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Stew Peters Interviews Brother Nathanael Kapner On Jews, Zionism, & Who Really Controls Global Power (Video)

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by N.Morgan

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***** MUST WATCH *****

Brother Nathanael Kapner joins Stew Peters for the full hour to talk about Jews, and what the scriptures say about the spirit of the anti-Christ. Brother Nathanel is an Orthodox Christian priest who was also an Ethnic Jew and was born into an anti-Zionist Jewish family before accepting Jesus Christ as his lord and Savior. So, he’s coming from within Jewish society and exposing what he has experienced and witnessed throughout his life.



This is a discussion where they cover many topics central to this, who actually controls most of the important areas of society today. Central to this is who controls the money! … The Fed and banking, they then control politicians who then enact the censorship control, media, pharmaceutical, medicine and so on. The question is who sits above all this and what do Jews really think of goyim (gentile). Struggling with the idea of this. Well, listen to these two America First Christians discuss this topic. It is well worth your time.

Credit to Stew Peters for his ongoing push for truth. Support him here:; Brother Nathanael Kapner and his work can be found here:



Stories Contributed by N. Morgan

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    Total 18 comments
    • g77enn

      Kim Goguen video: THE BUSH IRAQUI DINAR SCAM, TRUMP’S CONNECTION AND THE TOTAL DESTRUCTION OF THE RED CHINESE 100 YEAR PLAN FOLLOWED BY HUNDREDS OF SUICIDES DUE TO LOSS OF FACE (Scroll to the 50 minute mark)/alternative/2024/01/kim-goguen-urgent-situation-update-this-is-war-fight-or-be-enslaved-choose-video-3806546.html

    • jeremyfeit

      Brother N is always entertaining to listen to. Do “Jews” include Ashkenazis as well as Judeans to him? Does BN also despise Jews against Zionism running out of Israel :cry: ?

      • jeremyfeit

        Does Brother N(azi) not see that Jews also fought for Hitler and the Nazis? Does Brother N had these Jews too?–is&ab_channel=MarkFeltonProductions

        • jeremyfeit

          not had i mean hate whoops

      • Razor

        Jews against Zionism?….YOU MAKE ME LAUGH. The FACT you even exist is a contradiction. If you truly love OUR FATHER IN HEAVEN than you would abandon your SATANIC BULLSHIT and realize that GOD is in each one of us. WE ARE ALL CHILREN OF GOD, WE ARE ALL EQUAL, We DO NOT NEED ANY CHURCH..WE BELONG TO OUR FATHER IN HEAVEN AND WE WOULD NEVER TURN AGAINST HIM…..are you one of the FALLIN ANGELS offspring like what has STOLEN the land of Palestine and MURDERED innocent women and children?. Israel actually is, A LAND FULL OF EVIL SATANISTS!…………So this AGAINST Zionism BULLSHIT is just another one of your EVIL DECEPTIONS……KNOW THESE FACTS!…..NO JEW WILL EVER BE TRUSTED AGAIN. NO JEW!

    • not-a-putz

      The problem with all these who “just woke up in the last 3 years” is that they will believe ANYTHING.
      And the jewish converts are the worst: spreading lies to justify their conversion.
      Jews want to destroy all other religions? Where does it say that in the Torah/Old Testament? May be the idol-worshipers?
      In Russian Empire Jews were banned from the position of authorities and even allowed to live on special “reservations”, so what happened in 1917?
      Constantine was a Christian? This moron doesn’t know about the occult chambers under their churches?
      Just wait till you meet a real religious supremacy: Islam.
      In case of Islam you don’t have make sh-t up: just read the Quaran.
      And your are NOT allowed to talk about this one.
      Try to access this page outside of the US and you’ll see the “access denied” by the “Sucuri Inc.”.
      Here’s some for you :
      “O you who have believed, do not take the Jews and the Christians as allies. They are [in fact] allies of one another.” — Surat Al-Ma’idah [5:51]
      Quran (2:191-193) – “And kill them wherever you find them, and turn them out from where they have turned you out. And Al-Fitnah [disbelief or unrest] is worse than killing… but if they desist, then lo! Allah is forgiving and merciful. And fight them until there is no more Fitnah [disbelief and worshipping of others along with Allah] and worship is for Allah alone.
      Quran (61:4) – “Surely Allah loves…

      • Anonymous

        Shit for Brains Putz
        Khazars dont follow Torah- they follow TALMUD, meaning whatever they decide to follow. The top of the pyramid that STEERS all else below are PHARISEE ‘JEWS’. Your attempt to hang it on Islam is just as stupid as you are. Not working any more bozo. Nor is diverting blame onto the JEWsuits. Both of these groups founded by PHARISEE “JEWS”
        Why were jews banned to the Pale of Settlement? Because for at least a century- they killed or tried to kill EVERY SINGLE RUSSIAN CZAR and his top govt officials. Until these shit scum finally wiped out the last Christian King in 1917. That would garner backlash in ANY country. (Wonder why these pos rats get thrown out of every land for over 2000 yrs???)
        Then when the western Jew bankers paid for murder of him? This trash killed over 60 million CHRISTIANs in the USSR. Where is THEIR memorial you stupid ffkk?

