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By Nicole Morgan (Investigative Reporter)
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Judy Byington: Military Tribunals, Mass Elite Arrests, NESARA/GESARA - The Storm Is Here! #OperationStorm2024 - Special Intel Report 3/3/24 (Videos)

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by N.Morgan

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Just has been asked by her sources not to do reports on Sundays, so this is a week in review and it’s a biggie! 

Here’s what we know so far: 

Operation Storm 2024
Worldwide Martial Law
Satan Worshipping Pedophile Oligarchs Who Controlled Our Global Monetary System Found Tied To Over Eight Million Children Who Go Missing Every Year
GWEN Towers Have Been Pulsing An Electromagnetic Nightmare Across the US

“Joe Biden is not a real person, nor is he the real US President. Am I the only person who notices that?” …Tucker Carlson

Judy Note: The Dominos were falling: Q said that Israel would be last – and now Jacob Rothschild who created the Israel [redacted] Movement, was dead, plus [redacted] and other Royals of the Deep State Zionist family were dying, including the [redacted]. It’s Time.

Global Currency Reset:

  • Wed. 28 Feb. Wolverine: “Hi guys. A lot of people are asking me why it has not gone off yet. If you look at what is going on right now you will realize that we are close. They are ready. They are not waiting for anything anymore. There are no problems anymore. Iraq is a member of the World Trade Organization. On Thurs. 29 Feb. they will officially joined BRICS which means they must be asset backed. Venezuela could be among those other four countries joining BRICS as well. The Iraqi people are queuing up at the banks and waiting for the RV. All my sources are locked up with NDA right now and most Whales are under NDA. That is a good sign. We should have an announcement tomorrow Thurs 29 Feb. concerning the USTN. So just hold on as it’s not that long to go till Wolverine sings that Opera. God bless you all.” …Wolverine
  • Tues. 27 Feb. Bruce: Tier4b (us, the Internet Group) could get our notifications on Thurs. 29 Feb. Everything is supposed to roll out and be visible to us on Fri. 1 March – which is when Tier4b appointments could start. The Iraqi Government will start paying all their salaries at the new Dinar Rate on Fri. 1 March. The R&R will start paying out around the second week of MarchStarting in March there will be increases in Social Security payments of at least $2,041 on top of what you are getting now.
  • Mon. 26 Feb. Hernán Robert Hbravo: “Baghdad Communication reported a possible Dinar revaluation on Thurs. 29 Feb. or Fri. 1 March.”
  • Judy Note: A High Up Contact and other valid sources have indicated that the Cabal capitulated on Thurs. 22 Feb, followed by Trump releasing the final phase of The Plan (mass arrests?), which was now in motion. If things went as expected we may have a three day celebration beginning around Thurs. 29 Feb. RV rates have been agreed upon with a goal for the RV to happen by Fri. 1 March. It was now my personal opinion that Tier4b (Us, the Internet Group) would receive notification for our redemption and exchange appointments around Thurs. 29 Feb. or Fri. 1 March and begin appointments during the Ten Days of Darkness/ Exposure – which appeared slated to occur around Sun. 3 March through Wed. 13 March 2024.”
  • On Mon. 20 March 2023 the new gold/ asset-backed Quantum Financial System (QFS) replaced the Cabal’s fiat currency Central Banking System. There were 11,000 institutions in 200+ countries which adopted the QFS ISO20022 Digital Payment System.
  • Wed. 28 Feb. Intel on Currency Reset, NESARA and QFS, Johnson, Scott: /alternative/2024/02/derek-johnson-dr-scott-new-intel-on-currency-reset-of-nesara-and-the-qfs-3809171.html

The Storm Has Arrived!
What Comes Next Will Shock The World!

Judy Note: We are witnessing the greatest Military Intelligence Sting Operation of all time, designed to arrest, try, convict and execute Pedophile Satanist Global Elites for their Crimes Against Humanity as validated in over 700,000 court indictments.

