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Update! President Trump Declared GESARA and NESARA the Day Before the Election While All of Our Attention Was on the Election so We Missed It - We Are in the,,,

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President Trump does not disappoint in his speech in Las Vegas headlining Republican Jewish Coalition, I’d call that a Red October as in red pill city.  Took a short break, returned home the other night from a sunny holiday in Florida with family and friends, it was lovely.   Reminder we are not conspiracy theorists we are pattern recognitionists and I bet that term will be redefined and we will be seen as heroes trying to help awaken humanity in the near future.  ;)  

MUST WATCH!!! First take a look at one of the most shocking videos in the world! This video actually shows us what the secret of the Trump family is related to their expressive health!!! –FULL VIDEO HERE

Trump Headlines Republican Jewish Coalition LV – 10/28/23 delivers a short powerful speech with many red pills, he’s on fire!🔥🔥🔥

Trump: “This is a fight between good and evil.” “We don’t want to be like Europe, with Jihads on every corner.” ~President Trump 10/28/23 🍿🐸🍿

Rep. Mike Johnson of Louisiana has been elected as the Speaker of the United States House of Representatives. Steve Scalise and Jim Jorden did not make it and there was a lot of chaos going back and forth, but now they have found a speaker. God bless #MikeJohnson and the eight members , especially #MattGaetz , who made this amazing result possible. Gaetz calls for term limits, prohibition of Representatives trading stocks and to negotiate motion to vacate threshold

This is big news, are we moving into the justice phase of the Great Awakening? I believe so, but more red pills and people awakening will be required.

Matthew Perry of FRIENDS dead at 54, he drowned. Not suspicious at all. Q links us to FRIENDS and Anthony Bourdain claimed the entire cast would chant Hail Satan on commercial breaks. Personally, I believe they are all reversoes/trannys that worship Satan and do very bad things to children.

What is the Most Powerful Force on the Planet?

This blog was written pre election 2020, I’ve updated links and added some intel on Ingersoll Lockwood (Lin Wood?) an American lawyer and author connection to the 1900 or The Last President novel & a series on Barron Trump. I found an interesting JFK Jr. quote you don’t want to miss. Is time travel real? Is AI taking over humanity? Is President Trump finishing what President Kennedy started? Q drops on Independence and our declaration of independence Joe Biden style. GESARA & JFK Jr. returning publicly? #Soon

Why was Trump’s title of President of the United States removed on social media sites? Why are they calling him a “Presidential Candidate”. Well our sly silver fox once again outsmarted his opponents with his Executive Order on establishing the President’s 1776 Advisory Commission.

Executive Order on Establishing the President’s Advisory 1776 Commission

President Trump declared GESARA and NESARA the day before the election while all of our attention was on the election so we missed it. We are in the 120 days before a new election will take place. President Trump is no longer our President and all the media outlets are playing along. He is candidate Trump for the new United States Constitutional Republic.

Birth of Our Republic – 1776 Constitution

1900 or The Last President by Ingersoll Lockwood

Just like the book by Ingersoll Lockwood, called 1900 or The Last President. President Trump was the last President of the United States Corporation. Our true independence day has just happened.

Ingersoll Lockwood in Gematria

Ingersoll Lockwood wrote a series of books that appear to mirror the Trumps experiences. Is he connected to President Trump’s lawyer Lin Wood, an American defamation lawyer? Is time travel real or conscious transmissions? You bet it is.

Here is an analysis of 1900, or The Last President

30 Million Americans Face Hunger As They Can’t Afford Insane Grocery Prices:Nearly 10 percent of the U.S. population is facing the threat of hunger and about 70 percent of Americans say they are struggling to pay their grocery bills right now.

1900 or, The Last President: Ingersoll Lockwood: 9788121290005: Books

Speaking of time travel or as JFK Jr. puts it “conscious transmissions” is AI taking over humanity? Never, in our history, has a communications project such as this taken place, returning power back to the people transparency, truth with equal justice under the law.

Now check out JFK Jr’s Quote:

DO NOT MISS this eye opening video – Second share.


EVERY HUMAN BEING ON THE PLANET IS SPECIAL. The movie that got the Pentagon and POTUS to release their UFO files by one tweet to POTUS. #GameChanger

The Hegelian Dialectic: Problem – Reaction – Solution

Preamble to the Declaration of Independence Joe Biden Style

“We hold these truths to be self-evident. All men and women are created, by the, you know, you know the thing,” ~Sleepy Joe Biden

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

Later in the speech, Biden mistook “Super Tuesday” for “Super Thursday.”

John F. Kennedy – The Declaration of Independence

What a remarkable speech. I can’t help but notice JFK speak about independent states and independence from the Crown in particular at 9:00 minute mark. We believe President Trump is finishing what John F. Kennedy declared so many years ago.

The Throne Has Changed

The Declaration of Independence

Partial: We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men (& women) are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men (& Women), deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.

“Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn’t pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same.” ~President Reagan

Want to know what you would be doing during WW2?

You’re doing it right now.

There are 8 posts that say INDEPENDENCE on, I have included 7 of them. The 8th post requires digging and a blog dedicated to it. #JohnBarlowPerry

Look there, or [here], or there, truth is behind you.

JFK Jr. on Katie Couric check out the comms!

NESARA / GESARA – What Does It Mean for Humanity?

Shayan Sardarizadeh on X:

Don’t miss this documentary: A Thousand Little Pieces

Special thank you to Heather MacDonald on Facebook for her content.


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