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Time Travel - The Truth Is Chilling (Videos)

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Who Are the Time Stalkers?

There is a massive amount of turmoil in the world today, and a lot of individuals are beginning to realize the sinister machinations that lie behind many of the dystopian circumstances we are collectively experiencing.

Around the planet people are facing various daunting difficulties which leave little personal time for unusual explorations and research. They have even less energy to spend worrying about potential and seemingly-distant threats that appear as though they have originated in a sci-fi novel.

Despite this, secret and invisible threats do exist, and many thousands of people have already been or will be affected by them, even if they don’t realize it.

An Exposé

Time Stalkers is an exposé that contains completely new information. The book delivers proof that time travel is taking place.

There are covert and unacknowledged exotic technologies and programs that have been in existence for quite a long time. Because they ‘don’t exist’ such technologies remain in the hands of secret groups that don’t have our best interests at heart. In fact, the opposite is true.

Sadly, many of these hidden innovations would greatly benefit all of us if they were instead used progressively for the good of everybody.

Invisible Threats

Time travel of course presents potential hazards. The breaching and manipulation of time is a concerning scientific advance that has been deliberately kept a secret from the world.

Unfortunately, furthering the collective advancement of our species is not on the agenda of the power-hungry consortium who continue to illegally access their fellow humans as if they were merely cattle put on Earth for experimental purposes.

Some of these programs, including the time travel operation, may pose serious long-term threats to both individuals and the well-being of the planet and the life it supports. Kept at a beyond-top-secret level, the general public cannot give their consent to such dangerous experiments because they are never told about them in the first place

The best way to control both the narrative and in fact the entire world is through the concealed use of exotic technologies that give access to the planet and its people across time itself.

Rock the World?

Most people think that a discovery of this magnitude involving time travel would surely rock the world, but that’s not the way things work in real life, where powerful forces zealously control the narrative.

Instead, such concepts are still considered to belong firmly in the realms of science fiction, and this might seem at first to be a correct assessment. But is it the truth?

What would actually rock the world would be an official disclosure, released with the understanding that all the secret technologies that have been weaponized against us will in future be used responsibly to benefit us all.

Of course this isn’t happening, but time travel is, so no, it isn’t science fiction, but as it’s supposed to be a secret, this group is not about to allow the truth to become mainstream information. Fortunately, that doesn’t make the veracity of such unrecognized technologies completely inaccessible to us.

Sometimes the proof falls right into someone’s hands like an unexpected gift – or perhaps burden would be a more apt word for a discovery bearing such heavy implications. I know, because it happened to me.

Time Stalkers Reveals a Sinister Truth

The book Time Stalkers reveals a truth so dark that it changes history. It seems like a plot in a movie. Imagine the implications of time travel in the hands of an evil & unacknowledged cartel, one that’s hell-bent on changing the past to further an agenda that includes world domination.

This Exposé Allows You to Actually See the Truth

Time Stalkers has an average text length, yet it’s over 700 pages long. That’s because it’s loaded with over 1,430 coloured photographic images detailing secret time travel operations. Below is a partial list of just some of the astounding photographic imagery that can be seen in the exposé:

  • Time travel events
  • Teleportation events
  • Operatives
  • Space-age equipment
  • Exotic technologies
  • Einstein-Rosen bridges (wormholes)
  • Plasma events
  • Craft in the skies
  • Human victims
  • Residential school victims used in time experiments over 100 years ago
  • Image cloaking removed to reveal the truth
  • Screen technologies – real-time on-screen events, people & places in the far-past
  • Portable HAARP installations

A final section reveals electronic harassment detailed clearly in photos for the first time. So many people reporting that they are subject to electronic harassment are routinely disbelieved. This verification of invisible frequency attacks is included for the victims and their families and friends.

For the first time there is photographic evidence that details:

  • Craft deployed above a house
  • Microwave and scalar wave attacks via drones
  • Secret operative incursions into a residence
  • The use of previously invisible recording and monitoring equipment, exotic weaponry

I’m a transdimensional and trans-time photographer and have published many of my own images and documents regarding the paranormal and ITC (instrumental transcommunication) experiments, but this is an entirely separate branch of my photographic work.

It began suddenly and very surprisingly one day when I accidentally discovered the truth about time travel technologies.

