Elite Compounds on Christmas 24, 25 Dec. 2024
Global Mass Arrests, Tribunals Have Begun
The EBS is Set to Reveal All!

Judy Note: The Global Military Alliance’s Operation Silent Night’s strikes against the Global Elite was a complete success. Those same operations will continue through January onward and have already included sudden CEO resignations in the corporate world with so-called mysterious “health issues,” along with different Elite’s unexplained disappearances.

On Christmas Eve and Christmas Day Elite compounds across the globe were raided using high tech drones, while private jets were grounded at major airports, with their passengers detained. To add to the takeover, the Quantum Financial System was activated that then freeze all assets linked to the Elites and their Deep State Operations.

The Emergency Broadcast System (EBS) will be activated worldwide with messages pre-recorded and encrypted for security. The messages will bypass traditional media channels controlled by the Cabal. Classified information will be revealed to the public including elites’ crimes, human t*********g networks, S*****c Ritualistic A***e practices, evidence of rigged elections, political manipulation and the suppression of free energy technologies and medical breakthroughs by Big Pharma. Fri. 27 Dec. 2024: BREAKING! Military Alliance Declares Victory: Operation Christmas Successful with Tactical Strikes on Elite Compounds and Global Mass Arrests—EBS Messages Set to Reveal the Aftermath! – Gazetteller

  • Get Ready For Ten Days of Communication Darkness where the power to the entire World will switch off briefly to install our Starlink Satellite Internet. Shutdowns will occur, but only in certain areas. Banks will close. ATMs and Credit Cards will stop working. Have at least a month’s supply of food, water, cash, medicine and essential items on hand for yourself, your family and to share with others in case of emergency. If you’re unprepared, don’t worry. The Military will supply what you need. Nonstop education will be broadcast, teaching everyone about the true principles of Freedom and Justice.

WARNING Possible Med Bed Scam: The below email address advertised on Telegram by the “Quantum Med Bed Military Team” (and “Sky Princess Med Beds” video on UTube) purports to be the official way to obtain a Med Bed appointment. However, when I emailed to ask for an appointment they asked for my personal information plus $500 to set an individual appointment and WITHOUT giving me information about where, when and how the appointment would be made. It is my understanding that Med Bed appointments would be free. This appears to be a scam to obtain your money and personal information. I would advise to stay away from it and wait for official instructions that will be given out at redemption/exchange appointments. Judy

What We Think We Know as of Sat. 28 Dec. 2024:

  • Sun. 22 Dec. 2024 The New York Post: “Biden was never the president because the crime syndicate behind him stole the 2020 election. P**o Joe was not elected he was installed. Biden has always been a mindless puppet of evil.” …posted by Alex Jones on Telegram
  • Project Blue Beam, the Deep State’s ultimate false flag, was being deployed: Fake alien invasions, holographic tech, and advanced sound weapons—all designed to plunge the world into chaos and force humanity into submission under a globalist government.
  • White Hats Strike Back: The Real SKY EVENT USSF and STARLINK are countering with precision. Their Game Theory operations mimic the Deep State’s moves but flip the script to expose the lies.
  • On Tues. 10 Dec. 2024 the Supreme Court ruled in favor of the Brunson Case. Trump was always our rightful president and now the Supreme Court has confirmed it. …the 17th Letter (JFK Jr.) on Telegram
  • The US Military has been stationed in around 300 to 360 US cities, bracing for a possible shockwave that could result from the Brunson Brothers announcement, which revolves around return of Donald Trump and the impeachment of Biden. …John F. Kennedy Jr. on Telegram
  • On Sun. 15 Dec. 2024 the new Restored Republic began it’s fiscal year.
  • On Tues. 24 Dec. and Wed. 25 Dec. 2024 the Global Military Alliance were making mass arrests of Global Elites and taking them to various GITMO type islands and places across the World. Gitmo has expanded worldwide to remote islands and underground bases to house Elite prisoners.
  • The new Iraqi Dinar Rate, based on the price of a barrel of oil, has launched as announced by the Iraq International Development Bank on Thurs. 26 Dec.
  • Some foreign currency new rates could be exchanged at a bank, but if you waited until the rates settled (expected by 1 Jan. 2025) and then exchanged your foreign currency at an official Redemption Center, you would get much more out of the currency. Be aware that some foreign currency was going down in value.
  • Priests of the Jesuit Order made up the shadow army of the Vatican – also known as head of the Deep State. As with the Vatican, their loyalty was not to Christ, but to S***n. Founded in 1534 by Ignatius of Loyola, the Jesuits were originally created to crush the Protestant Reformation, but now were soldiers, spies and enforcers with a mission to infiltrate, manipulate and dominate governments, start revolutions and spread chaos. They have infiltrated courts, councils, and universities worldwide, using their elite education system as indoctrination camps to groom loyal operatives. They were funded by US taxpayer dollars funneled through the CIA’s Black Budget. To maintain their power members of the Masonic Order secretly supported their expansive international Child S*x T*********g, O***n and A**********e H********g Ring used to blackmail Global Elites and politicians. 
  • The Deep State has feigned normalcy of those Global Elites already arrested through clones and body doubles, but this tactic was now failing.
  • January 2025 marks the beginning of Military Tribunals for those charged in over 700,000 indictments with t*********g, bioweapon development and treason.
  • Project “Ice Nine” was code for a financial reset by the Cabal (digital non-asset-backed currency designed to completely control your life) has been readied by BlackRock and other financial institutions to facilitate the New World Order.
  • In 2012 Obama signed HR4310 which made it legal for the Media to lie to the American people.
  • Tues. 24 Dec. 2024: Russia exposes a U.S.-led biolab network in Africa, allegedly backed by the Gates and Clinton Foundations. According to reports, American specialists are actively working in these labs to enhance the pathogenic capabilities of microorganisms…. The General on Telegram
  • Plan for a New World Order: A plan for a New World Order after the war was outlined in June 1942, by J. H. Buckle, A. Steenberg, F. J. Morgan, and H. E. Sachs at the British Rotary Club. The plan promises all the joys of globalist communism without naming it: mass immigration, international control, eliminating opposition to democracy, a world peace, world peace minister, and a world peace army. …US Military Leaks on Telegram

