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By Les Visible (Reporter)
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Those Moving Ahead of The Curve... Will Begin to Discover... The Marvel of Technology They Are Walking Around In.

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 God Poet Transmitting…….

Well… I have not been following Trump’s Trials except in a peripheral manner… because nothing is what it seems, and… NOTHING… is what I would have learned… about the wheels that spin and turn in the sensory orbits, and how they connect to the invisible machinations of The Deep State… showing its mailed fist in a Pleather glove; well… actually… the gloves are off, aren’t they?

This whole roundelay of political pederasty is about Trump saying he was going to drain the swamp and not being in on The Climate Scam. They can’t very well bludgeon humanity into an insensate pudding… if the president of The Free World (cough… cough… snicker)… is not on board with their bullshit.

He stepped on the wrong cloven hooves, BUT… then again… this might all be a shadow play… to turn Mr. Vaccine Supporter… Israel firster… into a jukebox populist hero. I don’t know what’s going on Out There, and… I don’t care. I am stunned and amazed that they were able to pull off such a travesty of justice before the eyes of The World in… the… (cough… cough… snicker)… free… world; ♫keep on twerking in the free world

I can assure you, I get what I need… by my simple use of metaphysical logic… AND… where I… also… concentrate The Mind on the missing factors… via an intensity of focus… upon the visible factors… until the evidence comes crawling to me… on bloody knees and begging for respite; “Mi lord Visible! What can we reveal to thee!?! It’s a trick of unwavering attention… that Patanjali honed to a high art, but… in these times… people can’t be bothered to learn it.

Most people don’t even know what mind-stuff is. I do. If anyone doubts this, I ask you to accompany me to… the central place setting… on the buffet table, and observe what I have concealed beneath this chaffing dish that Paracelsus left for me… as a token of camaraderie from another time; oh… you’re a man of science? This is definitely for you. Let me just lift the cover then, Voila!

What I am saying here is no spoof… nor grandiose claim, and I could care less whether anyone believes me or not; what possible difference could that make to me? What is… is. What is not… is not. Time will tell and we shall see. Count on it!

You know? All sorts of things are going on around here… there, and everywhere. However… almost no one can see what is really going on because… they… themselves… are not real. They are dreaming, and if someone comes along who is not dreaming, what that person will have learned by now… is to step quietly past the agitated sleepers, and to not disturb their restless slumbers. There are those coming whose job that is. I’ll leave it in their competent hands. They’ve done this kind of thing before.

The Divine was speaking with me earlier… through one of the stepdown transformers he uses to effect conversation between us, and he said… in the midst of a conversation we were already having… “Visible… that’s not your job. Your job… your sole job… is to let me do my job; for the moment… anyway. That will change after the… event. Until then, you rely on me and you pay attention. I’ve been doing this sort of thing for billions of years. Oh… let’s be frank here, I’ve been doing this for considerably longer than that. I think there’s an indication that I might know what I’m doing.

After all… I’m still here, and… where is everything else that used to be here? I’ll be here when all of what you see around you now… is long gone too.

When the time comes, and you are properly grounded and there is no danger of you crossing the wrong wires… you will have a specific employment. There’s not anything that The World or anywhere else can do about that, so… bide your time, and let me forensically engage with these criminals… by turning them inside out, and standing them in front of a mirror. It’s what I usually do, BUT… this being one of those truly extraordinary and remarkable times, I think some grander strokes are called for. I don’t want anyone forgetting what got done here… not for a good long stretch of time… still to come.”

He went on, but… more or less… in the same vein. I’ll tell you, it’s the high point of my life… these conversations… that extend all through the day… every day. Time was that weeks and even months might pass by, and I would not hear from him. Now… not a day passes when we do not have several occasions of back and forth, AND… all I have to do is… take a seat, and give my greetings, and… he is right there… on tap, and never leaving… ever again.

So… I know what I have here, and why would I give the slightest care what anyone thinks about the matter? That affects it not at all. As some wit from another time once said, “The dog’s bark, but the caravan moves on.” I KNOW beyond a shadow of a doubt… that what has happened to me… is a heralding of a much wider series of appearances by The Divine… in hearts and minds around The World. Certain others are already experiencing it, and some were way ahead of me on that account, to begin with.

The Awakening is not only a matter of transforming awareness. It also includes the activation of shared powers and abilities… that are coming to everyone… who will be tuning in. A telepathic network is aborning, and the power inherent in that… to renew The World, and to change everything it comes into contact with, should… not… be… underestimated.

