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By Nicole Morgan (Investigative Reporter)
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Benjamin Fulford: Trump's Guilty Verdict and the Wrath to Come! Brace for Impact! (Video)

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by N.Morgan

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This is only the beginning, Folks of what is to come.. We all knew that court was biased against the former president and that Trump really has no chance there.. 

However, Benjamin has news we could all use! Hear what he has to share! 

Stories Contributed by N. Morgan

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    Total 10 comments
    • GJ

      Out of schwabs own mouth. Putin is a WEF young world leader WEF graduate. Are you getting it yet? They are all in on the deception. Amazing that Russia is now adopting the US strategy of bleeding your Country fry during a war. In reality just like with every US world intervention the military is purposely held back by the political puppets that owe their existence to the Central Banking Cartel.

      • CA:ndoit

        It is Putin 2 and they promote Orthodox Christianity.(Do not mix with Satanic Name Stealer current ideology, zabbatai zevi and more, hmm Name Stealer be aware!

      • CA:ndoit

        Benjamin Fulford is a fraud.

    • CA:ndoit

      Trump is no good without his good hat military.

    • CA:ndoit

      White Dragon IS OUT O THE DEATH DRAGON.Red dragon is suppliant the white dragon.It is out of upper and lower Egypt and the Nile

    • CA:ndoit

      Benjamin Fulford is someone not to listening to.And I have looked at this for 13 years by now.

    • blondsktr17

      palestinians were not the original inhabitants of the land….the Jews r…

      there was no palestine n ancient judea and samaria…

      the Romans who conquered judea n 70AD changed the name from judea to Palestine aftah the Jews enemy Goliath the giant of gath, who was a philistine…

      there was no palestine n judea and samaria n Yeshuas time…

      the Jews were scattered all ovah the world n 70AD and Egyptians and jordanians started nvadin’ the Jews homeland judea, and were called palestinians since the Romans changed the name from judea to Palestine…

      there was no palestine in Israel…until the Romans put it there .

      fulford duzn’t know the bible that says Yahweh gav that land to the Israeli children as a promise to Abraham thru his son isaac the jew, not Ishmael the Arab..

      Yahweh told Abraham he would bring the Israeli children out of bondage after 400 years [Egypt ] and bring them into the land of the caananites~the land of milk and honey, for an eternal possession…

      Yahweh told Joshua aftah the Israeli children crossed the Jordan River to destroy all inhabitants on the land for he had givin’ all that land to them…

      from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean sea was all land givin’ to the Israeli children by Yahweh..

      u hav forgotten Yahweh in all this and that will b ur mistake…

      the Bible says Yahweh will bring n all Islamic nations down to the valley of meggido and plead with them for his people Israel…and destroy them all..

      Yahweh is tellin’ all nations tryin” to destroy Israel to stay out of Israel…it is HIS LAND and HIS PEOPLE ! !

      and Yahweh will protect his people…ur heading for Armageddon…

      get out of Israel ! !…hahahaha….🛼⛸️

    • randywaynefricke

      Ya’ll need to whittle these videos down to an hour. No one has the time to spend 4 hours listening to stuff that’s been discussed previously.

      • westgate

        Ben Fulford’s weekly show is rarely more than 25 minutes long.
        If you watch every one, (usually the following Thursday unless you’re a subscriber) you won’t need to watch a repeater.

    • callmepop


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