Judy Note: I am writing a book about Near Death Experiences of extreme a***e survivors. If you are an extreme a***e survivor, or know of one who has had such an experience, I would appreciate hearing from you. Write Judy Byington at:

If you were reading this Update on, or from the Operation Disclosure Official Website, be aware that the information has been redacted. For a complete un-redacted version, see a PDF copy at the end of, or read un-redacted versions on the The Rumor Mill News Reading Room – Breaking Stories and American Media Group ( Websites, or watch videos of the Update done by We The People NEWS ( and

Possible Timing:

  • Fri. 27 Dec. 2024: Beginning of International Tribunals to address Crimes Against Humanity. Major revelations will be broadcast worldwide. …Mr. Pool, Julian Assange on Telegram Wed. 4 Dec. 2024
  • Mon. 30 Dec. 2024: Final stages of the transition to the new financial system completed. People will begin to access their revalued currencies and debt relief programs. …Mr. Pool, Julian Assange on Telegram Wed. 4 Dec. 2024
  • By Tues. 31 Dec. 2024, Redemption Centers will be open to the general public.
  • Wed. 1 Jan. 2025: Basil 4 compliance deadline January 2025 – all banks have to prove the money they have in their vault is backed by gold. A new era of Freedom and Prosperity officially begins. …Mr. Pool, Julian Assange on Telegram Wed. 4 Dec. 2024
  • Early Jan. 2025: The EBS is set to begin ten days of Communication Darkness.
  • Wed. 1 Jan. 2025: The R&R payments and Social Security increases will begin.
  • Fri. 3 Jan. 2025: Global Unity announced as former Alliances restructure. Leaders will present plans for long term peace and cooperation across nations. …Nesara/Gesara on Telegram 5 Dec. 2024
  • Sun. 5 Jan. 2025: Release of advanced technologies previously suppressed. Free energy devices, healing technologies and environmental restoration tools will be made available to the public. …Nesara/Gesara on Telegram 5 Dec. 2024
  • Mon. 6 Jan. 2025: The Quantum Financial System (QFS) will officially be activated Worldwide. This secure, transparent and decentralized system will replace the old banking structure, ensuring fairness and equality for all …Nesara/Gesara on Telegram 5 Dec. 2024
  • Fri. 10 Jan. 2025: Full disclosure of Galactic Alliances and contract with extraterrestrial civilizations announced to the World. A new chapter for Humanity begins.…Nesara/ Gesara on Telegram 5 Dec. 2024
  • Mon. 27 Jan. 2025: The first Med Beds will be introduced to the public, bringing hope and healing to millions. These advanced technologies will begin their initial rollout, prioritizing those in critical need and children suffering from long term illnesses.
  • Wed. 29 Jan. 2025: Global Healing Centers equipped with Med Beds begin operations in strategic locations worldwide. Training programs will be launched to educate specialists in this life-changing technology.
  • Fri. 31 Jan. 2025: Public demonstrations of Med Bed capabilities will be broadcast globally, showcasing their potential to restore health, reverse aging and eradicate disease. A new standard of well being will be established, redefining humanity’s relationship with Healthcare.
  • Mon. 3 Feb. 2025: An international Med Bed Access Program is announced, ensuring equitable distribution and usage. Leaders affirm that every individual, regardless of status or location, will have the right to healing and restoration.
  • End of March 2025: The US Fiat Dollar will be gone and no longer worth anything.