It is an enduring condition in life that ridicule is the first thing to attend the appearance of such matters. Then… as the reality of it is demonstrated upon The Hive Mind… the ridicule dies down, and wonder replaces it. At a certain point… it becomes commonplace, like cars appearing on the former horsecart tracks, and planes appearing in the sky.

For some… cellphones will be as far as they can manage to go. For others… implants will be the way of it. Those moving ahead of the curve… will begin to discover what a real marvel of technology… they are walking around in. Skywalkers, levitators… breatharians, and feeders on sunlight have been around for much longer than our superficial histories have any record of, but… you do not see these people in the public thoroughfares. What you see are the fakirs and deceivers who provide an illusion of these occurrences.

The World has been the province of bad and malign magicians for some time because… we have been resident in dark ages. That’s all going to change now, and these charlatans and scam artists are going to be getting the boot. We are entering The Age of Brotherhood, and a time of incredible technology. Unfortunately, some large number of us are not going to be able to make it from the one side to the other. Their fear has made the chasm too wide to step over.

I hear about this and many other curious things every day. The World is continuing exactly as I have been told it will. As your own eyes should tell you… unless you have them tightly shut… large numbers of us are devolving… reverting back to our animal nature, and they got the soundtracks and video to accompany their journey back… to being on all fours again, and… all of the supporting media… encouraging this Satanic press… into an ever greater darkness… is owned and operated… by those being increasingly more and more exposed to the eyes of The World.

It’s happening right in front of your eyes, AND… you don’t believe it? What can I possibly say to that? There is a reason that certain information is never released into the public domain. The abuses that this would generate… in the appetite-driven masses… would be horrific in the extreme.

Curious minds plum every area of the occult traditions… seeking power for their personal use. These secrets are guarded by fearsome beings, as many have discovered to their lasting dismay. All they achieve are parlor tricks and degrees of deception… that permit them to fascinate the sort of people you find at the concerts and less-than-artful productions of these times. You get the audience you deserve.

I remember being backstage with a famous rock group. I could see the fans below… pressing against the stage. It looked like feeding time at the zoo. I kept thinking I should have buckets of raw meat to chum the waters with. You get the information… knowledge and wisdom that you deserve. You will get nothing from the realms of light… until you transmute your carnal nature. That’s written in stone across enormous reaches of time. Everything comes at a price. For me… the cost was nothing. I was grateful to let it go. I suspect that many would find that same cost too dear.

However… everything you relinquish. Everything you let go of… is replaced… incrementally… by something so very… very much finer, and it continues and continues… finer and finer; literally… finer and finer… until it disappears beyond the bandwidth of the eyes. Your body is a gross envelope that permits you temporary residence on this plane. It will reflect the care you give it.

The whole world… is an enduring example… a persistent demonstration… of the return we get from how we treat ourselves and others. That’s all there is to it. It’s all an extension of the love we do… or do not feel… for The Divine. Everywhere you look, you see what people have made, and are making out of that. Oh well…

End Transmission…….

Okay… the broadcast is still up there. I was compelled to go a day past the time limits previously designated… BECAUSE… the weekend is upon us and this post will travel from now until Monday… yadda yadda… AND…

I just discovered a Patrick Willis… Snordelhan video… of recent vintage that I had not been informed about. I just happened upon it… by seeing it linked somewhere. Always nice to have that happen… since it has NEVER happened before that I can remember. (grin)

Some links will be waiting at GAB=

The conclusion of Chapter 5 from The Bhagavad Gita (Renounce and Rejoice)


Pleasures conceived in the world of the senses have a beginning

and an end and give birth to misery, Arjuna. The wise do not look

for happiness in them. But those who overcome the impulses of

lust and anger which arise in the body are made whole and live in

joy. They find their joy, their rest, and their light completely

within themselves. United with the Lord, they attain nirvana in


Healed of their sins and conflicts, working for the good of all

beings, the holy sages attain nirvana in Brahman. Free from anger

and selfish desire, unified in mind, those who follow the path of

yoga and realize the Self are established forever in that supreme


Closing their eyes, steadying their breathing, and focusing their

attention on the center of spiritual consciousness, the wise master

their senses, mind, and intellect through meditation. Self-realization

is their only goal. Freed from selfish desire, fear, and anger, they

live in freedom always. Knowing me as the friend of all creatures,

the Lord of the universe, the end of all offerings, and all spiritual

disciplines, they attain eternal peace.


See more at Smoking Mirrors


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