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By Nicole Morgan (Investigative Reporter)
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Scientists Confirm Michelle Obama Is a Biological Male - Media Blackout (Video)

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by N.Morgan

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Barack Obama is busy behind the scenes laying the groundwork to thrust his wife Michelle Obama into the presidential race in place of the ailing and failing Joe Biden, according to multiple Democrat party insiders.

Things are so dire in the Biden camp that even the mainstream media has been forced to intervene and campaign for Biden to step down for the former first lady.

But there is just one problem for Barack Obama and his plans to steal yet another term in office by controlling another puppet president in the White House.



The Obamas have more skeletons in their closet than Ed Gein and now scientists are confirming that Michelle Obama was born male.

The truth is not the Obamas’ friend and its our job to expose this to the masses.



Stories Contributed by N. Morgan

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Total 10 comments
  • F16Hoser

    These two are a Shit Stain on America.

  • Anonymous

    His whole administration was a fraud, he was born in Kenya, his wife was a man and his children are adopted from a couple they knew well to pose as a normal family. And this country took his line hook line and sinker. Sometimes we just don’t care what’s wrong with our candidate…it’s the agenda we are after. Their agenda was to bring down this country, to peel away what made this country great. It was a step toward the policies of the liberal mindset to destroy the next generation, giving way to the destruction of the American man. Abortion to iliminate the black race, encourage children to change their sex, encourage rioting in the streets, bringing down our cities. This character brought down a great nation, he and Biden ensured that Ukraine continued the money laundering and pilphering of our cash reserves , funding bioweapon labs to bring about covid when the greatest president ever to be put in office was pushing for excellence in our economy . And no one saw this coming but those who really cared about their country… was a slow leaking of information..but too late he already served 2 disastrous terms….Jean Selman

  • Enoch

    Seriously? Anyone can tell theres a D between the knees. Good thing we have scientists to confirm what’s already been known for over 7 years

  • Adi Da Samraj

    🌹Humankind Is Literally One Family🌹
    👐🏻 Humankind is in the position, right now, to make some very important judgements about life, and about the relationships between people—and about Reality Itself. As a result of that judgement, either there will be universal war and death or, alternatively, humankind will become established in a global cooperative order, based on the working-presumption of universal prior unity and the universal world-“homeland” that belongs to all of humankind (and, indeed, all of Earthkind).
    👐🏻 All have suffered. All are equally full of nonsense. Therefore, in principle, there must be a new and universal politics—a politics of no praise and no blame. By these means, reconciliation must be achieved—cooperatively, in a disposition of mutual tolerance, trust, and respect.
    👐🏻 The genetic unity of humankind is inherent. That unity is scientifically known to be so. Yet, the “difference-makers” speak and act as if there were superior humans and inferior humans, superior nationalisms and inferior nationalisms, and so on—as if merely incidental differences were of immense significance. To make much of incidental differences is merely to argue about old stories. Instead of all that, everyone must be exercised anew—toward (and in, and As) Truth in always present-time. 👐🏻

  • Justin Case

    Wait for it. You ain’t gonna believe the chit they are about to pull. Democrat ticket: Kamala Harris, and Micheal Obama…

  • kerux

    Big Mike can’t run for president. He/she/it lost his license to practice law for cause. This disqualifies Big Mike.

  • jeremyfeit

    Fake news says big Mike bears trump in polls. Problem is everyone knows Michelle has a pole between her legs. Joan rivers was a Lil premature when she said everyone knows

    • jeremyfeit


      Fuckn phone

  • cobbler1

    No thank you. America had enough of the Obamas and their lies. We are ready to move on. Too much damage has been done to our country, we don’t need more. We also want to protect our children.

  • cobbler1

    That would mean that we would have fake Obamas running the country. Like the fake Joe. We are well aware that they have been executed so that would only lead to more chaos. We want the Deep State gone and all the traitors of this country gone.

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