Global Currency Reset:

Judy Note: Although there are rumors that private appointments were being made and certain platforms and Bond Holders have been paid and were under NDAs, it appeared pretty obvious that “All will go, all at once” on New Year’s Day Wed. 1 Jan. 2025.

  • On Tues. 24 Dec. the new Iraqi Dinar Rate based on the price of a barrel of oil was announced by the Iraq International Development Bank on Thurs. 26 Dec. A new Dinar rate appeared on the Australian Forex on Fri. 27 Dec:
  • Thurs. 26 Dec. 2024 Julian Assange: “All Intel is saying (that the Tier4b exchange appointments will begin) next week.”
  • Thurs. 26 Dec. 2024 Ed of Ocala: Iraq will fall off the world stage if not RI by Dec 31. All their applications- all their efforts and yrs to get there will expire. Iraq won’t last nor can they wait until after the inauguration. So it can’t go a couple of days into January. Deals end Dec 31st
  • Thurs. 26 Dec. 2024 Wolverine: “It’s coming. I have a lot of intel that I can’t tell you about. Keep the faith. It’s coming by the end of the year.”

Thurs. 26 Dec. 2024: Global Currency Reset, Julian Assange

  • Safe link 800# will be released closer to go date
  • Rates are EXTREMELY high
  • We are almost at the end of the road. All intel is saying “Next Week”
  • Bond funds delivered to paymasters was coming in so fast everyone was is in awe from the amount
  • Private appointments are being made now.
  • Get your plans/projects together and don’t wait around for this to happen without being ready.
  • No straight cash will be given
  • You are in charge of your funds and can place funds in different accounts
  • Advisers will be there to assist you with your funds and will help guide you in your projects or choosing one on the list.
  • Everything is going well, still some that do not want this to happen, but all is safe.
  • You can take to your appointment: advisors/bank contacts (if you have already spoken to a specific person)/ friend/any person/s you want to assist you.
  • Zim Cap information is changing daily but as of now they are paying as follows:

    NO projects = 15 million no matter the amount you might hold.
    With projects = First 2 bond notes are 1:1 after this 25 million (per 100T) up to 30 bond notes
    To negotiate further you will need to return.

Thurs. 26 Dec. 2024 Bruce:

  • We heard from a group that is part of the release. They said the release is coming Very Shortly and that means a couple of days.
  • We are looking for Treasury and WF to release this over the weekend. We could get it Fri. 27 Dec. or Sat. 28 Dec. and start exchanges right away.
  • Sunday 29 Dec. Redemption Centers will be open.
  • You will have 2-4 people helping you at your table.
  • All you need is Id. Might not need utility bill.
  • They will offer you the contract rate for Iraq and that’s the per barrel price of oil.
  • You will set up your QFS account with your username and password and five digit password and you will need to set up a new email.
  • When you move money using your QFS card (which is only used to move money from your primary account) make sure you have what you need for 90 days.
  • You can move money into a bank account to earn interest – that you negotiate the interest rate with your bank.
  • Accounts can be set up later when you meet with your Wealth Manager.
  • Credit/debit card is given to you at the exchange.
  • You will get the on par rate for the Zim and also a good rate for the Dong.
  • You may be able to get some proof of fund letters to buy homes, etc.
  • You will get a Q phone on the Starlink system.

Fri. 27 Dec. 2024 How will XRP be used in foreign currency exchange? …Goldilocks on Telegram

  • XRP, the native cryptocurrency of the Ripple network, functions as a “bridge currency” in foreign currency exchange, allowing for fast and efficient conversion between different fiat currencies during cross-border transactions by acting as an intermediary currency, thus reducing the need for multiple intermediary banks and lowering transaction costs.

Key points about XRP in foreign exchange:

  • Bridge currency: Instead of directly converting one fiat currency to another, users can convert to XRP first, which facilitates faster and cheaper transfers.
  • Real-time settlement: The Ripple network allows for near-instant settlement of transactions, making it ideal for time-sensitive international payments.
  • Low transaction fees: Compared to traditional bank wire transfers, XRP transactions have significantly lower fees.
  • Liquidity: Due to its widespread adoption by financial institutions, XRP offers readily available liquidity for currency conversions.

