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Debunking Eight Common Myths about Climate Change

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Human Wrongs Watch

4 June 2024 (UNEP)* — The world is warming at a record pace, with unseasonable heat baking nearly every continent on Earth. April, the last month for which statistics are available, marked the 11th consecutive month the planet has set a new temperature high.

Photo: PSI/Science Photo Library via AFP

Experts say that is a clear sign the Earth’s climate is rapidly changing. But many believe – or at least say they believe – that climate change is not real, relying on a series of well-trodden myths to make their point. 

“Most of the world rightly acknowledges that climate change is real,” says Dechen Tsering, Acting Director of the Climate Change Division at the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP).

“But in many places, misinformation is delaying the action that is so vital to countering what is one of the greatest challenges facing humanity.” 

This month, delegates will be meeting in Bonn, Germany for a key conference on climate change. Ahead of that gathering, here is a closer look at eight common climate-related myths and why they are simply not true. 

Myth #1: Climate change has always happened, so we should not worry about it. 

It is true that the planet’s temperature has long fluctuated, with periods of warming and cooling. But since the last ice age 10,000 years ago, the climate has been relatively stable, which scientists say has been crucial to the development of human civilization. 

That stability is now faltering. The Earth is heating up at its fastest rate in at least 2,000 yearsand is about 1.2°C hotter than it was in pre-industrial times. The last 10 years have been the warmest on record, with 2023 smashing global temperature records.   

Other key climate-related indicators are also spiking. Ocean temperatures, sea levelsand atmospheric concentrations of greenhouse gasses are rising at record rates while sea iceand glaciers are retreating at alarming speeds. 

Myth #2: Climate change is a natural process. It has nothing to do with people. 

While climate change is a natural process human activity is pushing it into overdrive. A landmark report from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), which draws on the research of hundreds of leading climate scientists, found that humans are responsible for almost all the global warming over the past 200 years.  

The vast majority of warming has come from the burning of coal, oil and gas. The combustion of these fossil fuels is flooding the atmosphere with greenhouse gases, which act like a blanket around the planet, trapping heat.  

By measuring everything from ice cores to tree rings, scientists have been able to track concentrations of greenhouse gases. Carbon dioxide levels are at their highest in 2 million years, while two other greenhouse gases, methane and nitrous oxide, are at their highest in 800,000 years.  


A satellite view of a hurricane
As the Earth’s climate changes, hurricanes and other superstorms are expected to become more common in many parts of the world. Photo: APF/NOAA

Myth #3: A couple of degrees of warming is not that big of a deal. 

Actually, small temperature rises can throw the world’s delicate ecosystems into disarray, with dire implications for humans and other living things. The Paris Agreement on climate change aims to limit average global temperature rise to “well below” 2°C, and preferably to 1.5°C, since pre-industrial times.  

Even that half-a-degree swing could make a massive difference. The IPCC found that at 2°C of warming, more than 2 billion people would regularly be exposed to extreme heat than they would at 1.5°C. The world would also lose twice as many plants and vertebrate species and three times as many insects. In some areas, crop yields would decrease by more than half, threatening food security. 

At 1.5°C of warming, 70 per cent to 90 per cent of corals, the pillars of many undersea ecosystems, would die. At 2°C of warming, some 99 per cent would perish. Their disappearance would likely lead to the loss of other marine species, many of which are a critical source of protein for coastal communities. 

“Every fraction of a degree of warming matters,” says Tsering. 

Myth #4: An increase in cold snaps shows climate change is not real. 

This statement confuses weather and climate, which are two different things. Weather is the day-to-day atmospheric conditions in a location and climate is the long-term weather conditions in a region. So, there could still be a cold snap while the general trend for the planet is warming.  

Some experts also believe climate change could lead to longer and more intense cold in some places due to changes in wind patterns and other atmospheric factors.

One much-publicized paper found the rapid warming of the Arctic may have disrupted the swirling mass of cold air above the North Pole in 2021. This unleashed sub-zero temperatures as far south as Texas in the United States, causing billions of dollars in damages. 



A man shoveling snow.
Some experts believe that climate change could spark cold snaps in unusual places, like the American state of Texas, which was hammered by a historic snowstorm in 2021. Photo: AFP/Matthew Busch

Myth #5: Scientists disagree on the cause of climate change. 

A 2021 study revealed that 99 per cent of peer-reviewed scientific literature found that climate change was human-induced. That was in line with a widely read study from 2013, which found 97 per cent of peer-reviewed papers that examined the causes of climate change said it was human-caused. 

“The idea that there is no consensus is used by climate deniers to muddy the waters and sow the seeds of doubt,” says Tsering. “But the scientific community agrees: the global warming we are facing is not natural. It is caused by humans.” 

Myth #6: It is too late to avert a climate catastrophe, so we might as well keep burning fossil fuels. 

While the situation is dire, there is still a narrow window for humanity to avoid the worst of climate change.  

UNEP’s latest Emissions Gap Report found that cutting greenhouse gas emissions by 42 per cent by 2030, the world could limit global temperature rise to 1.5°C compared with pre-industrial levels.  

A little math reveals that to reach that target, the world must reduce its annual emissions by 22 billion tonnes of carbon-dioxide equivalent in less than seven years. That might seem like a lot. But by ramping up financing and focusing on low-carbon development in key transport, agriculture and forestry, the world can get there.  

“There is no question the task ahead of us is massive,” Tsering says. “But we have the solutions we need to reduce emissions today and there is an opportunity to raise ambition in the new round of national climate action plans.”  


A solar plant set in the desert. 
To avert the worst of climate change, the world must embrace low-carbon technologies, like solar power, say experts. Photo: UNEP/Duncan Moore

Myth #7: Climate models are unreliable. 

