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By Nicole Morgan (Investigative Reporter)
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We Are Q: Introduction to The Great Military Intelligence Sting Operation! (Video)

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by N.Morgan

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The title says it all.. We are about to witness the greatest military sting OP of our time! 



Check it out! 


Stories Contributed by N. Morgan

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Total 9 comments
  • Black Humor

    Bollocks :!:

  • BruceWinshipWright

    This guy, Christian Patriot News, is a FAKE CHRISTIAN, Big-Time!!! He has no idea “WHAT” Jesus actually is, yet calls himself a Christian?

    READ some Dr. George W. Carey to find out “WHAT” Jesus really is.

    While Trump and the Q team have been doing “whatever” they have been doing, The Medical Mafia continues to DAMAGE, CRIPPLE & KILL us

    with BIOWEAPONS, including our babies, yet FAKE CHRISTIANS, like this creep, say nothing?

    Look into the findings of DR. PAUL THOMAS and start helping GOD by doing something meaningful, like calling for the ABOLITION of all

    Vaccines!!! This should have been done in 1918, 106 years ago, but Corrupt PREACHERS & POLITICIANS, MEDIA & EDUCATION, have been

    paid off by the MURDERERS to keep vaccines LEGAL. This Christian Patriot TURD never talks about anything important.

    How about growing a pair and start having God’s Back by fighting to abolish the most horrible WEAPON ever used against innocent people.

    THE VACCINE, LIKE RAPE, SHOULD BE STRICTLY PROHIBITED!!! Unfortunately, The Satanists “own” assholes like this FAKE CHRISTIAN

    and all the rest of them, too. Organized Christianity is TOTALLY CONTROLLED BY ORGANIZED CRIME!!!

    • Anonymous

      Yep, the Greed and constant lies are a dead give away.

  • G

    I wish it were true, but we have not been shown any evidence of this.
    It seems more like a stinky operation! It is difficult to believe that the US military, which for many decades was very effective to destroy defenseless countries for the deep state criminals in power to steal the resources of such countries, has changed its ways. In these decades the US military has killed millions of innocent people and destroyed the life of many more. It is hard to believe that this same military, still controlled by the deep state criminals in power, has changed its ways.

    • feral pa paw

      It hasn’t . In fact the Sissy Military are fully on board with the Marxist World Color Revolution. The upper ranks of the Pentagon have long been infiltrated with the most radical Marxist Globalist they could find. The idea that there is some kind of secret White Hat operation within the ranks of the Military. Is right out of the fantasy World the Q Cultist live in. No such operation exists. And my evidence is not a single thing any of these slobbering Morons on BIN has or will ever predict has or will come to pass. NOT ONE. I have been reading BIN mainly for entertainment since 2007. I have seen these Super Hero’s come and go . And they all have one particular thing in common. BULL SHIT. In almost unmeasurable portions. Laugh with me. It beats crying.

  • trumster 79

    Military is part of the QMilitary The highest level of Intelligence Been there since Lincoln.who started out with 20 .Then was Killed.
    This is not military Industriel; Complex where Traitor Austin and Milley were.
    This ww Covert Sting operation started with Lincoln Maybe your To Young to understand.Or a Low conscious Level.
    Trump been undercovcer since 1977 .
    Pay attention. Trump has over a Thousand Generals and Teams. Speciel Fprces which are bringinh the children from the tunnels.Deade and alive. Guess you never got to see any. not a nice site.
    Plus he has 70,000 Secret Troppers and The Alliences.
    If you did some paying attention,You would know You dont so you get on the sites and complain,Just Showing The World how Uninformed you are. Maybe ask 4th Grader. This Military has nothing to do with the DEEPSTATRES Satanics Reptillion.
    Most Of Dc gone. Our New treasury in Reno after they cleaned House and got rid of the Trash That you will hear about when the time is right, same as IRS. Stop watching to the Fake media and use your Brain. Great things are on it ways.I Have families of Military .None are the evil ones. Read the executive orders Law and war Manuel. Art Of War. PEARDS. Trump Been Cic Wartime President way back, he is the Republic not the Bankrupt Corporation That the fake Biden is Playing. we have 2 Gov , one real one fake. Go do some Reading. This is Gods Plan. Ending soon .God Wins. Rest will go down where they all Belong Rest will have…

    • Anonymous

      They were in on the fake ear thing?

    • robinr999

      youre a gutter trash super low iq moron. when gutter trash like yourself say soon 1938298932 folks die from drumps death jab.

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