    • not-a-putz

      Quran (61:4) – “Surely Allah loves those who fight in His cause” Religion of Peace, indeed! The verse explicitly refers to “rows” or “battle array,” meaning that it is speaking of physical conflict. This is followed by (61:9), which defines the “cause”: “He it is who has sent His Messenger (Mohammed) with guidance and the religion of truth (Islam) to make it victorious over all religions even though the infidels may resist.”
      Quran (5:33) – “The punishment of those who wage war against Allah and His messenger and strive to make mischief in the land is only this, that they should be murdered or crucified or their hands and their feet should be cut off on opposite sides or they should be imprisoned; this shall be as a disgrace for them in this world, and in the hereafter they shall have a grievous chastisement”
      “Quran (4:76) – “Those who believe fight in the cause of Allah, and those who disbelieve, fight in the cause of Taghut (Satan, etc.). So fight you against the friends of Shaitan (Satan)” The Arabic for the word “fight” is from qital, meaning physical combat.”
      Quran (4:101) – “And when you (Muslims) travel in the land, there is no sin on you if you shorten your Salat (prayer) if you fear that the disbelievers may attack you, verily, the disbelievers are ever unto you open enemies.” Mere disbelief makes one an “open” enemy of Muslims.
      Quran (47:3-4) – “Those who disbelieve follow falsehood, while those who believe follow the truth from their…

    • not-a-putz

      And who else is spreading this garbage about “phalustinin genocide”, “zionism”, etc?
      Well, the liberal secular jewish professors.
      Here’s one:
      “Harvard’s New Antisemitism Task Force Co-Chair Accused of Antisemitism”
      “… a passage in Penslar’s 2023 book declares, “Veins of hatred run through Jewish civilization.”

      “Israel’s dispossession of Palestinians from their land and oppression of those who remain have made it one of the most disliked countries on the planet,” Jewish history professor Derek Penslar claimed in his tome, “Zionism: An Emotional State,” in which he wrote, “Jewish culture was steeped in fantasies (and occasionally, acts) of vengeance against Christians.”

      Don’t be morons…

    • BruceWinshipWright

      Brother Nathanael Kapner is extremely knowledgeable about many things, and I thought he was really a good guy, UNTIL he started protesting

      SO MUCH about the “JEWS” being the problem, not the “ZIONISTS”!!! Now, I feel the good Brother Kapner may just be another member of

      Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai’s NSOE or Not So Obvious Establishment. These are assholes like Alex Jones, Joe Rogan, RFK, Jr., Vivek, Charlie Kirk, Mark

      Levin, Dan Bongino, and virtually EVERY successful Podcaster who TALKS TOUGH, like they are anti-establishment, yet like the ravenous Satanic

      wolves they are, they are all SUCKING ZIONIST COCK, as Dr. Shiva puts it. Shiva, right now, is the ONLY political figure NOT SUCKING ZIONIST

      COCK, which means he’s the “only” political figure telling the truth. All the rest have sold out to The ZIONISTS.

      I differ with Brother Nathanael Kapner (BNK) regarding his insistence that “IT’S THE JEWS!!!” Why? Because I know Jews who actually love God

      and understand the teachings in the TORAH, which are exactly the same as the first 5 Books of The Old Testament, allegedly written by Moses.

      People who truly understand MOSES, realize that JESUS and MOSES taught the EXACT SAME MESSAGE, which is HOW TO EFFECTIVELY LIGHT

      ONE’s HALO. This teaching has been intentionally denied to the masses by FAKE JEWS, that I call Zionists, because they are only “pretending” to

      love God and honor the teachings in the Torah. These “fake” Jews are the people we call Zionists. ZIONISM was both created and funded by

      The Rothschild’s back in 1897, and they used a douche-nopzzle named Theodor Herzl to be its front man. This is why I believe Brother Kapner is

      just one more sold out ZIONIST. F-U, BNK.

      • Albatross

        They don’t claim to honor the Torah. They claim Cabala, the Talmud, Athiesm.

      • Anonymous

        Brother Nat is NOT in same league as the liar Jones and his retinue of fake patriots. HE names names and has whistleblown inside stuff more than most anyone. Be fair and give credit.
        Dr Shiva seems legit. But isnt he the one married to Hollywood Jew insider, bimbo actress Fran Drescher??

    • Shooterike

      1 John 2:22 “Who is the lair but the one who denies that Jesus is the Christ? This is the antichrist that denieth the Father and the Son.”

    • Chainbreaker21

      I’ll say this, Brother Kapner has a greater understanding than most that post on BIN.

    • Sicarii Dagger

      Rapper Fokkis aka the wife beating POS known as Stew Peters, is controlled ops that is also a race baiter! Nathaniel the Jew is good acting gatekeper. He denies that his ilk are actually Khazars from Eastern Europe that have lived off stolen identity.

    • Albatross

      What is the red bracelet for? An Orthodox thing?

      • Sicarii Dagger

        It’s a Kabala bracelet

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