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Emergency Alert This Is Bad!! US Sniper Exposes Everything on Live TV About Trump Assassination Attempt! - Patrick Humphrey News

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You would have to be walking around with your eyes shut not to realize this was an inside job!

From Tue start as. I watched it happen live I saw that it was a planed event. That building in the real world never would have been left without it being watched closely and also would have had a sniper there. So clearly it was all planned.

This is absurd!! Absurd is an understatement!! How can ANYONE possibly see that this is not a inside job!

A 20-year-old kid outsmarted cops and agents. B’okay…

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    Total 8 comments
    • Anonymous

      Yes it was as absurd as the Marahoax and all of the staged shootings. This is all about gun confiscation.
      How can anyone explain what was going on behind Trump? Watch the movie director cower down.

    • HypothesisFree

      Counter Sniper Ordered Not To Engange! Arrested And Lost His Job For Doing So?

    • patann

      Emergency Alert This Is Bad!! US Sniper Exposes Everything On Live TV About Trump Assassination Attempt!! – Patrick Humphrey News
      Monday, July 15, 2024 13:26


      -Just as I surmise, the piggy backing off Ukraine and its gullible allies, a war against Russia would still turn the world’s attention toward, Islam, as all US offensives does; further knowing, I keep telling Sulaiman Ahmed, who keep posting the slaughter of Gaza’s children, believe it or not, they are the ones that’s going to be praying for us, US states of barbecue and here’s what to pray, for yourself, Ps 51, enabling you to then, pray for western leaders, Dan 9, begin vs 4, and in only 24 hours a child with a gun, tried to assassinate designed Gog and Magog Trump, counting down 5 timeline, one his Dan 9:27 Sept 15, 2020 Abraham Accord, culminating until 7 Daniel 9:27 Dragon Beast years be fulfilled, post-apocalypse all Daniel 2/Rev 11, prophesied Kingdom, Nation building, by Oct 17, 2021 thur Oct 17, 2028, see, that’s what I mean! HBOW/Apb

      Emergency Alert This Is Bad!! US Sniper Exposes Everything On Live TV About Trump Assassination Attempt!! – Patrick Humphrey News
      Monday, July 15, 2024…

    • randywaynefricke

      I’m starting to get some blow back on this treatise but I think people need to be a bit (OK, a LOT) more critical with this. The more I study the (attempted assassination on Donald Trump) event the more I think it was a staged false flag. I think it had to be. I think I’ve figured this out. I’ll get to that in a minute.

      Now I can only offer my perspective based on what I know about how shit works. The action I saw it looked like Donald Trump had a stage blood capsule palmed in his right hand. He hears the first shot. That’s his cue to raise his right hand to his right ear where he smashes the thin cased blood capsule and voi·la, bloody ear.

      I have to shave my ears (yes, my ears). I can grab my ear. I can twist my ear. I can pull on my ear and I can pinch my ear. But trust me, when I nick my ear with the razor it’s friggin’ excruciating. Getting a bullet through ear cartilage would put anyone on the ground in a fetal position clutching their ear in searing agony. You’d quite likely either pass out from the pain or faint.

      So yeah, I think it’s all a part of “The Movie”.

      There was a lot more bad acting in this part as well. Central Casting. (Isn’t Trump always telling us that everyone’s from Central Casting?)

      The people just did not seem to be reacting the way one would expect people under such duress would act. For instance: The female SS agent having to look her gun into the holster. That should be pure muscle memory by the time you…

      • Bankroller

        Nope, the audio forensic analysis proves that these were real 5.56 rounds fired by real rifles. The first snap you hear is the hypersonic bullet traveling at 2500+ ft./sec. and then the rifle report 0.22 seconds later traveling at the speed of sound 1125 ft./sec. Solving the algebraic equation, distance = 450 feet.

    • Anonymous

      What kind of bullshit is this??????

    • Slimey

      You usually film in the daylight. Why all dark now? Don’t be Hillaryous, please. :lol:

    • truck driver Help me with some Rent money before I’m homeless

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