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Judy Byington: The Storm Is Upon Us! Big Week Ahead! Be Ready - Time to Drain the Swamp! Special Intel Report 1/19/24 (Video)

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by N.Morgan

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Compiled Fri. 19 Jan. 2024 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, Therapist ret, Journalist, Author: “Twenty Two Faces: inside the extraordinary life of Jenny Hill and her Twenty Two Multiple Personalities

BIG Week
This was Needed. Be Ready.

Upon Awakening
While Ignorance is Bliss, Truth can be Harsh.
Remember…We Stand Together
Where We Go One, We Go All
Trust The Plan

It’s only wise to have at least a three week supply of food, water, cash and essential items on hand to help yourself and others in case of a disaster.

“This election will be the most important in history. You have nothing to worry about unless you are a taxpayer, parent, gun owner, cop, person of faith, or unborn baby!” 
Louisiana Sen. John Kennedy 

“Don’t Forget The Children”

I Am a Child of God | The Tabernacle Choir – YouTube

I am a Child of God and He has sent me here
Has given me an Earthly Home
With (White Hats) kind and dear.
Lead me, Guide me, Walk beside me.
Help me find the way.
Teach me all that I must know to live with Him some day.

Judy Note:

  • Wed. 17 Jan. A Must Watch Video “It’s the Calm before the Storm” Fulford: Biblical Bankruptcy of US Corp, Vatican and Industrial Complex Satan Worshipping Khazarian Mafia, Blackmailed Supreme Court Justices Going Down. /alternative/2024/01/benjamin-fulford-situation-update-trumps-victorious-return-video-3806327.html
  • Thurs. 18 Jan. Evidence has come out that Google, Facebook, YouTube and the Mainstream Media planned to create panic and fear of a World War III in order to bury investigations into the Clintons, Obama, Fauci, plus Cover Up the Freedom Movement.
  • Four Shots Heard Around The World Delta’s this month. Trump to make comments in Concord NH on Fri. 19 Jan. “Shot heard around the world” was in Concord, Massachusetts but pre-Revolutionary war Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island, New Hampshire, Vermont & Maine were all “New England.” The original North Bridge where the shot was fired does not exist. Damaged beyond repair due to flooding. So, you could say Trump will be making a Statement on January 19th in Concord New England.  The Shot heard around the world took place at Concord, New England.
  • The Cabal was going down. Trump changed the laws on all of them. Australia is under US jurisdiction as well.  So those pedophiles are going down too.  Civilians who helped the Cabal are going to be charged under military laws.  The White Hats are determined to catch all of them. …NESARA/GESARA Secrets on Telegram Wed. 17 Jan.
  • In 1871 the US Congress threw out the US Constitution as it incorporated under the business of THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, (US Inc.).
  • Thurs. 18 Jan. Foreign Weather Warfare/alternative/2024/01/maria-zeee-geoengineering-expert-exposes-flash-freezes-and-foreign-weather-warfare-video-3806332.html

If you were reading this Update on, or from Operation Disclosure Official, be aware that the information has been redacted. For a complete un-redacted version, see a PDF copy at the end of the Update on Operation Disclosure Official, or read an un-redacted version on the Rumor Mill Website.

Global Currency Reset:

  • All banks have to be compliant by Tues. 23 Jan.
  • Thurs. 18 Jan. Bruce: One of our strongest sources is saying that we will have our notifications by or before Sat. 20 Jan, or they could start on Mon. 22 Jan as that is what the Redemption Centers are preparing for.We heard from our source in Iraq that not only do we have an Intl and In-country rate but we also have Iraq trading that rate internationally about when markets close tomorrow Fri. 19 Jan. About 5 – 6 pm EST we should see it in the US. Some time Sat. 20 Jan. Bond Holders should receive access to funds – in about 48 hours time Bond Holders will be able to see what is in their accounts and get access to 10%.
  • Wed. 17 Jan. TNT Tony Call: “It will be happening at a moment’s notice – the next couple of days is the target.”
  • Thurs. 18 Jan. Wolverine: Dubi 1 Tiers 1 and 2 are composed of 8 platforms. Dubi 2 Tier 3, Tier 4a and Tier 4b are composed of 86 platforms. We are close by a blink of an eye.
  • Wed. 17 Jan. Holly: Dubai 1 is the main person to go. Dubai 2 is made up of 27 groups. These two groups start all the payments globally for everyone.
  • Thurs. 18 Jan. Goldilocks: Iraq is planning on using a limited support system from the IMF to push their Economic Reforms out in February of 2024.
  • Is Gold Becoming the World’s New Reserve Currency?,gold%20reserves%20in%20recent%20years.