Since then I’ve spent many thousands of hours working to uncover the truth. Time Stalkers reveals nearly all the information and proof I have discovered to date in my quest to reveal the truth in a way people are able to see and verify for themselves.

They Are Not My Photographs

The proof lies cloaked in photographs that were taken over a century ago in the days of black and white photography, often by unknown people.

The temporal displacement experiments being recorded in the pictures are organized covertly by contemporary operatives working in the past, and as in an archaeological dig, the lengthy revelatory editing process consists of removing layers of cloaking in each photograph in order to reach and expose the true and incredible details hidden from direct view, but still readily available using the correct recovery techniques.

Although the cloaked photos were not taken to record paranormal activity, I have seen all kinds of fascinating phenomena in the time displacement photos that would normally be considered to represent never-before-recorded amplifications of ‘paranormal’ activity.

The unusual activity is connected to the very extreme energetic conditions created by the temporal experiments.

This varied phenomena is caused by the enormous amount of energy released, coupled with massive gravitational and frequency fields, creating different kinds of both interdimensional and physical side-effects that are seen occurring right alongside with the time experiments themselves. Part of my work lay in cataloguing and recording these effects while rendering them visible, as outlined below:

  • Detailing of technology that was not in existence at the time the archived vintage photograph was taken. Repeatedly finding items that had not yet been invented in photos over a century old constitutes absolute proof that temporal displacement experiments are taking place.
  • Evidence of items/circumstances/visual effects that appear in two or more separate photos
  • The indexing of different phenomena seen in photos that are records of time travel operations. This will hopefully create future dialog, and people a lot more scientifically knowledgeable than myself might later find important clues in such photos, including the fascinating photographic images examined in the eBook.
  • Detailed images of victims, operatives and equipment in order to demonstrate the unlawful use of human beings in temporal experiments being used in the past and the present (although they are also taking place in our future).

These are not my photographs. They were taken over a century ago in the days of black and white photography, often by unknown people. Most have been contained in historical archives around the world for many years, including the ones found in Time Stalkers.

Hiding Exotic Technology – Some Background Information

The proof I am going to present may be difficult to accept, yet each person who sees this proof knows with their eyes and heart that it really is the truth. There is simply no other explanation for what has been discovered.

If the knowledge of how this technology has already been used were made general, there would be a terrible and justified public outcry.

This not least because of the incredible amount of loss of life, injury and suffering that was and still is caused by the illegal human experimentation the perpetrators conducted in order to iron out the ‘glitches’ inherent in both their beginning and ongoing temporal displacement operations.

By containing all such technological advances within one or a very few small controlling groups, domination in this future industry has already been accomplished.

It is also continually being further advanced at a tremendous rate, and both the past and the future have now been penetrated.

There are very obvious reasons why secrecy benefits the time travel consortium and any associated criminal shadow groups.

Outside of the few select people who oversee the time related operations, and the operatives themselves, this compartmentalized endeavour is beyond top secret, and therefore, throughout the program, information is available only on a strictly ‘need to know’ basis.

But Someone Obviously Knew

The local archives where I live contain the fairly detailed records of experiments perpetrated on the people who lived in Mission, British Columbia, Canada more than a century ago. Your local archives do as well, and these visual records of time experiments will change history when they are properly understood.

After seeing, examining and editing so many of these photographs I have discovered the incredible scope and sophistication of this massive experimental enterprise, backwards and forwards through time.

The evidence in Time Stalkers is from one small town, but it’s important to realize that this sinister shadow-group has infiltrated many different countries and time periods in the exact same way.

How Did the Time Travelers Get From Here to There?

It isn’t my intention to make claims I can’t prove to people, but I will show you visually that they did get ‘from here to there’ through a deliberately engineered Einstein-Rosen bridge, several of which are clearly demonstrated in the book.

What I can’t do is precisely explain the science and technology that is used. I’m not a scientist, and even if I were, in today’s world I still wouldn’t know how to time travel.

All the same, I have been able to deduce many things based on my observations, extensive research and the large collection of available data gleaned from the vintage photographs themselves.

As well, I’ve made some very strange discoveries concerning modern cloaked exotic experimentation in my own contemporary photography, and this has revealed other bizarre operations taking place today, some of which appear to be linked to the temporal explorations.

