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By Nicole Morgan (Investigative Reporter)
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Derek Johnson: Something Unexpected Is Happening Now! 5/30/24 (Video)

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by N.Morgan

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Derek has new, never before heard info to share in his latest video..

Check it out! 

Stories Contributed by N. Morgan

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    Question   Razz  Sad   Evil  Exclaim  Smile  Redface  Biggrin  Surprised  Eek   Confused   Cool  LOL   Mad   Twisted  Rolleyes   Wink  Idea  Arrow  Neutral  Cry   Mr. Green

    Total 11 comments
    • Jimmy

      DJ’s plan is falling apart,… that’s what’s unexpected,… DJ thought that there is “rule of law”,… & that those appointed to uphold the “rule of law” were honorable, respectful, w/ a moral compass, & above all else, would dignify their “oath of office”,… But DJ believes in “fairy tails”,… but worse,… he believes in lies, & liars,… that above all else, are “criminal traitors”,… DJ,… welcome to the NWO,… it’s time to “wake the fuck up”,…

    • Jimmy

      But, it’s all exemplified in the photo poster above,… where DJ is inside an American made automobile that was made for the consumer, was made to last, was made w/ quality in mind, & was made in America & w/ American pride,… Which is obviously the world DJ believes he is living in,… But what DJ doesn’t yet realize is true, is that, that world is long gone,… & it’s been a very long time,… & now, DJ lives in a Bizzaro world, an evil world, run by demons & their “Evil Ways”,…

      • Jimmy

        And if DJ wants to live in a world where those vehicles are literally still running, w/o controls & w/o computers, he needs to move into a “communist country” like Cuba,… where “communism” thrives,… & freedom & liberty are “none existent”,… So you then have to wonder,… Is DJ giving us a “subliminal message”,… ???

    • Yeah, I said it

      Seems someone is upset the deep state is not in control.

      There are two ways to see the situation.
      One way is to believe Trump can be allowed to be a billionaire, allowed to own property and towers and casinos and not be a part of their system of wealth. Be allowed to borrow money and go bankrupt to keep from paying it back. Can purchase the best legal team money can buy, and walk… Not be held accountable for any law broken no matter how big or small.
      A second way is to believe the controllers are no longer in control, their access to the energy of this planet for selfish means is gone, the people were supposed to be served when they took offices but they served themselves and enslaved the people and now from the head of the snake we can see on down, the law is coming after the “bad boys”. YouTube keeps recommending a commercial/promotion video for “Bad Boys”.
      Bad boys, bad boys, whatcha gonna do…. whatcha gonna do when they come for you. Influencers wanted to scare us with their meaning of the new world order. Well they started this reset and now the “meek will inherit the earth”. You paid shills who act like the oppressed and push the people who keep you paid as a solution to our problems, your days are numbered. Q may have everything on you. And as a group, you will all go where that One goes. When JAG knocks and you are the missing 411, it’s your own fault. You trusted the wrong people and you have no integrity. Planet X could have already arrived,…

    • Yeah, I said it

      Planet X could have already arrived, judgment for how this place has been run by leaders could already be occurring.
      There was an ex sex worker who did an interview a couple of years ago who said influencers who pushed lies would be removed. Pushing lies for money is not an innocent act.
      When someone declares a state of emergency and they have an indefinite detention act in play, you don’t jump up and claim to want to get rid of the current leader in power when you don’t know anything about the previous leader holding power. The culling is for you. Buh-bye. If this is your 5th reset, I think Kent Dunn mentioned it before he was executed (there was a podcast of supposedly his voice saying he told them to execute him by firing squad). Mary Margaret Beaver mentioned to Michael Jaco that when your debt comes due you will be “convinced” was her words, meaning removed from your position of influence. it’s time you are removed because you refuse to learn to advance and grow while living here, and each reset you seem to take previous lessons to try to game the universe into giving you more destructive control. Creation needed balance, and the scales of justice is balancing because you won’t. Crying won’t help and your influence is useless. Your money is not needed and not wanted. You will be removed.
      I have seen evidence of the government taking care of the weak while you influence people to do things that harm them. You want people to vote for a convicted felon for…

    • Yeah, I said it

      You want people to vote for a convicted felon for president in November. Some will do that, they need leaders that they can follow. Kent Dunn said the population had more non-human than human. Someone is balancing things and I’m not upset because it is about time.

    • trumster 79

      Be Careful When your Bashing The Real Truthers, Everyone is Being watch for That,.Use your God Given Brain Learn The truth. There Are Rules and Laws. Read the Gov Page.
      God bless You all And Open Your Eyes To See. Wake up and Grow up To Reality

    • feral pa paw

      Now Goob has jumped on the Something band wagon. He’s saying the SOMETHING is “UNEXPECTED”. Just Yesterday the SG ANON Moron said it had grown “HUGE”. Which begs the question. How did toe SOMETHING become “UNEXPECTED” if the other Morons are saying it has grown “HUGE”? And if it’s “UNECPECTED” as the boy Goob is saying how does he know its the same “Something”?

      • Jimmy

        “PsyOp”,… I don’t trust any of these guys,…

    • CA:ndoit

      Derek Johnson is passionate about country music, he lived it so I have no reason not believing what he is saying about the business side of it.

      • CA:ndoit

        I listened to Alan Watt for a reason.

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