How it works:

  • Sender converts currency to XRP: When someone wants to send money overseas, they first convert their local currency to XRP in their digital wallet.
  • Transferring XRP: This XRP is then sent to the recipient’s wallet address on the Ripple network.
  • Recipient converts back to local currency: Upon receiving the XRP, the recipient can convert it back to their local currency.
  • Essentially, users can convert their source currency to XRP, send it across borders, and then convert it back to the destination currency upon receipt.
  • Is it becoming clearer now that two RVs are taking place? One in crypto currency, and one in fiat currency.

Global Financial Crisis:

  • Fri. 27 Dec. 2024 Nine new countries will officially join BRICS as partner countries (not full members) on January 1, 2025.


  • The Banks that control the world are run by the Rothschilds family. Mayer Rothschil 5 sons were sent by their father on his dying bed to control vital parts of Europe through loans and interest. The Rothschild family is behind The Federal Reserve and the creation of Israel. Their net worth is over half of the global population and they have funded every war in the last 80 years. They have been proven to be behind Marxism, Communism, Z*****m and Bolshevism. Amschel Mayer Rothschild (1773–1855): Frankfurt, Salomon Mayer Rothschild (1774–1855): Vienna Nathan Mayer Rothschild (1777–1836): London Kalman Mayer Rothschild (1788–1855): Naples Jakob Mayer Rothschild (1792–1868): Pari. The Rothschilds are the most powerful family in the world We can no longer stand idly by while the choices of our nation, culture and well-being is made by a select few.  America immediately needs to relinquish control of these foreign influences before it’s too late. Join while you still can: Mr. Pool 

Restored Republic:

Fri. 27 Dec. 2024: BQQQM!!! Project Blue Beam Exposed! Deep State Chaos vs. White Hat Counterstrike! …Carolyn Bessette Kennedy on Telegram

  • The truth is unfolding, and it’s darker than you could ever imagine. Project Blue Beam, the Deep State’s ultimate false flag, is on the verge of deployment. Fake alien invasions, holographic tech, and advanced sound weapons—all designed to plunge the world into chaos and force humanity into submission under a globalist government.
  • But behind the scenes, the White Hats Military Alliance and the U.S. Space Force (USSF) are ready. Game Theory is in motion. SKY EVENT operations are set to counter and expose the Deep State’s dark agenda.
  • The Deep State’s Plan: Mass Deception and Control The Cabal’s Project Blue Beam uses holograms, 5G sound weapons, and underground hybrid creatures to stage a fake alien invasion. Their goal? Global panic, martial law, and a one-world government. Underground bases like those in Dulce, New Mexico have reportedly been creating monstrous hybrids to unleash during this staged event.
  • This isn’t just science fiction. The Deep State is desperate, using tech to create illusions and sickness to control the masses. Their real objective? Distract from their crimes—from human t*********g to election interference—and tighten their grip on power.
  • White Hats Strike Back: The Real SKY EVENT USSF and STARLINK are countering with precision. Their Game Theory operations mimic the Deep State’s moves but flip the script to expose the lies. Elon Musk, who received massive military contracts under Trump, plays a key role. Twitter’s rebranding to X and the USSF’s black-and-white insignia signal their alignment in this fight.
  • Why did Trump seal off Cheyenne Mountain from Biden and the CIA? Why is the USSF involved in every major counter-operation? The pieces are falling into place, and the Deep State’s time is running out.
  • The Great Awakening Is Here The Cabal is terrified. They know Trump’s return means mass arrests and tribunals under 11.3 military protocols. The exposure of their crimes, from Epstein’s p*******e ring to global bioweapon operations, is inevitable.
  • Stay strong, patriots. This battle isn’t just about aliens or technology. It’s about humanity’s future. We are on the brink of a new era—a golden age of truth, freedom, and justice.
  • The plan to save the world is in motion. Trust the process. …Q

The Re-inhabited Republic for These United States of America, Dr. Miarecki: (7/12/2024) | SG Sits Down w/ USAF Lt Col (Ret) Dr. Sandy Miarecki to Discuss the Reinhabited Republic For These United States (   How To Save America | Republic for USA (  

Want to hold a seat in the United States of America Republic?

Wars and Rumors of Wars:

  • Thurs. 26 Dec. 2024 Biden Admin. Now Warns Pakistan Is Preparing A Sneak Attack Against The US. Reports the Country Has The Long-Range Ballistic Missile Capabilities To Strike America

The Real News for Fri. 27 Dec. 2024:




Stories Contributed by N. Morgan

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