Most of these revelations have turned out to be both fascinating and at the same time deeply troubling. I have covered some of these findings in previous documents, but the bulk of my discoveries are laid out in Time Stalkers as I wish to pursue other projects related to trans-time photography, an unconnected (except by the subject of time) and more wholesome branch of research.

Most people who dismiss the concept of time travel do so confidently based on the opinions (and this is all they are) of numerous mainstream scientists still mired in an entirely outdated mode of scientific

thinking, one that is based on limited and partially understood – and misunderstood – physics.

We are firmly told such ‘facts’ as, for instance, in order to time travel, the speed of light must be breached, and this is not currently possible, and may never be. The ‘grandfather paradox’ is then referenced in most media presentations to seal the deal.

Common Misconceptions About Time Travel

Such outmoded thinking regarding the speed of light, as well as the implausibility of time travel, is fast becoming obsolete. People will one day soon be laughing at that concept, and a certain group of criminals already are.

That’s because they know that closed-minded and conservative thinking has often ruled the day, only to frequently later on be revealed as nonsense caused by misunderstanding, a fear of negative peer review or even just lazy or overly conservative and outdated thinking. But the world is not as most people, even scientists, think.

The simple truth is that while travelling faster than the speed of light might be one way to travel through time, there are, of course, other ways. In fact, faster-than-light travel would probably turn out to be the most expensive, cumbersome and impractical way of all. A ‘time machine’ is not the best option.

So while there are many misconceptions about time travel, with a lot of people mistakenly thinking it to be impossible, it is nevertheless provably taking place in our world today.

The Photographs Hold all the Clues

Editing and examining the time travel photographic records properly reveals an Alice in Wonderland-type world where nothing seems to quite make sense.

It can take a long time to unravel an entire scene and show what is hidden in the vintage landscapes, but once familiarized with certain phenomena, they can be recognized over and over in separate photographs.

Despite having done a lot of research, most of my discoveries have been directly the result of the intensive study and editing of the more than century-old photographic images, which is where the truth lies concealed beneath scene cloaking.

A group of people seen in a time travel photo will look fairly normal when first viewed, and the image will look generally normal as well, but when seen close-up it will have no proper definition, looking fuzzy.

This is apparent when the abnormal image is magnified, and is most obvious when looking at faces, which will have no resolution at all, and in fact show less the closer and larger the image is. This is not due to its age, or when it was taken.

They won’t just look fuzzy, they will look strange as well, but few people look that closely, and even if they did, they could never guess what was happening from the visual information on the surface of the photograph.

And that is the key, it isn’t really a lack of resolution that is experienced, but rather the overlaying of the surface image due to sophisticated cloaking technology which was used at the time the scene was set up and photographed. The information typically lies underneath this layer of cloaking.

This means that the details can only be accessed through a very careful and tedious editing process that travels slowly through the layers of cloaking to target the real picture beneath the surface, isolating and clarifying separate cropped-out details in a way not dissimilar to those used in an archaeological dig.

In the end a sinister and terrifying realty is revealed, one that must be shared.

Vindicated Victims

At the end of the Time Stalkers there is a section included that further details another ongoing and illicit interference in the lives of certain unfortunate modern victims. The techniques used to reveal the images seen above in the photographic edits can also be deployed to uncover various types of ongoing harassment directed at targeted individuals today.

For the first time, people will be able to see these weaponized activities documented in contemporary photographs.

For those who are targeted (and for those with targeted loved ones), there is now photographic visual proof that these deliberate intrusions are in fact a reality, and occur on a far more widespread and sophisticated level than even the victims could guess.

Shocking though the images are, they will finally provide some well-deserved vindication for the many people who have for a very long time suffered from illegal, unwarranted and ongoing silent and invisible assaults.

The Early Days of Time Travel

There would have been an incredible amount of work, money and effort expended in the early days of the time travel programs, ironing-out the many thousands of problems encountered during beginning temporal explorations and experimentation.

Quite a lot of people came forward in the 20th century regarding their involvement in time experiments, such as the Philadelphia Experiment and the Montauk Project. Of course, their stories were largely disbelieved, and subsequently often poorly ‘debunked’ and roundly scoffed at.

