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There is No Further Boundary... Until The Ring Pass Not; that Strange Vale... Where The Demons Dream that They Are Free.

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 God Poet Transmitting…….

The Deep State is in deep shit, and so… it has to generate greater and greater crises for the purpose of greater and greater distractions… to somehow… impossibly… get ahead of The Awakening… over which they have no control. In the end… those they can lead away toward captivity and death… will accompany them, and the rest of us… will wave to them… as they set off across that sea… with no further boundary… other than The Ring Pass Not; that strange vale where the demons dream that they are free.

It is nearly impossible to explain to one tossed on the angry seas of a restless mind… how The System… which encloses them… works. They live in The Land of Opposites in Opposition. It’s like something Lewis Carroll might have come up with, but it’s a real thing… in the relative sense. If it were not for their opposites in opposition to give them meaning… The World they think they live in… would not exist.

Try explaining to anyone… who is caught up in the performance… that it is only a performance… that exists solely to entertain The Divine. Given the nasty stages The World routinely passes through… it makes God look like a self-indulgent sociopath.

However… no one seems inclined to take advantage of their invite… to a seat beside the one… who produces and directs The Show. They would rather be adversarial BECAUSE… it is in the nature of a fallen angel to go in all ways contrary to The Light

It is very difficult to tell a dreamer that they are missing the point and that God lives in and experiences everything that we do, BUT… from a place of detachment… unless he chooses otherwise. A dreamer seems not to realize The Perks that are possible for anyone who catches on to what is really going on.

You are God… unaware, and… without the activation of the necessary qualities, you are also incapable and unprepared. You live in a world of forces that are invisible to you. You can see others reacting to them. You can feel yourself reacting to them, BUT you don’t know what any of it means. These three major forces account for EVERYTHING that appears to be going on around and within you.

When you become aware, and that depends PRIMARILY on The Grace of Heaven… your karmic status, and your willingness to respond to a finer stimulus… you become free of all the things that presently weigh you down. Everything you suffer from… all the suffering you visit upon others… everything that torments you… because you have it or… because you don’t have it… that all goes away.

The World view of most people is skewered by the afflictions caused by their possessions, and the afflictions caused by what is not in their possession. They do not realize that cutting the whole of it loose sets them free, AND… then gives them possession of everything that is visible and invisible. The reason so many people are so unhappy is… too much stuff… which generates a vicious cycle of endless wanting.

So it is that people whine about this and they whine about that, and politicians and other opportunists work this disgruntlement to their advantage. Nothing… NOTHING outside of you is going to give you peace, AND… in Times of Material Darkness… everything attractive seems to be outside of you. It becomes the playing field of what they call, The Devil.

The reason The World is presently in such a state of hyperactive paranoia is because another invisible force… much greater than the three forces previously mentioned… is setting conditions back in order. This means some degree of catastrophe and upheaval because… one segment of the population wants This and That to change, and another segment does not want either of them to change.

Because of the advance of unbridled materialism… the least capable and the least humane among us… have ascended to positions of temporal control. It is amazing how much America is beginning to resemble Rome in its decline; greed… sexual depravity… entitlement. You name an unattractive quality… that is found in our lower nature and you will see it extolled, and praised… by those who provide the bread and circuses and… profit from the disorder.

It is crystal clear… what is happening and what needs to be done, BUT… people cannot see this because of all the Stuff in their way. They are prisoners of crap and convenience that has given them time… that they do not know how to use. Subsequently… everything that was supposed to make life more efficient, has… in fact… made it less efficient… leaving everyone with less time than they had before all the time-savers showed up.

So it is that people are desperate to lose themselves… in anything… that will stop them from having to think about the fix they are in; drugs… alcohol… sexual excess… fantasy flights to artificial worlds via holographic AR glasses… and… the infrastructure crumbles… the religions become more and more absurd… and… quo vadis, Sport?

Whaddya gonna do? Fuhgeddaboudit! Wave your hands in the air and run around in circles. I hear that helps. I mean… why else would so many people do it? The rampant cynicism… the conniving and plotting… the wheeling and dealing in shit with no meaning or value. Only a sense of community gives those with no sense of purpose a sense of purpose, and that is why… certain vested interests… are doing everything to destroy the sense of community and The Family Unit.

They are soon to be left with The Family Eunuch. Without a sense of community and family… dystopia is the next stop. The agents of darkness know what they are doing. It always comes down to divide and conquer… setting us into different camps… and then fomenting opposition between them. None of us are empowered to wave a magic wand and restore global balance, BUT… we can do this wherever it is that we find ourselves. We can restore balance by coming into balance with ourselves. It is a contagious thing.

You are either a habitation of demons or a habitation of angels. If you are a habitation of angels… you become an ambulatory candle that lights up every room you enter. The Darkness AUTOMATICALLY retreats from The Light. There is no contest involved! It is an eternal dynamic. It just is. However… the priest waving a crucifix in the face of a vampire had better know what he is about.