Thurs. 18 Jan. 2024 Bruce, The Big Call The Big Call Universe (  667-770-1866pin123456#, 667-770-1865

  • We heard from our source in Iraq that not only do we have an Intl and In-country rate but we also have Iraq trading that rate internationally about when markets close tomorrow Fri. 19 Jan. About 5 – 6 pm EST we should see it in the US.
  • Some time Sat. 20 Jan. Bond Holders should receive access to funds  – in about 48 hours time Bond Holders will be able to see what is in their accounts and get access to 10%.
  • Today Thurs. 18 Jan. from 11am to 2:15 the US Treasury, Wells Fargo and Redemption Centers around the US held a final Conference Call on all the information and protocols that the Redemption Centers needed. We have over 11,000/12,000 Redemption Centers around the US. They said it was the last email and last CC they would have.
  • We have two Very High non-related bank sources. One of our strongest sources is saying that we will have our notifications by or before Sat. 20 Jan, or they could start on Mon. 22 Jan as that is what the Redemption Centers are preparing for.
  • Your Quantum Account is a US Treasury non-interest bearing account. Your primary bank account will be able to earn interest. Your Quantum card will only be used to move money out of your Quantum Account.

Wed. 17 Jan. TNT Tony Call:

  • Everyone expected the release last Monday – it was not to be. Release to join the international economy required passing of one small law requiring 100% certainty they could support the new rate.
  • It will be happening at a moment’s notice – the next couple of days is the target.
  • Redemption Centers are no longer called RCs – they are NOW to be known as – “Banking Alternative Centers” They are directly connected with the banks and ALL ready to go!
  • Bank cards are being totally accepted by citizens. People being told they do not need actual hard currency – cards are more secure – and will be necessary for the new currency model – being told that the new currency will be in full operation within days.
  • Iraq 2024 budget is out – price of oil will be unchanged.
  • CBI is in full control of the final rate. It should be done and finished over THIS WEEKEND!!!!
  • ALL trade with Iraq will be done in IQD – not USD!
  • The IQD MUST release first – will start the change to the new world economic system

Global Financial Crisis:

Wars and Rumors of Wars:

  • Thurs. 18 Jan. The US struck Yemen again overnight. According to the Pentagon, they are trying to hit anti-ship missile launchers. So to speak, a “reaction” to the defeat of American merchant ships by missiles and drones in recent days. The Houthis said the attacks would continue.
  • 24 Chinese Warplanes Detected Around Taiwan In Show Of Force Since Poll, the first significant show of force since the weekend’s presidential election.
  • Disruption in Global Transportation: The Danish shipping and logistics corporation AP Moller-Maersk warned customers of possible disruptions in the global transportation network due to the worsening situation in the Red Sea.

The Real News for Thurs. 18 Jan. 2024:

  • West Virginia Governor Declares State of Emergency for all 55 Counties:
  • Iowa: The One County Out of 99 that Trump Lost in Iowa Ran Out of Party-Switch Forms on Caucus Night.
  • Look into the history of Canadian and US Government Mental Health. You’ll find the American Psychiatric Association is closely connected to CIA-Nazi Based Mind Control. The College of Physician’s & Surgeons in Canada suggests mandating psychiatric drugs for those that refuse mRNA injections or any kind of vaccination.
  • The federal government should not be playing God. The USDA has been allowing self replicating RNA and DNA to be injected into the American pork supply as a part of a genetic project. The American people are not lab rats!
  • Notorious hacker group Anonymous Sudan claims responsibility for Cyber Attack on ports and Israeli Oil Brazan Group. The Bazan Group is the cornerstone of Israeli industry and is regarded as an economic powerhouse. BAZAN Group, formerly Oil Refineries Ltd., is an oil refining and petro chemicals company located in Haifa Bay, Israel. It operates the largest oil refinery in the country. Their entire infrastructure has been hit hard. Note; some irrelevant public-facing BAZAN websites may be up, however the important infrastructure servers are confirmed to be down.
  • UK: Investigations launched into charities caught using ‘cult-like’ sales firms – Wales Online
  • Facebook is in BIG TROUBLE. It has just been discovered that the Facebook Covid vaccine Fact-Checkers are funded by vaccine companies.
  • MAYORKAS IMPEACHMENT MARKUP: Republicans have scheduled a markup for articles of impeachment against Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas for Jan. 31, according to a report. MORE:
  • Thurs. 18 Jan. Germany: Thousands and thousands of farmers, truckers and other hard working citizens took to the streets of Berlin today to remind their government and the globalists of one simple thing: Their God Given Freedoms.
  • New cancer diagnoses expected to hit record high in U.S. this year, driven in large part by an alarming increase in cancers among younger Americans.
  • Bill Gates―a man who believes the world to be vastly overpopulated―funds the world’s largest mosquito factory, which breeds 30 million bacteria-infused mosquitoes per week, then unleashes them on to the unsuspecting public, “to save and improve millions of lives”. Why would a man who believes the world is overpopulated―a belief he has publicly stated on numerous occasions―want to “save millions of lives”?
  • Thurs. 18 Jan. Tractors soon to have Starlink Satellite Internet:

Thurs. 18 Jan. Jordan Maxwell’s Final & Most Controversial Lecture Ever… An Exposé Of Secret Societies 2024 | Prophecy | Before It’s News (

  • Jordan Maxwell exposes the Vatican, the Roman Catholic Church and religion in general. Maxwell ties together astrotheology, symbolism and the true meaning of common words we use every day to demonstrate how every culture has been a victim of this corrupt cabal. For many Christians, this video will resonate as heresy, but for a few, it get them to think past what structured religion has been telling them all of their lives.
  • Jordan Maxwell was a preeminent researcher and independent scholar in the field of occult / religious philosophy. His interest in these subjects began as far back as 1959. He served for three-and-a-half years as the Religion Editor of Truth Seeker Magazine, America’s oldest Free thought Journal (since 1873).
  • His work exploring the hidden foundations of Western religions and secret societies creates enthusiastic responses from audiences around the world. He has conducted dozens of intensive seminars; hosted his own radio talk shows; guested on more than 600 radio shows; and written, produced and appeared in numerous television shows and documentaries (including three two-hour specials for the CBS TV network, as well as the internationally acclaimed five-part Ancient Mystery Series) — all devoted to understanding ancient religions and their pervasive influence on world affairs today.
  • His work on the subject of secret societies, both ancient and modern, and their symbols, has fascinated audiences around the world for decades. Considering the rapidly moving events of today and the very real part hidden religious agendas play in our modern war-torn world, he feels these controversial subjects are not only interesting to explore, but too important to ignore! His extraordinary presentations include documents and photographs seldom seen elsewhere.
  • Jordan’s areas of interest include: * Astro-Theology * Sexual Symbolism in World Religions * Foundations of Modern-Day Religion * Secret Societies and Toxic Religion * World Mysteries: Ancient and Modern * Ancient Symbols and Occult Emblems * Ancient Sciences and Technology * Hidden Bible Teachings and Mysteries * The Sun in the History of Politics and Religion * The Story Your Church Doesn’t Want You to Know * Secret Societies and Their Influence on World Events Visit Jordan Maxwell Official Website –

The Chinese Elders were composed of different multigenerational Chinese families living in the Philippines who over centuries, owned and held  responsibility for around 90% of the world’s gold, lending it out to countries for establishment of their financial systems. There were five top Chinese Elders who were responsible for the Global Currency Reset and RV release of funds.

In 1914 the Illuminati Bloodline Families signed a 99 year lease on the Chinese Elder’s gold and then proceeded to illegally launder all of the US taxpayer monies through their privately owned Federal Reserve, IRS, Central Banks and corporations through Washington DC, City of London and the Holy See in Vatican City. That system was being taken down with the Global Currency Reset.

The Five Eyes Deep State Alliance was composed of intelligence agencies of Australia, New Zealand, Canada, United Kingdom and the United States.

The Global White Hat Alliance and Q Team originally included 17 countries of Australia, France, Hungary, Germany, Poland, Romania, Spain, Netherlands, Norway, Russia, Finland, Sweden, Denmark, Croatia, Canada, North Korea and the USA.