Global Currency Reset:

  • Tues. 27 Feb. 2024 Bruce, The Big Call The Big Call Universe (  667-770-1866pin123456#
    From Sat. 24 Feb. to Mon 26 Feb. Banks were clearing their books of the USD so the USTN could go in.
    Thurs. 29 to Fri. 1 March USTN – should be in ATMs
    A major announcement could come Wed. 28 Feb. afternoon.
    Tier4b (us, the Internet Group) could get our notifications on Thurs. 29 Feb.
    Everything is supposed to roll out and be visible to us on Fri. 1 March – which is when Tier4b appointments could start.
    On Wed. noon to 2:30 pm 28 Feb. there is a Conference call for Redemption Centers.
    The Iraqi Government will start paying all their salaries at the new Dinar Rate on Fri. 1 March.
    The R&R will start paying out around the second week of March.
    Starting in the month of March there will be increases in Social Security payments of at least $2,041 on top of what you are getting now.
  • Tues. 27 Feb. Wolverine: “Today Tues. 27 Feb. the BRICS meeting of Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors changed from an online meeting to a physical summit in Brazil – sounds like something big is happening. …I’ve been told that people are lining up at the banks in Iraq in anticipation for the RV. …Also today Tues. 27 Feb. the Iraqi Trade Minister conversed with the Organization World Trade Center in Abu Dhabi and reported that the accession process of Iraq has been completed.”
  • Mon. 26 Feb. Hernán Robert Hbravo: “Baghdad Communication reported a possible Dinar revaluation on Thurs. 29 Feb. or Fri. 1 March.”
  • Judy Note: A High Up Contact and other valid sources have indicated that the Cabal capitulated on Thurs. 22 Feb, followed by Trump releasing the final phase of The Plan (mass arrests?), which was now in motion. If things went as expected we may have a three day celebration beginning around Thurs. 29 Feb. RV rates have been agreed upon with a goal for the RV to happen by Fri. 1 March. It was now my personal opinion that Tier4b (Us, the Internet Group) would receive notification for our redemption and exchange appointments around Thurs. 29 Feb. or Fri. 1 March and begin appointments during the Ten Days of Darkness/ Exposure – which appeared slated to occur around Sun. 3 March through Wed. 13 March 2024.”
  • On Sat. 24 Feb. eight countries including Iraq joined the World Trade Organization. Iraq had to have their new Dinar Rate in place in order to join.
  • Russia and Iran, both possessing significant gold reserves, are establishing the framework for a groundbreaking gold-backed currency system.
  • Hutchinson Kansas:”Reno County State Rep. Michael Murphy is backing a bill to allow for physical precious metals to pay for items in Kansas.” Kansas is the first state to run this proposal through the legislative committee process. Florida, Utah, Texas, and Oklahoma are all working on one. If successful, these states will have their own depository. People will be able to use a debit card that represents the gold and silver held in this depository just like a bank. The difference is that gold and silver is held in the depository and not paper money.

Welcome To The Great Awakening
Two US Constitutions.
Two US Governments.
Two US Presidents.
Have Led To Martial Law Across the Globe
A Fri. 1 March 2024
Julian Calendar’s First Day of the Year’s
Global Currency Reset
NESARA, Full Disclosure Announcements
Prepare For Blackouts

Judy Note: Although no one seems to know it, The People of the World were functioning under Martial Law while living in unprecedented times. The Global Military Alliance White Hats were in charge with Trump as Commander-In-Chief as they made Mass Arrests of Global Elites worldwide. All the while President Biden was not the US President, nor was even Biden himself, but only a group of actors playing a part in the Great Awakening.

Confused Yet? Aren’t We All?

The Globalists appeared to having reacted to Military Alliance Mass Arrests of their Elites by making what appeared to be DEW Attacks that started wild fires in the Texas Panhandle. The threatening fires were creeping toward the Pantex Nuclear Facility in Carson County, which if reached, would cause an Armageddon. 

The apparent DEW Attacks were followed up (just like what happened in Maui) with sending FEMA personnel to swarm the scene and take advantage of victims. Though this time, as happened in Maui, the FEMA personnel were caught in the act by the White Hats.

Those Deep Staters were also likely behind the unusually high amount of nearly 3,000 (DEW Attacks?) forest fires started in the Brazilian Amazon this month – a part of their Global Warming de-population Agenda?

Not to worry. Like I said, the White Hats were in charge. With over 700,000 court indictments in hand the Global Military Alliance was on the verge of taking down these Pedophile Satan Worshippers across the Globe.

It has been quite the journey.

If you were reading this Update on, or from Operation Disclosure Official, be aware that the information has been redacted. For a complete un-redacted version, see a PDF copy at the end of the Update on Operation Disclosure Official, or read an un-redacted version on the Rumor Mill Website.