Remember the line in The Second Coming; “the center cannot hold?” What did he mean by The Center? You have such a center within you. If you depart from it… you enter into the whirling spin that exists everywhere outside The Center. If you are centered… in The Center within… you are in an inviolable sanctuary. You are then able to magnetize the life forms around you. Harmony is ALWAYS stronger than the inharmonious.

Take a moment to consider the symmetry in the heavens… the movement of the planets and the stars… according to The Greater Harmony they respond to. You are a microcosm of this Greater Harmony… greater is that which is in you than that which is in The World… you carry your order and disorder with you wherever you go.

You are attracted to one or the other… according to whether you are weaker or stronger. People also respond to you… according to whether you are weaker or stronger; not in terms of any outward show. The Center does not have to prove itself. It is already living proof. It is what it is. You are what you are… unless you don’t know what you are. Then you can rely on The World to inform you of what you are.

I said this was contagious. It is just as contagious as any infectious malady. When we live… and move… and have our being in this center… we touch everything and everyone in passing. We touch whatever we think about… no matter the distance. Thought is The Idea… emotion is the force that drives it; ergo… Love.

People who lift weights (if they know what they are doing) become stronger. People who meet adversity are made stronger… unless they crumble before it. Love grows stronger the more that we exercise it. If you focus on your positive qualities and exercise them… they will grow stronger. The same applies in reverse. The Material World tends to exercise one of these more than the other. Contemplation on the matter may result in serious rewards.

I realize what I am saying here appears simplistic. Does that make it untrue? Is complexity really necessary for the understanding of cosmic verities or… is it the reverse? You can infect others from the power of a stable center, and they… in turn, can infect others. The opposite of this is going on all the time. It is observably true, and…

one last thing.

End Transmission…….

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Continuing in Book One of Patanjali’s Sutras-

28. Let there be soundless repetition of OM and

meditation thereon.

This has many meanings, in ascending degrees. There is,

first, the potency of the word itself, as of all words. Then there

is the manifold significance, of the symbol, as suggested above.

Lastly, there is the spiritual realization of the high essences

thus symbolized. Thus we rise step by step to the Eternal.

29. Thence come the awakening of interior consciousness,

and the removal of barriers.

Here again, faith must be supplemented by works, the life

must be led as well as studied, before the full meaning can be

understood. The awakening of spiritual consciousness can

only be understood in measure as it is entered. It can only be

entered where the conditions are present: purity of heart and

strong aspiration and the resolute conquest of each sin.

This, however, may easily be understood: that the recognition

of the three worlds as resting in the Soul leads us to

realize ourselves and all life, as of the Soul;

that, as we dwell,

not in past, present or future, but in the Eternal, we become

more at one with the Eternal; that, as we view all organization,

preservation, mutation as the work of the Divine One, we shall

come more into harmony with the One, and thus remove the

barriers in our path toward the Light.

In the second part of the first book, the problem of the

emergence of the spiritual man is further dealt with. We are

led to the consideration of the barriers to his emergence, of the

overcoming of the barriers, and of certain steps and stages in

the ascent from the ordinary consciousness of practical life,

to the finer, deeper, radiant consciousness of the spiritual man.

30. The barriers to interior consciousness, which drive the

psychic nature this way and that, are these: sickness, inertia,

doubt, light-mindedness, laziness, intemperance, false notions,

inability to hold the ground gained, unsteadiness.

We must remember that we are considering the spiritual

man as enwrapped and enmeshed by the psychic nature, the

emotional and mental powers;

and as unable to come to clear

consciousness, unable to stand and see clearly, because of the

psychic veils of the personality. Nine of these are enumerated,

and they go pretty thoroughly into the brute toughness of the

psychic nature.

Sickness is included rather for its effect on the emotions

and mind, since bodily infirmity, such as blindness or deafness,

is no insuperable barrier to spiritual life, and may sometimes

be a help, as cutting off distractions. It will be well for us to

ponder over each of these nine activities, thinking of each as a

psychic state, a barrier to the interior consciousness of the

spiritual man.

31. Grieving, despondency, bodily restlessness, the drawing

in and sending forth of the Life-breath, also contribute to

drive the psychic nature to and fro.

The first two moods are easily understood. We can well

see how a sodden psychic condition, flagrantly opposed to the

pure and positive joy of spiritual life, would be a barrier. The

next, bodily restlessness, is in a special way the fault of our

day and generation. When it is conquered, mental restlessness

will be half conquered, too.

The next two terms, concerning the life-breath, offer some

difficulty. The surface meaning is harsh and irregular breathing;

the deeper meaning is a life of harsh and irregular impulses


See more at Smoking Mirrors


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