There were claims, which I think are true, that homeless people were often abducted and used in these experiments, and many were lost in space or returned injured very badly, and yet these groups of secretive people with their military front and covert operatives could not for ever get away with taking such a large amount of people, even spread out over a long period of time. The group being exposed in Time Stalkers didn’t have to.

A tremendous amount of people go missing each year around the world and are never heard from again, perhaps far more than can ever be explained by people either walking away from their lives, getting lost and dying, being trafficked or being murdered and never found.

Of course, people are trafficked for various purposes, including domestic and industrial slavery, sex slavery, human sacrifice and organ harvesting.

What many people don’t realize is that various covert and illegal black-budget operations also require people to experiment upon or use in various capacities and situations, most of which would sound like absolutely horrifying science-fiction scenarios to the majority of people.

I believe that the time travel group seen operating in Time Stalkers are more likely to be a spin-off or even a completely separate organization than the ones we have so far heard about from recent whistle-blowers. They are certainly incredibly more sophisticated than the programs so far described by alleged experiencers.

The trouble with taking people and using them in present-day experiments is the inability to procure enough human supply for their various needs without alerting people on their own timeline.

At some point this shadowy group came up with the perfect solution to these constant human supply issues, and in the end it was rather simple and practically foolproof. ‘We will go back in time to test our equipment and gather the necessary data about the effects of temporal displacement experiments on humans, animals and objects. Nobody in the present will ever truly know, and nobody in the past can stop us.’

Unlocking Huge Secrets

The contents of Time Stalkers will provide you with genuine proof that time travel is taking place. However unexpected the source may be, it serves its purpose perfectly by being presented embedded in photographs known to be over a hundred years old. As proof, it couldn’t have been planned any better.

The photos waited silently in the archives, with thousands more the world over, until somebody

discovered how to unlock the secrets concealed within them, discovering an improbable and disturbing gift that came from the future, and was left, perhaps deliberately, perhaps not, in the past, and which has now been discovered and unwrapped.

Why Over 1430 Photographic Images?

In the end, over fourteen hundred photographic images have been included in this new reveal. This may seem excessive, but there are several good reasons for this, apart from giving extra value to the reader.

Pareidolia is the human ability to see shapes or make pictures out of random patterns. Simulacrum are random combinations of light and shadow which form accidental shapes against backgrounds such as rock, sky, water, trees, stonework and any other textured objects, that look like real images, such as faces or animals.

This is known as matrixing. When these patterns come together and form images that strongly resemble something else, this likeness is known as a ‘simulacrum’. The human eye as an extension of the brain is always trying to make sense of the objects and patterns it sees.

Finding familiar patterns and labeling them is part of the brain’s job, especially when it comes to faces. A tendency towards labeling simulacra in photographs as paranormal has given both sceptics and hostile parties some valid ammunition over the years.

In the case of this publication, if someone believes the images within to be the result of pareidolia, then this person may not have properly read the book or look at the images.

The images are anyway generally much too clear to be categorized as pareidolia, but just in case, by providing well over a thousand images derived largely from just three photographs, with some being exceptionally clear, it should be self-evident that it would be statistically impossible to discover this many examples of pareidolia in them, especially as they are detailed and all related in subject matter.

The large amount of new information about time travel operations discovered while investigating for the book needed to be properly recorded and made publicly available, and fortunately the increase in editing skills that comes with many thousands of hours of practice has paid off and has enabled me to reveal astonishing details which are readily visible.

Who Is Responsible for the Ongoing Chrono-Crimes?

Everything in Time Stalkers is true, showing recovered images of criminal temporal operations as they happened.

The covert practice of time travel today is a very deep & dark reality, with thousands of victims spread out across time. What sinister cabal is responsible for this maleficent travesty?

I haven’t been able to find out. I have my suspicions about who the core group might be, as well as possible connections to and involvement of more well-known outlying organizations, but as I have no credible evidence I am not able to provide this missing piece of the time travel puzzle.

What I can prove is that temporal explorations are occurring, and they are in no way benign. In fact, operatives illegally use both human beings and animals in their diabolical experiments.

While this startling discovery prompts compelling questions about time & history, it also raises a disturbing personal question that some of us will be faced with: “Have I been taken?”

Time Stalkers by Jane Tripp is available on Amazon:

Time Stalkers Video:

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