On Thurs. 29 Feb. the US Supreme Court ruled that Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton had won his case that challenged passage of Congress’ 17 Trillion $ Federal funding bill. That meant that Congress cannot extend approval of their budget. The ruling throws out the budget extension Congress agreed upon today and meant a government shutdown of all but essential services because there was no monies to pay government employees, including Congress. In other words, Congress can no longer run the government on their fiat US Dollar. 

On Thurs. 29 Feb. among documents Trump released on his official Telegram channel, a video appeared from 2020 (during the election) of Biden and two other governors planning a large-scale assassination of our 45th president.

Two US Governments; Two US Presidents; Two US Constitutions, Ellis Washington Real News for Real Patriots from the Judy Byington Report—Part 1 | Ellis Washington Report  Archive | Ellis Washington Report  

Now Active
Operation Storm 2024
Worldwide Martial Law
Mass Arrests of Global Elites
US, Europe Economic Collapse Accelerating At A Nightmare Speed
Satan Worshipping Pedophile Oligarchs Controlled Our Global Monetary System
But Not For Long
Fiat US Dollar = Global Financial Crash = Global Currency Reset

Is There Something Wrong With the US Legal System?

  • Donald Trump was the first US President to be wiretapped and spied on. The first president to be impeached twice and acquitted twice. The first president to be banned and censored on social media. The first president to have his home raided by the FBI. The first citizen and former president to have a judge with no jury unilaterally decide to oppose a $350 million fine in a civil case where not a single law was broken, there were zero victims, and all loans were paid back on time.
  • Election Fraud was widespread in the US yet the Supreme Court won’t rule on obvious Voter Fraud cases such as those presented to them by Sidney Powell and the Brunson Brothers – the mounds of evidence laid before our highest court since 2021.
  • Tom Fairbanks was sitting in jail apparently because he tried to report on the Satanic Ritual Abuse of children.
  • Ken Cromar was sitting in jail, with his home and possessions taken away by the IRS after he proved in a federal court that he owned no monies to the IRS.
  • There were untold millions of other cases such as the above that showed Americans have suffered numerous violations of the Constitution – their God given rights have been taken away by Satan worshipping Global Elites.
  • The Fake News Mainstream Media refused to investigate, or report on those violations – leaving the Nation in a glass bubble of denial that our beloved Constitution was hanging by a thread.

It’s Time to do something about it, don’t you agree?

Martial Law

Global Currency Reset Judy Note: What we think we know as of Sat. 2 March 2024:

  • The Cabal capitulated on Thurs. 22 Feb, followed by Trump releasing the final phase of The Plan – which was Mass Arrests. Those arrests were hoped to be completed by Fri. 15 March.
  • On Sat. 23 Feb. 2024 the World Trade Organization announced that Iraq had completed all requirements to be accepted as a member of the WTO including setting their new Iraqi Dinar International exchange rate.
  • On Wed. 28 Feb. Central Bank of Iraq announced that the new Dinar Rate was $3.47.
  • On Thurs. 29 Febat around 7 pm EST Iraqi PM Al Suddani stated that the Dinar RV was done, the Dinar was asset-backed and Iraq had officially joined BRICS.
  • The new RV rates were agreed upon and the RV happened on Fri. 1 March.
  • The Ten Days of Darkness/ Exposure appeared slated to occur around Sun. 3 March through Wed. 13 March 2024.”
  • Notification for Tier4b (us, the Internet Group) to set redemption/exchange appointments could be set by Mon. 4 March.
  • Tier4b will have 14-15 days to exchange at Redemption Centers. After that you would have to exchange at a bank at the lower rates.
  • Restitution and Rebate monies will begin to be paid out likely around 15th of March.
  • On Fri. 1 March 2024 Iraq will join other BRICS nations for the Global Currency Reset – exactly one year (March 2023) after the new Quantum Financial System went live on the Star Link Satellite Network.
  • Fri. 1 March MarkZ: A number of banking sources say that the new currency has been distributed and kept wrapped and sealed…to be distributed mid March. They do not know the exact date yet, but I have gotten reports from different areas around the US…not just one story or one area…but, from multiple sources who work in banking. I would put this one in the “truthful” category. This piece of rumor is downright exciting. According to military sources there is a major push to end the Ukraine war before Mar, 15th elections are occurring in Russia. They would like to have peace accords worked out by then. I heard they have been quietly meeting.
  • Fri. 1 March Wolverine: Sources, including those in Iraq, say that the RV has officially started, (announced in Iraq Thurs. 29 Feb. at around 7pm EST). That is 1000 percent correct. Brazil has started with liquidity and those funds should be released tomorrow Sat. 2 March.  We are receiving good news from various platforms as well! We should cross the finish line today Fri. 1 March or tomorrow Sat. 1 March. Most of your have waited for many years, and soon, I will release that opera. I wanted to tell you that all this is real, so you can remain calm. When we get the Green Light, all the hate from those spewing hate will stop. That is all I have to say to you guys. We are nearly there! God Bless you All!
  • Fri. 1 March MarkZ: News banner: Dinar Revalue live at $3.47 to USD.   
  • Fri. 1 March Stacy on Telegram, “I was talking to my banker. She said “It’s here. It came in today but we’re not allowed to see or touch it.” She was referring to the new US Note. She didn’t know when it would be made public, but guessed around March 15.
  • Sat. 2 March: RV Date Final Release Only 2 Days Wait Over IQD RV, RI, RD Done | Iraqi Dinar News Today 2 March 2024 (