Climate skeptics have long argued that the computer models used to project climate change are unreliable at best and completely inaccurate at worst. 

But the IPCC, the world’s leading scientific authority on climate change, says that over decades of development, these models have consistently provided “a robust and unambiguous picture” of planetary warming.  

Meanwhile, a 2020 study by the University of California showed that global warming models were largely accurate. The study looked at 17 models that were generated between 1970 and 2007 and found 14 of them closely matched observations.  

Myth #8: We do not need to worry about lowering greenhouse gas emissions. Humanity is inventive; we can just adapt to climate change. 

Some countries and communities can adapt to rising temperatures, lower precipitation and the other impacts of climate change. But many cannot. 

The world’s developing countries collectively need between US$215 billion and US$387 billion per year to adapt to climate change, yet only have access to a fraction of that total, found UNEP’s latest Adaptation Gap Report.

Even wealthy nations will struggle to afford the cost of adaptation, which in some cases will require radical measures, such as displacing vulnerable communities, relocating vital infrastructure or changing staple foods.  

In many places, people are already facing hard limits on how much they can adapt. Small island developing states, for example, can only do so much to hold back the rising seas that threaten their existence. 

Without significant action to lower greenhouse gas emissions, communities will reach these hard limits faster and begin to suffer irreparable damage from climate change, say experts.   

The Sectoral Solution to the climate crisis  

UNEP is at the forefront of supporting the Paris Agreement goal of keeping global temperature rise well below 2°C, and aiming for 1.5°C, compared to pre-industrial levels. To do this, UNEP has developed the Sectoral Solution, a roadmap to reducing emissions across sectors in line with the Paris Agreement commitments and in pursuit of climate stability.

The six sectors identified are: energy; industry; agriculture and food; forests and land use; transport; and buildings and cities. 

*SOURCE: UNEP. Go to ORIGINAL: 2024 Human Wrongs Watch



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    Total 3 comments
    • DON ROBER>to

      [“Rarely been so amused and grabbed the head at the PSYOP-WHITE TERROR being perpetrated here with the Shock&Awe and Fear business, WITHOUT describing the truth causes and effects. As the 33°Scottish Riter and WAR CRIMINAL Winston Churchill said, ‘believe no statistic that you have not falsified yourself’ add to this, anyone who believes a word of an ‘ EXPERT’ or a figure in all the private commercial organisations and NGO Corporations costumed performers and self-promoters must be convinced that Satan with his Zionist Pak is the saviours of the world the Messiah and our ‘G*d’ who is very concerned about our welfare. Rarely laughed so hard if it wasn't so dramatic.... Question? How many volcanoes are highly active today and which eruptions wiped out entire cultures and generations and had an impact on the ice age and the warm period with the mudflows? Question: WHICH CLIMATE is actually being permanently changed for almighty-power and profit? The right of definition is being abused in the most disgusting way to drive out fear and scaremongering. This is not about natural change processes, but about purely geopolitical and geostrategic CLIMATE CHANGE BUSINESSES in order to force planned depopulation with BIO WEATHER ENERGY and WHITE TERROR WEAPON TECHNOLOGY. Where is everything being moved underwater right now as diversionary strategies to keep the world war preparations out of the blue and white media channels? “]…

    • DON ROBER>to

      ii)[“ The programme behind this is Owing the Weather by 2025, the weather forecast is surely also dependent on how many PERSONNEL are available in the air and on the ground to do the massive weather manipulation here. Where are the ‘EXPERTS’ on what CLIMATE CHANGE the MEGA-WINDTURBINE--MISSINVESTMENT-.PLANTS are CHANGING the CLIMATE and environmental destruction they bring with them and in cooperation with the toxic rain from above, be it via CHEMTRAILS, or the ENERGY WEAPONS, NEXRAD, HAARP etc.. not forgetting Pumping&Fracking and with CERN, the quanten-physical forces, to generate a tsunami or violent earthquake, or as now at spring cultivation time, to put everything underwater with tornados as corona on top, ww, to profitably construct CAPITAL LOSSES through DESTRUCTION, all this is instructed revolutionary CLIMATE CHANGE of lives and wellbeing, but completely at our expense and above all natural life and cycles, but not explained to us in this way. ...because Mother Nature is to blame. WE don't....but she doesn't it's clearly real, but what BUSINESS PROGRAMMES and IDEOLOGIES and DICTATORSHIPS are associated with it? WHERE explained here? If you then read here that 1.2 degrees more is already HOTTER...your head starts to sweat-PANIC is announced...It's June here on the Atlantic, at just 9 degrees..and then 17 degrees in the afternoon, may be..”]

    • DON ROBER>to

      iii)[“And the MEDIA COUNTRY MAP GLOWS in REEED...HEAT WAVE on the coast, warning level declared..another EMERGENCY-CASE is created 4BUSINESSES...and the coffee in the cup is also soon frozen because it's so cold. Rarely read so much bollocks, but clearly shows that we are being lied to and cheated by business addicts to CAPITALISE from these war mongering business models of the masonic Zionists who want to create the ONE WORLD DOMINION with limited controlled transhumanists. And they will use any means to do so. They are achonts-reptiloids and not humans. What climate do we have to change asap and where exactly in order to become free living beings again? So, when you look dayly at, than you can follow the extreme weather-modification to CREATE MAN-MADE-CLIMATE-CHANGE and organized Destruction of our habitats and no court ww comes together to prohibit these organised capital crimes against us humans and bring those responsible behind them to justice. Why? Because they are not allowed to change the WAR CLIMATE into a Peace-Climate, world-wide..not good 4their DICTATORSHIP-BUSINESSES. BLUE-WHITE-ZIONISM with RED comuSOCIALISM as their CONTRACTORS to play the BAD GUYS, Old Days again.”]

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