  • Their Military included Stellar and QFS, Space Force, plus military intelligence in Arizona.
  • The Supreme Commander of the Alliance was President Donald Trump who worked with Russian President Vladimir Putin, Chinese President Xi Jinping, Iraqi Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kadhimi, India Prime Minister Narendra Modi, White Hats in the Department of Defense headed by Secty of Defense Chris Miller, Undersecty of Defense Intel Ezra Cohen Watnick and Gen. Michael T Flynn; the Q Force (composed of around 800 special ops who advise President Trump including Pentagon Generals Vice Chief John Hyten, US Marine Gen. David Berger, Chief of the Army Gen. James C. McConville, Chief of the Air Force Gen. Charles Q. Brown,  Chief of Naval Operations Gen. Michael M. Gilday, Gen. James McConville, Gen. Paul Nakasone and Gen. Jay Raymond), QAnons (volunteer Patriots headed by Ezra Cohen-Watnick, General Flynn and JF Kennedy Jr. the National Security Agency headed by our present Acting US President Richard Grenell who, with the US under Martial Law, was running military operations in Washington DC and various militaries across the globe, including the international force authorized to make arrests in any country, Interpol.

BRICS was an alliance of the nations of Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa formed in 2008 after the so-called US “Mortgage Crisis.” In reality the crisis happened when the Cabal continued to print fiat US Dollars while bankrupt and unable to even pay interest on gold borrowed from the Chinese Elders which backed that US Dollar, the basis for international trade. In the ensuing years since BRICS formed, they evaluated gold and resources of 209 nations in preparation for a Global Currency Reset. After the GCR all countries currencies would be at a 1:1 with each other instead of relying on the fiat US Dollar for international trade.

The Fall Of The Cabal, or the End Of The World As We Know It, plus Sequel to The Fall of the Cabal!: Crime, Murder, Money Laundering, Cartels, High Treason – all of which exists right under your nose, Janet Ossebaard and Cyntha Koeter

Must Watch Videos:

Read Full Report (Doc):



Stories Contributed by N. Morgan

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    Question   Razz  Sad   Evil  Exclaim  Smile  Redface  Biggrin  Surprised  Eek   Confused   Cool  LOL   Mad   Twisted  Rolleyes   Wink  Idea  Arrow  Neutral  Cry   Mr. Green

    Total 9 comments
    • robinr999

      this dumb cunt is back again?



        • SomeGuy


          Only a fool thinks Judy B’s crap is real.

          She’s been pimping her crap for years.

    • g77enn


    • g77enn

      Absolute Proof President Trump is Directly Responsible for Launching the Global Pandemic and mRNA Vax Operation. 12 Top Failures of DJT to Protect We The People. Sorry, The Truth Hurts Me to the Extreme as Well/u-s-politics/2021/11/absolute-proof-president-trump-is-directly-responsible-for-launching-the-global-pandemic-and-mrna-vax-operation-12-top-failures-of-djt-to-protect-we-the-people-sorry-the-truth-hurts-me-to-the-extre-2585490.html

    • SomeGuy

      Do you think there are morons that read Judy B’s BS every day?

      I mean this lying chick prints out a gigantic list of crap every day?!?

    • leahburchett

      Another “next week”????????

    • Twinflame1111

      Matthew 7:15-20

      You Will Know Them by Their Fruits

      15 “Beware of false prophets, who come to you

      in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous


      16 You will know them by their fruits.

      Do men gather grapes from thornbushes or figs

      from thistles?

      17 Even so, every good tree bears good fruit,

      but a bad tree bears bad fruit.

      18 A good tree cannot bear bad fruit,

      nor can a bad tree bear good fruit.

      19 Every tree that does not bear good fruit

      is cut down and thrown into the fire.

      20 Therefore by their fruits you will know them.


      My wife and I are “Twin Flame Messengers” of

      “Almighty Father God” and of his beloved wife

      “Almighty Mother God Sophia” and of their

      beloved son “Jesus Christ”.


      On Friday 19th January 2024.

      Almighty Father God gave my wife and I

      the task of sorting through and

      keeping the good fruit and discarding

      the bad fruit.

    • Twinflame1111

      Matthew 7:15-20

      You Will Know Them by Their Fruits

      15 “Beware of false prophets, who come to you

      in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous


      16 You will know them by their fruits.

      Do men gather grapes from thornbushes or figs

      from thistles?

      17 Even so, every good tree bears good fruit,

      but a bad tree bears bad fruit.

      18 A good tree cannot bear bad fruit,

      nor can a bad tree bear good fruit.

      19 Every tree that does not bear good fruit

      is cut down and thrown into the fire.

      20 Therefore by their fruits you will know them.


      My wife and I are “Twin Flame Messengers” of

      “Almighty Father God” and of his beloved wife

      “Almighty Mother God Sophia” and of their

      beloved son “Jesus Christ”.


      On Friday 19th January 2024.

      Almighty Father God gave my wife and I

      the task of sorting through and

      keeping the good fruit and discarding

      the bad fruit.

    Load more ...




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