Global Financial Crisis:

Restored Republic:

Updates for the Week Prior:

Restored Republic via a GCR as of March 1, 2024 | Operation Disclosure Official


Restored Republic via a GCR as of February 28, 2024 | Operation Disclosure Official

Restored Republic via a GCR as of February 27, 2024 | Operation Disclosure Official

Restored Republic via a GCR as of February 26, 2024 | Operation Disclosure Official


Restored Republic via a GCR as of February 24, 2024 | Operation Disclosure Official




Stories Contributed by N. Morgan

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    Question   Razz  Sad   Evil  Exclaim  Smile  Redface  Biggrin  Surprised  Eek   Confused   Cool  LOL   Mad   Twisted  Rolleyes   Wink  Idea  Arrow  Neutral  Cry   Mr. Green

    Total 5 comments

      Such a lying Hack! BIN is a cess pool of disinfo with the same Mossad POS always being listed as top stories w/ fake views and recommended contributor stats; whereas any other posters whom are over the target their views and posts are being suppressed. U know these Israeli AI thought Police Agents by how frequently they are posting and regurgitating the same posts over and over and pushing known Zionists: Trump, DeSantis, RFK, Biden, Tucker, Elon Musk, Alex Jones, Putin and Q, DeepState, White Hats, Gesara-Nesara BS. This while never calling out the Jew World Order who control both parties of the American Gov’t to which has been the case for decades. All 4 of our Presidential Elects are Zionists: Trump, RFK, DeSantis, Biden; all of whom serve Israel NOT U.S. Citizens. See below suppressed post for 100% Proof!


    • g77enn

      Trump spent $10 billion, not million, on US depopulation, and Catherine Austin Fitts exposed it.

    • Le Roy

      🔸 A Prayer To The Heart of Reality, Proposed By The Divine World-Teacher, Adi Da Samraj, For Non-Sectarian Use By Humankind🔸
      👐🏻 Beloved, Inmost Heart of every heart,
      do not Let our human hearts be broken
      by our merely mortal suffering here—
      but Make our mortal human hearts break-Free
      to an unconditional love of You,
      that we may, Thus, love all living beings
      with Love’s own True, and Truly broken, Heart. 👐🏻

    • truck driver

      My mom’s eye’s would turn black like a bird sometimes then she would Wear big sunglasses all day. Once her tongue became like a snake then she asked me if she could eat me. I said no. My dad’s eye’s would turn red sometimes then he would Wear big sunglasses all day. Once he asked me if he could eat me , I said no , he said he was going to die if he doesn’t eat somebody. My brother can shape shift into mushroom head person. My grandma’s sister on my mom’s side was 9 feet tall and had 6 fingers on each hand.

    • Eagle

      NESARA/GESARA refers to a conspiracy theory, promoted by Shaini Goodwin (also known as the “Dove of Oneness”), that all debts will be wiped out in a radical reset of the U.S. economy. It is a reference to the National Economic Security and Recovery Act (NESARA), a set of U.S. economic reforms proposed in the 1990s, which included abolishing compound interest on loans, replacing income tax with a national sales tax and returning U.S. currency to the gold standard. While the proposals were never actually introduced before Congress, conspiracy theorists like Goodwin claim that they were secretly passed by Congress and then suppressed by George W. Bush in the wake of the 9/11 attacks.


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